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editHallo Jeb, du hast mit Max Rockenstein (Q56116471) einen Eintrag für einen Verleger angelegt, dessen Tätigkeit "Verlag" ist. Als Normdaten hast du Verlag und Verleger eintragen. Wenn du beide in Wikidata eintragen möchte, musst du dafür getrennte Objekte anlegen. Gruß --Kolja21 (talk) 13:56, 20 August 2018 (UTC)
- danke. ist korrigiert. --Jeb (talk) 16:12, 20 August 2018 (UTC)
WD-Broschüre und Sitelink zu deWikiSource
editHej Jens @Jeb:, ich war so frei und hab den Sitelink zu Wikidata:Wikisource auf das Wikidata (Q2013) verlegt; ich find's stimmiger. Würde mir bei einem Wikisource-Sitelink der Broschüre eigentlich eher den Volltext der Broschüre erwarten, was meinst du? LG Mfchris84 (talk) 08:07, 16 August 2019 (UTC)
Community Insights Survey
editShare your experience in this survey
Hi Jeb,
The Wikimedia Foundation is asking for your feedback in a survey about your experience with Wikidata and Wikimedia. The purpose of this survey is to learn how well the Foundation is supporting your work on wiki and how we can change or improve things in the future. The opinions you share will directly affect the current and future work of the Wikimedia Foundation.
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Reminder: Community Insights Survey
editShare your experience in this survey
Hi Jeb,
A couple of weeks ago, we invited you to take the Community Insights Survey. It is the Wikimedia Foundation’s annual survey of our global communities. We want to learn how well we support your work on wiki. We are 10% towards our goal for participation. If you have not already taken the survey, you can help us reach our goal! Your voice matters to us.
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ADFC - Hauptpublikation
editMoin, ich fände es sauberer für die "Hauptpublikation Reflektor" einen eigenen Wikidata Eintrag ADFC Sachsen anzulegen und es dort zu verlinken Tabacha (talk) 18:09, 22 December 2019 (UTC)
- Los gehts! --Jeb (talk) 18:15, 22 December 2019 (UTC)
WikiCite Satellite Cologne 2020
editHi Jeb - you have added yourself to the list of people who are interested in the WikiCite Satellite Cologne 2020 meeting. The call for submissions is still open and we would love to see your contribution! Let me know if you have any questions. Best wishes!
We sent you an e-mail
editHello Jeb,
Really sorry for the inconvenience. This is a gentle note to request that you check your email. We sent you a message titled "The Community Insights survey is coming!". If you have questions, email
You can see my explanation here.
MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:46, 25 September 2020 (UTC)
Unbekannter Autor
editHallo Jeb, warum entfernst du korrekte Aussagen? VG --Dorades (talk) 15:56, 10 September 2021 (UTC)
- Hallo. Ich konnte mit dem grauen Eintrag unknown value nichts anfangen. --Jeb (talk) 16:02, 10 September 2021 (UTC)
- ... so wird das eben in Wikidata modelliert. VG --Dorades (talk) 16:06, 10 September 2021 (UTC)
- ok, dann irgnoriere ich das nun. Der "unbekannte Wert" folgt aus dem Textdatenfeld |Autor=unbekannter Autor, oder? Ich würde das in Wikisource einfach leer lassen, wenn keiner angegeben ist. Aber, was weiß ich schon. Grüße --Jeb (talk) 16:33, 10 September 2021 (UTC)
- Wenn es bei WS richtig erfasst ist, ja. Allerdings gibt es bei WS auch den Zwiespalt, dass im Autorenfeld korrekterweise "unbekannt"/"unbekannter Autor" o. Ä. eingetragen werden müsste, damit der entsprechende Artikel nicht in der Kategorie:Ohne Autor landet; in der Praxis tut das aber (vor allem bei der Gartenlaube) fast niemand. Hier bräuchte es eigentlich eine Abstimmung innerhalb der Gartenlaube-Beiträger*innen, wie vorgegangen werden soll. Da ich mit solchen Versuchen, innerhalb der GL-Gruppe einen Konsens zu finden, bislang immer gescheitert bin, schrecke ich inzwischen vor entsprechenden Vorschlägen zurück.
