Wikidata:Google Summer of Code

(Redirected from Wikidata:GSoC)

Google Summer of Code is an initiative to get students involved in Free Software projects. 3 organisations accepted students to work on projects related to Wikidata as part of GSoC 2013:

In case of questions you can always contact User:Lydia Pintscher (WMDE).



Mobilize Wikidata


Student Name : Pragun Bhutani

Project Synopsis : My project is aimed at extending Wikidata to make it accessible on mobile devices. Setting up Wikibase with MobileFrontend shows that while MobileFrontend can be used to achieve a mobile-friendly version of WIkidata, some problems arise due to JS based UIs not rendering properly through MobileFrontend. My plan is to implement Wikibase without Javascript to make it compatible with MobileFrontend.

I'll be documenting my progress on my blog

Convert Gene Wiki Bot to write to Wikidata


Student Name: Chinmay Naik

Brief Summary: The current Gene Wiki Bot automatically maintains /updates Protein Box Templates which are transcluded into Wikipedia Gene articles. My project is aimed at mapping the fields of each PBB template into four different wikidata items human gene , human protein , mouse gene , mouse protein .

I will be using the Pywikipedia- Rewrite branch for querying wikidata. The project is hosted at on bitbucket. Its under active progress!

Regarding the project(modelling),we decided on the above model after lot of active discussions. Chinmay26 (talk) 17:52, 28 June 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Wikidata language fallback and conversion


Student: Liangent


Integrating WikiData in DBpedia


Student: Hady Elsahar

This project in a glance mainly aims for Wikidata published data to be utilized inside DBpedia , in other words to be converted into triples and saved inside DBpedia servers as well as providing another Live version which propagates all the wikidata changes in the runtime to DBpedia.


Wikidata Entity Suggester


Student: Nilesh Chakraborty

Wikidata authors have to spend a considerable amount of time on finding the required properties and values for them. This project is meant to make their task easier.

The goal of this project is three-fold -

(i) suggesting properties relevant to the context (depends upon the item that is being edited),

(ii) suggesting values to the recommended properties or a new property that the author starts with,

(iii) make the sorting mechanism of the entity selector smarter so that more relevant properties appear at the top.

A collaborative filtering approach will be used to suggest the properties and do the sorting. In order to suggest the values, individual approaches (collaborative filtering, complex SQL queries) has to be used for each type of property.
