This page is dedicated to the fun stuff that occurs now and again on Wikidata. We may be building a serious database, but we can have a laugh as we do it. This is the place to store anything funny that occurs on Wikidata that should be kept for hilarity. It also acts as a place to move funny things out from the real database so that the database can be kept useful. This does not invite people to vandalise the Wikidata project space in order to be included here. This is explicitly disallowed. It is merely in place for particularly humourous content to be stored.
Who decides if it is funny and should be kept? You do. Add and remove as you see fit. Hopefully the funny Wikidata stuff will remain.
Surprise Q items
editSome smart people have subtly inserted humour into our very serious database. This is a list of items that have Q numbers that happen to be associated with them, sometimes referred to as Easter egg (Q330574):
- Universe (Q1)
- Earth (Q2)
- life (Q3)
- death (Q4) – in Japanese, the word for four, 四, can be pronounced as "shi", the word for death. This makes it considered unlucky.[1] This may be a coincidence.
- human (Q5)
- happiness (Q8) – in Chinese numerology, 8 is the most auspicious number, resembling the character for joy or happiness (喜 and 囍)
- triskaidekaphobia (Q13) – fear of the number 13
- George Washington (Q23) – a reference to The Illuminatus! Trilogy (Q1460253) and the movie 23 (Q216269).
- Jack Bauer (Q24) – fictional character from the television series 24
- Douglas Adams (Q42) – author of The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy which defines the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything as the number 42
- Tim Berners-Lee (Q80) – notable for developing HTTP, which typically connects over TCP, using port 80.
- HTTP 404 (Q404)
- Chernobyl disaster (Q486) – occurred April 1986
- number of the beast (Q666) – number of the beast, number 666
- leet (Q1337) – alternative language in which "leet" is spelled "1337"
- Paul Otlet (Q1868) – Belgian father of IT born that year
- Imagine (Q1971) – song released that year
- Stanley Kubrick (Q2001) – director of 2001: A Space Odyssey
- Maya calendar (Q2012) – was interpreted to predict the end of the world in 2012
- Wikidata (Q2013) – which first started hosting Wikipedia links in 2013
- palindrome (Q12321)
- Count von Count (Q12345)
- age of majority (Q18000) – the legal age of majority in many countries is 18
Proof of the deliberate creation of items with specific Q numbers: [1], [2].
In addition, there are a couple items whose Q numbers happen to match the date they were created:
- Camponotini (Q121125) – was made on 2012-11-25
- Template:Quarters of Lausanne District 4 (Q20150617) – was made on 2015-06-17
Other amusing items (not based on their Q numbers):
- recursion (Q179976)main subject (P921)recursion (Q179976)
- Q42 (Q42395533) – item about Douglas Adams (Q42) (the Wikidata item, not the person)
Surprise L lexemes
editMany of the earliest Lexeme numbers have special significance:
- ama/𒂼 (L1) (Sumerian noun), mother, one of the most common words and one of the first words babies speak (see mama and papa (Q1048859))
- first (L2) (English noun) - A reference to people trying to be the first poster on comment threads, and failing. See KYM.
- windsurf (L4) (English verb), possibly because a windsail resembles the number 4
- pino (L5) (Spanish noun) - A reference to the Spanish phrase “el quinto pino” (literally “the fifth pine tree”) meaning something's really far away.
- late (L8) (English adjective) - The text messaging abbreviation.
- חי/חַי (L18) (Hebrew adjective) - "alive": a spiritual number in Judaism, giving rise to a tradition of giving gifts in multiples of 18 as an expression of blessing for long life.
- answer (L42) (English noun) - to life, the universe, and everything. See also Douglas Adams (Q42) Douglas Adams.
- forty-two (L45) (numeral) - not L42
- 子供/こども (L55) (Japanese noun) - "child": 5 May (5/5) is Children's Day in Japan (Children's Day (Q1145630)).
- Luftballon (L99) (German noun) - A song by the German band Nena, 99 Luftballons (Q277342)
- gentagelse (L117) (Danish noun) - A reference to the Danish phrase “for den 117. gang” (literally “for the 117th time”) meaning something's been said a lot of times.
