Wikidata:WikiProject Ancient Greece/lists/people

This is a list of ancient Greeks or more specifically, a list of people with time period (P2348) = classical antiquity (Q486761) or Hellenistic period (Q428995)

Continued at part #2

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes
label Latin Born fl. Died POB POD position held occupation time period QID
A. D. Painter -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q55524030
A519 Painter geometric vase-painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q31091232
APZ Painter campanian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Abantidas -03th millenium -0251 Sicyon tyrant politician classical antiquity Q305524
Abas writer
classical antiquity Q305617
Abdaraxus Abdaraxus engineer Hellenistic period Q4664703
Aberdeen painter -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Abydenus Abydenus 03th century 02th century 02th century historian
Hellenistic period Q305267
Aceratus Grammaticus Aceratus Grammaticus epigrammatist classical antiquity Q16330081
Acesander Acesander Cyrene historian Hellenistic period Q1131105
Acesas -00th millenium -00th millenium Salamis weaver classical antiquity Q3558505
Acesias Acesias -02th century writer
cookbook writer
classical antiquity Q3604255
Achaeus Achaeus -03th century -0213 Sardis strategos
military personnel
Hellenistic period Q535413
Achaeus -04th century -03th century Seleucid ruler politician Hellenistic period Q1897013
Achaeus of Eretria Achaeus Eretriensis -0484 -0420 Eretria tragedy writer classical antiquity Q718070
Achaeus of Syracuse Achaeus Syracusanus -04th century -04th century 03th century Syracuse tragedy writer classical antiquity Q1304356
Acheloos Painter -06th century -05th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q943594
Achillas -01th millenium -0048 Alexandria regent military officer Hellenistic period Q656021
Achilles Painter -05th century -0425 red-figure vase painter
white-groud vase-painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q125902
Acragas sculptor
classical antiquity Q3604755
Acron Acro -05th century Acragas physician
classical antiquity Q2563682
Acrotatus -04th century -0262 Megalopoli king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q421184
Acumenus -05th century -04th century physician classical antiquity Q423734
Adaeus Adaeus Epigrammaticus -03th millenium epigrammatist
classical antiquity Q346767
Adaeus of Mitylene Adaeus Mitylenaeus -03th millenium -03th century -03th century Mytilene epigrammatist
art writer
Hellenistic period Q346780
Adam Burski 1560 1611 Brzeziny Zamość philosopher Hellenistic period Q4678807
Adeia classical antiquity Q4681517
Adeimantus Adimantus -05th century -04th century Classical Athens strategos military personnel classical antiquity Q353570
Adeimantus of Collytus Adimantus -0432 -0382 Kollytos philosopher classical antiquity Q353580
Adeimantus of Corinth Adimantus -04th century -05th century strategos military officer
military personnel
classical antiquity Q353577
Adelaide-S. Prisco Painter -04th century red-figure vase painter
campanian vase-painter
classical antiquity Q55526271
Adelph Painter -06th century No/unknown value No/unknown value black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q55526719
Admetus of Epirus -04th century -05th century king of Epirus sovereign classical antiquity Q195601
Adolphseck painter red-figure vase painter
Apulian vase-painter
classical antiquity Q18670015
Adria Painter red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q63066438
Aeacides of Epirus -04th century -0313 Epirus Oiniadai monarch classical antiquity Q403377
Aeantides of Lampsacus Aeantides Lampsacenus -06th century tyrant politician classical antiquity Q403403
Aegialeus -02th century -02th century strategos of the Achaean League military leader classical antiquity Q4687559
Aegineta artist classical antiquity Q4687585
Aegles athlete classical antiquity Q4687639
Aelianus Meccius Aelianus Meccius physician classical antiquity Q4687699
Aelianus Tacticus Aelianus Tacticus 01th century 01th century
02th century
02th century writer
Hellenistic period Q380793
Aeneas Tacticus Aeneas Tacticus -05th century -03th century -04th century military writer classical antiquity Q405969
Aenesidemus Aenesidemus -0080 -0030 -0010 Knossos Alexandria philosopher Hellenistic period
Roman Republic
Aenesidemus Aenesidemus -06th century -05th century tyrant classical antiquity Q4687784
Aeropus II of Macedon -05th century -0393 Macedonia regent monarch classical antiquity Q346476
Aeropus of Lyncestis -04th century Lynkestis military leader Hellenistic period Q381654
Aesara Aesara -04th century -03th century philosopher
classical antiquity Q2637222
Aeschines Aeschines -0390 -0322 Athens Samos ambassador politician
classical antiquity Q317089
Aeschines of Neapolis -02th century -01th century philosopher Hellenistic period Q409649
Aeschines of Sphettus Aeschines Socraticus -0430 -0360 Sphettos Athens philosopher classical antiquity Q409647
Aeschrion of Samos Aeschrion Samius -03th century Samos poet
classical antiquity Q3558543
Aeschylus Aeschylus -0525 -0456 Elefsina Gela tragedy writer
classical antiquity Q40939
Aeschylus of Alexandria Aeschylus Alexandrinus -0300 -02th century Alexandria poet
tragedy writer
Hellenistic period Q4688536
Aesop Aesopus -0620 -06th century -0564 Mesembria (Pontus) Delphi fabulist
classical antiquity Q43423
Aethlius Aethlius Samius Samos historian classical antiquity Q3606129
Aetion Amphipolis sculptor classical antiquity Q2200289
Aetus I Aëtus Apollonii filius -03th century -03th century Aspendos politician Hellenistic period Q381971
Affecter -05th century No/unknown value No/unknown value black-figure vase painter
Attic potter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q382206
Agaclytus Agaclytus Historicus historian classical antiquity Q1109342
Agapetus physician classical antiquity Q4691242
Agasias Agasias -02th century -01th century Ephesus sculptor
classical antiquity Q390740
Agasias, son of Menophilus No/unknown value Ephesus sculptor classical antiquity Q3606364
Agasicles -06th century -06th century Sparta king of Sparta politician classical antiquity Q741632
Agasides athlete classical antiquity Q4691419
Agatharchides Agatharcides -0208 -02th century No/unknown value Knidos Alexandria historian
Hellenistic period Q391216
Agatharchus Agatharchus -05th century -04th century Samos painter classical antiquity Q174063
Agatharchus of Syracuse -04th century -05th century Syracuse military personnel classical antiquity Q4691514
Agathemerus Agathemerus 02th century 02th century 03th century Alexandria geographer Roman Empire
Hellenistic period
Agathinus Agathinus 00th century 01th century 01th century Sparta physician Roman Empire
Hellenistic period
Agathobulus 01th century 02th century Alexandria philosopher Hellenistic period Q2695834
Agathoclea -0247 -0203 Ancient Egypt Ancient Egypt dancer
royal mistress
Hellenistic period Q391426
Agathocles -04th century -0284 aristocrat Hellenistic period Q391454
Agathocles -02th century Hellenistic period Q611724
Agathocles of Athens eponymous archon politician classical antiquity Q87986289
Agathocles of Bactria -03th century -02th century King of Greco-Bactrian kingdom sovereign Hellenistic period Q211426
Agathocles of Egypt Agathocles -03th century -0203 Alexandria civil servant politician Hellenistic period Q391458
Agathocles of Pella -04th century -04th century Krannonas classical antiquity Q4691548
Agathoclès de Chios agronomist Hellenistic period Q16010130
Agathodaemon No/unknown value -02th century No/unknown value Alexandria geographer
Hellenistic period Q2323013
Agathokleia -02th century -01th century Gandhara Gandhara regent Hellenistic period Q391427
Agathon -04th century -0327 -0324 Kerman military leader Hellenistic period Q205556
Agathon -05th century ancient Greek potter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Agathyllus Agathyllus Arcas Arcadia poet
classical antiquity Q3606382
Ageladas -06th century -05th century Argos sculptor classical antiquity Q452536
Agesilaus II Agesilaus II -0444 -0360 Sparta Cyrene king of Sparta military leader
classical antiquity Q271850
Agesimbrotus -0200 classical antiquity Q4692159
Agesipolis I Agesipolis I -0410 -0380 Aphytis king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q357594
Agesipolis II Agesipolis II -04th century -0370 Sparta king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q393079
Agesipolis III -0183 Sparta Aegean Sea king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q393082
Agetas -02th century No/unknown value strategos of the Aetolian League military personnel classical antiquity Q4692162
Agilão 03th century military officer classical antiquity Q48872414
Agis II Agis II -05th century -0398 Sparta Sparta king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q202826
Agis III Agis III -03th century -0330 -0331 Megalopoli king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q314364
Agis IV Agis IV -0265 -0241 Sparta Sparta king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q299479
Aglaias Aglaias 01th century poet Roman Empire
Hellenistic period
Aglaophon -06th century -05th century Thasos painter classical antiquity Q1454839
Agnaptus architect classical antiquity Q394350
Agnodice Agnodice -04th century -03th century Athens gynaecologist
classical antiquity Q263812
Agoracritus Agoracritus -05th century -05th century Paros sculptor classical antiquity Q395404
Agyrrhius Agyrrhius -04th century -05th century Attica politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q2326303
Aineades -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q405957
Aison -05th century -05th century -04th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q327857
Akusilos -05th century sculptor classical antiquity Q96216180
Alcaeus Alcaeus philosopher Hellenistic period Q11904838
Alcamenes Alcamenes -05th century -04th century sculptor classical antiquity Q505640
Alcamenes military personnel classical antiquity Q4712912
Alcetas I of Epirus -0410 -0370 Tsar classical antiquity Q729118
Alcetas II of Epirus -03th century -04th century monarch classical antiquity Q560625
Alcetas II of Macedon -05th century -0448 Macedonia sovereign classical antiquity Q469703
Alcidas Alcidas -04th century -05th century military personnel classical antiquity Q3271807
Alcimachus classical antiquity Q4713126
Alcimachus of Apollonia -04th century -04th century military personnel classical antiquity Q24254
Alcinous Alcinous 02th century philosopher Roman Empire
Hellenistic period
Alea inventor classical antiquity Q4714055
Alexamenus of Aetolia -02th century -02th century strategos of the Aetolian League military personnel classical antiquity Q2561404
Alexander -03th century -0314 Sicyon military personnel Hellenistic period Q452929
Alexander -02th century -0220 Seleucid Satrap civil servant Hellenistic period Q1280167
Alexander -03th century -03th century Seleucid Satrap Hellenistic period Q1345852
Alexander -0220 military personnel classical antiquity Q3813826
Alexander diplomat
military personnel
Hellenistic period Q4718145
Alexander Isius diplomat
military personnel
classical antiquity Q4719200
Alexander of Acarnania -02th century -0191 military leader Hellenistic period Q4720493
Alexander of Corinth -0290 -0245 military personnel classical antiquity Q2643839
Alexander of Pherae -04th century -0358 tyrant ruler classical antiquity Q465694
Alexander of Trichonium military personnel classical antiquity Q4720508
Alexander the Great Alexander Magnus -0356-07-20 -0323-06-10 Pella Babylon list of ancient Macedonians
military leader
Greco-Roman Egypt
Hellenistic period
Macedonian Era (Egypt)
Alexandrides of Delphi Anaxandridas Delphicus -03th century -02th century Delphi historian classical antiquity Q4721014
Alexandros Balas Alexander Balas -01th century -0145 İzmir Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q297657
Alexandros II Zabinas Alexander II Zabinas -02th century -0123 Egypt Antioch Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q315006
Alexandros II of Macedon -03th century -0368 Macedonia sovereign classical antiquity Q313883
Alexandros IV of Macedon -0323 -0309 Babylon Macedonia pharaoh sovereign Ancient Egypt
Greco-Roman Egypt
Hellenistic period
Macedonian Era (Egypt)
Alexandros V of Macedon -04th century -0294 Larissa sovereign classical antiquity Q347170
Alexandros of Antioch -02th century -01th century Antioch on the Maeander sculptor
classical antiquity Q2415821
Alexarchus Alexarchus 01th millenium historian classical antiquity Q4721241
Alexarchus of Corinth military personnel classical antiquity Q4721243
Alexias physician classical antiquity Q4721373
Alexicles No/unknown value Athens Athens military personnel classical antiquity Q4721377
Alexis sculptor classical antiquity Q4721397
Alexon Achaea Regional Unit soldier
military personnel
classical antiquity Q3610599
Altamura Painter -04th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q4736137
Altenburg Painter -06th century Greek vase-painter classical antiquity Q436826
Alypius Alypius Musicus 03th century 03th century
04th century
04th century Alexandria Alexandria writer
music theorist
Hellenistic period Q450311
Alypus Alypus -05th century -04th century Sicyon sculptor classical antiquity Q450334
Amarantus of Alexandria Amarantus Alexandrinus writer Hellenistic period Q4740187
Amasis Amasis No/unknown value No/unknown value potter classical antiquity Q455429
Amasis Painter -05th century -050s Naucratis Athens black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q707682
Ama… -06th century Attic potter classical antiquity Q456547
Ambrosios Painter -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q37632093
Ameinias the Phocian military leader
Hellenistic period Q18330882
Ameinocles -08th century -07th century Ancient Corinth shipbuilder
classical antiquity Q684871
Ammonius Lithotomos -03th century -03th century Alexandria Alexandria surgeon classical antiquity Q4747311
Amphiaraos Painter -06th millenium -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q474652
Amphitrite Painter Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q41792930
Amycus Painter -04th century -05th century Lucanian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q4102406
Amynander of Athamania Amynander sovereign Hellenistic period Q2807445
Amynomachus philosopher Hellenistic period Q2333948
Amyntas -04th century -0333 strategos military personnel Hellenistic period Q482107
Amyntas III of Macedon -04th century -0370 Macedonia politician classical antiquity Q313907
Amyntas Nikator -01th millenium No/unknown value politician Hellenistic period Q482098
Anacharsis Anacharsis -07th century -06th century -06th century Scythia Hylaea king philosopher
classical antiquity Q325026
Anagyrus Painter -05th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q484073
