Wikidata:Database reports/Constraint violations/P2250
Constraint violations report for life expectancy (Discussion, uses, items, changes, related properties): average life expectancy for this group or species
Data time stamp: (UTC) — Items processed: 381
The report is generated based on the settings on Property:P2250#P2302.
Updates overwrite this page. Some may already be fixed since the last update: check RecentChangesLinked.
When incremental dumps and the bot work as planned, items fixed before 07:00 UTC disappear in the next update. The report is not updated if only the item count changes.
The report can include false positives. There is no need to "fix" them.
Data time stamp: (UTC) — Items processed: 381
The report is generated based on the settings on Property:P2250#P2302.
Updates overwrite this page. Some may already be fixed since the last update: check RecentChangesLinked.
When incremental dumps and the bot work as planned, items fixed before 07:00 UTC disappear in the next update. The report is not updated if only the item count changes.
The report can include false positives. There is no need to "fix" them.
"Type taxon (Q16521), breed (Q38829), political territorial entity (Q1048835), organisms known by a particular common name (Q55983715)" violations
editViolations count: 12
- Channel Islands (Q42314): archipelago (Q33837)
- DS-P1-Yu (Q49461):
- Goldendoodle (Q1535093): dog crossbreed (Q38547)
- Gorn (Q1709306): fictional humanoid species (Q24286894), Star Trek species (Q73756872), fictional taxon (Q15707583)
- Cockapoo (Q3241878): dog crossbreed (Q38547)
- Axanar (Q3631313): fictional humanoid species (Q24286894), fictional ethnic group (Q2590445), Star Trek species (Q73756872)
- Shih-poo (Q7496450): dog crossbreed (Q38547)
- organoid (Q11293125):
- Diego (Q30899989): individual animal (Q26401003), captive animal (Q57812559)
- Fenix RC40 Rechargeable LED Flashlight (Q62474850): model series (Q811701)
- new Jacques-Bizard bridge (Q131164897): bridge (Q12280)
- উট্ (L1365037): common noun (Q2428747)
Types statistics
"Units" violations
editViolations count: 35
- Varanus komodoensis (Q4504): years old (Q24564698)
- Arenicola marina (Q21155): years old (Q24564698)
- Peruvian Hairless Dog (Q38874): years old (Q24564698)
- Coconut crab (Q206070): years old (Q24564698)
- Coconut crab (Q206070): years old (Q24564698)
- Hediste diversicolor (Q488741): years old (Q24564698)
- Owenia fusiformis (Q731666): years old (Q24564698)
- Polygordiidae (Q777418): years old (Q24564698)
- Nephtys hombergii (Q941281): years old (Q24564698)
- Eunicidae (Q1147320): years old (Q24564698)
- Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Q1885247): years old (Q24564698)
- Eteone longa (Q1906450): years old (Q24564698)
- Glyceridae (Q1940098): years old (Q24564698)
- Prionospio cirrifera (Q2024148): years old (Q24564698)
- Polydora cilliata (Q2102804): years old (Q24564698)
- Sternaspis scutata (Q2177631): years old (Q24564698)
- Naineris laevigata (Q2196032): years old (Q24564698)
- Chaetozone setosa (Q2323218): years old (Q24564698)
- Spio filicornis (Q2341152): years old (Q24564698)
- Spio decoratus (Q2376306): years old (Q24564698)
- Nereis falsa (Q2386317): years old (Q24564698)
- Euclymene oerstedi (Q2405116): years old (Q24564698)