- Der Vollständigkeit halber hier noch der Nachweis in den Wikidata-Guidelines: Help:Aussagen#Unbekannter Wert oder kein Wert. VG --Dorades (talk) 08:34, 13 September 2021 (UTC)
- ok, dann irgnoriere ich das nun. Der "unbekannte Wert" folgt aus dem Textdatenfeld |Autor=unbekannter Autor, oder? Ich würde das in Wikisource einfach leer lassen, wenn keiner angegeben ist. Aber, was weiß ich schon. Grüße --Jeb (talk) 16:33, 10 September 2021 (UTC)
- ... so wird das eben in Wikidata modelliert. VG --Dorades (talk) 16:06, 10 September 2021 (UTC)
Zentrales Thema eines GL-Artikels
editHallo Jeb, frohes neues Jahr! Ich hoffe, du bist gut reingekommen. Eine Frage zur Verwendung von main subject (P921): Hältst du es für sinnvoll, bei einem fünfseitigen Artikel 16 zentrale (!) Themen anzugeben (wie hier geschehen)? Die Eigenschaft ist ja im Singular definiert (auch auf englisch) und ich denke, dass es in den meisten Fällen auch ausreicht, ein Statement festzulegen. Natürlich gibt es Fälle, in denen es sinnvoll ist, mehrere zentrale Themen anzugeben, aber bei einer derart exzessiven Verwendung denke ich, dass das weder ein intendierter Gebrauch der Eigenschaft ist noch, dass es irgendwelche Vorteile bringt. VG --Dorades (talk) 13:46, 4 January 2022 (UTC)
- Hallo @Dorades. Danke, gleichfalls! Vorweg: ich bin kein Bibliothekar, also nicht vom Fach. Ich vergebe die main subjects nach Gutdünken entlang des wahrgenommenen Inhalts, soweit ich den überblicke, damit die Chance auf Abfragbarkeit und Auswertbarkeit mittels Wikidata-Queries steigt. Ich vergebe, wenn möglich, lieber mehrere Schlagworte als wenige. Puristen machen das mglw. anders i.S.v. möglichst engen Schlagworten, die einen Text möglichst umfassend beschreiben ... Zum Beispiel erfasse ich Personen (Wissenschaftlerinnen, Autoren, ...) oder Pflanzenarten und Konzepte, die in Artikeln auftreten und ein spezifisches Wikidaitem haben, möglichst spezifisch in den main subjects. Letztlich schadet das auch niemandem, oder? @Mfchris84, was denkst Du? Viele Grüße! Jens Jeb (talk) 14:12, 4 January 2022 (UTC)
- Als Nachteil empfinde ich es deshalb, weil ich Abfragen entsprechend der Intention der Eigenschaft vornehmen würde. Wenn ich nach schriftlichen Werken suchen würde, in denen Cattleya citrina das zentrale Thema ist, möchte ich (das gilt natürlich für mich persönlich, keine Ahnung, wie andere ihre Abfragen gestalten) Werke finden, in denen Cattleya citrina der Hauptgegenstand des Textes ist und nicht einmal erwähnt wird. Das bedeutet für mich auch, dass ich dann lieber 3 Texte finde, in denen Cattleya citrina intensiv behandelt wird, als 30, in denen der Pflanzenname einmal genannt wird, weil ich dann einen hohen Aufwand hätte, die für mich tatsächlich interessanten Texte zu finden. Gerade bei Texten, auf die ich im Volltext zugreifen kann (wie bspw. den GL-Artikeln), kann ich, um alle Vorkommen von Cattleya citrina zu finden, ja genau so gut die Volltextsuche bei WS verwenden. VG --Dorades (talk) 11:46, 5 January 2022 (UTC)
editHi Jens, gestern habe ich an deinem Workshop teilgenommen. Zack, komme ich schon mit Detailfragen. :) Wie ist deine Meinung zu den Aussagerelationen zwischen Hypothè (Q47009221) und einzelnen Blogs? Du hast zu (Q61483181) instance of (P31) = instance of Hypotheses angegeben, außerdem published in (P1433) Hypotheses. Du hast Hypotheses aber nicht als publisher (P123) des Blogs geführt. Denkbar wäre wohl auch part of (P361), vielleicht wäre das sogar das passendste. Derzeit sind noch relativ wenige Hypotheses-Blogs in Wikidata eingetragen - jetzt wäre also noch Zeit, um an dem Modell zu schrauben, dass die einzelnen Items nutzen. P31 (instance of/ ist eine) scheint mir unpassend - die einzelnen Blogs sind ja keine Instanzen/Exemplare des Blogportals, sondern eher Teile davon. Findest du das nachvollziehbar, oder sehe ich das falsch? Viele Grüße --Jonas kork (talk) 18:04, 19 March 2022 (UTC) PS: weitere Fragen vielleicht später... ;)
- Hi Jonas! Danke. Das meine ich immmer mit "hemdsärmelig". :) Hrsg. published in (P1433) ist ja doch mit einer inhaltlichen Verantwortung verbunden, denk ich (drum bei SXRM: MM & SLUB)! Auch de.hypotheses ließe sich nochmal als Instanz oder subclass von blog unterscheiden ...!? @Mfchris84:, würdest Du mal mitdenken und mitmodellieren, bitte!?! Grüße --Jeb (talk) 18:15, 19 March 2022 (UTC)
- Hi Jens et @Jonas kork: - gute Punkte, die du ansprichst, lieber Jonas und ich gebe dir recht.
- In Blog-Items sollten von (Q61483181) auf keinen Fall instance of (P31) sein; ein Blog dort ist imho auch weder published in (P1433) hypotheses noch ist hypotheses der publisher (P123).
- Gefallen finde ich in dem Zusammenhang: (Q61483181)platform (P400) (Q61483181) den Hypotheses ist ja eben schlicht die Plattform auf der der Blog (und die vielen anderen laufen).
- Die Blog-Artikel mit P1433 Hyptohese sind natürlich auch sehr unglücklich. Die sollten P1433 des jeweiligen Blogs sein und dafür sollten Items erzeugt werden. Via QuickStatements lasst sich P1433 von Hypotheses schnell bereinigen aber die richtige Zuordnung muss wohl im Einzelfall durchgeführt werden. --Mfchris84 (talk) 08:18, 21 March 2022 (UTC)
- Hi @Mfchris84:, ist platform (P400) nicht gedacht für Software wie Computerspiele, um ihnen eine Plattform wie "Xbox" oder "Playstation" zuzuweisen? Unabhängig davon freut es mich, dass wir in den meisten Punkten einig sind; manches kann also schon versäubert werden. Mit Quickstatements kenne ich mich null aus, aber ich kann ein paar Sachen einfach "von Hand" machen. --Jonas kork (talk) 10:39, 21 March 2022 (UTC)
- Lieber Jonas, guter Punkt. Ich habe mich im Frontend bei der Bearbeitung einfach von der englischen Description verleiten lassen. Die spricht ja von einer "Platform" für ein "Werk". So abstrakt formuliert, passt das bei einem Blog wie die sprichwörtliche Faust aufs Aug'. Die dt. Description, die ich nicht gesehen habe, legt die Verwendung für Games nahe... Ärgerlich, das hätte gut gepasst.
- part of (P361) geht natürlich "immer", wobei ich lange Zeit der orthodoxen Meinung anhing, partof nur für physische Teil-Ganzes-Beziehungen zu verwenden (zB Nase "part of" Gesicht etc.). Das hat sich aber so und so nie durchgesetzt; und part of wird für alles eingesetzt; dementpsrechend wenig aussagestark ist ja diese Property auch.