Analatos Painter -08th century -07th century Orientalizing vase-painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q484609
Anaxagoras of Aegina -05th millenium -05th century sculptor classical antiquity Q4752423
Anaxander No/unknown value No/unknown value Sparta king of Sparta sovereign classical antiquity Q488602
Anaxandridas I -06th century -07th century Sparta king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q488567
Anaxandridas II -050s -0520 Sparta king of Sparta politician classical antiquity Q349897
Anaxidamus -06th century No/unknown value Sparta king of Sparta classical antiquity Q1266225
Anaxiles goldsmith classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Anaximenes of Miletus Anaximenes -0585 -0525
Miletus Miletus philosopher
prose writer
classical antiquity Q80612
Andocides Andocides -0440 -0391 Athens Athens orator
classical antiquity Q391654
Andokides -06th century Attic potter classical antiquity Q391671
Andokides painter -06th century No/unknown value red-figure vase painter
vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q492239
Andragathus military personnel Hellenistic period Q11905554
Andragoras -03th century -0238 Parthia Seleucid Satrap
sovereign Hellenistic period Q456935
Andromachus -03th century -03th century Seleucid ruler monarch Hellenistic period Q512839
Andromachus politician classical antiquity Q4759480
Andromachus of Elis military personnel
military leader
classical antiquity Q11905567
Andronicus of Olynthus Andronicus Olynthius -04th century -03th century Olynthus military personnel
Hellenistic period Q513816
Andronicus of Rhodes Andronicus Rhodius -01th century -00th century Rhodes scholarch of the Peripatetic school philosopher Hellenistic period Q352988
Andronidas No/unknown value No/unknown value military personnel Late Roman Republic
Hellenistic period
Androsthenes of Corinth military personnel classical antiquity Q15480247
Androsthenes of Cyzicus military leader Hellenistic period Q4759543
Ankhmakis -03th century -02th century pharaoh statesperson
Greco-Roman Egypt
Hellenistic period
Anniceris Anniceris Cyrenaicus -04th century -03th century Cyrene philosopher Hellenistic period Q556865
Antalcidas Antalcidas -05th century -04th century
Sparta Sparta Ephor
military personnel
classical antiquity Q508188
Antenor Antenor -06th century No/unknown value Athens sculptor classical antiquity Q552633
Anthaeus physician classical antiquity Q11905708
Antialcidas -02th century -01th century Taxila monarch Hellenistic period Q574812
Anticlides Anticlides Historicus -03th millenium -04th century
-03th century
-03th century Athens writer
Hellenistic period Q2759424
Antidotos Antidotus painter classical antiquity Q4774697
Antigone -03th century No/unknown value Eordaia Municipality Hellenistic period Q269946
Antigone of Macedon -04th century -03th century -03th century Eordaia Municipality Hellenistic period Q518039
Antigonus -03th century -0179 sovereign Hellenistic period Q9618505
Antigonus military leader Hellenistic period Q40459554
Antigonus III Doson -0263 -0221 strategos military personnel Hellenistic period Q108816
Antimachus Antimachus sculptor classical antiquity Q23640758
Antimachus I -02th century -01th century Bactria King of Greco-Bactrian kingdom king Hellenistic period Q577747
Antimachus II -02th century -01th century king Hellenistic period Q577756
Antimachus of Heliopolis Antimachus Heliopolitanus 03th century poet Hellenistic period Q11906122
Antimenes Painter -05th century -0515 No/unknown value black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q577906
Antiochis -020s -0163 Antioch queen consort queen consort Hellenistic period Q451051
Antiochis of Commagene -00th century -00th century aristocrat Hellenistic period Q3626128
Antiochus -04th century -04th century Orestis strategos military personnel Hellenistic period Q579596
Antiochus -0221 -0193 Antioch Antioch Seleucid ruler monarch Hellenistic period Q2045778
Antiochus Antiochus -0407 Athens Notion military personnel classical antiquity Q3618730
Antiochus Antiochus -01th century -01th century -01th century Athens sculptor classical antiquity Q3618734
Antiochus Hierax Antiochus No/unknown value -0226
Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q355917
Antiochus I Soter Antiochus I Soter -0324
Macedonia Syria Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q211488
Antiochus I Theos of Commagene -0086 -01th century -0038 monarch monarch Hellenistic period Q462768
Antiochus II Theos Antiochus II Theos -0286 -0246
Syria Anatolia Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q222930
Antiochus II of Commagene -00th century -0029 sovereign Hellenistic period Q2457060
Antiochus III of Commagene -01th century 0017 king politician Hellenistic period Q579949
Antiochus III the Great Antiochus III Magnus -0242 -0187 Susa Susa Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q3365
Antiochus IV Epiphanes Antiochus IV Epiphanes -0215 -0164 Seleucid ruler aristocrat Hellenistic period Q3356
Antiochus IX Cyzicenus Antiochus IX Cyzicenus -0135 -0095
Seleucid ruler monarch Hellenistic period Q296446
Antiochus Nikator monarch Hellenistic period Q4775061
Antiochus V Antiochus V Eupator -0173 -0162 Seleucid ruler monarch Hellenistic period Q298628
Antiochus VI Dionysus Antiochus VI Dionysus -0148 -0138
Seleucid ruler monarch Hellenistic period Q298624
Antiochus VII Sidetes Antiochus VII Sidetes -0159
Side Ecbatana Seleucid ruler monarch Hellenistic period Q294945
Antiochus VIII Grypus Antiochus VIII Philometor -0141 -0096
Seleucid ruler politician Hellenistic period Q311112
Antiochus X Eusebes Antiochus X Eusebes -02th century -0088 Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q310808
Antiochus XI Epiphanes Antiochus XI Epiphanes -010s -0092 Antioch Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q299618
Antiochus XII Dionysus Antiochus XII Dionysus -01th century -0084 Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q311107
Antiochus XIII Asiaticus Antiochus XIII Asiaticus -0085 -0064 Homs Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q313733
Antiochus of Ascalon Antiochus Ascalonita -0130
-0068 Ashkelon Syria scholarch of the Platonic Academy philosopher Hellenistic period Q320042
Antipater I of Macedon -04th century -0287 list of ancient Macedonians monarch classical antiquity Q8636269
Antipater II Etesias -04th century -0279 list of ancient Macedonians sovereign classical antiquity Q386723
Antipater of Cyrene -04th century -03th century Cyrene philosopher Hellenistic period Q2194939
Antipater of Sidon Antipater Sidonius -02th century -01th century -01th century Sidon poet
Hellenistic period Q114280
Antipater of Tarsus Antipater Tarsensis -02th century -0129 Tarsus scholarch of the Stoic school philosopher Hellenistic period Q581732
Antipater of Tyre Antipater Tyrius -00th century -000s Tyre Athens philosopher Hellenistic period Q1047995
Antipater son of Epigonus Hellenistic period Q4775081
Antiphanes Antiphanes -0408 -0334 Athens Athens comedy writer
classical antiquity Q269301
Antiphanes of Argos sculptor classical antiquity Q4775095
Antiphon -04th century -04th century classical antiquity Q582005
Antiphon painter -05th millenium -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q116616
Antisthenes Antisthenes -0444 -0365 Piraeus Athens philosopher Hellenistic period Q179149
Antisthenes of Rhodes Antisthenes Rhodius -03th century -02th century philosopher
Hellenistic period Q2405888
Antisthenes of Sparta -04th century -03th century military personnel classical antiquity Q4775318
Antonius Hellenistic period Q22906416
Antorides painter classical antiquity Q11906139
Apama -04th century No/unknown value Seleucid ruler consort Hellenistic period Q237626
Apama II -0292 -03th century politician Hellenistic period Q451066
Apaturius Apaturius Alabandeus Alabanda painter classical antiquity Q16168423
Apega of Sparta Argos Hellenistic period Q106322042
Apelleas -04th century 0362 sculptor classical antiquity Q3620578
Aphrodite Painter -03th century red-figure vase painter
Paestan vase-painter
classical antiquity Q4102407
Aphthonius of Alexandria bishop priest Roman Empire
Hellenistic period
Apion Apion -0020 0045 Siwa Oasis Rome writer
Hellenistic period Q458108
Apollodoros -05th century -04th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q4780367
Apollodorus -05th century -04th century Attica painter classical antiquity Q522080
Apollodorus -04th century -05th century
-04th century
Athens Athens sculptor classical antiquity Q619174
Apollodorus Logisticus mathematician classical antiquity Q25080755
Apollodorus of Acharnae Apollodorus Orator -0394 No/unknown value Athens eponymous archon
military personnel
classical antiquity Q328853
Apollodorus of Athens Apollodorus grammaticus -0180 -0120 Classical Athens Classical Athens historian
Hellenistic period Q205704
Apollodorus of Athens military personnel classical antiquity Q11906225
Apollodorus of Cassandreia -0276 Cassandreia Cassandreia tyrant politician classical antiquity Q15872635
Apollodorus of Macedonia classical antiquity Q11906230
Apollodorus of Phaleron Apollodorus Phalereus -040s -05th century Palaio Faliro philosopher classical antiquity Q4780369
Apollodorus of Seleucia Apollodorus Seleucensis -01th century No/unknown value philosopher Hellenistic period Q248616
Apollodorus of Susiana satrap governor Hellenistic period Q16168539
Apollodorus the Epicurean -01th century -01th century Athens Classical Athens scholarch of the Epicurean school philosopher Hellenistic period Q2369009
Apollodotus I -03th century -02th century Bactria sovereign Hellenistic period Q619196
Apollodotus II -01th millenium No/unknown value Taxila Hellenistic period Q337828
Apollonides Apollonides -00th century -0046 No/unknown value philosopher Hellenistic period Q3620707
Apollonides of Boeotia military personnel classical antiquity Q16168716
Apollonides of Cos Kos physician classical antiquity Q3305044
Apollonius -03th century -02th century diplomat Hellenistic period Q619365
Apollonius Hellenistic period Q11906236
Apollonius sculptor classical antiquity Q25352327
Apollonius Dyscolus Apollonius Dyscolus 02th century 02th century 02th century Alexandria Alexandria grammarian Hellenistic period Q472809
Apollonius of Clazomenae diplomat classical antiquity Q25050914
Apollonius of Rhodes Apollonius Rhodius -0295 -0215 Alexandria Rhodes head of the Library of Alexandria poet
Hellenistic period Q192638
Apollonius of Tralles -02th century -01th century Tralleis sculptor classical antiquity Q619430
Apollonius of Tyre Apollonius Tyrius -00th century -0050 No/unknown value Tyre philosopher Hellenistic period Q1799262
Apollophanes -01th century -00th century Mathura monarch Hellenistic period Q619488
Apollophanes of Antioch philosopher Hellenistic period Q976669
Apollophanes of Seleucia -0300 -04th century physician Hellenistic period Q11906237
Apsines Apsines philosopher classical antiquity Q48893180
Arbício classical antiquity Q48872470
Arcesilaus Arcesilas -0315 -0240 Pitane Athens scholarch of the Platonic Academy philosopher Hellenistic period Q73527
Arcesilaus sculptor classical antiquity Q2860694
Arcesilaus I of Cyrene -0637 -0583 Cyrene Cyrene mythological king of Libya politician classical antiquity Q673432
Arcesilaus II of Cyrene -07th century -06th century Cyrene Cyrene politician classical antiquity Q673458
Arcesilaus III of Cyrene -06th century -06th century Cyrene politician classical antiquity Q673451
Arcesilaus IV of Cyrene -05th century -05th century Cyrene Benghazi athlete
classical antiquity Q673475
Archagathus -03th century -030s Syracuse military personnel Hellenistic period Q2050698
Archagathus -03th century -04th century Hellenistic period Q4785538
Archagathus of Libya aristocrat Hellenistic period Q3621403
Archebius -02th century -01th century Taxila Hellenistic period Q632540
Archedemus of Tarsus Archedemus Tarsensis -03th century -0140
03th century
-02th century Tarsus philosopher Hellenistic period Q1113270
Archelaus -02th century -01th century military leader classical antiquity Q360787
Archelaus -01th century -0055 monarch
Hellenistic period Q632595
Archelaus II of Macedon -04th century -04th century Macedonia sovereign classical antiquity Q1263284
Archelaus of Cappadocia Archelaus -00th century 0017 Kingdom of Cappadocia Rome king writer Hellenistic period Q346463
Archelaus of Priene Archelaus Prienaeus -01th century -02th century Priene sculptor classical antiquity Q777408
Archestratus Archestratus -03th century musicologist
music theorist
Hellenistic period Q4786155
Archias of Thurii No/unknown value -03th century No/unknown value Thurii military personnel
stage actor
classical antiquity Q10396005
Archidamia -03th century -0241 Sparta Sparta military personnel classical antiquity Q2492493
Archidamus I Archidamus I -0600 No/unknown value Sparta king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q1263112
Archidamus II Archidamus II -04th century -0476
-040s Sparta king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q313731
Archidamus III Archidamus III -04th century -0338 Manduria king of Sparta ruler
classical antiquity Q448580
Archidamus IV Archidamus IV -04th century -03th century Sparta Sparta king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q456953
Archidamus V Archidamus V -02th century -0241
-020s Sparta Sparta king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q771518
Archimedes Archimedes -0287 -0212 ancient Syracuse ancient Syracuse mathematician
military engineer
Hellenistic period Q8739
Arellius Arellius painter Ancient Rome
classical antiquity
Arete of Cyrene -040s -030s Cyrene Cyrene philosopher Hellenistic period Q262225
Aretes -03th century military personnel Hellenistic period Q474974
Areus II -0262 -0254 Sparta Sparta king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q643609
Ariamnes of Cappadocia -03th century -02th century king monarch Hellenistic period Q547879
Ariarathes II of Cappadocia -03th century -0280 satrap governor Hellenistic period Q469746
Ariarathes III of Cappadocia -03th century -0220 sovereign Hellenistic period Q380378
Ariarathes IV of Cappadocia -03th century -02th century sovereign Hellenistic period Q380368
Ariarathes IX of Cappadocia Ariarathes IX Eusebes Philopator -01th century -01th century sovereign Hellenistic period Q1259636
Ariarathes V of Cappadocia -02th century -02th century Cappadocia Cappadocia politician Hellenistic period Q337108
Ariarathes VI of Cappadocia -02th century -02th century king of Cappadocia monarch Hellenistic period Q359573
Ariarathes VII of Cappadocia -02th century -02th century king of Cappadocia sovereign Hellenistic period Q359570
Ariarathes VIII of Cappadocia -01th century -00th century sovereign Hellenistic period Q1266634
Ariarathes X of Cappadocia -00th century -0042 -0036 sovereign Hellenistic period Q469714
Arimneste classical antiquity Q4790690
Ariobarzanes I of Cappadocia -02th century -01th century king monarch Hellenistic period Q380371