- Armandia cirrhosa (Q2623429): years old (Q24564698)
- Palola siciliensis (Q2640312): years old (Q24564698)
- Pectinaria koreni (Q2888260): years old (Q24564698)
- Streblospio shrubsolii (Q2949128): years old (Q24564698)
- Eupolymnia nebulosa (Q3019351): years old (Q24564698)
- Hydroides dianthus (Q3085474): years old (Q24564698)
- Chaetozone (Q3881414): years old (Q24564698)
- Sabellides (Q3899345): years old (Q24564698)
- Dorvilleidae (Q3918674): years old (Q24564698)
- Armandia (Q5153210): years old (Q24564698)
- organoid (Q11293125): daytime (Q52643)
- Fenix RC40 Rechargeable LED Flashlight (Q62474850): hour (Q25235)
- উট্ (L1365037): years old (Q24564698)
Units statistics
editAccepted | Unit | Usage |
Yes | year (Q577) | 4469 |
No | years old (Q24564698) | 33 |
Yes | day (Q573) | 2 |
Yes | week (Q23387) | 1 |
No | hour (Q25235) | 1 |
No | daytime (Q52643) | 1 |
"Scope" violations
editViolations count: 0
"Single value" violations
editViolations count: 49
- Canada (Q16): +80, +81.77205
- Canada (Q16): +83.62, +82
- Spain (Q29): +83.578674, +84
- Spain (Q29): +82.339179, +82
- Belgium (Q31): +81.83, +82
- Belgium (Q31): +80.79, +81
- Belgium (Q31): +81.65, +82
- Belgium (Q31): +81.69, +82
- Finland (Q33): +81.20, +81
- Bulgaria (Q219): +74.9, +75
- Indonesia (Q252): +66.087, +64.137, +66.879
- Indonesia (Q252): +66.285, +64.349, +67.185
- Indonesia (Q252): +66.467, +64.554, +67.51
- Indonesia (Q252): +66.643, +64.771, +67.864
- Indonesia (Q252): +66.82, +65.011, +68.249
- Indonesia (Q252): +67.002, +65.28, +68.665
- Indonesia (Q252): +67.191, +65.579, +69.107
- Indonesia (Q252): +67.386, +65.899, +69.565
- Indonesia (Q252): +67.581, +66.228, +70.025
- Indonesia (Q252): +67.775, +66.554, +70.474
- Indonesia (Q252): +67.964, +70.905, +66.872
- Indonesia (Q252): +68.15, +71.311, +67.182
- Indonesia (Q252): +68.331, +67.485, +71.69
- Indonesia (Q252): +68.509, +67.784, +72.047
- Indonesia (Q252): +68.684, +68.081, +72.383
- Indonesia (Q252): +68.856, +68.371, +72.698
- Indonesia (Q252): +69.025, +68.651, +72.992
- Indonesia (Q252): +69.191, +68.914, +73.264
- India (Q668): +70.03, +67
- Kiribati (Q710): +68.46, +67
- Iran (Q794): +76.55, +76
- Iran (Q794): +76.74, +75
- Laos (Q819): +66, +68
- Myanmar (Q836): +69.62, +66
- Nepal (Q837): +72.12, +68
- Pakistan (Q843): +69.37, +66
- Sri Lanka (Q854): +77.75, +76
- Thailand (Q869): +77.41, +79
- Vietnam (Q881): +75.117, +72.8
- Vietnam (Q881): +75.294, +73
- Bangladesh (Q902): +74.43, +72
- Bhutan (Q917): +71.50, +72
- raccoon (Q121439): +2.45+0.65-0.65, +20
- Sabah (Q179029): +74.3, +72.7, +76.2
- Sabah (Q179029): +74.4, +72.6, +76.5
- Coconut crab (Q206070): +40, +60
- mountain beaver (Q503813): +10, +5
- sloth (Q2274076): +20, +30
- Suphalak (Q21002394): +12, +15
"Allowed qualifiers" violations
editViolations count: 2
Properties statistics
editAccepted | Property | Usage |
Yes | point in time (P585) | 4342 |
Yes | applies to part (P518) | 241 |
Yes | valid in place (P3005) | 16 |
Yes | sourcing circumstances (P1480) | 6 |
Yes | criterion used (P1013) | 5 |
Yes | statement is subject of (P805) | 3 |
No | made from material (P186) | 1 |
No | review score by (P447) | 1 |
Yes | reason for preferred rank (P7452) | 1 |
"Entity types" violations
editViolations count: 1