Wikidata:How to create Wikidata Tours/Javascript/pl

This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:How to create Wikidata Tours/Javascript and the translation is 19% complete.

Create JavaScript page

All tours require a JavaScript file which contains a set of options for configuring the tour. Interface Admin rights are needed to deploy a JavaScript file for testing, so you will need to use this list of Interface Admins to find someone to help when you reach this step. The rest of the instructions on this page are intended for the Interface Admin who is drafted to help.

Note: If you have basic knowledge of JavaScript and CSS, you can create the JavaScript file yourself by following the steps on this page. You will still need help from an Interface Admin to actually deploy the file for testing in the next step, but this will save them some time as they can start from your proposed JavaScript file.

File name and location

At this stage in the process, the JavaScript file should be created in your own user space, e.g. User:YOUR_USERNAME/tours/wbmycooltour.js. However, to actually run the tour (either on or main you will need to place the JavaScript file in the MediaWiki namespace using the following name convention: MediaWiki:Guidedtour-tour-tour name.js.

The [tour name] is also specified as one of the configuration options within the JavaScript file. This must match the filename for the tour to load. For example, use the filename MediaWiki:Guidedtour-tour-wbcoordinates.js for a tour with the name "wbcoordinates". You should only deploy the JavaScript file to this location on main once the tour has been fully tested and refined on, as explained in the rest of this guide.

To summarise, the file should be located in the following places as you work through the steps of the tour:

Przestrzeń nazw użytkownika
(Current step)
MediaWiki namespace
(Testowy krok)
MediaWiki namespace
(Publikacja kroku)


Assuming you were creating a tour called "My Cool Tour", you would need the following:

  1. A wiki page to link to for the tour text, such as Wikidata:Tours/My_Cool_Tour
  2. A JavaScript file, which must be placed at MediaWiki:Guided-tour-wbMyCoolTour
  3. A new Wikidata item, only used by this tour

The JavaScript file for "My Cool Tour" would be completed with the details shown in the example template below. As this is just a fictional tour, the Wiki page and JavaScript file do not exist, but you can look at the References tour files for a real example:

Expand the example below for template you can copy and paste as a starting point.

JavaScript file template
 * @see [[Wikidata:Tours/My_cool_tour]]
 * @author Your_Username_Goes_Here
( function( $, mw, gt, wb ) {

	$.ajax( {
		async: false,
		url: mw.util.wikiScript() + '?title=MediaWiki:Guidedtour-lib.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript',
		dataType: 'script'
    } );
     * Name of your tour, always starts with 'wb' by convention
    var tourName = 'wbmycooltour',

     * Wikidata item that will be loaded for the tour
    tourEntityId = 'Q123...',

     * Initial data to add to the tour item, such as labels, descriptions and statements in standard wikibase syntax
    newData = { };

	gt.init( tourName, tourEntityId, newData, {

		 * The Wiki page from where the tour texts should be loaded.
		pageName: 'Wikidata:Tours/My_cool_tour',

		 * The steps of the tour.
		steps: [ {
            // 1. Welcome to My Cool Tour
		}, {
            // 2. Some background info
		}, {
            // 3. Add a statement
            attachTo: '.wikibase-statementgrouplistview > .wikibase-addtoolbar-container .wikibase-toolbar-button-add',
			actionBtn2: '.wikibase-statementgrouplistview > .wikibase-addtoolbar-container .wikibase-toolbar-button-add a',
		}, {
            // 4. Select a property
			position: 'top',
            attachTo: '.wb-edit',
		}, {
            // 5. Input a value
			position: 'top',
			attachTo: '.wb-new .valueview-value'
		}, {
			// 6. Add a reference
			position: 'top',
			attachTo: '.wb-new .wikibase-statementview-references .wikibase-toolbar-button-add',
			actionBtn2: '.wb-new .wikibase-statementview-references .wikibase-toolbar-button-add a'
		}, {
			// 7. Select reference property
			position: 'top',
			attachTo: '.wb-reference-new .ui-suggester-input'			
		}, {
			// 8. Input reference value
			position: 'top',			
			attachTo: '.wb-reference-new .valueview-value',
		}, {
			// 9. Publish
			position: 'top',
			attachTo: '.wb-new .wikibase-toolbar-button-save',
			actionBtn2: '.wb-new .wikibase-toolbar-button-save a',			
		}, {
            // 10. Congratulations!
            // The function below should be included on the last slide
            // It makes the final "OK" click redirect back to the tours home page
            // Note: This is a temporary hack, it will not be needed in the near future
			onShow: function() {
				// Todo: should be the default action for clicking the "end tour" button on any Wikidata 
				$('.guidedtour-end-button').off('click').on('click', function() {
					window.location = window.location.origin + '/wiki/Wikidata:tours';
		} ]
	} );
} )( jQuery, mediaWiki, mediaWiki.guidedTour, wikibase );


