Wikidata:Database reports/Complex constraint violations/P5236

Complex constraint violations report for prime factor (discussion, uses, items, changes): one of the prime numbers that can be multiplied to give this number

Data time stamp: (UTC)

The report is generated based on the settings on Property talk:P5236.

Updates overwrite this page. Some may already be fixed since the last update: check RecentChangesLinked.

The report can include false positives. No need to "fix" them.

Items with self-links should be prime numbers
(no description)
45 violations
Query time: 13.44 s

Items with prime factor 2 should be even numbers

Items with prime factor 2 should be even numbers
(no description)
5 violations
Query time: 0.56 s

Check on numeric values

Check on numeric values
FIXME. Currently just sum of factors, not product nor qualifier. See Wikidata:Request_a_query#Multiplication_(a*b*c)/PRODUCT()_instead_of_SUM(?factor)
0 violations
Query time: 0.49 s

A factor should be listed just once

A factor should be listed just once
Use qualifier "quantity" instead
0 violations
Query time: 3.94 s

Check value of factors

Check value of factors
Doesn't work for very large numbers
0 violations
Query time: 0.28 s

Even numbers should have prime factor 2

Even numbers should have prime factor 2
(no description)
12 violations
Query time: 0.66 s

Natural numbers would generally have this property

Natural numbers would generally have this property
(no description)
28 violations
Query time: 3.71 s