- Wegen Quickstatements: das ist eigentlich keine große Hexerei - wir können gerne auch einmal einen kurzen Call einschieben und uns die Sache mit den Blogs ansehen, wie man zB via QS die Verknüpfungen zwischen Blogposts und P1433 Hypotheses rauslöscht. Falls dich das interessiert :-) --Mfchris84 (talk) 05:48, 22 March 2022 (UTC)
- Ganz herzlichen Dank für das Angebot! Im Prinzip interessiert mich das schon, aber ich nehme mir quasi chronisch zu viel vor und würde mich daher lieber erstmal zurücknehmen. P400 (Platform) klang für mich auch erstmal schwer plausibel, aber die Beispiele zu der Eigenschaft sowie die Beschreibung auf der Diskussionsseite grätschten dann halt rein. :)
- Ich hab jetzt erst mal acht Hypotheses-Blogs in Bezug auf die Eigenschaften, die wir hier diskutiert haben, vereinheitlicht auf part of (P361), ohne dass das der Weisheit letzter Schluss sein muss. Ob ich noch Hypotheses-Blogs übersehen habe, weiß ich nicht - mir sind zumindest keine ins Auge gesprungen. Was noch zu tun wäre, sind die einzelnen Blogbeiträge, die gegenwärtig die Aussage Blog postpublished in (P1433)Hypothè (Q47009221) haben statt Blog postpublished in (P1433)(individual) blog. Das scheint etwa 40–45 Items zu betreffen. Es ist zumindest denkbar, dass darunter auch Blogbeiträge sein könnten, deren zugehöriger Blog noch keinen Eintrag in Wikidata hat. Sowas dürfte aber die Ausnahme sein, wenn es überhaupt vorkommt.
- Ist das etwas, das ihr mit Quickstatements angehen könnt und wollt? --Jonas kork (talk) 18:29, 23 March 2022 (UTC)
- Hi @Mfchris84:, ist platform (P400) nicht gedacht für Software wie Computerspiele, um ihnen eine Plattform wie "Xbox" oder "Playstation" zuzuweisen? Unabhängig davon freut es mich, dass wir in den meisten Punkten einig sind; manches kann also schon versäubert werden. Mit Quickstatements kenne ich mich null aus, aber ich kann ein paar Sachen einfach "von Hand" machen. --Jonas kork (talk) 10:39, 21 March 2022 (UTC)
- Danke schon mal. Nach etwas Herumsuchen und überlegen stimme ich zu, dass P1433 und P123 unpassend sind. P361 finde ich sinnvoller als P31.
- Allerdings sind etliche Blogbeiträge published in (P1433) in Hypothè (Q47009221). Über die relatedItems/abgeleiteten Aussagen (Gadget/Helferlein, das man in den Einstellungen einschalten kann) sind mir diese Unebenheiten zu Hypotheses aufgefallen. Evtl. ist der Wildwuchs im Bereich der einzelnen Blogposts schon zu weit gewuchert, als dass wir da jetzt rangehen sollten? --Jonas kork (talk) 18:29, 19 March 2022 (UTC)
- Schaden würde ein Standard nicht und mit Quickstatements ließe sich manches vielleicht halbautomatisch vereinheitlichen!? Jeb (talk) 21:00, 19 March 2022 (UTC)
Wikidata: Wikiproject Coding da Vinci
editHallo Jeb, hab gesehen, dass du CdV-Projekte in Wikidata eingegeben hast und hab hier ein bisschen was verändert: (Q66817184). Wir haben ein WikiProject aufgesetzt mit Standards, wie man CdV Events, Datensets, Projekte und Awards angibt, damit man sie über SPARQL-Abfragen findet. Schau gerne mal rein: Wikidata:WikiProject Coding da Vinci
editHallo Jeb, danke für die Ergänzung der GND für Liepāja (Q167668): city on the Baltic Sea in western Latvia. Ich habe die Ränge an die Konventionen in Wikidata angepasst: Q167668#P227. Missbilligter Rang wird nur verwendet, wenn die GND sich auf ein anderes Objekt bezieht, eine Vermischung oder ein anderer Fehler vorliegt. --Kolja21 (talk) 13:05, 21 November 2022 (UTC)
- Ok, danke! So passt es besser, ja! Jeb (talk) 14:19, 21 November 2022 (UTC)
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - December 2022 Newsletter
- January 15: Online user group meeting (SDG all)
- Wiki Loves Plants (SDG 15)
- 365 climate edits (SDG 13)
- Women in Climate Change 2022 (SDG 5 & 13)
- New Book: Open Mapping Towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDG all)
Featured content
- English Wikipedia: List of alismatid families (SDG 15)
New Wikidata properties
- has biological vector (SDG 15)
- Bureau of Meteorology location ID (SDG 13)
- CIViC gene ID (SDG 3)
- Biographical Dictionary of the Australian Senate ID (SDG 16)
- Tanzania Parliament member ID (SDG 16)
- Lygaeoidea Species File ID (SDG 15)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 14:37, 1 January 2023 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - January 2023 Newsletter
- Upcoming: 19 February - User group meeting (SDG all)
- Past: 15 January - User group meeting (SDG all)
- Ongoing: Wiki Loves Plants (SDG 14)
- Ongoing: 365 climate edits (SDG 13)
- Upcoming: The 2023 Bug of the Year Edit-a-thon (SDG 14)
- Past: Lexeme challenge Urology (SDG 3)
- Past: Swedish Wikipedia weekly challenge - Frogs versus lizards (SDG 14)
- Past: Three hundred episodes of Critter of the Week (SDG 14)
- Past: Wikidata Queries around the SARS-CoV-2 virus and pandemic (SDG 3)
- Past: Women in Climate Change 2022 (SDG 5 & 13)
- The stories behind the Wiki Loves Earth 2022 photos from Türkiye (SDG 14)
- Announcing our funding support from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) (SDG 3)