Ariobarzanes II of Cappadocia -0090 -01th century Cappadocia monarch Hellenistic period Q662209
Ariobarzanes III of Cappadocia -01th century -0042 Cappadocia sovereign Hellenistic period Q662267
Ariobarzanes of Pontus -02th century -0250 Kingdom of Pontus monarch Hellenistic period Q353675
Aristaenos of Megalopolis No/unknown value -02th century -02th century Megalopoli strategos of the Achaean League military leader classical antiquity Q2064484
Aristaeus the Elder Aristaeus Crotoniensis -0370 -0300 Ancient Greece mathematician classical antiquity Q2705291
Aristagora of Corinth hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278375
Aristagoras Aristagoras -06th century -0497 Miletus Thrace tyrant politician classical antiquity Q318627
Aristarchus Aristarchus writer
tour guide
classical antiquity Q106796783
Aristarchus of Samothrace Aristarchus Samothrax -0217 -0144 Samothrace Cyprus head of the Library of Alexandria writer
Hellenistic period Q312114
Aristides Aristides -0540 -0467 Alopeke Athens eponymous archon
Athenian strategos
military personnel
classical antiquity Q294942
Aristion Aristion -01th century -0086 Athens Athens philosopher
Hellenistic period Q2861408
Aristippus Aristippus Cyrenaeus -0435 -0355
Cyrene Cyrene philosopher Hellenistic period Q189506
Aristippus of Argos -0235 politician classical antiquity Q11906855
Aristippus the Younger Aristippus Cyrenaicus Minor -04th century -04th century Cyrene philosopher Hellenistic period Q665984
Aristo of Ceos Ariston Ceus -020s No/unknown value Kea Athens scholarch of the Peripatetic school philosopher Hellenistic period Q2528551
Aristocreon -02th century -01th century philosopher Hellenistic period Q2572655
Aristodama Aristodama Ionia poet classical antiquity Q18353959
Aristodemus writer classical antiquity Q109297192
Aristodemus of Cumae -0550 -05th century
Cumae Cumae politician classical antiquity Q919215
Aristodemus of Cydathenaeum Aristodemus Atheniensis -04th century No/unknown value philosopher classical antiquity Q4791018
Aristodemus of Miletus Aristodemus Milesius -04th century -03th century Miletus military officer Hellenistic period Q1229944
Aristodemus the Good -020s military leader classical antiquity Q4893643
Aristogenes physician classical antiquity Q4791027
Aristolaos -0312 painter classical antiquity Q4791030
Aristomachos the Elder politician classical antiquity Q11906533
Aristomachus of Argos -02th century -03th century Argos Argos tyrant
strategos of the Achaean League
military leader
classical antiquity Q2509433
Aristomedon of Argos sculptor classical antiquity Q15619681
Aristomenes of Alyzia Aristomenes Acarnan -03th century -02th century Alyzeia regent politician Hellenistic period Q666967
Ariston of Athens No/unknown value -05th century No/unknown value Kollytos aristocrat classical antiquity Q667017
Ariston of Chios Aristo Chius -0300 -0300 -03th century Chios Athens philosopher
Hellenistic period Q646951
Ariston of Rhodes Ariston Rhodius No/unknown value -02th century Rhodes No/unknown value ambassador Middle Roman Republic
Hellenistic period
Ariston of Sparta -05th century -050s Sparta king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q1266372
Aristonicus Hellenistic period Q4791059
Aristonicus of Alexandria Aristonicus Alexandrinus 01th century Alexandria Rome grammarian Hellenistic period Q3622711
Aristophanes -05th century -04th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q667194
Aristophanes of Byzantium Aristophanes Byzantius -0257
-0180 Byzantium Alexandria head of the Library of Alexandria lexicographer
Hellenistic period Q313018
Aristophon -05th century -05th century Thasos painter classical antiquity Q3622700
Aristotelis the Dialectician -03th millenium -03th century philosopher classical antiquity Q668009
Aristotimus Aristotimus -0272 Elis tyrant politician classical antiquity Q11906538
Aristotle of Cyrene -04th millenium -04th century philosopher Hellenistic period Q4791109
Aristoxenus Aristoxenus -0360 -0300 Taras Athens mathematician
music theorist
Hellenistic period Q335156
Aristratus of Sicyon Sicyon tyrant classical antiquity Q19609980
Arius Didymus Arius Didymus -000s 01th century Alexandria No/unknown value philosopher Late Roman Republic
Hellenistic period
Arkesilas Painter -06th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
laconian vase-painter
classical antiquity Q673466
Armidale Painter -04th millenium red-figure vase painter classical antiquity Q686827
Arsaces of Pontus -01th century -01th century Hellenistic period Q4796329
Arsinoe I Arsinoë I -0305 -0248 Qift pharaoh monarch Hellenistic period Q231668
Arsinoe II Arsinoë II -0316 -0270 Memphis Alexandria pharaoh monarch Hellenistic period Q40234
Arsinoe III of Egypt Arsinoë III -0246 -0204 Alexandria pharaoh monarch Hellenistic period Q40258
Arsinoe of Macedon Arsinoë -03th century -04th century aristocrat Hellenistic period Q241293
Artaboz military officer classical antiquity Q12818563
Artakama Artacama -03th century -04th century Phrygia Hellenistic period Q745160
Artapanus of Alexandria Artapanus -02th century -03th century -02th century historian
Hellenistic period Q706089
Artemidoros Artemidorus -02th century -0085 monarch Hellenistic period Q337819
Artemisia I of Caria Artemisia I -05th century -05th century Halicarnassus Ephesus regent politician
military leader
classical antiquity Q232128
Artemon -03th century painter classical antiquity Q1746061
Artemon of Cassandreia Artemon Cassandreus Cassandreia writer
Hellenistic period Q3624209
Aráxio 03th century military officer classical antiquity Q48872417
Asander -0110 -0017 monarch Hellenistic period Q720863
Asclepiodorus painter classical antiquity Q4803922
Asclepiodotus of Alexandria Asclepiodotus Alexandrinus 05th century No/unknown value Alexandria philosopher Hellenistic period Q731906
Asclepiodotus of Heraclea Heraclea Sintica military personnel Hellenistic period Q4803927
Aspa Aspa toreutician classical antiquity Q106489809
Aspasia the Physician -04th century No/unknown value Athens physician classical antiquity Q16154352
Asteas -03th century No/unknown value red-figure vase painter
Paestan vase-painter
classical antiquity Q328002
Asterion sculptor classical antiquity Q101545531
Athena Painter -06th century -0490
-05th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q755187
Athenaeus Athenaeus Naucratites 0170 0223 Naucratis writer
classical antiquity Q294923
Athenaeus Athenaeus -01th century composer classical antiquity Q4813399
Athenagoras of Macedon military personnel Hellenistic period Q4813405
Athenais of Media Atropatene No/unknown value -0100 monarch politician Hellenistic period Q4813409
Athenion of Maroneia Athenion Ancient Maroneia painter
classical antiquity Q4813430
Athenodoros Cananites Athenodorus Cananites -01th century -01th century Tarsus historian
Hellenistic period Q280432
Athenodoros Cordylion Athenodorus Cordylion -00th century -00th century Tarsus Rome philosopher
Hellenistic period Q532315
Athenodorus of Soli -03th century
-04th century
-03th century -03th century
-02th century
Soli philosopher Hellenistic period Q2749849
Atrane -05th millenium ceramicist classical antiquity Q340588
Attalus -04th century -0336 Asia Minor politician
military personnel
Hellenistic period Q356050
Attalus I Attalus I -0269 -0197 Pergamon king Hellenistic period Q110745
Attalus II Philadelphus Attalus II -0220 -0138 Pergamon king politician Hellenistic period Q312431
Attalus III Attalus III -0170 -0133
Pergamon Pergamon sovereign Hellenistic period Q309804
Atyanas -01th century -00th century Edremit boxer classical antiquity Q4818878
Audoleon -0315 -03th century classical antiquity Q3408809
Aulus Licinius Archias Archias -0121 -0061 Antioch Rome poet
Late Roman Republic
Hellenistic period
Autocles, son of Tolmaeus military personnel classical antiquity Q4826220
Avilius of Alexandria Avilius Alexandrinus 01th century 0095-09-11 Alexandria Alexandria Patriarch of Alexandria priest classical antiquity Q559224
Axiothea of Phlius Axiothea Phliasia -04th century -04th century Phlius philosopher Hellenistic period Q45013
Aëtus son of Aëtus Aëtus Aëti filius -03th century -02th century politician Hellenistic period Q177103
BMN Painter -06th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q796342
Bacchides -02th century military officer
Hellenistic period Q1291212
Bacchius of Tanagra Bacchius Tanagraeus -03th century -01th century Tanagra physician
classical antiquity Q4354540
Bagadates I -03th century -0300 king priest of the Persian Kingdom
Seleucid Satrap
Persian king-priest Hellenistic period Q812115
Baltimore Painter -04th century -03th century red-figure vase painter classical antiquity Q725545
Basilides philosopher Hellenistic period Q4867431
Basilides the Epicurean Basilides -0250 No/unknown value scholarch of the Epicurean school philosopher Hellenistic period Q2475901
Batis -04th century -0332 military personnel
classical antiquity Q459163
Batis of Lampsacus Batis Lampsacena -03th century -02th century philosopher Hellenistic period Q667147
Battus II of Cyrene -07th century -06th century Cyrene Cyrene classical antiquity Q705386
Battus III of Cyrene -06th century -06th century Cyrene Cyrene classical antiquity Q811035
Battus IV of Cyrene -06th century -05th century Cyrene Cyrene classical antiquity Q811036
Bearded Sphinx Painter -06th century Etruscan vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q3374323
Beaune Painter -05th century Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q19958935
Beldam Painter -05th century -05th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q815322
Bellerophon Painter -07th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q815917
Ben Sira -03th century -0190 -01th century Israel writer Hellenistic period Q3092598
Berenice -03th century -0246 Alexandria Antioch queen consort
politician Hellenistic period Q237136
Berenice aristocrat Hellenistic period Q4891265
Berenice I of Egypt Berenice I -0340 -0268 Macedonia Ptolemaic Kingdom pharaoh consort Hellenistic period Q39962
Berenice II Berenice II -0267-12-25 -0221 Cyrene pharaoh queen regnant Hellenistic period Q40010
Berenice III -0120 -0080 Egypt queen regnant
queen consort
sovereign Hellenistic period Q231688
Berenice IV of Egypt -0077 -0055 Alexandria Alexandria queen regnant politician Hellenistic period Q40022
Berlin Funnel Group Painter -04th century -03th century red-figure vase painter
Etruscan vase-painter
classical antiquity Q821634
Berlin Painter -06th century -05th century Attica red-figure vase painter
vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q821647
Beroea of Taulantii -04th century aristocrat classical antiquity Q3338372
Berossus Berosus -04th century -03th century Babylon astronomer
Hellenistic period Q312425
Bias of Priene Bias Prienensis -0600 -0530 Priene Priene lawyer
classical antiquity
6th century BC
Bilistiche Bilistiche -02th century -03th century Macedonia hetaera Hellenistic period Q468821
Bion of Borysthenes Bion Borysthenita -0325 No/unknown value Olbia philosopher Hellenistic period Q359231
Bircenna -03th century No/unknown value classical antiquity Q3299317
Bird Painter white-groud vase-painter
Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Birdseed painter -08th century painter classical antiquity Q2529956
Bles jurist classical antiquity Q11909511
Boethus -03th century -02th century Chalcedon Macedonia sculptor classical antiquity Q890332
Boethus Boethus philosopher Hellenistic period Q16178483
Boethus of Sidon Boethus Sidonius Stoicus -0200 No/unknown value Sidon philosopher Hellenistic period Q738605
Boethus of Sidon Boethus Sidonius Peripateticus -0075
-0010 Sidon philosopher Hellenistic period Q2639498
Borden Wood Painter -05th millenium red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q893403
Boreads painter -06th century black-figure vase painter
laconian vase-painter
ancient Greek potter
classical antiquity Q18785939
Bowdoin Painter -0540 -0445 Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
Greek vase-painter
classical antiquity Q755191
Bowdoin-Eye Painter -05th century No/unknown value Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q89061387
Brachyllas -0196 Boeotarch politician classical antiquity Q4953468
Bricc toreutician classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Classical Roman Empire
Bristol Painter Apulian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q51791480
Brooklyn-Budapest Painter Lucanian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
vase painter
classical antiquity Q4097153
Brutus toreutician classical antiquity Q98043374
Brygos -06th century -05th century ceramicist
classical antiquity Q14523700
Brygos Painter -05th century -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q322192
Bryn Mawr Painter red-figure vase painter classical antiquity Q16197617
Bucci Painter -06th century Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q997639
Bulos 01th millenium sculptor classical antiquity Q96200136
Butades -07th century -06th century Sicyon Ancient Greece inventor
classical antiquity Q1017839
C Painter -06th century -06th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1022300
Cactus Painter -06th century -05th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1721898
Caeria -0343 classical antiquity Q5016897
Calamis Calamis -05th century -05th century -04th century Athens sculptor classical antiquity Q918382
Calamis sculptor classical antiquity Q5018417
Calippus of Syracuse -03th century -03th century Athens Reggio Calabria philosopher classical antiquity Q1377100
Callias II Callias (Hipponici Ammonis filius) -0520 -0446 Athens ambassador diplomat
military personnel
classical antiquity Q970958
Callicrates Callicrates -0470 -0420 Classical Athens Classical Athens architect classical antiquity Q114112
Callicrates -05th millenium sculptor classical antiquity Q1722469
Callicrates of Sparta -0479 Sparta Plataea classical antiquity Q5022046
Callicratidas Callicratidas -05th century -0406 Arginusae navarch military personnel classical antiquity Q465803
Callimachus Callimachus -03th century -02th century -0240 Cyrene Alexandria poet
Hellenistic period Q192417
Callimachus -06th century -0490 Aphidna Marathon archon polemarch
military personnel classical antiquity Q364492
Callimachus Callimachus -05th century -04th century Classical Athens sculptor
classical antiquity Q553631
Callimedon classical antiquity Q4893350
Callinicus No/unknown value No/unknown value Kingdom of Commagene monarch Roman Empire
Hellenistic period
Callinicus son of Euxenus statesperson
classical antiquity Q114068601
Calliphon Calliphon philosopher Hellenistic period Q718124
Callippides athlete classical antiquity Q5022740
Callistion hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278376
Callistrate of Lesbos hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278377
Callistratus of Aphidnae Callistratus Aphidnensis -0410 -0355 Aphidna Athens politician classical antiquity Q531775
