Wikidata:Events/Telegram office hour 2025-01-15
edit- Adam Albin "Abbe" Larsson
- Arthur Smith
- Danny Benjafield WMDE
- GreenReaper
- Ifenomenal
- Jan Ainali
- Jon Amar
- ᴊɪɴᴏʏ / ജിനോയ്
- Lucas Werkmeister
- Lydia Pintscher
- Mohammed Sadat Abdulai
- Valerie WMDE
edit2025-01-15T17:02:14 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Here’s the plan for today:
2025-01-15T17:02:29 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> 🛠 In the first half, we’ll cover updates on Wikidata & Wikibase development from the past quarter, along with some exciting non-dev highlights from the community
2025-01-15T17:02:45 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> 🔮 Then, we’ll dive into what’s coming up this quarter
2025-01-15T17:02:54 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> As usual, feel free to ask your questions or share your comments at any time during the session
2025-01-15T17:03:56 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> lets kick off with some dev news on the Wikidata side form last quarter. @Nightrose, take it away
2025-01-15T17:04:05 <Lydia Pintscher> Hey everyone 👋
2025-01-15T17:04:25 <Lydia Pintscher> So what happened over the past quarter:
2025-01-15T17:04:47 <Lydia Pintscher> We've spent quite a bit of time making things nicer for developers using data from Wikidata to develop applications.
2025-01-15T17:05:07 <Lydia Pintscher> We've improved the REST API by for example adding a new endpoint to create Properties.
2025-01-15T17:05:24 <Lydia Pintscher> The Wikibase REST API is now at version 1, the first stable version. If you are using v0 still, please change your URLs to /v1. More details at
2025-01-15T17:05:42 <Lydia Pintscher> And we published a proof of concept for a search endpoint in the REST API. If you want search in the REST API, it’d be great if you could give the proof of concept a try and give feedback:!
2025-01-15T17:06:39 <Lydia Pintscher> Besides that we have run a survey among reusers to better understand what they are doing and what their problems are. We've followed that up with a number of interviews to get even more details. We hope to wrap that all up in February.
2025-01-15T17:07:19 <Lydia Pintscher> On the data side of things we've fixed a few issues with the new mul language code and it is now ready for full rollout later this month.
2025-01-15T17:07:59 <Lydia Pintscher> That brings me to the query service: The graph split rules have been updated to now also include Items that contain a statement using "publication type of scholarly work" into the scholarly article graph.
2025-01-15T17:08:24 <Lydia Pintscher> And we fixed a long-standing bug where the graph visualisation wouldn't show some labels on edges.
2025-01-15T17:08:39 <Jona Hölderle> <new_chat_participant,new_chat_member,new_chat_members>
2025-01-15T17:09:35 <Lydia Pintscher> Important reminder about the graph split: At the end of March will be switched to only contain the main graph and scholarly articles will only be in the separate If you have tools that query scientific articles you'll need to adapt your queries.
2025-01-15T17:10:21 <Lydia Pintscher> Besides that we've improved the new datatype for EntitySchemas. You can now add statements and search for the EntitySchemas by their label or aliases when doing so.
2025-01-15T17:11:19 <Lydia Pintscher> We have also spent time on investigating different options for mobile editing. If you're interested in giving feedback on some prototypes etc in the future please let @masssly know.
2025-01-15T17:11:37 <Albin "Abbe" Larsson> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "And we published a p…" I'm curious if the plan is to build this on CirrusSearch or something else? Given the 10 000 results limit in CirrusSearch.
2025-01-15T17:11:56 <Lydia Pintscher> And last but not least we made some improvements to the data storage as part of the larger effort to help Wikidata scale along with its data.
2025-01-15T17:12:31 <Arthur Smith> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "Important reminder a…" Will still be available, just an alternate name for
2025-01-15T17:12:36 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Albin "Abbe" Larsson> "I'm curious if the p…" Yeh the plan is cirrus search atm but potentially adapt later as it becomes clearer what people need.
2025-01-15T17:12:54 <Albin "Abbe" Larsson> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "Yeh the plan is cirr…" Okay!
2025-01-15T17:13:07 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Arthur Smith> "Will…" The initial plan was no. But there is maybe some discussion to be had for some stragglers.
