Wikidata:Status updates/2012 06 15

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2012-06-15


  • Reorganized the three git repos for our extensions into one. (This made us very happy and will cause fewer tears in the future. ;-))
  • Added title normalization
  • Edits in the repo now have a comment added in the history entry
  • Sent proposal about interwiki table in MediaWiki core:
  • Finalized implementation of user interface for editing and adding aliases
  • Started review of Wikidata branch with Tim Starling
  • Untangled Wikibase Libs from Wikibase Repo code (removed cross-dependencies)
  • Refactored ItemView
  • Launched 20% code review session
  • Revised the storyboards for linking between Wikipedias
  • Checked what is left that absolutely needs to be finished before the demo at Wikimania

See current sprint items for what we’re working on next.

You can follow Template:Wdchanges and view the subset Template:Wdreview.





see Events

  • Wikidata intro in Dresden
  • upcoming: Wikidata & Global Open Data: a roundtable discussion

other stuff


Anything to add? Please share! :)