Wikidata:Lexicographical data/Universal Dependencies/Walkthrough

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So you want to annotate a multi-part lexeme on Wikidata, but don't know where to start?

0: Verbs


As most statements pertain to the verbs within then ("a wild goose never laid a tame egg", as a sentence, is about "laying"), the main action verb should be the root of the lexeme.

1: Subjects, objects, etc.


Subjects, direct objects, and indirect objects should point directly to the root verb of the lexeme.

2: Adjectives and determiners


Adjectives and determiners should point directly to the root of a given noun phrase.

3: Negation


Negation particles should point directly to the verb they negate.

4: Prepositional phrases


Prepositions in a prepositional phrase should point directly to the noun they modify, and the prepositional phrase should point directly to the verb. (There are a number of possibilities for what the relationship of the phrase to the verb could be.)

5: Adverbial modifiers


Adverbial modifiers should point directly to the verb, adjective, or other adverb they modify.