Wikidata:Status updates/2012 08 24

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2012-08-24.


  • Pywikidata, developed by Joan Creus, was released \o/
  • Updated demo system
  • The repository part of the demo system had — believe it or not — too many entries from user and bot activity, apparently making it difficult to find a page to create. We truncated and filled it with about 100 chemical elements again
  • Started to implement new layout: this includes restructuring DOM and introducing an action column
  • Started refactoring of selenium tests layout
  • Finished most of the core of the phase 2 data model implementation
  • Created abstract storage interface for the repository
  • Started generalizing the secondary storage to work for all types of entities
  • Picked up work on the ContentHandler again, addressing concerns voiced by WMF staff and tying up loose ends
  • Started work on edit collision detection, will be changed as we observed unexpected side effects
  • The new API module for linking titles is live
  • Launched a demo client site in Hebrew
  • Various internationalization improvements and fixes
  • Revising the Special:ItemByTitle page on the repository
  • Special:ItemByLabel will become Special:ItemDisambiguation

See current sprint items for what we’re working on next.

You can follow Template:Wdchanges and view the subset Template:Wdreview.





see Events

  • Campus Party
  • upcoming: FrOSCon
  • upcoming: WikiCon
  • announced next office hours (5th and 6th of Sept.)
  • still looking for support for our SxSW panel

Open Tasks for You

  • for possible coding tasks check this
  • check the needs-input box |here and see where you can give feedback

Anything to add? Please share! :)