Wikidata:Database reports/Most sitelinked items/Configuration
The most recent version of this script can be found at Github: most_sitelinks. The script is run on Toolforge in the deltabot
tool account; Toolforge users usually have read-access to all scripts in that tool account.
A potentially outdated version is stored onwiki at User:DeltaBot/source/most_sitelinks in order to be permanently available and conveniently accessible; it is being displayed on this page with code formatting. Mind that the onwiki source code might have been slightly altered in order to prevent onlyinclude
directives from being effective, and that the wikitext parser im some situations messes up the formatted output of the transcluding page content including the source code.
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
#licensed under CC-Zero:
from os.path import expanduser
from time import strftime
import mariadb
import pywikibot as pwb
HEADER = 'A list of items with the most sitelinks. Data as of <only' + 'include>{update_timestamp}</onlyinclude>.\n\n{{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width:100%; margin:auto;"\n|-\n! Item !! Sitelinks\n'
TABLE_ROW = '|-\n| {{qid}} || {cnt}\n'
FOOTER = '|}\n\n[[Category:Wikidata statistics|Most sitelinked items]] [[Category:Database reports|Most sitelinked items]]'
def make_report() -> str:
db = mariadb.connect(
cur = db.cursor(dictionary=True)
query = 'SELECT ips_item_id, COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM wb_items_per_site GROUP BY ips_item_id ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 100'
text = ''
for row in cur:
qid = row.get('ips_item_id')
cnt = row.get('cnt')
if qid is None or cnt is None:
text += TABLE_ROW.format(qid=qid, cnt=cnt)
return text
def main() -> None:
text = HEADER.format(update_timestamp=strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M (%Z)')) + make_report() + FOOTER
page = pwb.Page(pwb.Site('wikidata', 'wikidata'), 'Wikidata:Database reports/Most sitelinked items')
page.text = text'Bot:Updating database report', minor=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':