Callixeina hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278374
Callixeinus Callixenus -04th century -0403 Athens politician classical antiquity Q5022836
Callixenus of Rhodes Callixenus Rhodius -0200 -03th century Rhodes Alexandria writer
Hellenistic period Q346567
Calonymus Alexandria Constantinople Hellenistic period Q3650978
Camtar Painter -06th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1031732
Canachus -06th century No/unknown value Sicyon sculptor classical antiquity Q1723440
Carcinus Carcinus Iunior -0380 04th century No/unknown value Acragas
Classical Athens
Syracuse poet
tragedy writer
classical antiquity Q2938009
Carcinus the Elder Carcinus Senior No/unknown value -05th century No/unknown value Thoricus dramaturge classical antiquity Q2938004
Carneades Carneades -0213 -0129 Cyrene Athens scholarch of the Platonic Academy philosopher Hellenistic period Q284994
Carneiscus Carneiscus -04th century
-03th century
philosopher Hellenistic period Q2635886
Carpenter Painter -05th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q12857910
Castellani Painter -06th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1048725
Cavalcade Painter -05th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Corinthian vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1539561
Cayo Valerio Verdulo classical antiquity Q16915263
Cefalù Painter -04th century red-figure vase painter
Sicilian vase-painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Centaur Painter -06th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1739048
Cephisodotus military personnel classical antiquity Q727279
Cephisodotus the Elder -05th century -04th century sculptor classical antiquity Q378772
Cephisodotus the Younger -04th century -03th century Athens sculptor classical antiquity Q708950
Cerameicus Painter -07th century -06th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1281162
Cercidas Cercidas Iambographus -03th century -03th century Megalopoli poet
Hellenistic period Q1279413
Cesnola Painter -08th century -08th century Greek vase-painter classical antiquity Q18704770
Chabrias Chabrias -05th century -0357 Athens Chios strategos military personnel classical antiquity Q543525
Chaeremon of Alexandria Chaeremon Alexandrinus 0010 00th century 00th century philosopher
Hellenistic period Q897689
Chaeron of Pellene -04th century No/unknown value Pellene Pellene amateur wrestler Hellenistic period Q428222
Chairias Painter -05th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q96316249
Chamaeleon Chamaeleon Heracleensis -04th century -03th century Heraclea Pontica philosopher Hellenistic period Q2955937
Chares -06th millenium -06th century black-figure vase painter classical antiquity Q1063128
Chares of Athens Chares -04th century -04th century Athens strategos military personnel classical antiquity Q953858
Chares of Lindos -04th century -0280 Lindus Rhodes sculptor
master builder
Hellenistic period Q449057
Charicles Charicles -04th century -0403 Athens politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q3271893
Charitaios -06th millenium -06th century Attic potter classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Charmadas Charmadas -0168
Hellenistic period Q255275
Charmides Charmides -040s -0403 Classical Athens Munichia politician classical antiquity Q1067590
Charondas Charondas -0600 -07th century Catane Rhegion
jurist classical antiquity Q256819
Charops Painter -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q94445436
Chelis Painter -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q89946732
Chersiphron -05th century -06th century Knossos architect classical antiquity Q1070392
Chilon of Sparta Chilon -0600 -0520 Sparta Pisa Ephor philosopher
classical antiquity Q34601
Chilonis -02th century No/unknown value classical antiquity Q459354
Chion of Heraclea Chion -0353 Heraclea Pontica Heraclea Pontica philosopher Hellenistic period Q1254602
Chiusi Painter -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1075025
Choephoroi Painter red-figure vase painter
Lucanian vase-painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Chrysilla of Corinth hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278378
Chrysippus of Cnidos Chrysippus Cnidius -03th century No/unknown value physician classical antiquity Q5114613
Chrysippus of Soli Chrysippus -0281 -0208 Soli Athens scholarch of the Stoic school philosopher
Hellenistic period Q211411
Chrysis Painter potter classical antiquity Q5114616
Chrysogonus of Macedon Hellenistic period Q5114831
Cimon of Cleonae -05th century -0500 -05th century Corinth painter classical antiquity Q5120160
Cineas Cineas -0400 -03th century Thessalia writer
classical antiquity Q544716
Civico Painter -06th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1094454
Cleander of Gela Cleander -06th century -0498 Gela politician classical antiquity Q1381636
Cleandridas -05th millenium No/unknown value strategos politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q475679
Cleanthes Cleanthes -0331 -0232 Assos Athens scholarch of the Stoic school philosopher
Hellenistic period Q310149
Clearchus of Heraclea -040s -0352 writer
classical antiquity Q984187
Clearchus of Rhegium -05th century -05th century sculptor classical antiquity Q3680378
Clearchus of Sparta Clearchus -04th century -0401 Sparta Assyrian Empire strategos mercenary
military personnel
classical antiquity Q530532
Cleio hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278379
Cleisthenes politician classical antiquity Q5131112
Cleisthenes of Sicyon Clisthenes Sicyonius -07th century -06th century Sicyon politician classical antiquity Q359545
Cleo hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278380
Cleocritus Cleocritus Athens eponymous archon religious classical antiquity Q5131656
Cleombrotus Cleombrotus (regens Spartae) -06th century -0480 Sparta Sparta regent classical antiquity Q718102
Cleombrotus I Cleombrotus I -05th century -0371 Sparta king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q373660
Cleombrotus II Cleombrotus II -02th century -03th century king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q887780
Cleomedes Cleomedes 00th century -01th century 00th century Lysimachia astronomer
Hellenistic period Q31278
Cleomenes I Cleomenes I -06th century -0490 Sparta Sparta king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q44005
Cleomenes II Cleomenes II -03th century -0309 king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q464632
Cleomenes III Cleomenes III -0260 -0219 Sparta Alexandria king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q310811
Cleomenes of Constantinople 03th century philosopher classical antiquity Q48893226
Cleomenes the Cynic -03th millenium -03th century philosopher Hellenistic period Q437332
Cleon Cleon -05th century -0422 Athens Amphipolis strategos politician
military personnel
army officer
classical antiquity Q298220
Cleon of Sicyon -0380 Sicyon sculptor classical antiquity Q5131686
Cleon of Sicyon classical antiquity Q19560256
Cleonaeus Cleonaeus Rhodes military personnel classical antiquity Q1091435
Cleonides Cleonides 01th century 01th century
-03th century
01th century musicologist
music theorist
classical antiquity Q4223358
Cleonymus -03th century No/unknown value military leader classical antiquity Q930518
Cleopatra Cleopatra VII -0069-01-13 -0030-08-12 Alexandria Alexandria pharaoh sovereign
Greco-Roman Egypt
Hellenistic period
Ptolemaic dynasty
History of Ptolemaic Egypt
Cleopatra I Syra Cleopatra I -0204 -0176 queen regnant Hellenistic period Q40252
Cleopatra II of Egypt Cleopatra II -0185 -0116 Queen Regent monarch Hellenistic period Q40247
Cleopatra III of Egypt Cleopatra III -0161 -0101 pharaoh monarch
queen regnant
Hellenistic period Q40003
Cleopatra IV of Egypt -0138 -0112 Alexandria Antioch Seleucid ruler queen regnant Hellenistic period Q40023
Cleopatra Selene of Egypt and Syria -0135
-0069 Seleucia at the Zeugma Seleucid ruler queen regnant Hellenistic period Q40027
Cleopatra Thea Cleopatra Thea -0164 -0121
Egypt Seleucid ruler queen regnant Hellenistic period Q231682
Cleopatra V of Egypt -0100 -0057
pharaoh sovereign Hellenistic period Q40242
Cleophon Cleophon -04th century -0405 Athens Athens politician
classical antiquity Q983651
Clitomachus Clitomachus -0187 -0110 Carthage Classical Athens scholarch of the Platonic Academy philosopher Hellenistic period Q466951
Clitophon -05th century No/unknown value politician classical antiquity Q1774002
Codrus Painter -04th century potter classical antiquity Q17095447
Coeratadas Thebes military personnel classical antiquity Q5140815
Coes of Mytilene military personnel classical antiquity Q5140832
Coius toreutician classical antiquity Q108691396
Colaeus -07th century -07th century Samos explorer classical antiquity Q384377
Colotes Colotes -0320 No/unknown value Lampsacus philosopher Hellenistic period Q1234536
Columbus Painter -07th century -07th century black-figure vase painter classical antiquity Q1779708
Conon Conon Atheniensis -04th century -0390 Athens Cyprus strategos military personnel classical antiquity Q363832
Coragus classical antiquity Q5169435
Coriscus of Scepsis Coriscus Scepsius Scepsis philosopher Hellenistic period Q5170720
Cottina of Sparta hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278373
Crantor Crantor -0344 -0275 Soli philosopher Hellenistic period Q434773
Craterus Craterus Crateri filius -0320 -03th century jurist
military leader
military personnel
Hellenistic period Q1120892
Crates toreutician classical antiquity Q107157395
Crates of Athens Crates Atheniensis -04th century -020s scholarch of the Platonic Academy philosopher Hellenistic period Q712755
Crates of Mallus Crates Mallotes -02th century -010s -0145 Mallus head of the Library of Pergamum philosopher
Hellenistic period Q503075
Crates of Thebes Crates Thebanus -0365 -030s -0285 Thebes Boeotia Regional Unit philosopher Hellenistic period Q317947
Cratesipolis -040s -03th century Sicyon politician Hellenistic period Q524490
Cratippus of Athens Cratippus Atheniensis -00th century Athens historian classical antiquity Q644153
Cratippus of Pergamon Cratippus Pergamenus -01th century -000s -01th century Pergamon philosopher Hellenistic period Q950303
Cresilas Cresilas -0480 -0410 Kydonia sculptor classical antiquity Q450661
Crinis philosopher Hellenistic period Q5185744
Critius Critius -06th century -05th century sculptor classical antiquity Q1186159
Critolaus Critolaus -0200 -0120 Phaselis Athens scholarch of the Peripatetic school philosopher Hellenistic period Q1073837
Critolaus of Megalopolis Megalopoli strategos of the Achaean League military personnel classical antiquity Q2363120
Criton Crito Atheniensis -0469 -05th century
-04th century
-05th century Alopeke Athens philosopher classical antiquity Q934471
Ctesias Ctesias -05th century -04th century Knidos Knidos physician
classical antiquity Q296325
Ctesibius Ctesibus -0284 -0221 Alexandria Alexandria museum director inventor
classical antiquity Q41766
Cycliadas strategos of the Achaean League military personnel classical antiquity Q4220424
Cydias -0364 Kythnos painter classical antiquity Q4894718
Cypselus Cypselus -07th century -0627 Corinth Corinth politician classical antiquity Q430688
Daes of Colonae historian classical antiquity Q11916473
Damasithymus -05th century -0480 Calynda Salamis Island king monarch classical antiquity Q16828811
Damis Damis philosopher Hellenistic period Q19713801
Damon Painter -06th millenium -06th century painter classical antiquity Q17122734
Damon of Athens Damon Atheniensis -04th century -05th century No/unknown value Athens politician
music theorist
classical antiquity Q2346819
Damophilus Damophilus -07th century -0493 -06th century painter
classical antiquity Q11916550
Damophon No/unknown value -02th century No/unknown value Messene sculptor classical antiquity Q1158742
Damoxenus of Syracuse Damoxenus boxer classical antiquity Q89098430
Danaid Painter -04th century campanian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q52386593
Dardanus of Athens Dardanus Atheniensis -0160 -0085 Classical Athens philosopher Hellenistic period Q2661420
Darius Painter -04th century -04th century No/unknown value No/unknown value No/unknown value red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q902022
Darius of Pontus -01th century -01th century sovereign Hellenistic period Q2352675
Daybreak Painter -06th century
No/unknown value
-05th century
No/unknown value
black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Deidamia II of Epirus -03th century -03th century Epirus Ambracia king of Epirus monarch classical antiquity Q2993209
Deimachus Daimachus -04th century -03th century geographer
Hellenistic period Q5252438
Deiniades -06th century -06th century Attic potter classical antiquity Q1183292
Deinias painter classical antiquity Q11917928
Delos Painter -05th century No/unknown value Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q89214276
Demaenetus military leader classical antiquity Q5255000
Demaratus Demaratus -06th century -05th century Sparta king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q334478
Demetrios of Amphipolis -04th century philosopher Hellenistic period Q5255306
Demetrius -03th century -0181 ambassador diplomat classical antiquity Q1185467
Demetrius I Soter Demetrius I Soter -0187 -0150 Antioch Seleucid ruler monarch Hellenistic period Q296304
Demetrius I of Bactria -03th century -010s Bactria King of Greco-Bactrian kingdom sovereign Hellenistic period Q347916
Demetrius I of Macedon Demetrius I Poliorcetes -0336
-0283 Apamea king politician Hellenistic period Q59734
Demetrius II Aetolicus -0269 -0229 list of ancient Macedonians monarch Hellenistic period Q313847
Demetrius II Nicator Demetrius II Nicator -0161 -0125 Tyre Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q309719
Demetrius II of India -02th century -02th century -01th century Bactria King of Greco-Bactrian kingdom king Hellenistic period Q888286
Demetrius III -01th century -00th century Indo-Greek Kingdom king Hellenistic period Q1257343
Demetrius III Eucaerus Demetrius III Eucaerus -01th century -0088 Seleucid Empire Parthian Empire Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q312809
Demetrius Lacon Demetrius Lacon -01th century -02th century No/unknown value Miletus
philosopher Hellenistic period Q1185502
Demetrius of Alopece -05th century -04th century Alopeke Athens sculptor classical antiquity Q5255305
Demetrius of Phalerum Demetrius Phalereus -0350
-0283 Phaleron Egypt head of the Library of Alexandria politician
Hellenistic period Q313286
Demetrius of Pharos Demetrius Pharius -03th century -0214 Hvar Messene king politician Hellenistic period Q738503
Demetrius the Chronographer Demetrius Chronographus Alexandria chronicler
Hellenistic period Q3705296
Demetrius the Cynic Demetrius Cynicus 00th century Corinth Greece philosopher Hellenistic period Q742345
