Wikidata:ScienceSource project/NCBI2wikidata additional

This page records QuickStatements postings of NCBI2wikidata runs, from June 2019, that were auxiliary to the main project.

Individual MeSH term runs

MeSH Descriptor Edit groups
Vascular Diseases [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8],

[9], [10], [11], [12]

Immunocompromised Host [13]
Tomography, X-Ray Computed [14]
Environmental Exposure [15], [16],


Mutation [18], [19], [20]
Vaccines [21], [22]
Communicable Disease Control [23]
Drug Discovery [24]
Disease Models, Animal [25], [26]
Polymorphism, Genetic [27]
Biomedical Research [28], [29], [30]
Connective Tissue Diseases [31], [32]
Biomarkers [33], [34], [35]
Pregnancy Complications [36], [37]
Anti-Infective Agents [38], [39], [40], [41]
Research [42], [43]
Patient Care [44], [45], [46], [47]
Arthritis [48], [49], [50]
Skin Diseases [51], [52], [53], [54]
Hemorrhagic Fevers, Viral [55]
Cerebral Cortex [56]
Autoimmune Diseases [57], [58], [59], [60], [61]
Urologic Surgical Procedures [62]
Rare Diseases [63]
Genetic Variation [64], [65], [66],


Carcinogenesis [68]
Biological Phenomena G16 [69], [70],

[71], [72], [73], [74], [75], [76],
[77], [78], [79], [80], [81], [82], [83], [84], [85],
[86], [87], [88], [89], [90], [91], [92], [93], [94], [95]

Cardiovascular Diseases [96], [97], [98],

[99], [100], [101], [102], [103], [104], [105], [106]

Therapeutics [107], [108], [109],

[110], [111], [112], [113], [114], [115], [116], [117], [118], [119], [120], [121], [122], [123]

Compound MeSH term runs

MeSH Descriptors Edit groups
Abortion, Threatened + DNA Cleavage + DNA Fragmentation + Dydrogesterone + Embryo Loss + Grief + Likelihood Functions + Maternal Age + Risk Factors + Sudden Infant Death [124], [125]
Adaptation, Psychological + Age Factors + Bereavement + Endometrium + Estradiol + Social Support + Thyroid Gland + Trophoblasts [126], [127], [128]
Disinfectants + Laminin + Lead + Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (NADPH2) + Progesterone + Solvents + Transcobalamins + Trichloroethylene + Trihalomethanes + Uterine Cervical Incompetence + Water Supply [129]
Killer Cells, Natural + Antigens, Differentiation, T-Leucocyte + Water Pollutants + Epidemiologic Factors + Autoantibodies + Risk [130]
Host-Parasite Interactions + Cholestectomy + Contact Lenses + Diagnostic Techniques, Opthalmological + Mirizzi Syndrome + Pelvic Bones + Placenta + Pregnancy Proteins + Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-1 [131]
Alcohol Drinking + Health Status Indicators + Neovascularization, Pathologic [132]
Animal Distribution + Anthelmintics + Antigens, Helminth + Biomphalaria + Cartilage Oligomeric Matric Protein + Coinfection + Entamoebiasis + Gastropoda + Heat-Shock Proteins + Hydrocephalus, Normal Pressure + Mass Screening + Point-of-Care Systems + Point-of-Care Testing + Salmonella Food Poisoning + Salmonella Infections + Schistosoma + Snails [133], [134]
Disease Eradication + Air Pollutants + Dairy Products + Disease Notification + Endemic Diseases + Feces + Health Expenditures + Medicaid + Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques + Schistosoma mansoni + Severity of Illness Index + Vaccines, Attenuated [135], [136]
Abdominal Abscess + Acaricides + Bandages + Cholangiopancreatography, Endoscopic Retrograde + Clomiphene + Cocaine + Dermatologic Agents + Drainage + Drug Eruptions + Hydroxy Acids + Insulin Resistance + Keratinocytes + Molluscacides + Niclosamide + Pancreatectomy + Pancreatic Fistula + Retinoids [137], [138]
Hearing Loss, Central + Attentional Blink + Monensin + Plummer-Vinson Syndrome + Neuracanthocytosis + Articulation Disorders + Gingival Recession + Coccidiostats + Conversion Disorder + Post-Concussion Syndrome + Chlorpyrifos + Arthrogryposis + Breakthrough Pain + Beds + Malignant Atrophic Papulosis + Phantom Limb + Tooth Loss + Hemangioma, Cavernous, Central Nervous System + Klinefelter Syndrome + Phobic Disorders + Tears + Niemann-Pick Disease, Type C + Hookworm Infections + Meditation + Language Development Disorders + Expert Testimony + Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship + Neoplasm, Residual + Pemphigus + Ciliary Motility Disorders + Standard of Care + Chronobiology Disorders + Multiple Chemical Sensitivity + Patient Positioning + Ixodidae + Livestock + Posture + Heart Conduction System + Disability Evaluation + Electromagnetic Fields + Plants, Genetically Modified + Ciliopathies + Positive Pressure Respiration + Radiology [139], [140]
Postural Balance + Attention + Muscle Strength + Ultraviolet Rays + Water Supply + Robotics + Cell Culture Techniques + Stroke Rehabilitation + Insecticides [141]
Apicomplexa + Biocompatible Materials + Gene Regulatory Networks [142], [143],


