Wikidata:Requests for comment/Spelling convention for labels and descriptions in English

An editor has requested the community to provide input on "Spelling convention for labels and descriptions in English" via the Requests for comment (RFC) process. This is the discussion page regarding the issue.

If you have an opinion regarding this issue, feel free to comment below. Thank you!

I'd like to invite you to discuss the default spelling convention for the en label in the Wikidata project. Currently, there is no clear guideline on which spelling convention should be used and this may lead to inconsistencies and debates among users. With English having multiple regional variations, it is essential to establish a consistent approach to labelling that respects these differences.

Given that Wikidata is a global knowledge base that aims to provide neutral and unbiased information, I believe it's essential that the en label favours the so-called International English or Oxford spelling convention. This convention is widely recognized and used globally and is adopted by various international organizations such as the UN, WHO, IMF, NATO, etc.

It's worth noting that there are already separate en-us, en-gb, en-ca labels, which specifically cater to their respective English spelling conventions. Therefore, it's logical to keep the en label as neutral as possible, avoiding any perceived bias towards a specific regional variation of English.

By adopting the International English spelling convention for the en label, we can uphold a consistent approach that resonates with Wikidata's diverse global audience.

Labels and descriptions in English are crucial for facilitating search, discovery, and understanding of entities. However, the lack of a clear standard for handling ambiguous words can lead to inconsistencies, errors, and confusion.

By addressing this challenge, I believe we can provide a better experience for our users.

Carbonaro. (talk) 14:45, 25 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]