2025-01-15T17:13:35 <Lydia Pintscher> Then let's look at what Ifenomenal has to say about the past quarter
2025-01-15T17:14:09 <Ifenomenal> Nice! Thanks @Nightrose.
2025-01-15T17:14:42 <Ifenomenal> Wikidata For Wikimedia Projects also had a busy last quarter as our onboarding Software Engineers worked on a variety of tickets to expand their MediaWiki knowledge…
2025-01-15T17:15:26 <Ifenomenal> Support Requests 🩼
When a new Wiki is born, it needs to be connected to Wikidata to benefit from sitelinks and the language selector, as well as other Wikidata-benefits. We added Wikidata support to newly-created Wiki projects, such as Tulu Wikipedia, Tulu Wiktionary and Tigre Wikipedia. And are looking forward to enabling more new Wikis in the future.,
2025-01-15T17:15:56 <Ifenomenal> Unify Logic
[T270851] Function: getAllStatements would return entity statements that appeared editable (they weren’t, just mutable for the active session). We changed its logic to return values that are not mutable, temporary or otherwise. [1]
2025-01-15T17:16:25 <Ifenomenal> Caching 🪤
[T352019] Functions: TermLookup::getDescription and RevisionLookup::getFirstRevision are invoked when a Wiki-page is loaded and together account for up to 5% of the pages total load time.
Caching these values should reduce the infrastructure cost of createSchemaElement and reduce server load.
2025-01-15T17:17:16 <Ifenomenal> Entity Usage Error ❗
[T380291] Wikimedia pages have a limit of Wikidata entities they can access. If this threshold is exceeded, the error message that displays now shows the current number of entities accessed and the maximum entity limit. Providing more context about why the entities failed to load should help editors adapt their workflows or adjust their content to reduce the appearance of these errors.
[T381098] We are researching solutions (both technical and social) to reduce the number of error messages that are generated by the task above from being displayed. We are looking forward to bring some proposals back to the community,
2025-01-15T17:17:59 <Ifenomenal> I'm going to have over to Jon for some updates from Wikibase Suite ❤️
2025-01-15T17:18:20 <Jon Amar> Thanks @ifenomenal ! Hi all. Now for some updates from the land of self-hosting aka Wikibase Suite.
2025-01-15T17:19:00 <Jon Amar> To deliver features and improvements faster, we’re streamlining support from three MediaWiki versions (LTS, second-last, and latest) to just LTS and latest. Our data shows most active self-hosted instances already use these two versions, so supporting a third added little value while consuming significant resources.
2025-01-15T17:19:14 <Jon Amar> Though LTS and latest are currently the same version, this change will matter when a new version (1.44) is released in June 2025. Learn more about the MediaWiki release process here:
2025-01-15T17:19:35 <Jon Amar> Speaking of useful features… We completed the first phase of our technical research into existing bulk data import tools. I know improvements in bulk import speed and reliability have been a long time coming so we’re really excited to have begun work on this. It will be a major focus of our team in the first half of 2025.
2025-01-15T17:19:57 <Jon Amar> Speaking of releases… We’re currently working on our release of the Suite stack (deploy and relevant OCI images) that works with Mediawiki 1.43. Should have that out to you late January. This is the version i mentioned earlier which is both latest and LTS Mediawiki.
2025-01-15T17:20:45 <Jon Amar> Now to do the traditional hand off back to myself, as our dear Cloud PM Anton has a pre existing conflict with this meeting time.
2025-01-15T17:20:54 <Jon Amar> So from the land of cloudies:
2025-01-15T17:21:08 <Jon Amar> Visual Editor is now enabled for everyone.
2025-01-15T17:21:34 <Jon Amar> The cloud team also enabled personal scripts and personal stylesheets. All Cloud users can now customize their UI experience by editing their own Special:MyPage/common.js, Special:MyPage/common.css and other personal scripts and stylesheets.
2025-01-15T17:21:43 <Jon Amar> personal scripts:
2025-01-15T17:21:58 <Jon Amar> personal stylesheets
2025-01-15T17:22:18 <Jon Amar> Setting up global scripts (like MediaWiki:common.js) remains unavailable even to admins.
Setting up global stylesheets (like MediaWiki:common.css) remains available to admins as before.