Demetrius the Fair -0285 -0250 Cyrene monarch Hellenistic period Q878405
Democedes Democedes -06th century -05th century Crotone Crotone physician classical antiquity Q707162
Democrates philosopher Hellenistic period Q16190656
Democrates Democrates sculptor classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Classical Roman Empire
Democrates of Aphidna Democrates Aphidnensis politician classical antiquity Q11916860
Demodamas Demodamas Halicarnassensis -04th century -03th century Miletus satrap
Hellenistic period Q2674522
Demomeles classical antiquity Q17628719
Demonax Demonax 02th century 0170 Cyprus Athens philosopher Hellenistic period Q949530
Demonax of Mantineia politician classical antiquity Q5256238
Demophilus of Thespiae -0480 Thespiae Thermopylae strategos military personnel classical antiquity Q928788
Demosthenes Demosthenes -0384
-0322-10-12 Upper Paiania Poros ambassador politician
classical antiquity Q117253
Demosthenes Demosthenes -04th century -0413 Aphidna Syracuse strategos military personnel classical antiquity Q504986
Dercylidas Dercyllidas -05th century -04th century Harmost military leader
military personnel
classical antiquity Q1200215
Dercylides sculptor classical antiquity Q107986031
Dexagoridas -02th century -0195 military leader classical antiquity Q5268311
Dexippus of Cos Kos physician classical antiquity Q5268336
Dharmaraksita bhikkhu
Hellenistic period Q5269315
Diaeus -01th century -0146 Megalopoli strategos of the Achaean League military personnel classical antiquity Q2066030
Dicaearchus Dicaearchus -04th century -020s Messana mathematician
Hellenistic period Q352621
Didymeia Seleucid ruler monarch Hellenistic period Q5274260
Didymus Chalcenterus Didymus Chalcenterus -0063
0010 Alexandria Rome lexicographer
Hellenistic period Q506540
Dienekes -04th century -0480 Sparta Thermopylae warrior classical antiquity Q2247008
Dieuches physician classical antiquity Q1414082
Dikaios Painter -05th century No/unknown value Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q88909208
Dinarchus Dinarchus -0360 -04th century -0292 Corinth Classical Athens orator classical antiquity Q473421
Dinomachus Dinomachus philosopher Hellenistic period Q11917209
Dinon Dinon Colophonius -0400 -04th century Colophon Colophon historian
Hellenistic period Q260951
Dinos Painter -05th century -04th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q353453
Dinostratus Dinostratus -0390 -0320 Greece mathematician
classical antiquity Q976854
Dio of Alexandria -0057 Alexandria philosopher Hellenistic period Q4893653
Diocles Diocles -0240 -0180 Karystos
mathematician classical antiquity Q1226886
Diocles of Cnidus Diocles Cnidius Knidos philosopher Hellenistic period Q5279079
Diodorus of Adramyttium rhetorician
Hellenistic period Q5279166
Diodorus of Alexandria Diodorus Alexandrinus astronomer Hellenistic period Q5279165
Diodorus of Aspendus Diodorus Aspendius 03th millenium 04th century Aspendos philosopher Hellenistic period Q948383
Diodorus of Sinope Diodorus Sinopensis comedy writer Hellenistic period Q11917227
Diodorus of Tyre Diodorus Tyrius -01th century -010s -02th century Tyre Athens scholarch of the Peripatetic school philosopher Hellenistic period Q905827
Diodotus I Bactria King of Greco-Bactrian kingdom
Seleucid Satrap
sovereign Hellenistic period Q335032
Diodotus II -0252 -020s Bactria Bactria King of Greco-Bactrian kingdom sovereign Hellenistic period Q363368
Diodotus Tryphon Diodotus Tryphon -01th century -0138
Antioch Seleucid ruler politician Hellenistic period Q297651
Dioedas strategos of the Achaean League military leader classical antiquity Q5279168
Diogenes of Babylon Diogenes Babylonius -0240 -0150 Seleucia scholarch of the Stoic school
Hellenistic period Q434203
Diogenes of Cappadocia diplomat classical antiquity Q5279179
Diogenes of Seleucia Diogenes Seleucensis -010s philosopher Hellenistic period Q5279180
Diogenes of Tarsus -02th century -01th century Tarsus philosopher
Hellenistic period Q1226828
Diomed Painter -04th millenium red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1226896
Diomedes Soter -02th century -01th century Hellenistic period Q365953
Dionysiades Dionysiades -03th century No/unknown value poet
tragedy writer
Hellenistic period Q905878
Dionysios Soter -01th millenium No/unknown value Punjab Kashmir sovereign Hellenistic period Q926524
Dionysius classical antiquity Q5279391
Dionysius Dionysius -03th century -03th century indologist
Hellenistic period Q5279393
Dionysius I of Syracuse Dionysius Maior -0430
-0367 Syracuse tyrant politician classical antiquity Q332750
Dionysius II of Syracuse Dionysius II Syracusanus -0397 -0343 Syracuse Ancient Corinth tyrant politician
classical antiquity Q380453
Dionysius of Alexandria -03th century Alexandria runner Hellenistic period Q22936218
Dionysius of Cyrene Dionysius Cyrenaeus mathematician Hellenistic period Q4162012
Dionysius of Heraclea Dionysius Heracleotes -0360 -0305 Heraclea Pontica Heraclea Pontica tyrant classical antiquity Q643379
Dionysius of Lamptrai -0205 Lamptrai scholarch of the Epicurean school philosopher Hellenistic period Q644214
Dionysius of Sinope Dionysius Sinopensis -0338 comedy writer
classical antiquity Q905884
Dionysius the Phocaean -05th century strategos sailor
military personnel
classical antiquity Q771825
Dionysius the Renegade Dionysius Heracleensis -0330 -0250 philosopher Hellenistic period Q969976
Dionysodorus Dionysodorus -0250 -0190 Kaunos mathematician classical antiquity Q5279409
Diopeithes military personnel classical antiquity Q3781404
Dioscorides Dioscorides -03th century -0225 No/unknown value philosopher Hellenistic period Q12278791
Dioscorides of Samos -02th century -02th century -01th century Samos Ancient Rome mosaicist classical antiquity Q11917292
Diosphos Painter -05th century -05th century -05th century Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
white-groud vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1227082
Diotimus the Stoic Diotimus Stoicus philosopher Hellenistic period Q4354525
Diphilus of Siphnos Diphilus Siphnius -03th century -03th century -03th century Sifnos physician
classical antiquity Q718707
Diphridas Diphridas -04th century -030s -04th century military personnel classical antiquity Q533311
Dipylon Master -08th millenium -080s -08th century Attic vase-painter
geometric vase-painter
classical antiquity Q943544
Diyllus Diyllus Atheniensis -03th century -04th century -02th century Classical Athens historian Hellenistic period Q4355017
Dodwell Painter -05th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Corinthian vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1234478
Dokimasia Painter -05th millenium -05th century red-figure vase painter classical antiquity Q14906560
Dorotheus of Ascalon Ashkelon grammarian classical antiquity Q11917710
Douris -06th century -05th century Classical Athens red-figure vase painter
vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q965272
Ducarius -03th century -0217 Milan soldier classical antiquity Q969617
Duel Painter -07th century black-figure vase painter
Corinthian vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1263855
Duris of Samos Duris Samius -0340 -0270 Heraclea Minoa Samos writer
Hellenistic period Q521203
Dusanni warlord classical antiquity Q12821766
Dynamis -0062 -0013 politician Hellenistic period Q273612
Echecrates of Thessaly military personnel Hellenistic period Q3559745
Echecratides Lesbos philosopher Hellenistic period Q9250176
Echedemus diplomat
classical antiquity Q9250156
Edinburgh Painter -05th century Attica Region black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1284686
Eirene hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278382
Elbows Out -05th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1325382
Eleusis Painter red-figure vase painter
white-groud vase-painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q112226708
Elpinikos Painter -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q90199958
Emporion-Maler -05th millenium black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1339403
Endoeus -05th century -06th century sculptor classical antiquity Q2327459
Entochus sculptor classical antiquity Q5380568
Epainetos -04th millenium classical antiquity Q1029554
Epaminondas Epaminondas -0418 -0362 Thebes Mantineia
Pelagos forest
military personnel
military leader
army officer
classical antiquity Q190436
Epander -02th century
-01th century
No/unknown value Hellenistic period Q366021
Epeleios Painter -05th century No/unknown value Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q26214499
Eperatus Eperatus strategos of the Achaean League military personnel classical antiquity Q1074255
Ephialtes Ephialtes -05th century -0461 Athens Athens politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q318731
Epicleas classical antiquity Q17479567
Epicrates of Ambracia Epicrates Comicus comedy writer classical antiquity Q990056
Epicrates of Athens -04th century -04th century politician classical antiquity Q5382605
Epicurus Epicurus -0342 -0270 Samos Athens scholarch of the Epicurean school philosopher
Hellenistic period Q43216
Epidromos Painter -05th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q43665900
Epigenes of Athens Epigenes Comicus comedy writer classical antiquity Q990052
Epigonos of Telmessos Hellenistic period Q5382918
Epigonus of Ambracia musician classical antiquity Q5382921
Epigonus of Pergamum -02th century -03th century Pergamon sculptor Hellenistic period Q1288034
Epiktetos -06th century -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q938972
Epilycus Epilycus Comicus comedy writer classical antiquity Q1774725
Epimachus of Athens Epimachus -03th century No/unknown value architect
military engineer
Hellenistic period Q542572
Epitimos Painter -06th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q2692575
Erasistratus Erasistratus -030s
Iulis Samos physician
classical antiquity Q377781
Erastus of Scepsis Scepsis philosopher Hellenistic period Q5385022
Eratosthenes Eratosthenes Cyrenaeus -0276 -0194 Cyrene Alexandria head of the Library of Alexandria mathematician
music theorist
Hellenistic period Q43182
Eratosthenes Eratosthenes -05th century -05th century politician classical antiquity Q682499
Eretria Painter -05th century -04th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
white-groud vase-painter
classical antiquity Q386045
Ergoteles -05th century potter classical antiquity Q1350653
Ergotimos -06th century -06th century Attic potter classical antiquity Q1350695
Erymneus philosopher Hellenistic period Q5396276
Eryximachus -0448 -04th century Athens physician classical antiquity Q5396556
Etazeta of Bithynia -02th century head of state politician classical antiquity Q1289132
Eteonicus -04th century -03th century Sparta military personnel classical antiquity Q15078598
Euaeon of Lampsacus Euaeon of Lampsacenus -04th century Lampsacus philosopher Hellenistic period Q16210063
Eualcides -0498 Eretria Ephesus military leader classical antiquity Q2762314
Eubulos -00th century sculptor classical antiquity Q93100796
Eubulus Bithynia banker classical antiquity Q5405459
Eucharides Painter -06th century -05th century black-figure vase painter
red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1372152
Eucharis dancer
stage actor
classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Late Roman Republic
Eucheiros -06th millenium Attic potter classical antiquity Q974212
Eucheirus sculptor classical antiquity Q5405845
Eucleidas Eucleidas -02th century -0222 Sparta king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q954786
Eucleidas -05th century -04th century medal cutter classical antiquity Q1373675
Eucleides Eucleides -04th century -03th century eponymous archon politician classical antiquity Q2861057
Euclid Euclides -03th century -02th century
No/unknown value No/unknown value No/unknown value mathematician
Hellenistic period Q8747
Eucratides I -01th century -02th century
King of Greco-Bactrian kingdom monarch Hellenistic period Q381819
Eucratides II -02th century -02th century King of Greco-Bactrian kingdom king Hellenistic period Q888521
Eudamidas I -04th century -03th century king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q604024
Eudamidas II -03th century -0244 Sparta king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q889042
Eudamidas III Eudamidas III -03th century -03th century Sparta king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q911113
Eudemus of Rhodes Eudemus Rhodius -0350 -0290 Rhodes Rhodes mathematician
historian of mathematics
historian of science
Hellenistic period Q358482
Eudorus of Alexandria Eudorus Alexandrinus -01th century -01th century philosopher Hellenistic period Q992324
Eudoxus of Cnidus Eudoxus -0408 -0355 Knidos Knidos mathematician
Hellenistic period Q185150
Eudoxus of Cyzicus Eudoxus Cyzicenus -0150 -02th century -0100 Cyzicus explorer Hellenistic period Q673550
Euergides Painter -05th century No/unknown value Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q89520234
Euhemerus Euhemerus -04th century -03th century Messana Alexandria anthropologist
Hellenistic period Q317942
Eumenes I Eumenes I -02th century -0241
Pergamon politician Hellenistic period Q314341
Eumenes II Eumenes II -0221 -0159 monarch military leader Hellenistic period Q270678
Eumenes III Aristonicus -02th century -0129 Rome sovereign Hellenistic period Q350388
Eunice politician Hellenistic period Q5409733
Eunomus military personnel classical antiquity Q5409810
Eupalinos Eupalinus -06th century -06th century Megara architect
classical antiquity Q919357
Euphantus Euphantus -03th century No/unknown value Olynthus philosopher
Hellenistic period Q3060400
Euphemus eponymous archon military personnel classical antiquity Q5410350
Euphiletos -0600 black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1374081
Euphiletos Painter -06th century black-figure vase painter
vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1374087
Euphorbus Euphorbus (medicus) -01th century -00th century physician Hellenistic period Q1374110
Euphraeus No/unknown value -04th century -030s Histiaia philosopher Hellenistic period Q3060421
Euphranor Euphranor -03th century -04th century Isthmus of Corinth Athens painter
classical antiquity Q949770
Euphrates the Stoic Euphrates Tyrius 0035 0118 Tyre philosopher Hellenistic period Q2666131
Euphron Euphron No/unknown value Thebes classical antiquity Q19593912
Euphronios Euphronius -05th century -04th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
Attic potter
classical antiquity Q358508
Eupolemus Eupolemus -02th century -02th century historian Hellenistic period Q3362836
Eupolemus Eupolemus -0315 -04th century Caria military personnel Hellenistic period Q5410878
Eupolis Painter No/unknown value No/unknown value No/unknown value No/unknown value red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q56033758
