Wikidata:Europeana Art History Challenge/Hungary

Europeana Art history challenge
15 April - 30 May, 2016
#Europeana280 / Art History Collections @ Europeana

View these, and other artworks, at the Europeana Art History Collection "280" page

Monika Balogh (RepliCarter)

Prizes & Events

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Wikidata:Europeana Art History Challenge
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Hungarian artworks edit

metadata edit

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { VALUES ?item { wd:Q23012051 wd:Q23012068 wd:Q21808511 wd:Q21808509 wd:Q21807895 wd:Q21806470 wd:Q21806462 wd:Q21806457 } }
Commons image Artist Date Type of artwork Collection Inventory number Location Artistic movement Artistic genre Main subject Also depicts Material used Europeana ID Iconclass code(s)
The Visitation
Master MS 1506 painting
panel painting
Hungarian National Gallery 2151 Hungarian National Museum religious art Visitation Virgin Mary
tempera 73A63
Japanese Woman
Bertalan Székely 1871 painting Hungarian National Gallery 97.12T Hungarian National Museum portrait
Japanese people
oil paint
The Balloon
Pál Szinyei Merse 1878 painting Hungarian National Gallery 4648 Hungarian National Museum Impressionism balloon oil paint
Pilgrimage to the Cedars of Lebanon
Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka 1907 painting Hungarian National Gallery 93.25 T Hungarian National Gallery mythological painting cedar tree
oil paint
The New Adam Sándor Bortnyik 1924 painting Hungarian National Gallery 64.85 T Hungarian National Museum oil paint
The New Eve Sándor Bortnyik 1924 painting Hungarian National Gallery 64.86 T Hungarian National Museum oil paint
Oblique Victor Vasarely 1966
collage Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest V.257 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest op art abstract painting
Twofold movement Ilona Keserü 1980
work of art Hungarian National Gallery MM.93.13 Hungarian National Museum canvas
oil paint
End of automatically generated list.

translation edit

Other countries' artworks in Hungary's languages edit

Hungarian edit

Slovak edit

Slovene edit