- elementary (L221) (English adjective) - A reference to the phrase "Elementary my dear Watson" from Sherlock Holmes stories and 221B Baker Street.
- pi (L314) (Catalan noun) - the mathematical constant pi
- Lydia (L362) & Léa (L363) - "Lydia" and "Léa", two notable Wikidatans
- error (L404) (English noun) - mirroring the 404 error for web sites
- зверь (L666) (Russian noun) - meaning "beast". See also number of the beast (Q666).
- ganhar (L777) (Portuguese verb) "to win", as the wining 777 on slot machine (Q33972).
- unlucky (L778) (English adjective) - missing L777 by one slot
- octogone (L800) (French noun) octagon (Q166080), polygon with eight sides
- لَيْلَة (L1001) (Arabic noun) night, as in One Thousand and One Nights (Q8258)
- magnesium (L1755) (Dutch noun), magnesium (Q660) was discovered in the year 1755
- révolution (L1789) (French noun), for the French Revolution (Q6534)
- universitet (L1811) (Norwegian Nynorsk noun), for the University of Oslo (Q486156), founded in 1811
- grunnlov (L1814) (Norwegian Nynorsk noun), for the Constitution of Norway (Q642673), written in 1814
- braille (L1824) (French noun) - Braille (Q79894) was developed in 1824
- unua (L1887) (Esperanto adjective) - Zamenhof released Unua Libro (Q81413) in this year, releasing Esperanto (Q143) to the public
- pompeblêd (L1897) (West Frisian), flag of Friesland (Q1004161) was officially approved in this year, this flag is known for having those symbols
- esperantismo (L1905) (Esperanto noun), Declaration of Boulogne (Q581695) was made in 1905
- kabei (L1911) (Esperanto verb), Kazimierz Bein (Q12749) suddenly left the Esperanto movement in this year, which caused the creation of this verb, which means to leave the Esperanto movement, which is still used to this day
- titanic (L1912) (English adjective), Titanic (Q25173) sunk in year 1912
- data (L2013) (English noun) reference to Wikidata (Q2013)
- палиндром (L2112) (Russian noun), because 2112 (Q19241789) is palindrome (Q12321)
- dark (L2150) (English adjective) and star (L2151) (English noun), because Dark Star (Q506580) set in the year 2150
- صِفْر (L12345) (Arabic adjective) - Meaning: "zero", pronunciation: "sifr", the source of the words for "zero" and "number" in many European languages.
- condamné (L24601) (French noun) - A reference to the prisoner number of Jean Valjean (Q1156620) of Les Misérables.
- fünfzigtausend (L50000) (German numeral) - the word to represent the number 50000
- мир/миръ (L99999) (Russian noun) - peace
- мир/міръ (L100000) (Russian noun) - world
- планочка (L105457) (Russian noun) - diminutive for Planck constant (Q122894)
- Один (L111111) (Russian noun) - homonym for 1 (Q199)
- обречённость (L121093) (Russian noun) - doom, a reference to Doom (Q189784) released on December 10, 1993.
- марш (L121212) (Russian noun) - march (Q211025). In Russian army soldiers marches with words "Раз-два! Раз-два!" (One-two! One-two!)
- повторение (L112233) (Russian noun) - repetition
- вальс (L123123) (Russian noun) - waltz (Q193434)
- пароль (L123456) (Russian noun) - password
- символ (L128128) (Russian noun) - ASCII (Q8815)
- энтропийность (L138064) (Russian noun) - entropy
- радость (L142857) (Russian noun) - joy; a reference to seventh-inning stretch (Q11237058)
- заряд (L160217) (Russian noun) - elementary charge (Q2101)
- золотце (L161803) (Russian noun) - golden ratio (Q41690)
- izioki (L171081) (Basque verb)
- invalid ID (L191011) was made on 2019-10-11
- 政令指定都市/せいれいしていとし (L500000) - for the Japanese term for a city with a population greater than 500,000.
- Self referential numbers thirteen (L13), twenty (L20), quatre-vingt-quinze (L95), cent-septante-six (L176), vierhonderd (L400)
Wikidata Admin Corps
editAn anthem for the Wikidata Admin Corps was accidentally composed during a conversation on the Admin Noticeboard. Feel free to sing along.