Eupompus -04th century -04th century Sicyon painter classical antiquity Q366604
Eurybiades -06th century -05th century strategos military personnel classical antiquity Q499025
Eurycratides -06th century -0590 Sparta king of Sparta politician classical antiquity Q777923
Eurydice II of Macedon Eurydice -04th century -0317 Amphipolis king politician Hellenistic period Q292317
Eurydice of Egypt -04th century -03th century Macedonia pharaoh politician Hellenistic period Q233771
Eurymedon -04th century -0413 Classical Athens ancient Syracuse strategos military personnel classical antiquity Q972556
Eurymedon of Myrrhinus -05th century Myrrhinous classical antiquity Q1378512
Eurymedon the Hierophant classical antiquity Q5414034
Euryphon Euryphon physician classical antiquity Q388173
Eurytios Painter Greek vase-painter classical antiquity Q30088923
Eurytus of Sparta Eurytus -05th century -0480 Thermopylae military personnel classical antiquity Q6174372
Euthydemus classical antiquity Q5414525
Euthydemus I -03th century -02th century Magnesia Regional Unit Bactria King of Greco-Bactrian kingdom sovereign Hellenistic period Q362604
Euthydemus II -02th century -02th century Bactria Bactria King of Greco-Bactrian kingdom king Hellenistic period Q878418
Euthymedes painter classical antiquity Q98137933
Euthymenes Euthymenes -0600 -06th century Marseille explorer classical antiquity Q367438
Euthymides -06th century -05th century Athens red-figure vase painter
ancient Greek potter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q560260
Euthyphro classical antiquity Q5414544
Eutychides Eutychides -04th century -03th century Sicyon sculptor classical antiquity Q1378985
Eutychides sculptor classical antiquity Q40752070
Euxitheos -06th century Attic potter classical antiquity Q1379001
Evagoras Euagoras I -040s -030s
Salamis Salamis king of Salamis of Cyprus
king of Tyre
monarch classical antiquity Q463301
Evagoras II -04th century -04th century -04th century king of Salamis of Cyprus
monarch classical antiquity Q11921366
Evander Evander -02th century -01th century Phocaea scholarch of the Platonic Academy philosopher Hellenistic period Q2705204
Evanthius Evanthius 04th century military officer classical antiquity Q48862122
Examyas classical antiquity Q26237606
Exekias -05th century -06th century -05th century
Classical Athens black-figure vase painter
ancient Greek potter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q358541
Ezekiel the Tragedian Ezechiel 0199
00th century
-02th century Alessandria
Hellenistic period Q1385977
Farasmanes -04th century -04th century monarch classical antiquity Q11009802
Florence Painter -05th millenium red-figure vase painter classical antiquity Q14906666
Foundry Painter -05th millenium -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1366158
Furius Alpinus Furius Alpinus -00th century -01th century writer
classical antiquity Q1498548
Fuscus 02th millenium 03th century sculptor classical antiquity Q96125088
Gaios Gaius 05th millenium sculptor classical antiquity Q21798156
Gaius Babbius Regilus Caius Babbius Regilus No/unknown value No/unknown value No/unknown value Rome gem engraver classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Classical Roman Empire
Gaius Cuspius Pansa Gaius Cuspius Pausa classical antiquity Q97931909
Galaton painter Hellenistic period Q4132264
Gales -05th century Attic potter classical antiquity Q92329840
Gales Painter -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q92329449
Gamedes-Maler -06th millenium -06th century painter classical antiquity Q1247028
Ganymede Painter -04th century -10th millenium red-figure vase painter classical antiquity Q1493685
Gela Painter -06th century -05th century Greek vase-painter
Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1499196
Gelo Gelon -06th century -0478 Gela ancient Syracuse tyrant of Syracuse politician classical antiquity Q468608
Geminus of Rhodos Geminus Rhodius -0010 -01th century 0060 Rhodes No/unknown value mathematician
Hellenistic period Q379987
Geras Painter Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q99662192
Giessen Painter -06th millenium -06th century Greek vase-painter classical antiquity Q17321950
Gioia del Colle-Maler -04th century -04th century Apulian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1525249
Glaucias Glaucias Tarentinus -01th century physician classical antiquity Q1010972
Glaucias of Aegina Aegina sculptor classical antiquity Q1010974
Glaucon Glaucon -0445 No/unknown value Kollytos philosopher classical antiquity Q1364945
Glaucus of Carystus -06th century -05th century Karystos boxer classical antiquity Q932708
Glaucus of Chios -08th century -07th century Chios toreutician
classical antiquity Q540804
Glaucus of Locris Locri writer
cookbook writer
classical antiquity Q3771918
Glycera Glycera -04th century Athens hetaera classical antiquity Q542089
Gnaeus Cornelius Pulcher Gnaeus Cornelius Pulcher 01th century 02th century ancient Roman senator
politician classical antiquity Q1533114
Gnome hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278383
Goltyr Painter -06th millenium -05th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1536709
Goluchow Painter -05th century Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q88803727
Gordius of Cappadocia -02th century -01th century ambassador diplomat Hellenistic period Q1345109
Gorgasus Gorgasus -05th century -0493 painter
classical antiquity Q12875545
Gorgias Gorgias -0165 military leader
Hellenistic period Q1092175
Gorgidas Gorgidas Thebes Boeotarch politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q2721135
Gorgon Painter -07th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q256026
Gorgopas -04th century -0388 military personnel classical antiquity Q5586316
Gorgopas military leader classical antiquity Q5586317
Gorgus -05th millenium Attic potter classical antiquity Q1538246
Griffin-Bird Painter‎ -06th millenium -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Gryllion -04th century sculptor
classical antiquity Q111240881
Gryton -06th millenium -06th century ceramicist classical antiquity Q1551187
Guglielmi Painter black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1553373
Gylippus Gylippus -05th century -04th century strategos military leader
military personnel
classical antiquity Q504975
Gylis -04th century -03th century military personnel classical antiquity Q4892254
H. P. Painter -06th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1562486
Habron painter Hellenistic period Q27056027
Hagnon Hagnon -040s -040s Athens politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q1352188
Hagnon of Tarsus Tarsus philosopher
Hellenistic period Q5638786
Hagnothemis Hagnothemis historian Hellenistic period Q5638781
Haifa-Maler -04th century -04th century red-figure vase painter classical antiquity Q1425195
Haimon Painter -04th century -05th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1321820
Hanan the Egyptian 01th century Alexandria rabbi Hellenistic period Q2892486
Harpalus Harpalus diplomat classical antiquity Q5663138
Harpocration Harpocration 02th century Alexandria writer
Hellenistic period
High Roman Empire
Harrow Painter -05th millenium painter classical antiquity Q5666575
Harsiesi -010s -0130 Ancient Egypt
Greco-Roman Egypt
Hellenistic period
Harvard Painter -06th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q97106884
Hasselmann Painter potter classical antiquity Q5680014
Hecataeus Hecateus toreutician classical antiquity Q108260777
Hecataeus of Abdera Hecataeus Abderita -04th century -03th century Abdera Alexandria historian
Hellenistic period Q471916
Hecato of Rhodes Hecaton Stoicus -02th century -01th century Rhodes philosopher
Hellenistic period Q924215
Hegesander Hegesander Delphicus -01th century -02th century -02th century Delphi writer
Hellenistic period Q1057347
Hegesandridas -04th century -05th century Sparta military personnel classical antiquity Q5698407
Hegesias of Cyrene Hegesias Cyrenaicus -04th century -03th century philosopher Hellenistic period Q437876
Hegesiboulos-Maler -05th millenium -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1593746
Hegesinus of Pergamon Hegesinus Pergamenus -02th century scholarch of the Platonic Academy philosopher Hellenistic period Q764766
Hegesippus Hegesippus No/unknown value -04th century No/unknown value Athens Athens politician
classical antiquity Q3720310
Hegesippus of Halicarnassus Hegesippus Halicarnassensis -03th century military leader Hellenistic period Q12900207
Hegias Hegias -05th millenium red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1419827
Hegias Hegias 05th century 06th century philosopher Hellenistic period Q1593768
Hegias of Athens -10th millenium -05th century Athens sculptor classical antiquity Q174532
Heidelberg Painter -05th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q628012
Heliocles I -02th century -02th century King of Greco-Bactrian kingdom sovereign Hellenistic period Q180766
Heliodorus Heliodorus -02th century -0175 Antioch politician Hellenistic period Q1397528
Heliodorus Heliodorus -02th century ambassador classical antiquity Q1483251
Heliokles II -02th century -01th century Indo-Greek Kingdom king Hellenistic period Q366125
Hellanicus of Mytilene Hellanicus Lesbius -0490 -0405 Mytilene Athens historian
classical antiquity Q504744
Heracleides of Byzantium politician Hellenistic period Q20002971
Heracleides of Kos Kos physician classical antiquity Q11925527
Heracleides of Leontini politician classical antiquity Q3731013
Heracleides of Magnesia Heraclides Magnes -00th century -00th century -01th century Magnesia on the Maeander historian classical antiquity Q3731014
Heracleides of Mylasa Milas strategos military personnel classical antiquity Q3565161
Heracleides of Odessus historian classical antiquity Q23680155
Heracleides of Tarentum -03th century -02th century Taranto strategos architect
military personnel
Hellenistic period Q3731017
Heracleides the Phocian sculptor classical antiquity Q24914752
Heraclides military personnel classical antiquity Q11026128
Heraclides military personnel classical antiquity Q11925521
Heraclides -010s diplomat Hellenistic period Q11925524
Heraclides Lembus Heraclides Lembus No/unknown value -0180
No/unknown value philosopher
Hellenistic period Q2397427
Heraclides Ponticus Heraclides Ponticus -0385 -0322 Heraclea Pontica Athens philosopher
Hellenistic period Q316334
Heraclides of Aenus -03th century -04th century philosopher Hellenistic period Q5732535
Heraclides of Alexandria writer Hellenistic period Q11925526
Heraclides of Athens military personnel Hellenistic period Q20002969
Heraclides of Ephesus Heraclides Ephesius sculptor classical antiquity Q11925525
Heraclides of Tarentum Heraclides Tarentinus -01th millenium -01th century physician classical antiquity Q202505
Heraclides of Tarsus Heraclides Tarsensis philosopher Hellenistic period Q18122110
Heraion Painter No/unknown value -0500 No/unknown value vase painter classical antiquity Q123745190
Heras Heras Cappadox -01th century -01th century 00th century Cappadocia physician
classical antiquity Q1057425
Herillus Herillus Philosophus -0280 -0250 No/unknown value Carthage philosopher Hellenistic period Q248975
Hermaeus -01th millenium No/unknown value Alexandria on the Caucasus king monarch Hellenistic period Q1610219
Hermagoras of Amphipolis Amphipolis philosopher Hellenistic period Q4892783
Hermaios -06th century Attic potter classical antiquity Q1610199
Hermaios Painter -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q89839903
Hermarchus Hermarchus -0325 -0250 Mytilene scholarch of the Epicurean school philosopher Hellenistic period Q542808
Hermeias -03th century -0220 Seleucid ruler politician Hellenistic period Q2183340
Hermias of Atarneus -03th century -0341 ruler politician
classical antiquity Q948620
Herminus Herminus No/unknown value 02th century No/unknown value Pergamon philosopher Hellenistic period Q3732053
Hermippus of Smyrna Hermippus Smyrnaeus -03th century -03th century
-02th century
-03th century writer
Hellenistic period Q933860
Hermocrates Hermocrates -05th century -040s ancient Syracuse politician classical antiquity Q367407
Hermodorus Hermodorus philosopher Hellenistic period Q11925492
Hermodorus Hermodorus Syracusanus -0400 No/unknown value ancient Syracuse philosopher Hellenistic period Q11925495
Hermodorus of Salamis -02th century No/unknown value Salamis architect classical antiquity Q1035625
Hermogenes -06th century -06th century Attic potter classical antiquity Q1613645
Hermogenes of Priene Hermogenes -02th century -02th century Priene architect classical antiquity Q716811
Hermonax -04th century Attica red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q328215
Herodicus -04th century -05th century Selymbria nutritionist
classical antiquity Q2479107
Herophilos -0335 -0280 Chalcedon Alexandria physician
classical antiquity Q312500
Herpyllis Megara hetaera classical antiquity Q1987698
Hestiaeus of Perinthus Hestiaeus Perinthius -04th century Perinthus philosopher Hellenistic period Q3134747
Hicetas -04th century -030s Syracuse Lentini politician classical antiquity Q1397609
Hicetas of Syracuse -04th century -03th century ancient Syracuse military leader classical antiquity Q1618049
Hierax Hierax military leader classical antiquity Q5753167
Hieronymus of Rhodes Hieronymus Rhodius -0290 -0230 writer
Hellenistic period Q1036270
Hieronymus of Syracuse -0231 -0214 Syracuse Lentini tyrant politician classical antiquity Q2485987
Hikanos Hicanus bronze sculptor
classical antiquity Q98060379
Hipparchia of Maroneia Hipparchia Maronea -0350 -0280 Maroneia philosopher Hellenistic period Q235494
Hippe hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278384
Hippias Hippias -06th century -0490 Athens Marathon eponymous archon politician classical antiquity Q313467
Hippo 01th century sea classical antiquity Q17077359
Hippobotus Hippobotus philosopher
Hellenistic period Q2614752
Hippocleides -06th century -05th century eponymous archon politician classical antiquity Q1612323
Hippocles -03th century classical antiquity Q26990375
Hippoclus Hippoclus tyrant politician classical antiquity Q2406006
Hippocrates -05th century -0424 Athens Delium Athenian strategos military personnel classical antiquity Q1620003
Hippocrates of Chios Hippocrates Chius -0470 -0410 Chios mathematician
classical antiquity Q312629
Hippocrates of Gela -06th century -0491 Ibla politician classical antiquity Q707894
Hippodamus of Miletus Hippodamus -0498 -0408 Miletus architect
urban planner
classical antiquity Q298071
Hippolytos Painter -06th millenium -06th century painter classical antiquity Q17123637
Hipponicus III -040s -05th century Athens military personnel classical antiquity Q606604
Hippostratus -00th century -0050 Taxila monarch sovereign Hellenistic period Q1387449
Hirschfeld Painter -08th century -07th century -08th century geometric vase-painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1347891
