
This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Reimagining Wikidata from the margins and the translation is 50% complete.
"Reimagining Wikidata"

⚙️ 概述

📗 如何參與?

💠 值得深思的議題

⌛ 時間軸

📆 WikidataCon 2021

維基數據的生態系統在過去九年中一直在快速增長,資料量與貢獻者也同步增長,並且各個利害關係人對於資料的使用情形越來越多。 儘管該專案設想構建所有人類知識的總和,用於服務其他維基媒體平台和外部項目,但我們仍然缺少全球南方和北方其他邊緣化社群——無論是資料或是貢獻者。

維基數據目前對歐洲和北美的關注可能會誤導有關邊緣社群的主題如何在專案中表示、使用哪些資源,即使它們存在或可見。 這是一個問題,特別是考慮到今天僅全球南方就佔了世界互聯網接入人口的近 80%,但我們目前在維基數據上看不到同樣的狀況。

維基數據基礎設施、內容和社群可以用在支持更好的理解和表達人類知識的多樣性! 我們需要一起反思和理解如何改變這種情況並去中心化維基數據。

「從邊際重塑維基數據」會在 WikidataCon 2021前進行,並且可能會在 10 月的會議之後繼續進行。 我們在此邀請來自代表性不足的社群與個人 (加上好盟友!),所以我們能在廣大的維基數據生態系當中,以有意義與賦權個人,能更瞭解與找出最佳運作方式。


  • 從全球南方以及其他邊綠社群激起眾多主題的辯論
  • 在相似背景下促進社群之間的聯繫
  • 識別社群關注的維基數據特定與一般問題/挑戰/需求/預期
  • 促進合作性的策略,來達成從原先的北美與歐洲的重心,非中心化維基數據
  • 合併文件/說明
  • 整合入大會議程這項去中心化的觀點與全球南方的聲音


When Wiki Movimento Brasil was invited to co-organize WikidataCon 2021 with Wikimedia Deutschland, we decided that we wanted to draw the attention of the global community to the experiences, possibilities, challenges and expectations of contributors that come from a marginalized context. This year’s theme, “a sustainable future for Wikidata”, goes in the same direction.

With that, we will lead a process that precedes the conference itself that will be based mainly on connecting and discussing with people from this marginalized context. From June to August, there will be a series of conversations. We’ll connect with local groups spread around the world to understand and collaborate on their Wikidata issues. The organization team of WikidataCon will also design activities before the conference itself to leverage capacity building and analytical discussions in some underrepresented communities. Some of the topics that are expected to be covered in the process can be as broad as:

  • Data and internet access: regional implications for contributing to Wikidata (mobile access)
  • Language diversity through data modeling lenses
  • Communication and engagement with the broad community
  • Citations, scholarly work and libraries
  • GLAM partnerships and processes
  • Education projects with Wikidata

After the activities, we'll summarize the discussions in a document to be presented to the community after WikidataCon 2021, envisioning possible ways to further integrate data and volunteers from marginalized communities on Wikidata.

There’s no closed roadmap for solving diversity and knowledge equity on Wikidata. That’s why Reimagining Wikidata from the margins is experimental, flexible in its approach and open for collaboration!

Check out the How to participate? section to better understand the process.


You can find more pivotal ideas for this process inspired in previous discussions led by Whose Knowledge? here and here. A special thanks to them, especially for supporting the conception of the project name.
