Wikidata:WikiFactMine/Dictionary list

This is listing of dictionaries used in WikiFactMine search that are generated by SPARQL queries.
Dictionaries can be illustrated displayed as a whole: example for Liliales. Your dictionary can be here.
Plants A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZOther
Dictionary name Description[1] Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number[2]
Find images[3] Metaphacts view
acanthaceae Plant taxons contained in Acanthaceae (Q53475) Tree view here query 1138 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
achariaceae Plant taxons contained in Achariaceae (Q651518) Tree view here query 1124 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
actinidiaceae Plant taxons contained in Actinidiaceae (Q156666) Tree view here query 187 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
ageratina Plant taxons contained in Ageratina (Q2704494) Tree view here query 1196 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
aizoaceae Plant taxons contained in Aizoaceae (Q156219) Tree view here query 160 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
alismatales Plant taxons contained in Alismatales (Q27341) Tree view here query 108 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
alliaceae Plant taxons contained in Alliaceae (Q14554991) Tree view here query 138 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
amaranthaceae Plant taxons contained in Amaranthaceae (Q155931) Tree view here query 161 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
amaryllidaceae Plant taxons contained in Amaryllidaceae (Q155848) Tree view here query 134 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
anaphalis Plant taxons contained in Anaphalis (Q607018) Tree view here query 2115 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
angraecum Plant taxons contained in Angraecum (Q21139) Tree view here query 142 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
apiaceae Plant taxons contained in Apiaceae (Q145794) Tree view here query 1160 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
apocynaceae Plant taxons contained in Apocynaceae (Q173756) Tree view here query 1151 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
appendicula Plant taxons contained in Appendicula (Q133794) Tree view here query 143 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
aquifoliales Plant taxons contained in Aquifoliales (Q21779) Tree view here query 196 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
arachnothryx Plant taxons contained in Arachnothryx (Q4783588) Tree view here query 1192 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
araliaceae Plant taxons contained in Araliaceae (Q193335) Tree view here query 1161 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
arecales Plant taxons contained in Arecales (Q1096533) Tree view here query 149 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
aspalathus Plant taxons contained in Aspalathus (Q783956) Tree view here query 2121 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
asparagaceae Plant taxons contained in Asparagaceae (Q157167) Tree view here query 133 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
asperula Plant taxons contained in Asperula (Q157934) Tree view here query 1178 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
aspilia Plant taxons contained in Aspilia (Q4808067) Tree view here query 2117 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
axonopus Plant taxons contained in Axonopus (Q2634101) Tree view here query 1170 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
bidens Plant taxons contained in Bidens (Q157173) Tree view here query 1197 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
bignoniaceae Plant taxons contained in Bignoniaceae (Q213453) Tree view here query 1144 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
blumea Plant taxons contained in Blumea (Q2267837) Tree view here query 2114 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
boraginaceae Plant taxons contained in Boraginaceae (Q26568) Tree view here query 188 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
brachiaria Plant taxons contained in Brachiaria (Q2699312) Tree view here query 1166 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
brassicales Plant taxons contained in Brassicales (Q21904) Tree view here query 174 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
bromeliaceae Plant taxons contained in Bromeliaceae (Q156529) Tree view here query 1104 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
bruniales Plant taxons contained in Bruniales (Q132694) Tree view here query 197 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
buxales Plant taxons contained in Buxales (Q21020) Tree view here query 113 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
cactaceae Plant taxons contained in Cactaceae (Q14560) Tree view here query 158 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
calea Plant taxons contained in Calea (Q2661782) Tree view here query 2103 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
calophyllaceae Plant taxons contained in Calophyllaceae (Q133249) Tree view here query 1129 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
campanulaceae Plant taxons contained in Campanulaceae (Q155802) Tree view here query 1155 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
