Wikidata:Schema proposals

Schema proposals

This page allows you to propose a Wikidata Schema that can be used to model a particular type of item on Wikidata. Before proposing a schema, please search Wikidata:List of schemas to see if it already exists.

Schemas are created through discussion with the community, which helps to consider a wide range of use cases and contexts. The new Wikidata Schema will be created once the community reaches consensus about the correct model to use.

Propose a schema

Schema proposals




The schema proposals are divided by topic, click to see all schemas in discussion in the topic

Uncategorized Archives Art Biography Biology Education
Encyclopedia Entertainment Food Finance General Geography
Heritage infrastructure Language Location Media Medical Organisation
Publishing Religion Science Sport Transport


Community discussion underway to determine if the schema is needed, and plan the structure if so
Proposed structure for the schema has been decided, so it's ready for a technical user to create the new Wikidata Schema
The new Wikidata Schema has been created, a link to the new schema is shown
   Not done
Reason: ...
The schema proposal has been rejected for the reason given


1. Check for an existing schema: You may find the schema you are looking for already exists. Check the Schema directory page to confirm that it does not exist yet.
2. Propose new schema: Click the button at the top of this page to propose a new schema.
3. Discussion: After completing the proposal form, a page will be created for the new Schema where you will be able to discuss it with the community. The discussion will allow you to decide which sort of statements are required for the type of item represented by the schema.
4. Mark as ready: Once there is an agreement about the structure of the schema then it can be marked as "Ready" so that someone can create it.
5. Schema creation: A user with technical knowledge will create the new schema. The proposal page is marked as "Done" at this stage.

After the new schema has been created, all future discussion should occur on it's talk page. The proposal page will be closed for discussion, and links will be added between the proposal page and the talk page of the new schema so future editors can follow the decision making process.