Wikidata:Status updates/2012 10 19

This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2012-10-19.


  • Published draft about how information flow from Wikidata repository to client should work
  • Updated the demo system
  • Validation results of Wikidata’s HTML
  • Implemented the API serialization of entities in the API serializers
  • Updated the getentities API module to use the API serializers
  • Worked on implementation of data model in JavaScript
  • Fixed diff view for entities other than Items
  • Created a simple script to fill the test database with properties for chemical elements
  • Moved most of the JavaScript code into WikibaseLib
  • Improved code for Recent Changes on the client
  • Prepared for experiments with Apache Solr
  • Fix core bugs that appeared after ContentHandler branch merge and deployment on some Wikimedia wikis
  • Fixed a bug that make it possible to store links to invalid pages
  • There is on-going work on a change from type-less identifiers for entities to identifiers that also carry type
  • Made site links table sortable
  • Worked on review statistics and JS documentation in doxygen (both not finished yet)
  • Latest review status update here

See current sprint items for what we’re working on next.

You can follow Template:Wdchanges and view the subset Template:Wdreview.





see Events

  • Wikimedia CEE meeting
  • upcoming: Bootstrapping Awesome
  • upcoming: SMWCon

Other Noteworthy Stuff


Open Tasks for You


Anything to add? Please share! :)