cannabaceae Plant taxons contained in Cannabaceae (Q156338) Tree view here query 1135 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
caryophyllaceae Plant taxons contained in Caryophyllaceae (Q25995) Tree view here query 159 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
celastrales Plant taxons contained in Celastrales (Q21870) Tree view here query 156 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
chenopodiaceae Plant taxons contained in Chenopodiaceae (Q157881) Tree view here query 166 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
chromolaena Plant taxons contained in Chromolaena (Q2711819) Tree view here query 2104 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
chrysobalanaceae Plant taxons contained in Chrysobalanaceae (Q614604) Tree view here query 1126 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
cichorioideae Plant taxons contained in Cichorioideae (Q133142) Tree view here query 2129 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
clusiaceae Plant taxons contained in Clusiaceae (Q132429) Tree view here query 1121 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
coffea Plant taxons contained in Coffea (Q156354) Tree view here query 1186 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
combretaceae Plant taxons contained in Combretaceae (Q44002) Tree view here query 1113 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
commelinales Plant taxons contained in Commelinales (Q290349) Tree view here query 147 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
coprosma Plant taxons contained in Coffea (Q156354) Tree view here query 1187 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
coreopsis Plant taxons contained in Coreopsis (Q1362995) Tree view here query 2109 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
cornales Plant taxons contained in Cornales (Q21769) Tree view here query 126 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
cousinia Plant taxons contained in Cousinia (Q3233093) Tree view here query 1194 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
cracca Plant taxons contained in Cracca (Q10261336) Tree view here query 2128 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
crossosomatales Plant taxons contained in Crossosomatales (Q21860) Tree view here query 176 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
cucurbitales Plant taxons contained in Cucurbitales (Q21875) Tree view here query 152 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
cynorkis Plant taxons contained in Cynorkis (Q1318743) Tree view here query 144 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
cyperaceae Plant taxons contained in Cyperaceae (Q155843) Tree view here query 1102 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
cyrtochilum Plant taxons contained in Cyrtochilum (Q8353041) Tree view here query 141 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
dasypogonaceae Plant taxons contained in Dasypogonaceae (Q133221) Tree view here query 148 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
dendrochilum Plant taxons contained in Dendrochilum (Q2720025) Tree view here query 139 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
dilleniaceae Plant taxons contained in Dilleniaceae (Q756019) Tree view here query 120 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
dioscoreales Plant taxons contained in Dioscoreales (Q747698) Tree view here query 111 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
diplostephium Plant taxons contained in Diplostephium (Q2712859) Tree view here query 2110 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
dipsacaceae Plant taxons contained in Dipsacaceae (Q156665) Tree view here query 1156 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
dipsacales Plant taxons contained in Dipsacales (Q21774) Tree view here query 195 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
droseraceae Plant taxons contained in Droseraceae (Q156185) Tree view here query 169 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
ebenaceae Plant taxons contained in Ebenaceae (Q156669) Tree view here query 186 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
elaeagnaceae Plant taxons contained in Elaeagnaceae (Q156326) Tree view here query 1137 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
emilia Plant taxons contained in Emilia (Q5371629) Tree view here query 2113 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
ericaceae Plant taxons contained in Ericaceae (Q975872) Tree view here query 177 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
eriocaulaceae Plant taxons contained in Eriocaulaceae (Q131321) Tree view here query 1106 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
eriosema Plant taxons contained in Eriosema (Q3310286) Tree view here query 2124 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
escalloniales Plant taxons contained in Escalloniales (Q2274399) Tree view here query 198 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
euasteridsII Plant taxons contained in euasterids II (Q14405943) Tree view here query 129 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
euphorbiaceae Plant taxons contained in Euphorbiaceae (Q156584) Tree view here query 1115 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
fagales Plant taxons contained in Fagales (Q21881) Tree view here query 153 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