2025-01-15T17:23:05 <Albin "Abbe" Larsson> reply to <Jon Amar> "Setting up global sc…" Is there a plan to enable this? Or is a no-go?
2025-01-15T17:23:12 <Jon Amar> Previously, Query Service on Wikibase Cloud only allowed federated queries to the same endpoints that are allowed for Wikidata. Last month, we also whitelisted other Wikibase Cloud instances that already existed at that point. From now on, all new Wikibase Cloud instances will be automatically whitelisted for query federation from other Cloud instances every Monday.
2025-01-15T17:23:49 <Jon Amar> Resolved a couple related bugs with QuickStatements:
2025-01-15T17:24:11 <Jon Amar> Resolved a couple bugs for Query Service
2025-01-15T17:24:42 <Jon Amar> Important Note: We disabled the Graph extension for everyone because of a major security risk.
2025-01-15T17:24:53 <Jon Amar> Sped up our deployment process
2025-01-15T17:25:10 <Jon Amar> Performed some software updates (Minikube and Kubernetes)
2025-01-15T17:25:15 <Jon Amar> Fixed the misconfiguration that prevented using Lexems in Wikitext via Lua modules
2025-01-15T17:25:42 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Albin "Abbe" Larsson> "Is there a plan to e…" I am not sure what the latest discussion around it is. I'll ping Anton to get back to you later.
2025-01-15T17:26:03 <Albin "Abbe" Larsson> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "I am not sure what t…" Thank you!
2025-01-15T17:26:15 <Jon Amar> Solved the problem of user sessions randomly disappearing making the service and surrounding tools unusable T376853 T380757 T380689 T376283
2025-01-15T17:26:24 <Jon Amar> Temporarily disabled the Graph Builder functionality in Query Service, as it is not functioning correctly. We will re-enable it when the responsible team fixes the functionality upstream.
2025-01-15T17:26:29 <Jon Amar> Made some copy improvements in our automated emails and fixed some links that were leading to the wrong places
2025-01-15T17:26:34 <Jon Amar> Some copy and UX/UI improvements on and Status page. Also check out the new default logo on the Wikibase instances!:)
2025-01-15T17:26:58 <Jon Amar> Started Cloud’s own FAQ page
2025-01-15T17:27:16 <Jon Amar> fhew ! those cloudies were busy bees last quarter !
2025-01-15T17:27:38 <Jon Amar> Back to you Mohammed 😄
2025-01-15T17:27:57 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Thank U’s, PMs!
2025-01-15T17:28:09 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Alongside development, plenty of exciting things happened in the Wikidata & Wikibase communities last quarter. Let’s take a look…
2025-01-15T17:28:22 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> First, m:User:Zita Zage (WMDE) has joined the Software Communication team as an intern, where she will help advance Wikidata outreach into new communities. We're excited to see all the great things you'll bring to the team, @zitazage 🎉
2025-01-15T17:28:38 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> We had just one admin request last quarter, but we're excited to welcome @addshore back for the third time as an admin. glad to see them picking things up again 👏
2025-01-15T17:28:48 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> User:Ameisenigel was successfully nominated for oversight permissions, bringing the total number of active oversighters at Wikidata to 3 🙌
2025-01-15T17:29:05 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Also, the RFC on giving additional rights to bureaucrats to remove admin rights was successfully closed Wikidata:Requests for comment/Additional rights for bureaucrats ✅
2025-01-15T17:29:09 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Out of 7 bot requests, 3 have been approved. nice work to all 🤖
2025-01-15T17:29:18 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> We celebrated Wikidata:Twelfth Birthday with great excitement 🎉
2025-01-15T17:29:27 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Special thanks to all the community members who prepared a present for Wikidata's birthday. New tools, updates, games, sparkly animations and of course plenty of maps! Here's the list of presents, with all the links to try them Wikidata:Twelfth Birthday/Presents. You can also watch the demo of all the birthday presents in video commons:File:Wikidata's 12th birthday presents demos.webm
2025-01-15T17:29:40 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> The Wikidata:Scholia project hosted two hackathons in 2024, covering topics like the Wikidata graph split mitigation and the future of WikiCite events. You can catch up on all the sessions and discussions here: Wikidata:Scholia/Events
2025-01-15T17:29:51 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> The Africa Wiki Women group organized a Wikidata contest to celebrate the contributions of women in the African wiki community. Learn more about the event here: Event:Africa Wiki Women-Wikidata Birthday Contest 2024 👩🏿💻
2025-01-15T17:30:02 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Many communities organized Wikidata Days in 2024: Wikimedia Portugal, Wikimedia Italy, Peru, and online by the Arabic-speaking community. We look forward to more of these events in 2025 m:Wikidata Days 🌍
2025-01-15T17:30:23 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> On event, save the following dates:
2025-01-15T17:30:37 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> The Data Reuse Days 2025 will be held online from February 18 to 27, 2025. The event will explore how Wikidata’s data is used for tools and applications, featuring demos, discussions, and tutorials on APIs, data dumps, and more. Don’t miss it 🎉
