Wikidata:Improve the workflows for queries and lists

Over the past months, we researched how people use queries and lists. We also wanted to find out what problems people meet when getting started with using queries and lists for maintenance.

Our next step is make some proposals on new features, based on the results, and ask you for your feedback. You'll find more details on two subpages and you're welcome to give feedback on the related talk pages. This feedback loop is open until April 28st.

Summary of research

Slide deck of usage research on queries and list generation for maintenance on Wikidata

In this document, you can find the results of our research. Here's a summary of what we found out:

  • Some useful queries are simple, following a pattern of “all X” or “All X  that lack Y”. Currently, people, particularly beginners, seem to use the “Query Helper” feature of the Query Service for such simple queries. How can we ease the creation of such queries?
  • Many people use the built-in example queries to learn about querying. How can we consider the importance of examples better?
  • People share problems with others and get help. This helps them to learn from others. How can we make communicating about queries easier and more accessible?
  • The workflows of the participants often included different tools, some custom-made ones for specific workflows. How can we ease participation for people who do not have the skills or tools to do this, while not constraining the current specialized setups that are needed in many situations?



Based on the research results, we brainstormed some ideas and refined them to start with two meaningful ones. Our UX designer created wireframes to show you what such a product could be like.

  Concept 1: Simple query builder

A form based query builder for getting lists of items you want to check or improve.

  Concept 2: Improved example dialog

Many participants told us they use the examples in the query service interface – here are some ideas to make them even more useful for learning