
OverviewToolsRelated documents

In addition to the tools listed below, the 'wikidata' and 'openstreetmap' tags on Toolhub (Q80474554) can be used to find tools relating to Wikidata and OpenStreetMap.

OSM ↔ Wikidata matcher edit

OSM ↔ Wikidata matcher (Q62057752) is a tool running live using the Wikidata SPARQL query service and the OSM Overpass and Nominatim APIs. It works best with a city, island or administrative area. The index page displays list of existing matches and a search box. If you pick an existing result you'll see Wikidata items within the given area, for each item there is a list of candidate matching OSM items.

Sophox edit

Sophox (Q55840137) was a tool to find and cleanup OSM database issues using expertise of the entire community, but, as of July 2018, Sophox was still being rebuilt. Sophox could be used in several distinct ways: it could function as a challenge manager, similar to Osmose and MapRoulette and it could also let power users do complex query-driven search and replace tasks. Lastly, it could serve as a bot evaluation platform. It could also allows users to query data from both OpenStreetMap and Wikidata simultaneously, and combine it with any CSV external data source, including Overpass API. The service uses a well-defined SQL-like language called SPARQL. The service can also be used for direct OSM editing, either in a manual "search & replace", or as a challenge similar to MapRoulette. All Wikidata SPARQL documentation is at Wikidata Query Help. Similarly to Overpass-Turbo, this service can be used directly from JOSM. Read more at Openstreetmap:Sophox.

Sophox SPARQL service allows users to query data from both OpenStreetMap and Wikidata simultaneously, and combine it with any CSV external data source, including Overpass API.

SELECT DISTINCT ?osmId ?osmLoc ?wd ?wdLabel  WHERE {
  ?osmId osmt:wikidata ?wd ; osmm:loc ?osmLoc .  
  ?wd wdt:P31 wd:Q5119 .
  ?wd wdt:P1376 ?country .
  ?country wdt:P31 wd:Q3624078 .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en,fr,ru,es,de,zh,ja". }
Test it!
Using Sophox from
#Combine the Wikidata Query Service and the OpenStreetMap Sophox query service
PREFIX osmnode: <>
PREFIX osmway: <>
PREFIX osmrel: <>
PREFIX osmt: <>
PREFIX osmm: <>
PREFIX pageviews: <>
PREFIX osmd: <>
PREFIX osmdt: <>
PREFIX osmp: <>
PREFIX osmps: <>
PREFIX osmpq: <>

  BIND(wd:Q28695 as ?wd)
  SERVICE <> {
  ?osmid osmt:wikidata ?wd;
         osmt:building ?building;
         ?a ?b
Try it!

Mix'n'match edit

The Mix'n'match (Q28054658) tool occasionally holds catalogs related to OpenStreetMap. Current catalogs needing help include OpenStreetMap Relation identifier and NSW suburb OSM (relation IDs in OSM for suburbs in New South Wales, Australia).

OWL Map edit

OWL Map is a tool to help in linking Wikidata items with the matching object on OpenStreetMap.