Wikidata:ScienceSource project/Project tools

Here is a listing of the seven basic tools used in the project:

Tool Where found? How used?
GenerateMeshTerms GitHub Converts a JSON file of specialties into a JSON file of disease MeSH terms, which can be used as an input for NCBI2wikidata.
NCBI2wikidata GitHub Takes as input file of specialities, and gives as output QuickStatements code relating to six Wikidata properties
QuickStatements WMF Labs (1) Converts NCBI2wikidata output into Wikidata content
(2) Moves items onto the ScienceSource focus list
(3) Moves ScienceSource wiki statements into Wikidata
Wikidata query service (1) Selects items for the focus list
(2) Input to the aaraa tool
(3) Creates input file for ScienceSourceIngest
(4) Used for MEDRS filtering of sources
aaraa tool URL Takes a suitable SPARQL query and returns a JSON file of labels, in the form of a WikiFactMine dictionary
ScienceSourceIngest GitHub Takes inputs including metadata from Wikidata and dictionaries, and creates HMTL versions of articles, and annotation items, on the ScienceSource wiki.
Review tool URL as installed, source on GitHub Allows human review of ScienceSource annotations.