2025-01-15T17:30:44 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> mediawiki:Wikimedia Hackathon 2025 will be in Istanbul, Turkey, from May 2 to 4, 2025. Registration is open until mid-April or until it fills up 🛠
2025-01-15T17:30:56 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> m:Central Asian WikiCon 2025 will take place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on April 19 to 20, 2025. Want to present about Wikidata? Make sure to submit your proposals by March 22, 2025 🌍
2025-01-15T17:31:04 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> The m:Wikidata and research conference is taking place at the University of Florence, 5-6 June 2025. Keep an eye out for more details on this upcoming event🎓
2025-01-15T17:31:08 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> The call for papers for m:Wiki Workshop 2025 is open, with a submission deadline of March 9, 2025 📜
2025-01-15T17:31:22 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Several new tools were developed last quarter, and some older tools received increased attention that you might have missed:
2025-01-15T17:31:31 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Guess Image from Pronunciation ( - is a fun game that uses Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons to challenge players to match the correct image with the audio pronunciation of what the image depicts
2025-01-15T17:31:44 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> ( - is a roguelike game with Items generated from Wikidata that lets you crawl through the Dungeon of Knowledge in a classic ASCII interface
2025-01-15T17:31:56 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> LoRiS ( - a tool that generates natural-language descriptions of SPARQL queries via LLM's
2025-01-15T17:32:22 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Wikidata Edits Heatmap ( - is a real-time map that visualizes recent changes in Wikidata with geospatial markers showing the location of updated Items
2025-01-15T17:32:29 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Want a wrap of your Wikidata activities in 2024? Wiki Year In Review has it for you: (use for the project URL)
2025-01-15T17:32:45 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> The WMDE-funded software collaboration with partners continued last quarter, resulting in the development of two tools: Wikidata:Lexica, a mobile-friendly tool for simplifying micro-contributions to lexicographical data on Wikidata and …
2025-01-15T17:32:58 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> … Wikidata One Click Info Extension ("OCI"), a browser extension that shows Wikidata labels and descriptions for any word you encounter while browsing online. More about this collab and upcoming activities are here: m:Software Collaboration for Wikidata/Updates
2025-01-15T17:33:25 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Among the latest WikiProjects started in recent months is...
2025-01-15T17:33:34 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Wikidata:WikiProject Psychology - This project aims to improve Items related to psychology (Q9418) 🧠
2025-01-15T17:33:37 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Wikidata:WikiProject 2025 video games - dedicated to the world of video games released in 2025 🎮
2025-01-15T17:33:42 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Wikidata:WikiProject Suriname Public Art - documenting public artworks and memorials in Suriname 🇸🇷
2025-01-15T17:33:48 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Wikidata:WikiProject Rwanda & Wikidata:WikiProject Rwanda - are respectvely focused on expanding Items and Lexemes related to Q1037 and Q117
2025-01-15T17:33:56 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Since its creation the WikiProject Rwanda has grown significantly, with new sections added for Lists, Museums, Hospitals, and more. Big shoutout to @jfrek for leading the charge 👏
2025-01-15T17:34:16 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> "Wikidata Edits Heatm…" Does this one have a documentation side to suggest changes? (I can hardly see the markers)
2025-01-15T17:34:27 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Finally, here are a few reads and videos in various languages that you might find interesting:
2025-01-15T17:34:50 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> (paper) How have you modelled my gender? Reconstructing the history of gender representation in Wikidata (
2025-01-15T17:34:55 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> (video in Spanish) How to contribute to Wikidata with QuickStatements? (
2025-01-15T17:35:01 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> (video) Introduction to Wikidata and linking it to OSM by Ranjithsiji (
2025-01-15T17:35:08 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> (podcast) Decolonizing structured data: Unpacking Wikidata’s possibilities with Lydia Pintscher (commons:File:Unpacking Wikidata’s possibilities with Lydia Pintscher.ogg)
2025-01-15T17:35:14 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> (blog) Why and How I developed Wikidata Multilinguality Calculator? (
2025-01-15T17:35:20 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> (blog in German) Wikidata celebrates its 12th birthday – These are the coolest queries from 112 million entries (
2025-01-15T17:35:28 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Jan Ainali> "Does this one have a…" is probably the best place
2025-01-15T17:35:29 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> Using AI to add to Wikidata (
2025-01-15T17:35:58 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> @Benny_Danjerfield, what other exciting non-dev things happened over the past quarter in the Wikidata Integration Team?