- Jumping for science: how Wikipedia assignments inspire STEM students (SDG 14)
- Birds of NYC Photo Contest Winners announced! (SDG 14)
- Using Wikidata to Connect Constituents With Their Government (SDG 16)
- Wiki Loves Earth 2022 presents the winners of the special nomination “Human rights and environment”! (SDG 10 & 14)
- Equity, diversity & inclusion in affiliate governance (SDG 5 & 10)
- Editor uses Wikidata to find new uses for existing drugs and speed up approval process for new treatments (SDG 3)
- WikiForHumanRights Information Session (SDG 10)
Featured content
- English Wikipedia: List of birds of Tuvalu (SDG 14)
- English Wikipedia: List of World Heritage Sites in Laos (SDG 11)
- English Wikipedia: List of World Heritage Sites in Bangladesh (SDG 11)
New Wikidata properties
- NIP (SDG 16)
- NSR doctor ID (SDG 3)
- UniProt disease ID (SDG 3)
- Strazha ID (SDG 16)
- United States House of Representatives ID (SDG 16)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 16:25, 1 February 2023 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - February 2023 Newsletter
- 2023-03-05 User group meeting (SDG all)
- Wikimedians_for_Sustainable_Development/Next_meeting (SDG all)
- Ongoing: 365 climate edits (SDG 13)
- Ongoing: Suggest "Environmental sustainability and climate crisis" topics for Wikimania (SDG all)
- Ongoing: Africa Environment WikiFocus (SDG 13)
- Past: Edit for Climate Change: Wikipedia Editathon (SDG 13)
- Past: WikiForHumanRights 2023 Campaign: Capacity Building Sessions on "Tools for Finding the Right Articles" and "Building Article List with Petscan" (SDG 10 & 13)
- Past: WikiForHumanRights 2023 Campaign: Regional Office Hours for Africa and Maghreb Regions (SDG 10 & 13)
- 3000 Arctic images (SDG 13)
- SMART-Servier Medical Art upload (SDG 3)
New Wikidata properties
- Norwegian war prisoner detention camp ID (SDG 16)
- Iowa legislator ID (SDG 16)
- National Grid Balancing Mechanism unit ID (SDG 7)
Wikidata query examples
- Map of disasters by type (SDG 11)
Featured articles
- English Wikipedia: South Asian river dolphin (SDG 14)
- English Wikipedia: List of World Heritage Sites in Sri Lanka (SDG 11)
- English Wikipedia: List of lamiid families (SDG 15)
- Featured images
Three horses (SDG 15)
Hunter baby chameleon (SDG 15)
Rice paper butterfly (SDG 15)
Lasiocampa quercus 4th instar caterpillar Keila (top view) (SDG 15)
Lasiocampa quercus 4th instar caterpillar Keila (side view).jpg (SDG 15)
Mockingbird on the North Lake Trail (SDG 15)
Striated Pardalote (SDG 15)
Wiesenvögelchen (SDG 15)
Herring gull (SDG 15)
Northern shoveler (SDG 15)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 18:57, 1 March 2023 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
The "work" vs. "edition" can be quite blurred at times. As these have separate dates of publication, I don't think that a merge is best result, so I have unmerged them based on the criteria on the link, and joined them as has edition / edition of. — billinghurst sDrewth 22:44, 1 March 2023 (UTC)
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - March 2023 Newsletter
- Upcoming: User group meeting 2023-04-02 (SDG all)
- Past: User group meeting 2023-03-05 (SDG all)
- Ongoing: 365 climate edits (SDG 13)
- Upcoming: WikiForHumanRights (SDG 10 & 13)
- Upcoming: April 19 - LaGuardia Community College Earth Day Translatathon with Casa de las Américas NYC (SDG 13)
- Upcoming: April 22 - Earth Day 2023 Edit-a-thon Environment of Brooklyn Focus with Sure We Can (SDG 13)
- Upcoming: April 23 - Earth Day Wiknic NYC (SDG 13)
- Past: Gender and culture related event to test image suggestions on Wikipedia (SDG 5)
- Past: Feminism and Folklore 2023 (SDG 5)
- Past: Art+Feminism edit-a-thon for Nigerian female artists (SDG 5)
- Putting our energy into Wikipedia as climate action (SDG 13)
- How Art+Feminism is using Wikipedia to promote equity in the art world (SDG 5)
- Biodiversity Heritage Library and Wikidata (SDG 15)
- Black history month and more (SDG 10)
- Women Do News: Tackling the Gender Divide in Journalism Through Wikipedia (SDG 5)
- Wiki Loves Earth 2023 is starting! (SDG 15)
- The Quest to Close the Gender Gap on Wikipedia Continues; Five-Year Anniversary with Feminism & Folklore (SDG 5)
- WikiGap Malaysia 2023: Empowering women in indigenous languages (SDG 5)
- Wikipedia has a climatetech problem (SDG 13)
New Wikidata properties
- NCI Drug Dictionary ID (SDG 3)
- Malaysia Federal Legislation act ID (SDG 16)
- Moscow University Herbarium ID (SDG 15)
- Norwegian Petroleum Directorate field ID (SDG 13)
Featured content
- English Wikipedia: List of Saxifragales families (SDG 15)
- English Wikipedia: Red-throated wryneck (SDG 15)
- Featured images
Ourapteryx yerburii ssp. specimens and male genitalia (SDG 15)
Pterophorus pentadactyla (SDG 15)
Wood duck drake (SDG 15)
Cardinal (SDG 15)
Bunten Kronwicke (Securigera varia) (SDG 15)
Sympetrum sanguineum (SDG 15)
Crocus tommasinianus (SDG 15)
Papaya - longitudinal section close-up view (SDG 15)
Aphantopus hyperantus (SDG 15)
Australian Zebra Finch (SDG 15)
Melospiza melodia (SDG 15)
