
This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Tools/OpenRefine/Editing/FAQ and the translation is 27% complete.

Czy mogę dodawać linki interwiki?

No, sitelinks are not supported yet.

Czy mogę usuwać właściwości?

Removing statements is not supported yet. One way to achieve that is to generate QuickStatements, prepend a minus sign on the statements that should be deleted, and use that with QuickStatements.

Czy mogę łączyć elementy?

Merging items is not supported.

Can I add unknown value / no value claims?

These types of claims are not supported natively yet. When using item-valued properties, you can use placeholder for "somevalue" (Q53569537) which is automatically replaced by a bot.

Can I set custom ranks on the statements I add?

No, all ranks are set to normal, custom ranks are not supported yet.