faramea Plant taxons contained in Faramea (Q5434817) Tree view here query 1175 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
feuilleea Plant taxons contained in Feuilleea (Q17425673) Tree view here query 2125 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
galactia Plant taxons contained in Galactia (Q3310309) Tree view here query 2126 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
galium Plant taxons contained in Galium (Q148633) Tree view here query 1172 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
gardenia Plant taxons contained in Gardenia (Q740887) Tree view here query 1183 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
gentianaceae Plant taxons contained in Gentianaceae (Q157216) Tree view here query 1152 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
geraniales Plant taxons contained in Geraniales (Q14272) Tree view here query 175 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
gesneriaceae Plant taxons contained in Lamiaceae (Q53476) Tree view here query 1140 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
goodeniaceae Plant taxons contained in Goodeniaceae (Q547938) Tree view here query 1157 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
guettarda Plant taxons contained in Guettarda (Q652471) Tree view here query 1181 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
gunneraceae Plant taxons contained in Gunneraceae (Q2338324) Tree view here query 121 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
gunnerales Plant taxons contained in Gunnerales (Q21846) Tree view here query 117 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
gynoxys Plant taxons contained in Gynoxys (Q5625205) Tree view here query 2106 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
hedyotis Plant taxons contained in Hedyotis (Q5222029) Tree view here query 1176 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
helictotrichon Plant taxons contained in Helictotrichon (Q162863) Tree view here query 1169 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
hoffmannia Plant taxons contained in Hoffmannia (Q3457373) Tree view here query 1189 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
hypericaceae Plant taxons contained in Hypericaceae (Q158185) Tree view here query 1130 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
hypoxidaceae Plant taxons contained in Hypoxidaceae (Q131282) Tree view here query 135 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
icacinaceae Plant taxons contained in Icacinaceae (Q133316) Tree view here query 189 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
iridaceae Plant taxons contained in Iridaceae (Q155941) Tree view here query 132 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
isachne Plant taxons contained in Isachne (Q2552083) Tree view here query 1168 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
juncaceae Plant taxons contained in Juncaceae (Q156169) Tree view here query 1107 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
jurinea Plant taxons contained in Jurinea (Q2552552) Tree view here query 1199 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
koanophyllon Plant taxons contained in Koanophyllon (Q1342526) Tree view here query 2112 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
laurales Plant taxons contained in Laurales (Q21801) Tree view here query 106 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
lecythidaceae Plant taxons contained in Lecythidaceae (Q161929) Tree view here query 182 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
lepidaploa Plant taxons contained in Lepidaploa (Q1342551) Tree view here query 2108 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
lessingianthus Plant taxons contained in Lessingianthus (Q10317590) Tree view here query 2116 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
ligularia Plant taxons contained in Ligularia (Q1156814) Tree view here query 2102 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
liliales Plant taxons contained in Liliales (Q53478) Tree view here query 109 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
linaceae Plant taxons contained in Linaceae (Q155951) Tree view here query 1127 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
linderniaceae Plant taxons contained in Linderniaceae (Q648186) Tree view here query 1147 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
loganiaceae Plant taxons contained in Loganiaceae (Q500842) Tree view here query 1153 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
lotononis Plant taxons contained in Lotononis (Q3311123) Tree view here query 2122 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
lythraceae Plant taxons contained in Lythraceae (Q156022) Tree view here query 1112 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
malpighiaceae Plant taxons contained in Malpighiaceae (Q632563) Tree view here query 1116 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
malvales Plant taxons contained in Malvales (Q21908) Tree view here query 171 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
manettia Plant taxons contained in Coffea (Q156354) Tree view here query 1188 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
marcgraviaceae Plant taxons contained in Marcgraviaceae (Q132350) Tree view here query 185 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
