Wikidata:CopyClear/monitor/creators with public domain work without death date

  • has a public domain work in wikidata
  • has a floruit date
  • no copyright status
  • no death date
  • no wikipage

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?object ?creatiedatum WITH { SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5. ?item wdt:P6379 ?collection. ?item wdt:P1317 ?floruit FILTER NOT EXISTS {?item wdt:P7763 []}. FILTER NOT EXISTS {?item wdt:P570 []}. } } AS %results WHERE { INCLUDE %results. {?object wdt:P170 ?item. ?object wdt:P6216 wd:Q19652 . #TODO: GROUP by YEAR and filter on most recent date FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?sitelink schema:about ?item . ?sitelink schema:inLanguage ?lang . ?sitelink schema:isPartOf [ wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia" ] . } }#maker }
label occupation place of birth date of birth work location date of death place of death country of citizenship ?object ?creatiedatum
William Morris Smith photographer Provincetown
Washington, D.C.
Camp of Captain Hoff, Rear View, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Herman Rossberg fashion designer Wedding ensemble
Nicolás Aquino Barcelona 1871 Spain Alfonso XIII con uniforme de capitán general
Unsen artist Japan Vue de l'aménagement intérieur d'un cuirassé allemand
C. Basset photographer
Rouen France Photographie des statues de Henri le Jeune et du duc-roi Henri-Court-Martel de la cathédrale de Rouen
Jesse H. Bolles artist United States of America Hamilton's Floating Battery Moored at the End of Sullivan's Island the Night Before They Opened Fire upon Fort Sumter
The Evacuation of Fort Sumter, April 1861
The Evacuation of Fort Sumter, April 1861
The Evacuation of Fort Sumter, April 1861
The Evacuation of Fort Sumter, April 1861
The Evacuation of Fort Sumter, April 1861
N. Gavagnin drawer Portrait of Luisa Cognetti
Samuel Palmer engraver
miniature painter
Quebec City
New York City
Canada Jean-Baptiste Fréchette
M. Langlois
James Turnbull
James McKenzie
Mesdemoiselles Turnbull, filles de James Turnbull
Madame Allan McDonell, née Margaret Cameron
Friedrich Peter photographer Italy
France Max Simon
Franck Chauvassaignes photographer 1831 France Female Nude in Studio
Corard artist France L'Hôpital Laënnec vu de la rue de Sèvres
T. Bianco artist Italy Le Bazar de la Charité après l'incendie du 4 juin 1897
B. Armillon painter 18th century France Un corridor du Louvre
Ed. Albertini painter Exposition des œuvres d'Eugène Delacroix, à la galerie Martinet, boulevard des Italiens, en 1864
Lemercier printmaker France Russe
Adolph Münzel photographer Chojnice Kingdom of Prussia Bartholomäus Paszotta
Ignaz Praetorius
Louis Füllgraf photographer Berlin
Kingdom of Prussia
German Reich
Wilhelm Erler
H. Glaeser photographer Bolesławiec Kingdom of Prussia
German Reich
Friedrich Gauß
Johannes Tatzelt photographer
Kingdom of Prussia
German Reich
Karl Püschel
C. Schade photographer Lutherstadt Eisleben Kingdom of Prussia
German Reich
Carl Immanuel Gerhardt
Heinrich Arnemann photographer Münster Kingdom of Prussia
German Reich
Peter Münch
Ernst Hartkopf photographer Soest Kingdom of Prussia
German Reich
Wilhelm Bresina
H. Fleischhauer photographer Essen Wilhelm Thienemann
Peter Schneider photographer
poster artist
Essen German Reich Albert Rasche
Peter Schiffer photographer Krefeld Kingdom of Prussia
German Reich
Wilhelm Fischer
J. B. Ziegler photographer Sélestat France
German Reich
August Ritgen
Felix Heinze professional photographer Brunswick German Reich Hermann Scheffler
Jan van Ronzelen professional photographer
Berlin Kingdom of Prussia
German Reich
Ernst Vorsteher
John Garth Logan painter Pilot House, Fittie
Auguste Griffoul founder France Tragic Muse
Georges Rudier founder France Faunesse à genoux

∑ 31 items.

End of automatically generated list.