Wikidata:Lists/cemetery/Ireland/Carrickbrennan Churchyard

This is a list about Carrickbrennan Churchyard in Monkstown, County Dublin, Republic of Ireland at 53°17'23.64"N, 6°9'2.22"W.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

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?img label description occupation position held date of birth date of death place of birth place of death ?plot family name
William George Carlile Kent British Royal Navy officer (1788-1871) naval officer 1788 1871-05-13 Kent
Charles Haliday Irish antiquarian and reformer historian 1789 1866 Haliday
Joseph Holt Irish guerrilla 1756 1826-05-16 Redcross Dún Laoghaire Holt
William Betham Ulster King of Arms archaeologist
1779 1853 Stradbroke Betham
Carrickbrennan Churchyard cemetery in Monkstown, Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown

∑ 5 items.

End of automatically generated list.