User:TweetsFactsAndQueries/Queries/Three-syllable German words

Originally posted on Twitter and on Mastodon.

# German words with three syllables, i. e. a hyphenation (P5279) with two U+2027 HYPHENATION POINTs
SELECT ?lexeme (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?text; separator = "/") AS ?text) WHERE {
  ?lexeme dct:language wd:Q188.
    ?lexeme ontolex:lexicalForm [
      ontolex:representation ?text;
      wdt:P5279 ?hyphenation
  } UNION {
    # P5279 is only supposed to be used on forms, but some also use it on the lexeme itself
    ?lexeme wikibase:lemma ?text;
            wdt:P5279 ?hyphenation.
  FILTER(REGEX(?hyphenation, "^[^‧]*‧[^‧]*‧[^‧]*$"))
GROUP BY ?lexeme
Try it!