Roadside hawk (Rupornis magnirostris griseocauda) eating speckled racer (Drymobius margaritiferus) (SDG 15)
Black iguana (Ctenosaura similis) (SDG 15)
Cerastis rubricosa caterpillar (side view) (SDG 15)
Cerastis rubricosa caterpillar (dorsal view) (SDG 15)
Frühlings-Knotenblume (Leucojum vernum) (SDG 15)
Ocellated turkey (Meleagris ocellata) male (SDG 15)
Geoffroy's spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi yucatanensis) (SDG 15)
Ophiopogon planiscapus (SDG 15)
Protaetic cuprea ignicollis (SDG 15)
Monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus plexippus) (SDG 15)
Cepaea nemoralis (SDG 15)
Crepis biennis (SDG 15)
Keel-billed toucan (Ramphastos sulfuratus sulfuratus) on foxtail palm (Wodyetia bifurcata) (SDG 15)
Trifolium spadiceum (SDG 15)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 07:42, 1 April 2023 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - April 2023 Newsletter
- Upcoming: User group meeting 2023-05-07 (SDG all)
- Past: User group meeting 2023-04-02 (SDG all)
- Ongoing: 365 climate edits (SDG 13)
- Ongoing: WikiForHumanRights 2023 International Writing Contest (SDG 13, 14, 6)
- Ongoing: WikiForHumanRights 2023 local community events (SDG 13, 15, 14, 6)
- Ongoing: WikiCampusTourNigeria Project (SDG 6, 13, 14, 15)
- Upcoming (and past): Women, architecture and design (SDG 5)
- Past: WikiGap Tirana 2023, Albania (SDG 5)
- Past: BBC 100 women editathon (SDG 5)
- Past: WikiGAP in Prishtina (SDG 5)
- Past: 15 Days of French women writers (SDG 5)
- Past: TSU USF Women's History Month Wikipedia Edit-a-thon (SDG 5)
- Past: Crafting a Better Wikipedia: Women of Color in the Renwick Gallery (SDG 5)
- TUSWUG S2E2: Women in Wiki (SDG 5)
- Inaugural edition of the organizer lab awards – 6 community grants (SDG 5 & SDG 13)
- Bolstering women’s voices and histories on Wikipedia (SDG 5)
- A huge upload for biologists (SDG 15)
- WikiForHumanRights 2023 Launch Webinar (SDG 13, 14, 6)
- WikiForHumanRights 2023 and WMF Human Rights Team Online Safety Capacity Building for Organizers (SDG 13)
- WikiForHummanRights 2023 and Let's Connect Capacity building on good practices for retention (SDG 13)
- Living through a Triple Planetary Emergency: Capturing the Most Impactful Knowledge to Weather the Storm (SDG 10 & SDG 13)
- Wikimedia Foundation Environmental Sustainability Report for 2022 (SDG 13)
- Wikimedia Sverige sustainability report 2022 (in Swedish) (SDG 13)
New Wikidata properties
- student retention rate (SDG 4)
- INEP ID (SDG 4) [51]
- ID (SDG 11)
- holds diplomatic passport of (SDG 16)
- SINTA affiliation ID (SDG 4)
Featured content
- English Wikipedia: List of afrosoricids (SDG 15)
- Featured images
Ara macao cyanopterus (SDG 15)
Leptura quadrifasciata (SDG 15)
Bursa lamarckii (SDG 15)
Ara macao cyanopterus (SDG 15)
Chlamydera guttata (SDG 15)
Sitta carolinensis (SDG 15)
Pumpkin field (SDG 2)
Diglossa baritula & Canna indica (SDG 15)
Acer platanoides (SDG 15)
Amazilia rutila (SDG 15)
Passiflora edulis (SDG 15)
Melanerpes aurifrons (SDG 15)
Argiope versicolor (SDG 15)
Allium ursinum (SDG 15)
Platanus x hispanica (SDG 15)
Thymelicus lineola (SDG 15)
Acer palmatum (SDG 15) [38]
Falco tinnunculus (SDG 15) [39]
Zalophus californianus (SDG 15) [40]
Acer pseudoplatanus (SDG 15)
Tamarindus indica (SDG 15)
Sciurus carolinensis (SDG 15) [43]
Tyrannus savana monachus (SDG 15)
Rapa incurva (SDG 15)
Trigona sp. (SDG 15)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 19:31, 2 May 2023 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
C. W. Allers und seine Bismarck-Mappe
editHallo Jeb, du hattest bei C. W. Allers und seine Bismarck-Mappe (Q19145163) diverse Einträge ergänzt, aber m.E. weit übertrieben: Das Bild von Bucher taucht in dem Artikel nicht auf, Bucher wird nur am Rande kurz erwähnt, und das Werk "Gedanken und Erinnerungen" - wie kommst du auf die m.E. etwas absurde Idee, letzteres als "Zentrales Thema" in Wikidata einzutragen ?? -- Gerd Fahrenhorst (talk) 07:42, 11 May 2023 (UTC)
- Tach auch, in w:nl:Gedanken und Erinnerungen steht als Bildunterschrift "Bismarcks secretaris Lothar Bucher leest aandachtig zijn manuscript van Gedanken und Erinnerungen in 1892'". So kam ich drauf, aber das kann man ändern im Item. Grusz Jeb (talk) 08:01, 11 May 2023 (UTC)
- Na okay, in dem Artikel gemäß Wikisource ist das Gedanken und Erinnerungen nicht erwähnt, ich habe die Verweise herausgenommen. Was Bucher in der Allers-Zeichnung liest, ist weder auf dem Bild zu sehen noch von Allers sonstwie angegeben, also vermutlich nur eine Vermutung eines niederländischen Autors. -- Gerd Fahrenhorst (talk) 08:27, 11 May 2023 (UTC)
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - December 2023 Newsletter
editDear Wikimedians for Sustainable Development,
As we bid farewell to 2023, we reflect on a year that has been an uneven year for our user group. While the journey has been marked by some truly inspiring events, most of our efforts have been largely uncoordinated and the user group hasn't been the support it could have been. Yet, there's a glimmer of hope and a world of potential for 2024.
