Wikidata:Properties for deletion/P7662

Scilit journal ID (P7662): (delete | history | links | entity usage | logs | discussion)

The source website does not keep permanent identifiers for journals. After a website update, all IDs seem to have changed. All (?) IDs in Wikidata seem now either to resolve to a 404 page (Scilit journal ID (P7662) of Journal of inorganic and general chemistry (Q186776), Scilit journal ID (P7662) of Intel Technology Journal (Q130945), Scilit journal ID (P7662) of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (Q129122), ...) or refer to completely different entities now (Scilit journal ID (P7662) of Nucleic Acids Research (Q135122), Scilit journal ID (P7662) of Journal of Chemometrics (Q127755), Scilit journal ID (P7662) of Microscopy Research and Technique (Q59757), ...).

@GZWDer, Eihel: Ping as property creators. --Haansn08 (talk) 21:49, 4 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]