melastomataceae Plant taxons contained in Melastomataceae (Q648380) Tree view here query 1109 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
menyanthaceae Plant taxons contained in Menyanthaceae (Q161177) Tree view here query 1159 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
mikania Plant taxons contained in Mikania (Q2698264) Tree view here query 1198 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
montiaceae Plant taxons contained in Montiaceae (Q1200455) Tree view here query 165 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
moraceae Plant taxons contained in Moraceae (Q156579) Tree view here query 1134 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
morinda Plant taxons contained in Morinda (Q850491) Tree view here query 1185 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
muhlenbergia Plant taxons contained in Muhlenbergia (Q2111903) Tree view here query 1165 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
mussaenda Plant taxons contained in Mussaenda (Q2700681) Tree view here query 1177 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
myrtaceae Plant taxons contained in Myrtaceae (Q156563) Tree view here query 1110 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
nassella Plant taxons contained in Nassella (Q588255) Tree view here query 1167 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
notopleura Plant taxons contained in Notopleura (Q10603721) Tree view here query 1193 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
nyctaginaceae Plant taxons contained in Nyctaginaceae (Q156227) Tree view here query 162 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
ochnaceae Plant taxons contained in Ochnaceae (Q133319) Tree view here query 1128 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
oldenlandia Plant taxons contained in Oldenlandia (Q2464908) Tree view here query 1174 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
oleaceae Plant taxons contained in Oleaceae (Q155966) Tree view here query 1146 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
olearia Plant taxons contained in Olearia (Q291873) Tree view here query 2101 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
onagraceae Plant taxons contained in Onagraceae (Q156179) Tree view here query 1111 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
orobanchaceae Plant taxons contained in Orobanchaceae (Q156192) Tree view here query 1143 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
othonna Plant taxons contained in Othonna (Q5230439) Tree view here query 2111 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
oxalidales Plant taxons contained in Oxalidales (Q21891) Tree view here query 154 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
palicourea Plant taxons contained in Palicourea (Q3292003) Tree view here query 1173 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
pandanales Plant taxons contained in Pandanales (Q269303) Tree view here query 110 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
parasenecio Plant taxons contained in Parasenecio (Q1445740) Tree view here query 2118 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
passifloraceae Plant taxons contained in Passifloraceae (Q157164) Tree view here query 1120 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
pedaliaceae Plant taxons contained in Pedaliaceae (Q161187) Tree view here query 1149 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
pentaphylacaceae Plant taxons contained in Pentaphylacaceae (Q132719) Tree view here query 183 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
phrymaceae Plant taxons contained in Phrymaceae (Q1061384) Tree view here query 1148 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
phyllanthaceae Plant taxons contained in Phyllanthaceae (Q133206) Tree view here query 1119 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
phytolaccaceae Plant taxons contained in Phytolaccaceae (Q156981) Tree view here query 167 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
picrodendraceae Plant taxons contained in Picrodendraceae (Q132054) Tree view here query 1123 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
pittosporaceae Plant taxons contained in Pittosporaceae (Q161261) Tree view here query 1162 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
plantaginaceae Plant taxons contained in Plantaginaceae (Q1748235) Tree view here query 1141 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
plumbaginaceae Plant taxons contained in Plumbaginaceae (Q156141) Tree view here query 164 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
podostemaceae Plant taxons contained in Podostemaceae (Q132061) Tree view here query 1118 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
polemoniaceae Plant taxons contained in Polemoniaceae (Q157168) Tree view here query 180 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
polygalaceae Plant taxons contained in Polygalaceae (Q156360) Tree view here query 2120 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
polygonaceae Plant taxons contained in Polygonaceae (Q156117) Tree view here query 163 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
polystachya Plant taxons contained in Polystachya (Q2333118) Tree view here query 140 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
