
This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Scholia and the translation is 65% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

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Scholia profile of a topic


Scholia (Q45340488)   is a project to present bibliographic information and scholarly profiles of authors and institutions using Wikidata, the community-curated database supporting Wikipedia and all other Wikimedia projects. Scholia is being developed in the framework of the larger WikiCite initiative, which seeks to index bibliographic metadata in Wikidata about resources that can be used to substantiate claims made on Wikidata, Wikipedia or elsewhere.

Att använda Scholia


En personprofil i Scholia

Access the Scholia tool at The menu bar lists "author", "work", "organization", "topic", and suggested other data visualization options. Anyone who wishes to see a scholarly profile of a researcher based on Wikidata information about their publications may search for their name in the "author" presentation. For a Wikidata profile of a publication, search "work", and so on for the others.

Att skapa en vetenskaplig profil

When Wikidata has an item entry for a person and item entries for at least some of their publications, then Scholia will use that information to generate a scholarly profile. Anyone wishing to create a scholarly profile with Scholia should edit the Wikidata item for that person in the usual way of engaging with Wikidata. In addition to editing the item for individuals, one should provide Wikidata with a list of that person's publications with appropriate structured data indicating that they are an author of these publications.

Att bidra med bibliografiska data

Wikidata is seeking structured metadata for academic publications. The project through which the Wikimedia community is managing the social, technical, data accession, and data implementation issues for citations is WikiCite. While smaller data experiments on the order of perhaps hundreds of publications are appropriate for anyone to upload, anyone engaged in large-scale citation upload should join the Wikicite community to review the thousands of pages of documentation and content describing the complicated relationship between Wikipedia, Wikidata, and citations to everything ever published.

To contribute enough data to create scholarly profiles for a few individuals, then collect the digital object identifier (Q25670)s for their publications and upload them to Wikidata using any of the tools which format citations for Wikidata. WikiProject Source MetaData presents tools including fatameh and Source MetaData.

Andra visualiseringar

Scholia offers visualizations for publications, organizations, and other entities. The model for preparing visualizations for any of these is the same as for an individual researcher: first set up a Wikidata item for the entity to profile, then upload citations to publications which have structured data noting the relationship of the publication to the entity to profile. For instance, items about publications that have a main subject (P921) statement will appear in the "topic" visualization (example: Zika virus).

Användning som referenshanterare

Scholia integrates with BibTeX (Q8029), i.e. from inside TeX (Q5301) or LaTeX (Q5310) documents, a particular reference can be cited by just using their Wikidata identifier, through which Scholia can retrieve the bibliographic metadata that BibTeX can process to format the output according to the style file defined in the document.

Varför det är viktigt

Scholia detail: an author's most frequent publication venues
En presentation om Scholia på WikidataCon 2017.
En presentation om Scholia på Wikimania 2019

Scholia tillhandahåller visualiseringar och tillgång till data som är användbar för många forskare och som annars är antingen dyr och arbetskrävande att komma åt eller som finns i slutna kommersiella databaser.

Hur det fungerar

Scholia använder sig av flera olika Wikidatafunktionaliteter. För att skapa en profil använder det sig av Special:MyLanguage/Wikidata:SPARQL query service. Andra verktyg används för några av visualiseringarna.

Usage on Wikimedia sites

While Scholia uses data from Wikidata, it can itself be used across Wikimedia projects, e.g. by way of a template pointing from a Wikipedia or Wikimedia Commons page to a corresponding Scholia profile. A subset of such usage is tracked here.


Finn Årup Nielsen created the tool and encourages the Wikimedia community to engage with it.


Scholia's dependencies

Scholia profiles

Saknade sidor

Several of Scholia's aspects have associated pages that help curate gaps related to the profile in question. They can usually be accessed by adding /curation to the profile's URL.


Some of Scholia's aspects allow to compare several entities. They can usually be accessed by changing the aspect in the URL from singular to plural and adding the Wikidata identifiers after the slash, separated by commas. The current setup supports comparisons of up to about 5 entities.

WikiCite tool chain


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