2025-01-15T17:36:19 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Lydia Pintscher> "…" It doesn't accept issues.... 🤷♂️
2025-01-15T17:36:54 <Lydia Pintscher> reply to <Jan Ainali> "It doesn't accept is…" Mphf
Then maybe the user pages at and
2025-01-15T17:37:08 <Danny Benjafield WMDE> Thank you @masssly ! Wow, Wikidata sure did amazing things in the last Quarter. But enough of them, let me tell you about the amazing news for Wikidata in Wikimedia Projects...especially about expanding the team!
2025-01-15T17:37:45 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Jan Ainali> "It doesn't accept is…" Ping @gnoeee
2025-01-15T17:38:03 <Danny Benjafield WMDE> We’d like to shoutout to Suzanne, our first Senior Software Engineer, who joined us in November 2024. Inspired by open-source principles and bringing plenty of experience working with legacy code (surely a boon when working with MediaWiki 😝 ), we are thrilled to have Suzie working with us!
2025-01-15T17:39:49 <Danny Benjafield WMDE> But wait, there's more... as today marks the very first workday of our second Senior Software Engineer.
Please give a warm welcome to Neslihan!
An active member of Wikipedia and Commons communities, you may have met her at previous Hackathons. We are thrilled to have Neslihan join us and with that, we have filled all roles for the team!!
2025-01-15T17:40:32 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Danny Benjafield WMDE> "We’d like to shoutou…" I'm confused by either the "first" or the ranking system. What level are those software engineers who have built Wikibase and been there for many years?
2025-01-15T17:41:08 <Danny Benjafield WMDE> reply to <Jan Ainali> "I'm confused by eith…" Sure Jan...First as in first of the 2 vacant roles hired
2025-01-15T17:42:03 <Danny Benjafield WMDE> reply to <Jan Ainali> "I'm confused by eith…" (of the "Wikidata For Wikimedia Projects" team, not core Wikidata or Wikibase)
2025-01-15T17:42:05 <Adam> reply to <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> "We had just one admi…" Glad to be back ;)
2025-01-15T17:42:57 <Danny Benjafield WMDE> Short but sweet updates, passing it on to @Valerie for the Wikibase Updates
2025-01-15T17:43:26 <Valerie WMDE> Hey everyone :)
2025-01-15T17:43:28 <Valerie WMDE> good to be here!
2025-01-15T17:43:52 <Valerie WMDE> well, what happened in the last quarter (Q4)?
2025-01-15T17:44:01 <Valerie WMDE> some things actually
2025-01-15T17:44:01 <Jan Ainali> Oh oh
2025-01-15T17:44:10 <Lucas Werkmeister> /delete@wikilinksbot
2025-01-15T17:44:15 <Ifenomenal> hahahah!
2025-01-15T17:44:19 <Valerie WMDE> We onboarded (as much as that is ever a finishable thing) Deepesha, the Wikibase developer advocate. Deepesha created and published our new code contribution guidelines. We’re really excited about this as it's a foundational document/resource in our mission to continue to foster a thriving Free and Open Source, Open Knowledge ecosystem. If you’re looking for ways to contribute to Wikibase Suite give this a look. Feedback and direct edits are welcome of course.
2025-01-15T17:44:23 <ᴊɪɴᴏʏ / ജിനോയ്> reply to <Jan Ainali> "It doesn't accept is…" Done...