portulacaceae Plant taxons contained in Portulacaceae (Q521874) Tree view here query 168 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
primulaceae Plant taxons contained in Primulaceae (Q157115) Tree view here query 179 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
proteales Plant taxons contained in Proteales (Q21838) Tree view here query 115 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
psoralea Plant taxons contained in Psoralea (Q2589982) Tree view here query 2127 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
psychotria Plant taxons contained in Psychotria (Q904250) Tree view here query 1171 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
randia Plant taxons contained in Randia (Q2655455) Tree view here query 1191 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
ranunculales Plant taxons contained in Ranunculales (Q21021) Tree view here query 114 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
rapateaceae Plant taxons contained in Rapateaceae (Q131516) Tree view here query 1105 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
restionaceae Plant taxons contained in Restionaceae (Q131501) Tree view here query 1103 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
rhamnaceae Plant taxons contained in Rhamnaceae (Q156083) Tree view here query 1133 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
rhizophoraceae Plant taxons contained in Rhizophoraceae (Q740873) Tree view here query 1125 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
rosaceae Plant taxons contained in Rosaceae (Q46299) Tree view here query 1131 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
rubiaceae Plant taxons contained in Rubiaceae (Q156569) Tree view here query 1150 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
rudgea Plant taxons contained in Rudgea (Q3282335) Tree view here query 1184 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
sabicea Plant taxons contained in Sabicea (Q7396081) Tree view here query 1182 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
salicaceae Plant taxons contained in Salicaceae (Q158487) Tree view here query 1117 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
santalales Plant taxons contained in Santalales (Q21851) Tree view here query 118 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
sapindales Plant taxons contained in Sapindales (Q26316) Tree view here query 172 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
sapotaceae Plant taxons contained in Sapotaceae (Q158981) Tree view here query 178 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
saxifragales Plant taxons contained in Saxifragales (Q21855) Tree view here query 119 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
scrophulariaceae Plant taxons contained in Scrophulariaceae (Q53473) Tree view here query 1142 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
solanales Plant taxons contained in Solanales (Q21723) Tree view here query 191 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
spiesia Plant taxons contained in Spiesia (Q17432902) Tree view here query 2123 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
sporobolus Plant taxons contained in Sporobolus (Q2603825) Tree view here query 1164 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
stipa Plant taxons contained in Stipa (Q161274) Tree view here query 1163 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
styracaceae Plant taxons contained in Styracaceae (Q877464) Tree view here query 184 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
symphyotrichum Plant taxons contained in Symphyotrichum (Q2629596) Tree view here query 2107 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
tamaricaceae Plant taxons contained in Tamaricaceae (Q161244) Tree view here query 170 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
tarenna Plant taxons contained in Tarenna (Q7685791) Tree view here query 1179 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
tecophilaeaceae Plant taxons contained in Tecophilaeaceae (Q331169) Tree view here query 137 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
theaceae Plant taxons contained in Theaceae (Q156574) Tree view here query 181 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
timonius Plant taxons contained in Timonius (Q2703896) Tree view here query 1180 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
ulmaceae Plant taxons contained in Ulmaceae (Q156311) Tree view here query 1136 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
urophyllum Plant taxons contained in Urophyllum (Q1935838) Tree view here query 1190 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
urticaceae Plant taxons contained in Urticaceae (Q156332) Tree view here query 1132 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
valerianaceae Plant taxons contained in Valerianaceae (Q156682) Tree view here query 1158 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
verbesina Plant taxons contained in Verbesina (Q5189541) Tree view here query 1195 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
verbenaceae Plant taxons contained in Verbenaceae (Q156960) Tree view here query 1145 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
viguiera Plant taxons contained in Viguiera (Q5234557) Tree view here query 2105 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
violaceae Plant taxons contained in Violaceae (Q156060) Tree view here query 1122 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