Highlights of 2023:
- Newsletters Galore
- We kicked off the year with zeal, sharing updates and inspiration through four newsletters. The number of things happening in the movement is astounding, but we need to rethink the format of the newsletter going into the next year.
- Growing Strong
- The Wikimedians for Sustainable Development family welcomed 33 new members in 2023. Your passion and dedication continue to inspire us, and we look forward to nurturing this community spirit in the year ahead.
- Wikimania Talks
- Our voices echoed far and wide at Wikimania, where several members of our community took the virtual stage to share insights and ideas about everything from Wikipedians-in-Residence's to open data. Your contributions showcased our commitment to sustainable development on a global scale.
- Content Creation Magic
- Throughout the year, our extended community demonstrated incredible dedication to expanding the knowledge base on Wikipedia. Countless hours were spent creating and curating content that aligns with our mission, contributing to a more sustainable digital ecosystem.
- Campaigning hard
- We saw a large variety of campaigns, from writing challenges to editathons. The willingness to experiment with new formats and partners, as well as learning from past efforts, shows great promise for the future.
Acknowledging Challenges:
While we celebrate these achievements, we acknowledge that 2023 presented its fair share of challenges. A lack of global coordination reminded us that the road to sustainable development is not always linear. However, it is precisely these challenges that fuel our determination to work together more cohesively in the coming year and proof that the user group is needed.
Hopeful Anticipation for 2024:
As we turn the page to 2024, let's carry forward the lessons learned and the successes celebrated. We are optimistic that, with renewed energy and a collective commitment, we will overcome obstacles and create an even more impactful and connected Wikimedians for Sustainable Development community.
Here's to a year of collaboration, growth, and making a lasting impact on the world through our shared passion for sustainability. Together, we can turn challenges into opportunities and pave the way for a brighter future.
Wishing you all a joyous holiday season and a Happy New Year!
Warm regards, User:Ainali, User:Daniel Mietchen
PS. We have started writing our yearly report, please add your activities to it.
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 17:17, 1 January 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - January 2024 Newsletter
edit- User group news
- We have submitted our 2023 annual report.
- Upcoming meeting: on 9 February, we'll have a call about roles and responsibilities in the user group. This is an attempt to make more opportunities to engage more of the user groups members in its activities. If you want to help out in some way, but don't know how, this is a meeting for you to get help creating that opportunity. If you know how you would like to help, but don't know how to get started, this is also the meeting for you.
- Other news
- New Wikiproject for Climate Change on Basque Wikipedia: Wikiproiektu Klima Aldaketa
- Climate Justice, Digital Rights and Indigenous Voices international Wikimedia event in Huaraz, Peru 2024: Engagement Survey (closes 2 Feb)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 20:22, 2 February 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - February 2024 Newsletter
edit- User group news
- On 9 February, we had a user group meeting on roles and responsibilities (minutes)
- Upcoming user group meeting 17 March
- Other news
- Wiki Loves Earth: Reminder that if you want to organize a local competition, it is time to get started. (SDG 15 and 14)
- Wiki for Human Rights: Reminder that if you would like to organize a local event, there is support available. (SDG 10)
- Study: Using Wikipedia Pageview Data to Investigate Public Interest in Climate Change at a Global Scale (SDG 13)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 10:40, 9 March 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Invitation to participate in the WQT UI requirements elicitation online workshop
editDear Jeb,
I hope you are doing well,
We are a group of researchers from King’s College London working on developing WQT (Wikidata Quality Toolkit), which will support a diverse set of editors in curating and validating Wikidata content.
We are inviting you to participate in an online workshop aimed at understanding the requirements for designing effective and easy-to-use user interfaces (UI) for three tools within WQT that can support the daily activities of Wikidata editors: recommending items to edit based on their personal preferences, finding items that need better references, and generating entity schemas automatically for better item quality.
The main activity during this workshop will be UI mockup sketching. To facilitate this, we encourage you to attend the workshop using a tablet or laptop with PowerPoint installed or any other drawing tools you prefer. This will allow for a more interactive and productive session as we delve into the UI mockup sketching activities.
Participation is completely voluntary. You should only take part if you want to and choosing not to take part will not disadvantage you in any way. However, your cooperation will be valuable for the WQT design. Please note that all data and responses collected during the workshop will be used solely for the purpose of improving the WQT and understanding editor requirements. We will analyze the results in an anonymized form, ensuring your privacy is protected. Personal information will be kept confidential and will be deleted once it has served its purpose in this research.
The online workshop, which will be held on April 5th, should take no more than 3 hours.
If you agree to participate in this workshop, please either contact me at or use this form to register your interest Then, I will contact you with all the instructions for the workshop.
For more information about my project, please read this page:
If you have further questions or require more information, don't hesitate to contact me at the email address mentioned above.
Thank you for considering taking part in this project.
Regards Kholoudsaa (talk) 01:14, 18 March 2024 (UTC)
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - April 2024 Newsletter
edit- User group news
- * Upcoming user group meeting 19 May
- Other news
- Wikipedia Signpost highlighted five papers about climate change editing. (SDG 13)
- On Wikidata, a model for documenting green house gas emissions has been created. (SDG 13)
- An update from the Wikipedian in Residence at the Environment Protection Authority in Victoria, Australia.
