Wikidata:Property proposal/NLS Geographic Names Place ID

NLS-FI Named Place ID edit

Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Place

DescriptionNational Land Survey of Finland Geographic Names Register Named Place ID
Representsgeographic location (Q2221906)
Data typeExternal identifier
Domainphysical location (Q17334923)
Allowed values8 digits (allow 10)
ExampleKangasala (Q986322)10105946
External linksUse in sister projects: [ar][de][en][es][fr][he][it][ja][ko][nl][pl][pt][ru][sv][vi][zh][commons][species][wd][en.wikt][fr.wikt].
Planned useThis property can be used to link to information about Finnish named places and their verified names
Formatter URL$1

This property links to the Geographic Names Register maintained by the National Land Survey of Finland. The underlying URI-service is an unofficial experimental beta service. Susanna Ånäs (Susannaanas) (talk) 09:12, 21 June 2017 (UTC)[reply]
