
illustration of a simple operation with wikibase-edit
illustration of simple and advanced claims edition

wikibase-edit, also known as WikibaseJS-edit, is a JavaScript library (Q783866) that simplifies the work of making a program or a script to make edits on Wikidata or any other Wikibase (Q16354758) instance.

Main Features edit

simplifies edits edit

For instance, to add a claim, instead of having to generate the following object (as expected by the Wikibase API)

  "mainsnak": {
    "snaktype": "value",
    "property": "P569",
    "datavalue": {
      "value": {
        "time": "+1802-02-26T00:00:00Z",
        "timezone": 0,
        "before": 0,
        "after": 0,
        "precision": 11,
        "calendarmodel": ""
      "type": "time"
    "datatype": "time"
  "type": "statement",
  "rank": "preferred",
  "qualifiers": {
    "P459": [
        "snaktype": "value",
        "property": "P459",
        "hash": "795a0965a5fb08644610daba94b77779b68d45fa",
        "datavalue": {
          "value": {
            "entity-type": "item",
            "numeric-id": 15605,
            "id": "Q15605"
          "type": "wikibase-entityid"
        "datatype": "wikibase-item"
  "references": [
      "snaks": {
        "P854": [
            "snaktype": "value",
            "property": "P854",
            "datavalue": {
              "value": "",
              "type": "string"
            "datatype": "url"

you will just need to generate the much simpler:

  value: '1802-02-26',
  rank: 'preferred',
  qualifiers: {
    P459: 'Q15605'
  references: [
      P854: ''

validation edit

provides some local validation to help you figure-out what's wrong in your input in a more precise way than what the Wikibase API would have returned

authentication edit

handles authentication to the Wikibase API, either with a username and a password, or with OAuth credentials. See Config documentation.

other edit

Code edit

Issues edit

To signal a bug or ask for help, you can open an issue at

Documentation edit

See How To

Used by edit

List of edits edit

Edits done by wikibase-edit use the WikibaseJS-edit tag by default, which allows to get a list of edits done this way: WikibaseJS-edit in Recent Changes.