- WikiAcción Perú organized a training session: "Climate Change Actions and Wikimedia Movement" (SDG 13)
- WikiForHumanRights organized a session: "Adding Sustainability Perspectives to Wikivoyage"
- Events
- Wiki Loves Earth, the international photo contest of protected nature, starts in May. (SDG 14 & 15)
- Wiki For Climate Change 2024 - Maghreb region starts in May. (SDG 13)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 19:17, 1 May 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - May 2024 Newsletter
edit- User group news
- Upcoming: User group meeting, 16 June
- Mini report from the Wikimedia Summit 2024
- User group representative interviewed by Wikipediapodden at Wikimedia Summit (commons)
- Minutes from user group meeting in May
- Other news
- Reflecting _Women For Sustainability Africa Arts + Feminism #Her Voice Campaign 2023
- Macedonia report: Climate change and GLAM (SDG 13)
- Biodiversity Heritage Library April monthly highlights (SDG 14 & 15)
- WikiProject Biodiversity featured in Nature Africa (SDG 14 & 15)
- Wikimedia UK releases a video about their climate focus (SDG 13)
- Events
- Wiki Loves Earth, the international photo contest of protected nature, continues in some countries. (SDG 14 & 15)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 13:18, 1 June 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - June 2024 Newsletter
edit- User group news
- User group vote on the adoption of the Movement Charter (closes 7 July 23.59 UTC)
- Upcoming user group meeting 21 July
- User group meeting held in June - minutes
- The group was featured in the latest WikiAfrica Hour: #36: Does the Wikimedia movement contribute to the SDGs?
- Other news
- Stories from the anti-disinformation repository: How WikiProject COVID-19 and other Wikimedia initiatives counter health disinformation (SDG 3)
- Environment Centre Northern Territory Wikipedian in Residence (SDG 15)
- With AI can we increase transparency of companies' carbon footprints (in Swedish). Op-ed that mentions that the greenhouse gas emissions of the top 150 companies on the Stockholm stock exchange has been uploaded to Wikidata. The model is documented on WikiProject Climate Change on Wikidata. (SDG 13)
- Another Year in Review: Where is Wikimedia in the Climate Crisis? Seeing the impact of Wikimedia Projects (SDG 13)
- 46 scholars, self-advocates bring knowledge to Wikipedia’s disability healthcare content (SDG 3)
- Wikimedia Sverige publishes their 2023 climate impact report (in Swedish) (SDG 13)
- WikiProject Govdirectory has started weekly collaboration on countries (SDG 16)
- Events
- Wikimedia chapters and groups organise the first Sharks and Rays Wikimarathon (29 June, but edits in the weeks after are welcome) (SDG 14)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 09:27, 1 July 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - July 2024 Newsletter
edit- User group news
- User group meeting held in July, minutes
- Next user group meeting will be 18 August
- Other news
- Climate change editahon and workshop in Macedonia (SDG 13)
- WikiForHumanRights in Nigeria 2024 Campaign Virtual Launch (SDG 10&16)
- What we Learned from Wiki Women In Red @8 Campaign 2023 Women for Sustainability Africa (SDG 5)
- Ghanaian Wikipedians set to educate students on Open Climate (SDG 13)
- Using Wikipedia as a Tool for Climate Action (SDG 13)
- Events
- 5th August, m:Event:Wiki-Green_Conference_2024 Wiki-Green Conference (SDG 13)
- 7-10 August, Wikimania - All SDG related sessions
- 7-9 November, Justicia climática, voces indígenas y plataformas Wikimedia (SDG 13)
- Participate
- Share an example of a successful WikiProject or topical collaboration in this on-wiki survey
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 18:57, 1 August 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Please stop merging articles
editHi @Jeb, I've noticed that you have been merging some articles that I've added. The most noticable is Kurze Bemerkungen über einige neuere naturwissenschaftliche Theorien (Q104124702), which now includes five artciles published in different years on different topics!
Can I ask you please not to do this, and to undo the merges you've made? In many cases, such as taxonomy, different articles with the same title may exist, often with different dates (even if in the same year). In my opinion thse should be treated as distinct articles, as the original sources do (for example, they will have different identifiers). Merging them obscures these differences. It also causes problems for any external project that links to these articles. Your merges now mean those links may break, or point to something that wasn't intended.
I think there are other, less destructive ways to indicate that a series of articles are related (e.g., have the same title). Please consider doing that instead of merging articles.
Many thanks. Rdmpage (talk) 14:16, 2 August 2024 (UTC)
- Hi Rdmpage. I undid d:Q104124702. All merged articles are subtitled with continuation and redirected after the merge. I can't see destructive work in this way. I add author statements instead of author name strings via author the disambiguations tool with the improve data funktion of And I added first main subjects and item descriptions. Please feel to edit the items yourself. Regards! Jeb (talk) 14:44, 2 August 2024 (UTC)
- Hi @Jeb Many thanks for undoing these. I see you've undone some others as well (e.g. "Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Parasitic Hymenopterataken at Kuching Sarawak, Borneo by Mr. John Hewitt B. A"), thanks for that. I don't know whether you've undone all these merges?