Hischylos Painter -05th century Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q89217979
Histiaeus Histiaeus -05th century -0493 Miletus Sardis tyrant pirate
military commander
classical antiquity Q451426
Honolulu Painter -05th century -06th century Corinthian vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q5896702
Honoratus 03th century politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q3882750
Horos son of Nechoutes Hellenistic period Q15107128
Horus boxer Hellenistic period Q5907018
Hugronaphor Hyrgonaphor -03th century -02th century pharaoh statesperson Greco-Roman Egypt
Hellenistic period
Hunt Painter -06th century laconian vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q18711122
Hybrias Hybrias Cretensis -07th century
-06th century
-06th century -06th century Crete writer
classical antiquity Q11925577
Hyperbatas -02th century -03th century strategos of the Achaean League military personnel
classical antiquity Q4138705
Hyperbolus Hyperbolus -05th century -0411 Athens Samos politician classical antiquity Q1278644
Hypereides Hyperides -0390
-0322 Athens Aegina strategos orator
military personnel
classical antiquity Q314447
Hypereides -06th millenium ceramicist classical antiquity Q1640910
Hypsicratea -01th century -01th century consort Hellenistic period Q5961731
Hypsis -06th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1641522
Hyrradius -07th century classical antiquity Q107138631
Hyspaosines -0209 -0124 King of Characene
Seleucid Satrap
Hellenistic period Q1641597
Iai sculptor classical antiquity
Ancient Egypt
New Kingdom of Egypt
Iason 01th century glassmaker
classical antiquity
Classical Roman Empire
Ictinus Ictinus -05th century No/unknown value Classical Athens Classical Athens architect classical antiquity Q311502
Idomeneus of Lampsacus Idomeneus Lampsacenus -0400 No/unknown value philosopher
Hellenistic period Q648287
Ilioupersis Painter -04th millenium -03th century Apulian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q353658
Inscription Painter -05th century -0560
chalkidian vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q3905866
Intertwined Tails Painter Etruscan vase-painter classical antiquity Q89112036
Iophon sculptor Hellenistic period Q40215926
Iotapa -0043 No/unknown value Atropatene consort Hellenistic period Q13426498
Iotapa Hellenistic period Q16226602
Iotapa of Commagene -01th century 01th century Hellenistic period Q13426522
Iotapa of Emesa -00th century politician Hellenistic period Q406789
Iphicrates Iphicrates -0419 -0353 Athens Thrace strategos military personnel classical antiquity Q354424
Isagoras -06th century -06th century eponymous archon politician classical antiquity Q529472
Isidoros Artemidorus of Alexandria -03th century Alexandria runner Hellenistic period Q24024171
Ismenus -06th millenium black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1674366
Isogonus of Nicaea writer classical antiquity Q109567642
Ister of Cyrene Ister Cyrenaeus -0250 No/unknown value Paphos writer
Hellenistic period Q1961098
Istrokles -07th century -07th century painter classical antiquity Q1519388
Isyllus Isyllus -04th century -03th century poet
classical antiquity Q1674985
Jason of Cyrene Iason Cyrenaeus -01th century -01th century historian Hellenistic period Q6163861
Jason of Nysa Iaso Nysaeus -01th century -00th century philosopher Hellenistic period Q4352000
Jason of Pherae Iason Pheraeus -05th century -0370 tyrant politician classical antiquity Q456945
Jena Painter -05th century -03th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q343177
Juba II Iuba II -0052
0023 Hippo Regius Tipasa in Mauretania King of Mauritania writer
Hellenistic period
High Roman Empire
Jun Tsuji 1884-10-04 1944-11-24 Tokyo Tokyo poet
Hellenistic period Q3189987
KX Painter -07th century -06th century Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1719221
KY Painter -07th century -06th century Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1719225
Kachrylion -06th century -05th century Attica Attica Attic potter
classical antiquity Q1720904
Kalamis the Younger -05th century -05th century -04th century toreutician
bell founder
classical antiquity Q109690630
Kallis -06th century -05th century Attic potter classical antiquity
art of Classical Greece
Kamel-Maler -06th century -06th century black-figure vase painter classical antiquity Q1722905
Karithaios Painter -06th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1729626
Karpion architect classical antiquity Q6373309
Kassandra Painter -06th millenium -06th century painter
black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q6374710
Kealtes -06th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1303181
Kekebes bladesmith classical antiquity Q108637443
King Pyraechmus of Euboea classical antiquity Q6411968
King Telephos -05th millenium No/unknown value Sagala sovereign Hellenistic period Q919774
Kiss Painter -06th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1794581
Kleimachos -06th century -06th century Attic potter classical antiquity Q1746180
Kleisophos -06th century -06th century Greek vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1773979
Kleitias -0615 -06th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q722963
Kleomelos Painter -05th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q38007466
Kleophon Painter -05th century -04th century Greek vase-painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q725534
Kleophrades Painter Kleophrades -06th century -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1347940
Kodros Painter -05th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1750072
Konnakis Painter -0350 Apulian vase-painter
Vase-painter of the Gnathia style‎
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Korisios bladesmith classical antiquity Q108658129
Kritonianos sculptor classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Classical Roman Empire
late antiquity
Kyllenios Painter -05th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1795091
LNO Painter -03th century vase painter classical antiquity Q120453915
Lacedaemonius Lacedaimonius No/unknown value -05th century Athens military personnel classical antiquity Q4253257
Lachares Lachares -04th century -03th century Athens Chaeronea politician classical antiquity Q1241666
Laches Laches -0475 -0418 Mantineia politician classical antiquity Q749640
Laconicus Laconicus -03th century -02th century sovereign classical antiquity Q6468807
Lacydes of Cyrene Lacydes -03th century -0205 Cyrene scholarch of the Platonic Academy philosopher Hellenistic period Q386261
Lagoras mercenary
military personnel
Hellenistic period Q2493434
Lagus Lagus -04th century -04th century military personnel Hellenistic period Q718154
Lala -00th millenium -0074 No/unknown value painter
classical antiquity Q6480114
Lamachus Lamachus -0469 -0414 Syracuse strategos military personnel classical antiquity Q523070
Lamia of Athens Lamia -0340 -0303 Athens hetaera classical antiquity Q437631
Lamprocles -0416 -03th century classical antiquity Q5132817
Lamprus of Erythrae -05th century -05th century -05th century Classical Athens musician classical antiquity Q6482651
Lampus of Elis proxeny classical antiquity Q106222121
Lanassa -04th century -03th century Syracuse consort classical antiquity Q286973
Laodice -02th century -02th century Seleucid ruler monarch Hellenistic period Q450841
Laodice -02th century monarch Hellenistic period Q3624266
Laodice classical antiquity Q105972209
Laodice I -03th century -02th century Seleucid ruler monarch Hellenistic period Q237156
Laodice II -03th century -03th century Seleucid ruler monarch Hellenistic period Q269950
Laodice III -03th century -02th century Seleucid ruler monarch Hellenistic period Q237642
Laodice IV -020s -02th century Seleucid Empire monarch Hellenistic period Q451082
Laodice V -01th century -02th century Seleucid Empire monarch Hellenistic period Q433363
Laodice VI -02th century -020s politician Hellenistic period Q269928
Laodice VII Thea -01th century -01th century Seleucid ruler politician
Hellenistic period Q288177
Laodice of Macedonia -04th millenium -04th century Hellenistic period Q446503
Laodice of Pontus -03th century -02th century Seleucid ruler consort Hellenistic period Q448188
Lasthenes military personnel classical antiquity Q6494946
Lekythion classical antiquity Q33131703
Leocrates Leocrates military leader classical antiquity Q6524389
Leodamas of Thasos Leodamas Thasius -04th century -0380 -03th century Thasos mathematician classical antiquity Q2329246
Leon of Athens ambassador diplomat Hellenistic period Q11916529
Leon of Salamis Leo Salaminius -04th century -040s Salamis Island Classical Athens politician classical antiquity Q6524971
Leonidas II Leonidas II -0315 -0235 king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q173795
Leonidas of Naxos classical antiquity Q106222037
Leonteus of Lampsacus Leonteus Lampsacenus -03th century -02th century Lampsacus philosopher Hellenistic period Q1225067
Leontiades Leontiades No/unknown value Thebes Thebes politician classical antiquity Q15079639
Leontichus Leontichus classical antiquity Q6526746
Leontion -02th century philosopher
Hellenistic period Q2414934
Leosthenes Leosthenes -04th century -0323 Athens Lamia Athenian strategos military personnel classical antiquity Q183109
Leosthenes -04th millenium -0361
No/unknown value
Classical Athens Athenian strategos politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q686791
Leotychidas II Leotychidas II -050s -0469 Sparta Tegea king of Sparta
military personnel
classical antiquity Q360151
Leptines -03th century military leader classical antiquity Q6527947
Leptines of Syracuse Leptines -04th century -0383 military personnel classical antiquity Q586344
Leukon II of Bosporus -02th century No/unknown value Bosporan Kingdom Bosporan Kingdom monarch Hellenistic period Q3237090
Leukon of Bosporus -0431 -0349 Panticapaeum Bosporan Kingdom monarch Hellenistic period Q878546
Licymnius Licymnius Trallianus mathematician classical antiquity Q108857594
Limenius Limenius -01th century -02th century No/unknown value Athens composer classical antiquity Q1563743
Lion Painter -07th century -06th century Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1879879
Lion Painter Attic vase-painter
geometric vase-painter
classical antiquity Q89610867
Loebbecke Painter -04th century -04th century Apulian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1867797
Logbasis -0218 Hellenistic period Q11933893
Longinos 02th millenium 03th century sculptor classical antiquity Q96125085
Lucera Painter -04th century -04th century -04th century Apulian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1873146
Lucius Cipius Tantalus Lucius Cipius Tantalus toreutician classical antiquity Q98974134
Luhrosp aristocrat classical antiquity Q12826281
Lycius No/unknown value Fortress of Eleutherai sculptor classical antiquity Q6707302
Lyco of Troas Lycon -0299 -0225 scholarch of the Peripatetic school philosopher Hellenistic period Q934510
Lycomedes of Mantinea -0366 Arcadia Regional Unit Peloponnese politician classical antiquity Q6707327
Lycophron I of Pherae -04th century -04th century
tyrant politician classical antiquity Q1371703
Lycophron of Corinth -06th century -05th century classical antiquity Q3067872
Lycurgus of Athens Lycurgus -0390 -0324 Athens Classical Athens politician
classical antiquity Q373685
Lyde hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278385
Lyde hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278386
Lydiadas of Megalopolis Lydiadas Megalopolitanus -02th century -0226 Megalopoli Megalopoli
strategos of the Achaean League politician classical antiquity Q1878636
Lydos -06th century -06th century Lydia black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q946281
Lygdamis of Naxos Lygdamis Naxius -05th century -06th century -06th century tyrant politician classical antiquity Q651374
Lykourgos -02th century -020s Sparta king of Sparta politician classical antiquity Q645612
Lysandra -03th millenium -03th century aristocrat Hellenistic period Q289276
Lysiades Lysiades philosopher Hellenistic period Q11932002
Lysias Lysias -0445 -0380 Athens
ancient Syracuse
Athens orator
classical antiquity Q310164
Lysias -01th century -0162 regent Hellenistic period Q1370594
Lysias Anicetus -02th century -01th century Indo-Greek Kingdom Taxila king Hellenistic period Q1387170
Lysias of Tarsus philosopher Hellenistic period Q11934457
Lysicles -04th century -0428 Athens strategos politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q793862
Lysicles -0338 Athens Athens strategos military personnel classical antiquity Q2778552
Lysimache -0453 -0365 High Priestess of Athena Polias priest classical antiquity Q76247521
Lysimachus Lysimachus Alexandrinus -0200 -02th century Alexandria grammarian
Hellenistic period Q1878976
Lysimachus -0297 -0281 aristocrat Hellenistic period Q6710205
Lysimachus of Egypt -02th century -03th century Alexandria aristocrat Hellenistic period Q3554962
Lysimachus of Telmessos -03th century Hellenistic period Q6710208
Lysippides Painter -05th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1878978
Lysippus classical antiquity Q6710240
Lysistratus No/unknown value No/unknown value Sicyon sculptor classical antiquity Q1351066
Lysus Lysus sculptor classical antiquity Q16853734
Läufer-Maler -05th century painter classical antiquity Q1879306
M Potter -05th century Attic potter classical antiquity Q1880734
Machanidas Machanidas -0254 -0207 Sparta Mantineia military personnel classical antiquity Q1269430
Machares -0085 -0066 Panticapaeum monarch Hellenistic period Q2064634
Machatas sculptor classical antiquity Q6723449
Machatas of Aetolia politician
classical antiquity Q2625748
Mad-Man Painter campanian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Madrid Painter -05th century Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1883459
Magas of Cyrene -03th century -0250 Macedonia Cyrene sovereign Hellenistic period Q878392
Magas of Egypt -0241 -0222 aristocrat Hellenistic period Q3233494
Magas of Macedon -04th century Hellenistic period Q6729719
Magnoncourt Painter No/unknown value -05th century No/unknown value No/unknown value No/unknown value red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q42142786
Makron -06th century -040s -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q427706
Maler der Athener Hochzeit -05th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1694596
Maler der Frankfurter Eichellekythos -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q978006
Maler der weißen Schwänze -05th century painter classical antiquity Q1282819
Maler des Aryballos Louvre E 380 -07th century painter classical antiquity Q1887169
Maler des schlotternden Stiers Greek vase-painter classical antiquity Q29192758
Maler von London E 777 -05th millenium -05th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1887200
