Wikidata:Twelfth Birthday/Run an event/Schedule

Wikidata's distributed birthday | October-November 2024 | #WikidataBirthday

This page explains how to schedule an event in the calendar, how to create documentation and advertise your event.

Prepare useful information


In order to communicate efficiently about your event, make sure that you have the following information ready:

  • Name of your event
  • Date, time, duration
  • Short and catchy description to get people excited and tell them what to expect from the event
  • Expected audience: is it open to beginners? are there any prerequisits to join?
  • For an onsite event: Location, address, directions to arrive
  • For an online event: Tools used, access links, requirements to join
  • Registration form if any, open list of participants
  • Place to ask questions or way to contact the organizers

Add your event to the calendar


In order to add your event to the list that is displayed on the main page, here are the instructions to follow:

Add your event to the calendar table


Step 1: Prepare all the information listed above.

Step 2: Open this page and add a line corresponding to your event, keeping the table ordered by day/time of start of the event. You can do it either using the visual editor, or the code editor, by adding this bit of code to the desired location:

|'''Name of the event + link'''
Description in 2-3 sentences max.
|Date and time in UTC with a link to Zonestamp
|Name of the organizers
|Language(s) of the event
|Location if onsite. Links to join if online. Recording if any.

Add your event to the map



Create a wiki page for your event


On top of the calendar entry, we encourage you to create a wikipage for your event, so it is easier to edit by several organizers, or to add an open participants list for example. The link to this page should be added to the calendar.

If you already have a Wikiproject or a page on Wikidata or Meta where you describe the activities of your group: great, you can create a subpage or section for your event there!

Alternatively, you can create a subpage of Wikidata:Twelfth Birthday, for example Wikidata:Twelfth Birthday/Meetup in Kerala, India.

Don't forget to add the category [[Category:Wikidata birthday|12]] to your wiki page.

Other platforms to advertise your event


On top of having your event in the main 10th birthday calendar, you may want to advertise it on other platforms: Facebook event, your local open source events calendar, on social channels like Mastodon, Instagram, Whatsapp, Telegram, etc. You know your community, what tools they use and what is the best way to get them engaged.