This is the name used to identify the tour, it is used in the URL when launching the tour. The name must:

  1. Be unique, so no two tours can have the same name.
  2. Only use lowercase normal text, with no spaces, hyphens or other special characters.
  3. Match the name at the end of the JavaScript filename (e.g. set to "wbmycooltour" in the file MediaWiki:Guidedtour-tour-wbmycooltour.js).
  4. Start with "wb" in keeping with convention for other tours (e.g. "wbqualifiers" or "wbuniqueidentifiers").
  5. Be kept as brief as possible (e.g. "wbstatements" or "wbofficialwebsite").


Enter the Q number of the Tour item created in the previous step. This is the dedicated Wikidata item that will be loaded when the tour runs. The item you enter here will not not be used until you run the final tour during the Publish step, but it's good to have it recorded at this stage.

Important: The tour item will be cleared of data completely every time a user takes the tour, so you should never use a 'normal' Wikidata item for your tour!


newData is a JavaScript object containing all of the data that you want to add to the tour item on initialisation, such as labels, descriptions and statements.

As the tour item is cleared whenever a user starts the tour, leaving the startup data as an empty object { } will mean the tour always starts as a completely blank item.

Using existing item data

The format for providing startup data matches the standard Wikibase syntax for describing items, so you can easily export from any existing item. The two main approaches are:

The normal approach is to filter down to just the starting data that is required to carry out the tour, as well as generally set the scene and make it feel like editing a real item. However, it is strongly advised to keep the label in all available languages to aid translation of the tour (more info below).

Labels and descriptions in your startup data

  • Always add a label to your item's startup data (unless the tour is actually about adding the label). The label provides important context for new users.
  • You should include the label in all available languages. As explained above, the startup data is usually copied from an existing popular item, so the label will be available in a large number of different languages. Adding this data now means that labels will likely already be available as the tour is translated into different languages. See the Translate page for further info.
  • You should always add a description of the form "Test item for TOUR NAME tour only" (replace TOUR NAME with the name of the tour). As tour items are just normal Wikidata items, they can show up in the search box. Adding this description makes sure everyone is aware that the item is not the real item for that topic - e.g. the tour item Earth (Test item for References tours only) vs the 'real' item Earth (third planet from the Sun in the Solar System).
  • If you add both labels and descriptions in the newData object, you must make sure that the combination of label + description is unique on Wikidata. If it's not, the tour will not load! This is because the initial edit to add startup data will be rejected. This can be achieved by following the previous point on adding a description.

Step configuration

Each step in the tour has a JavaScript object to describe it's functionality. These are added to the steps array in the initialisation options, with one object for each step in the tour. For any step that that should just float in the middle of the page, and has no special action to complete, you can just use an empty object.

You should start by adding an empty object for every step, with a comment above each one to indicate the title of the step and any special instructions (copy this from corresponding Tour Wiki page). This will help you keep track of what needs doing as you work through the settings for each step.

The options available for each step are:

Właściwość Dozwolone wartości Opis
  • topLeft
  • top
  • topRight
  • rightTop
  • right
  • rightBottom
  • bottomRight
  • bottom
  • bottomLeft
  • leftBottom
  • left
  • leftTop

Determines the position of the popup relative to the element you are attaching to. If no attachTo has been set, then this setting will be ignored.

default: bottom


*Any valid JQuery selector

Selector for the element the pop up should attach to. If you leave this blank, then the popup will float in the middle of the page.


*Any valid Query selector

Selector for a click action that needs to be completed for the step to advance. Entering a value for this has two important functions:

  1. The step can "auto complete" if the user clicks the "next" arrow without actually completing the step themselves.
  2. If the user does complete the action themselves, the tour will automatically advance to the next slide.

Some important points about this property:

  • The feature currently only supports simple click actions like "add statement", "add qualifier", "add reference" etc. For steps where the action to complete is more complex (e.g. "search for and select P21 property"), you should leave this property blank for now and let the user complete the step and advance the tour manually
  • You generally need to select the innermost <a> element for the click action to work. For example, to click the "publish" button you should enter .wb-new .wikibase-toolbar-button-save a instead of just .wb-new .wikibase-toolbar-button-save.
  • The name should be "actionBtn" rather than "actionBtn2", but the current version uses this change as a temporary fix for a series of bugs. Very soon this will return to the correct name. All live tours will be updated when this happens, as well as the documentation on this page.