Herbicides + Immune Tolerance [145], [146], [147]

Direct ingestion


The immediate motivation for these runs was for ingestion to the ScienceSource wiki, and this has been carried out (for practical reasons) directly, not via the focus list.

The following query is an example (nephrology):

#Direct ScienceSource ingest query
#With checking of absence of paper from the focus list
#Checks for publishers found on Beall's list
#Removes "no derivatives" Creative Commons licenses

SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?pmcid ?journalLabel ?title ?date ?licenseLabel ?mainsubjectLabel
         ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q7318358;
               wdt:P932 ?pmcid;
               wdt:P1433 ?journal;
               wdt:P1476 ?title;
               wdt:P577 ?date;
               wdt:P275 ?license;
               wdt:P921 ?mainsubject. 
         ?mainsubject wdt:P1995 ?spec.
          ?spec wdt:P361* wd:Q177635.
           MINUS {?item wdt:P5008 wd:Q55439927}
       MINUS {?item wdt:P275 wd:Q36795408} #Remove these ND licences
         MINUS {?item wdt:P275 wd:Q6937225}
         MINUS {?item wdt:P275 wd:Q19125045}
         MINUS {?item wdt:P275 wd:Q24082749}
         MINUS {?journal wdt:P123 ?publisher.
           VALUES ?publisher
          {wd:Q52636754 wd:Q52635805 wd:Q4689899 wd:Q52620137 wd:Q4732612 
           wd:Q43080819 wd:Q30270870 wd:Q30297686 wd:Q52661346 wd:Q52636079 
           wd:Q52557383 wd:Q54958933 wd:Q2896740 wd:Q18712923 wd:Q52609680 
           wd:Q52609536 wd:Q52636154 wd:Q52609215 wd:Q80796 wd:Q52636535 
           wd:Q52633727 wd:Q52636944 wd:Q63254434 wd:Q52637577 wd:Q52665969 wd:Q52660711
           wd:Q52659576 wd:Q56979398 wd:Q52670242 wd:Q29891111 wd:Q63254475 wd:Q52619294 
           wd:Q52662151 wd:Q7072722 wd:Q52609375 wd:Q7259709 wd:Q52636843 
           wd:Q45251004 wd:Q52637573 wd:Q52662489 wd:Q52635330 wd:Q47116994 
           wd:Q30267116 wd:Q24706265 wd:Q52620720 wd:Q52633876 wd:Q56416796 
           wd:Q52660351 wd:Q52635690 wd:Q7433770 wd:Q27991304 wd:Q55566796 
           wd:Q52619286 wd:Q30265175 wd:Q8035326 
        SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

Try it!

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