Wikidata:Comment créer les visites guidées de Wikidata/Publier

This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:How to create Wikidata Tours/Publish and the translation is 19% complete.

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Once you've completed any required changes and thoroughly tested the tour, it's time to deploy it to main by copying over the tour files from The tour files should be up to date with any required changes made after the testing stage. The filenames and locations used on should ideally match the intended location on Wikidata, so that you can simply change the base of the url from your test versions from to to create the new files.

Follow the steps below to arrange the tour files in the required locations (replace TOUR NAME with the name of the tour you are deploying).

1. Tour Wiki Page

The Tour Wiki page should already be published after completion of the Write step. It will be located at NAME.

If any changes have been made to the Wiki Page during the Test step, copy over the changes to the existing Tour Wiki page on If no changes have been made during testing, you do not need to copy anything over.

2. Tour JavaScript File

Copy your JavaScript file to NAME.

Espace de noms Utilisateur
(JavaScript step)
MediaWiki namespace
(Test step)
MediaWiki namespace
(Étape actuelle)

Before publishing the JavaScript file, you will need to:

  • Swap all properties and items with the original values saved as end of line comments in the Test step.
  • As above, but for the "tourEntityId" setting. Swap the Tour Item with the main Tour item from the end of line comment.

The equivalent properties, values and tour item should now be stored in the end of line comments (in case the tour ever needs to be moved back to for further development).

3. Tour Wikidata item

The Tour item should have already been created in the Tour item step, so all you need to do is make sure that its Q number is set as the "tourEntityId" in the JavaScript file, as explained just above. If this has been missed for any reason, go back to the Tour item step now and follow the instructions to create a new item.

Important: Once the tour has been deployed to main Wikidata, you must test it thoroughly again. There can be significant differences between and because of the different templates available, as well as occasional changes to the User Interface being trialled on

Add your new tour to Wikidata:Tours

Once you've created your tour and are happy that it is free of errors and the instructions are clear please add it to the main page of Wikidata:Tours in the relevant section.

You should copy the syntax used for existing tours on the page by including:

  • Title: This should match the name of your tour.
  • Description: A short description to be displayed under the title.

The button for launching the tour is generated using a template. For example, this button to launch the "Items" tour is generated using this wiki text:


Lien vers la visite guidée

Once the tour has been published and added to Wikidata:Tours you can also add it to other pages on Wikidata including any relevant Help pages.

You create a link to the tour using the tour Wikidata item and the name of the tour. For example, the "Items" tour can be launched using the URL Alternatively, you can generate a button using the "StartTour" template as described just above.