Wikidata:Data geiriadurol

This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Lexicographical data and the translation is 50% complete.
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Croeso i dudalen y prosiect ar gyfer data geiriadurol!

Beth yw data geiriadurol?

Ers dechrau Wicidata yn 2012, mae'r gronfa wybodaeth amlieithog wedi canolbwyntio ar gysyniadau yn bennaf; mae eitemau Q yn ymwneud â phethau neu syniadau, nid y geiriau sy'n eu disgrifio. Ers 2018, mae Wicidata wedi storio math newydd o ddata hefyd: geiriau, ymadroddion a brawddegau mewn sawl iaith, wedi'u disgrifio mewn amryw o ieithoedd. Caiff y wybodaeth hon ei storio mewn mathau newydd o endidau, o'r enw Lecsemau (L), Ffurfiau (F) ac Ystyron (S). Gallwch ddysgu fwy am y model data ar y dudalen ddogfennaeth.

The structured description of the words will be directly connected to the concepts. It will allow editors to describe precisely all words in all languages, and will be reusable, just like the whole content of Wikidata, by multiple tools and queries—everything that the community creates to play with words. Lexicographical data can be reused on the Wikimedia projects, and can provide support for Wiktionary.


  • 2012: first discussions about including lexicographical data into Wikidata
  • 2013–2016: many discussions with editors and developers, leading to several versions of the development plan
  • 2016: start of the development
  • 2017: continuing the development of the structure (Wikibase/Lexeme), development of several tools for Wiktionary (Sitelinks)
  • May 23rd, 2018: deployment of the first version of lexicographical data ✓ Done
  • October 16th, 2018: enabling lexicographical data in the Query Service ✓ Done
  • October 18th, 2018: enabling Senses ✓ Done
  • 2018–2022: iteration of the project, maintenance

Useful links