2025-01-15T17:44:27 <Valerie WMDE> I recommend checking it out :)
2025-01-15T17:44:43 <Valerie WMDE> Apart from that, our partnerships and community managers co-organized two great workshops: with a focus on working with historically marginalized communities including representatives of the Nigerian National Library and others in the Federated Queries Workshop. If you're looking for some documentation on real world usage of federated queries you can find some inspiration here:
2025-01-15T17:45:21 <Valerie WMDE> We will take a look at all our findings again and take care to offer a good documentation on what has happened there
2025-01-15T17:45:47 <Valerie WMDE> it was a great session and many people joined Thanks a lot to everyone who contributed and joined us 🎉
2025-01-15T17:46:12 <Valerie WMDE> Apart from that, and very recent: Christos V, our partnerships manager, gave a talk at the conference Art History Loves Wiki 2025 You can see that presentation: and more info about the conference:
2025-01-15T17:47:10 <Valerie WMDE> Just as @masssly mentioned ,I would also like to encourage Wikibase enthusiasts to apply and join us at the Wikimedia Hackathon as well as the Central Asian WikiCon 2025 :)
2025-01-15T17:47:44 <Valerie WMDE> Now, let's take a look at what's ahead for Q1?
2025-01-15T17:47:55 <Valerie WMDE> @Nightrose will tell us more!
2025-01-15T17:48:04 <Lydia Pintscher> The universe will have amazing things in store for us 😉
2025-01-15T17:48:52 <Lydia Pintscher> But jokes aside. We'll be spending more time on reuse topics. Specifically we'll get the search support in the rest api from proof of concept to something usable.
2025-01-15T17:49:10 <Lydia Pintscher> And we will continue with the research around how to improve the ways developers get to our data.
2025-01-15T17:49:27 <Lydia Pintscher> And we will run the Data Reuse Days to bring together existing and new developers and editors
2025-01-15T17:50:18 <Lydia Pintscher> On the editing side we will continue prototyping and experimenting with mobile editing. As I said before, if you're interested in testhing things please reach out to @masssly so he can get in touch with you when there is something to test.
2025-01-15T17:50:57 <Lydia Pintscher> And last but not least we will continue with the investigations around scaling the database tables etc.
2025-01-15T17:51:12 <Lydia Pintscher> How about you, Ifenomenal ?
2025-01-15T17:51:22 <Ifenomenal> Thanks Lydia!!
2025-01-15T17:52:08 <Ifenomenal> On the Wikidata for Wikimedia Projects team, we're also already looking forward to meeting community members at events this year
2025-01-15T17:52:27 <Ifenomenal> Some of our engineers will attend the WM Hackathon, so we will be planning what projects to hack over there. [2]
2025-01-15T17:53:01 <Ifenomenal> We’re also wrapping up the last of our onboarding Phabricator tickets and the team is evaluating pain points and desires of editors and contributors that came up during our foundational research. [3]
2025-01-15T17:53:17 <Ifenomenal> Please keep an eye on our project page. We love to hear from you!
2025-01-15T17:54:08 <Ifenomenal> We'll be looking into helping editors understand when and how changes from Wikidata influences their Wikipedia articles.
2025-01-15T17:54:45 <Ifenomenal> Finally, in the same tradition of Wikidata XXX Days, Wikidata For Wikimedia Projects is in the planning stages of a ‘Wikidata Integrations Days’ online conference…more about that in the coming weeks! [4]
2025-01-15T17:55:05 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> reply to <Ifenomenal> "Please keep an eye o…" Btw, check out the project page here m:Wikidata_For_Wikimedia_Projects
2025-01-15T17:55:19 <Ifenomenal> OK that's it from this front. Handing over to Jon <3
2025-01-15T17:55:37 <Jon Amar> Hi again 😄
2025-01-15T17:56:02 <Jon Amar> In the land of self-hosting, our big project will be to unpack and start improving bulk import into self-hosted Wikibases.
2025-01-15T17:56:16 <Jon Amar> We will also begin work on establishing a method to discover new instances.