vitales Plant taxons contained in Vitales (Q2064321) Tree view here query 122 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
vochysiaceae Plant taxons contained in Vochysiaceae (Q131743) Tree view here query 1114 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
xanthorrhoeaceae Plant taxons contained in Xanthorrhoeaceae (Q749826) Tree view here query 136 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
xyridaceae Plant taxons contained in Xyridaceae (Q131613) Tree view here query 1108 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
Dictionary name Description Taxonomic tree view Critically endangered
query number
Find images Metaphacts view
zingiberales Plant taxons contained in Zingiberales (Q203779) Tree view here query 146 WD-FIST Metaphacts view
zygophyllales Plant taxons contained in Zygophyllales (Q21899) Tree view here query 157 WD-FIST Metaphacts view


Dictionary name Description WFM SPARQL
query number[2]
alloys Alloys (does not include intermetallic compounds in general), "fictional material" excluded 406
biocides Biocides and all subclasses 345
carcinogens Carcinogens and subclasses 346
cardiology diseases Diseases within cardiology 314
cardiology drugs Drugs used as treatment in cardiology 334
celllines Cell lines: instance and subclasses 357
countries Sovereign states, not "former country" 701
curculionidaegenera (not yet uploaded) Insect genera contained in Curculionidae (Q7415384) (weevils) 2130
dermatology diseases Diseases within dermatology 308
dermatology drugs Drugs used as treatment in dermatology 328
emergency medicine diseases Diseases within emergency medicine 316
emergency medicine drugs Drugs used as treatment in emergency medicine 336
endocrinology diseases Diseases of endocrinology 304
endocrinology drugs Drugs used as treatment in endocrinology 324
family medicine diseases Diseases within family medicine 351
family medicine drugs Drugs used as treatment in family medicine 353
gastroenterology diseases Diseases within gastroenterology 309
gastroenterology drugs Drugs used as treatment in gastroenterology 329
gynaecology diseases Diseases within gynaecology 352
gynaecology drugs Drugs used as treatment in gynaecology 354
hematology diseases Diseases within hematology 312
hematology drugs Drugs used as treatment in hematology 332
immunology diseases Diseases within immunology 317
immunology drugs Drugs used as treatment in immunology 337
infectious diseases drugs Drugs used as treatment for infectious diseases 323
infectious diseases Infectious diseases 303
insecticides Insecticides 344
medical genetics diseases Diseases of medical genetics 302
medical genetics drugs Drugs used as treatment in medical genetics 322
natural products Chemical compounds with "found in taxon" P703, where the taxon is other than homo sapiens 401
nephrology diseases Diseases within nephrology 321
nephrology drugs Drugs used as treatment in nephrology 341
neurology diseases Diseases within neurology 306
neurology drugs Drugs used as treatment in neurology 326
obstetrics diseases Diseases within obstetrics 319
obstetrics drugs Drugs used as treatment in obstetrics 339
oncology diseases Diseases within oncology 305
oncology drugs Drugs used as treatment in oncology 325
ophthalmology diseases Diseases within ophthalmology 311
ophthalmology drugs Drugs used as treatment in ophthalmology 331
otolaryngology diseases Diseases within otolaryngology 320
otolaryngology drugs Drugs used as treatment in otolaryngology 340
pediatrics diseases Diseases within pediatrics 318
pediatrics drugs Drugs used as treatment in pediatrics 338
phylum Taxons with taxon rank "phylum" 101
psychiatry diseases Diseases within psychiatry 307
psychiatry drugs Drugs used as treatment in psychiatry 327
pulmonology diseases Diseases within pulmonology 315
pulmonology drugs Drugs used as treatment in pulmonology 335
rheumatology diseases Diseases within rheumatology 310
rheumatology drugs Drugs used as treatment in rheumatology 330
soiltypes Soil types 703
subset of "1000 key topics" with "medical specialty" 001
unconsciousness Conditions for which any subclass of "unconsciousness" is a symptom 347
urology diseases Diseases within urology 313
urology drugs Drugs used as treatment in urology 333
vaccines Vaccines and subclasses, excluding "immunologic adjuvant" 356


  1. These are all lists of angiosperms. Dictionaries are limited in size to 10K entries, to make them handy to manipulate. In practice that means that some orders (and large groups) and some families have been broken down. See the Talk page for details. By moving down the taxonomic tree, dictionaries are obtained which are of a suitable size. But at this point the subdivision is not exhaustive.
  2. 2.0 2.1 The queries can be found on Wikidata:WikiFactMine/Core SPARQL and (if four figures) on Wikidata:WikiFactMine/Core SPARQL/Hierarchical
  3. The WD-FIST tool is quite easy to use, but please note these points: (i) The check-boxes can be used to add images to the list; these will not necessarily occur on any Wikipedia; (ii) Plant nomenclature changes, and in particular a genus name may be updated; (iii) While species identifications from Wikispecies and Commons categories are generally reliable, the same is not necessarily true for photographers' descriptions, or the usage on some of the Wikipedias.