- I very much appreciate you converting author name strings to authors, and adding subjects. That's super helpful. It was the merging that I was concerned about. My focus is on the taxonomic litrature, so I get nervous when taxonomic items get changed. See Wikidata and the bibliography of life (Q112959127) for background in to why I'm adding these papers. Rdmpage (talk) 15:43, 2 August 2024 (UTC)
- Hi Rdmpage. I undid only this two articles merges. All other of my edits would be lost, I suppose. I don't geht the idea of not merging bibliografic data when they refer to a two (or more) part article, for example. Merges are redirected to the old items. One will find the way from other linking sources to the article metadata in wikidata. Links to the scan sources or database records are copied to the merged item! What's the advanatage of cataloging all this granular parts of articles separatly again in Wikidata (as they came from in this case)? Whats the value of all the extra wikidata items? In Scholia queries of the same article series show up again and again with same titles. One could catalogue instead different items with specific subtitles + specific main subjects... !? Jeb (talk) 18:32, 2 August 2024 (UTC)
- The advantage of being granular is that these are different things, published on different dates, and they have different external identifiers. From my perspective it makes sense to keep them separate so that those users who need granularity can have it. Those who prefer aggregation could, for example, create a series item to link them together, or add properties to connect the articles (e.g., follows, followed by, etc.). I understand that there are various ways to model things, and people can disagree about this. But I do feel that merging things that others have created as separate entities (when it’s not obvious that they are the same thing) is not always helpful.These merges directly affect work that I am doing, hence my hope that they will be undone. Rdmpage (talk) 09:25, 4 August 2024 (UTC)
- Hi Rdmpage. I undid only this two articles merges. All other of my edits would be lost, I suppose. I don't geht the idea of not merging bibliografic data when they refer to a two (or more) part article, for example. Merges are redirected to the old items. One will find the way from other linking sources to the article metadata in wikidata. Links to the scan sources or database records are copied to the merged item! What's the advanatage of cataloging all this granular parts of articles separatly again in Wikidata (as they came from in this case)? Whats the value of all the extra wikidata items? In Scholia queries of the same article series show up again and again with same titles. One could catalogue instead different items with specific subtitles + specific main subjects... !? Jeb (talk) 18:32, 2 August 2024 (UTC)
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - August 2024 Newsletter
edit- User group news
- Next user group meeting, 15 September, will be focused on starting to develop a strategy for the group. If you cannot attend, you can leave your input on the ideas page.
- User group meeting held in August (minutes)
- Other news
- Report from WikiProject International Botanical Congress 2024 (SDG 15)
- Meeting for Writing on Femenist Strikes and Wiki for Peace Camp St. Imier (SDG 5 & 16)
- Biodiversity Heritage Library report (SDG 15)
- Wikimania had a lot of SDG related sessions and you can watch them back now
- Events
- Wiki Loves Monuments starts in September (SDG 11)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 06:24, 2 September 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - September 2024 Newsletter
edit- User group news
- Other news
- Building a sustainable Wikimedia movement: A contribution from the CEE region, presentation at CEE meeting. (YouTube)
- All About Wiki-Green Conference 2024 (SDG 13)
- Events
- Course: Global Approaches to Climate Finance by WikiEdu (SDG 13)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 20:26, 1 October 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - October 2024 Newsletter
edit- User group news
- Upcoming meeting, 24 November, 17.00 UTC
- Other news
- Talk at WikiIndaba: Wikimedian collaboration in human knowledge: Wiki For Climate Change in the Maghreb region (SDG 13)
- Championing Inclusion in the Wikimedia Movement: Africa Wiki Women Presentation at the Wiki Niger Conference (SDG 5)
- Mountains, Birds and Lakes: Wiki Loves Earth 2024 – Central Asia Edition (SDG 15)
- Events
- November 6, 12 and 21: Climate Change & Health in the UK - Wikipedia workshop (SDG 3 and 13)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 20:01, 1 November 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - November 2024 Newsletter
edit- User group news
- User group meeting, 24 November (minutes)
- We are working on our annual plan for 2025, please add activities that you would like to work on.
- Other news
- CEE Catch up Nr. 8 with a sustainability theme
- Wikiconcurso Justiça Climática e Amazônia (SDG 13)
- Report from New Zealand Species Edit-a-thons (SDG 15)
- Report from climate change editing workshop in Macedonia (SDG 13)
- DeGrowth in November with students, artists and academics in Croatia (SDG 8&12)
- The new Charts extension has been enabled on Wikimedia Commons. It's time to start bringing all your local sustainability related charts over there! (SDG 17)
- Events
- Ongoing: Bridging Climate Literacy Gaps through Wikimedia projects in Ogoni Land Rivers (SDG 13)
- Ongoing: Financiamiento climático en Wikipedia (SDG 13)
- Just started: African Legislators in Red (SDG 16)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 19:29, 1 December 2024 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - December 2024 Newsletter
edit- User group news
- User group meeting in December (minutes)
- We have adopted an annual plan for 2025!
- Other news
- Lightning talk by Adam Harangzo - National Institute for Health and Care Research on Wikipedia (SDG 3&13)
- Top photos of the special nomination “Human Rights and Environment” from Wiki Loves Earth 2024! (SDG 10&15)
- Two days, 15 editors, 750 edits (SDG 15)
- A Peekaboo Into Our Butterflying Trip from the Amazon of the East (SDG 15)
- Brooklyn College students bring ecology course content to Wikipedia (SDG 13&15
- Declaring crisis? Temporal constructions of climate change on WikipediaDeclaring crisis? Temporal constructions of climate change on Wikipedia (SDG 13)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 08:04, 2 January 2025 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription
Wikimedians for Sustainable Development - January 2025 Newsletter
edit- User group news
- User group meeting 23 February
- User group meeting in January (minutes).
- The user group submitted an annual report in the new affiliate health criteria format, and as an activity report.
- The 2030 strategy for the user group was adopted.
- Other news
- Swiss server helped optimise Wikidata in the field of medicine (SDG 3)
- Photographers from Türkiye tell the story of award wining photos in Wiki Loves Earth 2024 (SDG 15)
- OpenStreetMap and Wikidata in Disaster Times - CEE Meeting 2024 Istanbul (SDG 11)
- Events
- 1-28 February: Wiki Loves Africa: Climate & Weather ISA campaign (SDG 13)
This message was sent with Global message delivery by Ainali (talk) 14:05, 4 February 2025 (UTC) • Contribute • Manage subscription