2025-01-15T17:56:35 <Jon Amar> The idea is people can opt-in to be discoverable by both WMDE and the general public. Our goal is to create a privacy-forward solution that enables the instances/projects that want to be found to be found more easily. Our hope is that this will both help us serve the needs of the full community better (it’s hard to serve your needs if we don’t know you exist) as well as help you discover each other, whether its for things like Federation or inspiration. 🙂
2025-01-15T17:56:52 <Jon Amar> And the Cloud team will be ...
2025-01-15T17:57:01 <Jon Amar> Exploring ways to stay aware of the purposes of instances active on Cloud
2025-01-15T17:57:09 <Jon Amar> Updating software that Cloud instances are running on and the tools included with them
2025-01-15T17:57:24 <Jon Amar> And now back to Mohammed 😄
2025-01-15T17:58:13 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> That’s all the updates from us. feel free to ask us mooooore questions if you have any
2025-01-15T17:58:59 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> BTW, January 1, 2025, marked Public Domain Day, with hundreds of 1929 films entering the public domain. Sandra has shared helpful notes to assist in making these films discoverable via WikiFlix, by adding video files to Wikicommons and Wikidata. Join the effort! User:Spinster/Work notes/202501 1929 US films for Public Domain Day
2025-01-15T17:59:26 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> and I want to send a big shoutout to @Romain for continuing to organize Wikidata Cleanup activities! These efforts play a crucial role in improving Wikidata. You can read more about the last cleanup here:
2025-01-15T17:59:53 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> "That’s all the updat…" What's the status on mw:Wikidata Bridge? (The page hasn't been updated since 2021.)
2025-01-15T18:00:03 <Danny Benjafield WMDE> Oh... Happy Wikipedia Day everyone!
2025-01-15T18:01:43 <Ifenomenal> reply to <Jan Ainali> "What's the status on…" We are still doing some foundational research on the core integration processes but we will have some feedback on this in Q2 2025.
2025-01-15T18:01:46 <GreenReaper> Regarding sitewide JS on I believe the answer is "no but tell us gadgets you want sitewide" at least that is what I got from Phabricator issues.
2025-01-15T18:02:39 <Jan Ainali> reply to <Ifenomenal> "We are still doing s…" Could the timeline perhaps be updated even before then?
2025-01-15T18:03:01 <Ifenomenal> Possibly. I can give you more updates by the end of this quarter.
2025-01-15T18:03:19 <Jon Amar> reply to <GreenReaper> "Regarding sitewide J…" Thanks @WikiNorn that sounds right to me but we're going to double check with Anton and report back 🙂
2025-01-15T18:04:19 <Lydia Pintscher> Alright. Some time for bragging :D
What cool things are you all working on at the moment?
2025-01-15T18:05:24 <Lucas Werkmeister> I’ve finally started working again on making toolforge:ranker translatable ^^
2025-01-15T18:05:33 <Lucas Werkmeister> started three months ago and then just kinda didn’t continue
2025-01-15T18:08:39 <Lucas Werkmeister> also uploaded a very minor improvement to the popular wikidata-guessr game… we’ll see if it ever gets merged
2025-01-15T18:08:49 <Lucas Werkmeister> (I’ve been wondering if we should host a fork on Toolforge or something ^^)
2025-01-15T18:11:03 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> The Let's Connect Peer learning program invites you to get involved in helping spread awareness and knowledge of Wikidata, and potentially help organize a Wikidata Learning Clinic. If you’re interested in participating, check out their page here m:Grants:Knowledge Sharing/Connect or reach out to @Owula_kpakpo
2025-01-15T18:12:56 <Albin "Abbe" Larsson> I've been spending a few evenings on a Wikidata(and Wikibase of course) plugin for Neovim so that you can lookup Wikidata identifiers without leaving your editor.
I also plan to support insertion of Wikidata entities so that you can write SPARQL similarly to how you do it in WDQS-GUI.
Feature suggestions welcome!
2025-01-15T18:13:26 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> very cool projects. thank you all for sharing
2025-01-15T18:14:19 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> we've run out of time people, but if you still have questions feel free to ask and we 'll try and respond to them later
2025-01-15T18:14:44 <Mohammed Sadat Abdulai> thank you all for coming and see you at the next one
2025-01-15T18:14:53 <Ifenomenal> thanks everyone!
2025-01-15T18:15:01 <Jon Amar> thanks all!