Mamercus of Catane -0338 Syracuse tyrant military leader classical antiquity Q3844124
Mandrocles -06th century Samos engineer
classical antiquity Q1164581
Manetho Manetho -02th century -03th century No/unknown value high priest high priest
Hellenistic period Q174380
Manios -07th millenium goldsmith classical antiquity Q30564721
Mannheim Painter -05th century No/unknown value red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1441042
Mantias physician classical antiquity Q1164724
Mara Bar-Serapion 0050 No/unknown value Samosata writer
Hellenistic period Q433332
Marathon Painter -06th century -05th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1285536
Marcus Atius Dometius toreutician
classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Marcus Livius Menander Marcus Livius Menander goldsmith classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Classical Roman Empire
Marcus Naevius Cerialis Marcus Naevius Cerialis toreutician classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Classical Roman Empire
Marcus Naevius Felix Marcus Naevius Felix toreutician classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Classical Roman Empire
Marcus Plinius Diogenes Marcus Plinius Diogenes 01th century toreutician classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Classical Roman Empire
Marcus Vigellius Marcus Vigellius Ancient Rome No/unknown value philosopher Hellenistic period
Late Roman Republic
Margos -0229 strategos of the Achaean League military personnel classical antiquity Q1857936
Marinho 03th century military officer classical antiquity Q48872424
Mario Painter -05th century -05th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1898602
Marsyas Painter -04th century -03th century Attica Attica Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1902890
Marsyas of Pella Marsyas Pellaeus -04th century -03th century Pella historian
Hellenistic period Q978418
Marsyas of Philippi Philippi historian
Hellenistic period Q3295088
Mastos Painter -06th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1907962
Medius physician classical antiquity Q6807183
Megacles of Epirus -05th century -05th century military personnel classical antiquity Q2569015
Megasthenes Megasthenes -030s -020s Asia Minor unknown ambassador explorer
Hellenistic period Q312548
Meidias Painter -05th century -04th century Classical Athens Classical Athens red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1333886
Melanthius No/unknown value -04th century No/unknown value Sicyon painter classical antiquity Q5655448
Meleager -0320 No/unknown value Macedonia sovereign classical antiquity Q347176
Meleager Painter -04th century -03th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1919255
Meleager of Gadara Meleager Gadarensis -01th century -00th century -00th century Gadara Kos poet
Hellenistic period Q441460
Meletus Athens tragedy writer classical antiquity Q1175697
Melissa the theater-ladle hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278387
Melissus Melissus -03th millenium sculptor classical antiquity Q96185730
Melissus of Samos Melissus Samius -0470 -0430 Samos philosopher
military personnel
classical antiquity Q233711
Melon Thebes Boeotarch politician classical antiquity Q28595105
Menaechmus Menaechmus -0380 -0320 Alokopennesos Cyzicus mathematician
classical antiquity Q451566
Menander Menander teacher
classical antiquity Q10328616
Menander I -03th century -0130 Alexandria on the Caucasus Hellenistic period Q347878
Menander II -01th century Sagala king monarch Hellenistic period Q3822345
Menander of Ephesus Menander Ephesius -0300 -02th century -02th century Ephesus historian Hellenistic period Q1175868
Menecrates -01th century sculptor classical antiquity Q6816778
Menedemus of Pyrrha Menedemus Pyrrhaeus -03th century philosopher Hellenistic period Q981586
Menedemus the Cynic Menedemus Cynicus -04th century -03th century philosopher
Hellenistic period Q925732
Menelaus Menelaus Lagi filius -04th century -03th century governor Hellenistic period Q1227205
Menelaus of Alexandria Menelaus Alexandrinus 0070 0140 Alexandria Rome mathematician
Hellenistic period Q451572
Menexenus -04th century No/unknown value Athens classical antiquity Q347035
Menippus Menippus -0300 -0260 Gadara Thebes poet
Hellenistic period Q452077
Menoeceus Menoeceus philosopher Hellenistic period Q18642924
Menon IV of Pharsalus -04th century -0321 Farsala military personnel classical antiquity Q1344624
Menophilus Menophilus sculptor classical antiquity Q40750586
Mentor silversmith
classical antiquity Q11936488
Mentor of Rhodes -030s -0340 Rhodes strategos
military personnel classical antiquity Q553304
Menyllus Menyllus -04th century -04th century military personnel Hellenistic period Q204677
Mesogeia Painter -06th century -07th century Orientalizing vase-painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q366228
Metagenes Metagenes -05th century Knossos architect
classical antiquity Q862593
Metaneira -03th century -04th century hetaera classical antiquity Q1925039
Metiochos -05th century architect
classical antiquity Q13638570
Metiochos -03th century sculptor classical antiquity Q91355045
Metrocles Metrocles Maroneus -04th century -03th century Maroneia philosopher Hellenistic period Q1287486
Metrodorus of Athens painter
Hellenistic period Q721095
Metrodorus of Chios Metrodorus Chius -05th century 03th century -04th century Chios physician
Hellenistic period Q535769
Metrodorus of Lampsacus Metrodorus Lampsacenus Minor -0331
Lampsacus philosopher Hellenistic period Q780259
Metrodorus of Stratonicea -0140 -0070 philosopher Hellenistic period Q203911
Michigan Painter -05th century Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q20745835
Micon Micon minor -05th century -05th century Classical Athens painter
classical antiquity Q1387790
Mikion Painter -05th millenium Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1790951
Mikythos -05th century -05th century politician classical antiquity Q1934135
Mildenberg-Maler -07th century painter classical antiquity Q1724578
Milonidas -06th millenium painter classical antiquity Q1935685
Miltiades Miltiades -0554 -0489 Athens Athens eponymous archon
military leader
military personnel
classical antiquity Q210350
Miltiades the Elder -06th century -06th century Athens Gallipoli politician classical antiquity Q963777
Miltocythes -04th millenium -04th century treasurer politician classical antiquity Q1523112
Mindarus Mindarus -05th century -0410 Sparta Cyzicus military personnel classical antiquity Q1476333
Mirmecide -05th millenium -06th century No/unknown value Miletus sculptor classical antiquity Q1630720
Mithridates I Callinicus -02th century -0070 monarch Hellenistic period Q470087
Mithridates I of Pontus Mithridates I -04th century -0266 Cius Amasya king monarch Hellenistic period Q318021
Mithridates I of the Bosporus -01th millenium -0046 sovereign
military personnel
Hellenistic period Q878437
Mithridates II of Cius Mithridates II -0302 satrap politician Hellenistic period Q887445
Mithridates II of Commagene -01th century -0020 Rome monarch monarch Hellenistic period Q734029
Mithridates II of Pontus -03th century -03th century monarch Hellenistic period Q359014
Mithridates III of Commagene -01th century -0012
king politician Hellenistic period Q200922
Mithridates III of Pontus -030s -02th century king monarch Hellenistic period Q350769
Mithridates IV of Pontus -01th century -02th century monarch Hellenistic period Q350749
Mithridates V of Pontus -02th century -0120 Sinop king of Pontus monarch
military personnel
Hellenistic period Q373015
Mithridates VI of Pontus Mithridates VI -0134
-0063 Sinop Bosporan Kingdom list of kings of Pontus military leader Hellenistic period Q185126
Mnasippus Mnasippus -0373 Sparta admiral military personnel classical antiquity Q6885857
Mnasitheus of Sicyon painter classical antiquity Q19661576
Mnason of Phocis tyrant politician classical antiquity Q6885848
Mnesarchus of Athens Mnesarchus Atheniensis -0160 -0085 Athens professor philosopher Hellenistic period Q223383
Mnesikles Mnesicles -05th century -04th century Athens architect classical antiquity Q347153
Mnesitheus Mnesitheus -04th century -04th century physician classical antiquity Q326269
Molon -03th century -0220 Seleucid Satrap politician Hellenistic period Q655430
Monimus Monimus Syracusanus -04th century No/unknown value ancient Syracuse philosopher Hellenistic period Q942439
Monimus military personnel Hellenistic period Q4893160
Monopoli Painter Apulian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Moschion physician classical antiquity Q1179369
Musaeus -0190 military leader
military personnel
Hellenistic period Q6940057
Musilus Musilus toreutician classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Myrmidon of Athens military personnel Hellenistic period Q4893214
Myron Myron -05th century -05th century -05th century Fortress of Eleutherai sculptor
classical antiquity Q192211
Myronides -04th century -05th century Athens strategos military personnel classical antiquity Q2011740
Myrrhine of Samos hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278389
Myrto -05th century No/unknown value classical antiquity Q1956836
Myson of Chenae Myson -0700 No/unknown value philosopher classical antiquity Q920354
Mysta hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278390
N Painter -06th century Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1622156
Nabis Nabis -03th century -0192 Sparta Sparta regent politician classical antiquity Q312689
Naevius Sabinus Naevius Sabinus toreutician classical antiquity
Classical Roman Empire
Ancient Rome
Nahastab metalworker
classical antiquity
Ancient Near East
Narcissus Catt[us] Narcissus Catt[us] toreutician classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Classical Roman Empire
Naucratis Painter -06th century painter classical antiquity Q1720768
Naukydes of Argos -05th century -04th century Argos sculptor classical antiquity Q594770
Nausicaa Painter -05th millenium Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1972000
Nazzano Painter -04th century red-figure vase painter
Etruscan vase-painter
classical antiquity Q4102413
Neaira Neaera -04th century -04th century hetaera classical antiquity Q431067
Nealces of Sikyon -03th century -020s -02th century painter classical antiquity Q11790409
Neanthes of Cyzicus Neanthes Cyzicenus -02th century -03th century -03th century Cyzicus historian
Hellenistic period Q1616998
Nearchos -06th millenium -06th century Attic potter
Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q330410
Nearchus of Elea classical antiquity Q11938502
Nearchus of Orchomenus classical antiquity Q19661543
Neleus of Scepsis Neleus Scepsius -03th century Scepsis philosopher classical antiquity Q3347025
Neocles Neocles -06th century Classical Athens classical antiquity Q107138602
Neolaidas of Elis athlete classical antiquity Q106222311
Neoptolemus I of Epirus -0370 -030s military leader classical antiquity Q13230617
Neoptolemus II of Epirus -0331 -02th century monarch classical antiquity Q1130494
Nessos Painter -07th century -06th century Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1362491
New York Nessos Painter -07th millenium -07th century Attic vase-painter classical antiquity Q1983087
Nicaea of Corinth -03th century No/unknown value politician classical antiquity Q437829
Nicander Nicander Colophonius -0250 -0170 Colophon physician
Hellenistic period Q363818
Nicander of Sparta No/unknown value -07th century Sparta king of Sparta classical antiquity Q2537646
Nicanor -04th century -03th century Stageira Athens military personnel classical antiquity Q714054
Nicanor -02th century -0160
-02th century
military officer Hellenistic period Q1267360
Nicanor -04th century -0326 satrap military officer
classical antiquity Q1990035
Nicanor -04th century -03th century satrap governor Hellenistic period Q1990046
Nicanor Stigmatias Nicanor Alexandrinus 02th century 01th century Alexandria grammarian classical antiquity Q328724
Nicanor the Elephant -02th century No/unknown value strategos military personnel Hellenistic period Q3558122
Nicarchus military leader Hellenistic period Q1073930
Nicias Nicias -05th century -0413 Athens Syracuse strategos politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q315822
Nicias -02th century -01th century Hellenistic period Q1387162
Nicion the dog-fly hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278391
Nico of Samos hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278392
Nicocles -05th century -0306 Paphos king of Paphos classical antiquity Q715068
Nicocles Nicocles (rex Salaminis) -0395 No/unknown value king of Salamis of Cyprus monarch classical antiquity Q715078
Nicocles of Sicyon -03th millenium 020s politician classical antiquity Q715309
Nicodamus of Maenalus -05th century -040s No/unknown value Maenalus sculptor classical antiquity Q11938770
Nicolaus of Aetolia military personnel Hellenistic period Q11938731
Nicomachus -04th century -05th century Athens classical antiquity Q743465
Nicomachus Nicomachus -03th century -04th century Stageira philosopher Hellenistic period Q2217419
Nicomachus Nicomachus No/unknown value No/unknown value Stageira physician classical antiquity Q3050463
Nicomachus of Thebes -03th century -04th century Thebes painter classical antiquity Q938529
Nicomedes I of Bithynia -0300 -0250 sovereign Hellenistic period Q343604
Nicomedes II of Bithynia -02th century -01th century Bithynia Nicomedia monarch Hellenistic period Q465838
Nicomedes III of Bithynia Nicomedes III -02th century -01th century Nicomedia monarch Hellenistic period Q353702
Nicomedes IV of Bithynia Nicomedes IV -02th century -0074 Nicomedia king monarch Hellenistic period Q315480
Nicon -01th millenium -0200 goldsmith classical antiquity Q96002819
Nicoteles of Cyrene -03th century -03th century Cyrene mathematician classical antiquity Q6962751
Nikias -05th century Attic potter classical antiquity Q1531891
Nikias -05th century Attic potter classical antiquity Q1561738
Nikias Painter -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q377707
Nikokrates Nikocrates toreutician
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Nikon fencer classical antiquity Q47492665
Nikosthenes -06th century Attica Attic potter
classical antiquity Q275165
Nikosthenes Painter -05th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q18508558
Nikoxenos Painter -06th century -05th century Attic vase-painter classical antiquity Q1992069
Niobid Painter -0470 -0445 Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1712133
Nymphodorus physician classical antiquity Q1221665
Nysa -01th century Seleucid ruler monarch Hellenistic period Q1091124
Nysa hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278393
Oakeshott Painter -05th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q2008450
Ocimon hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278394
Oenanthe of Egypt No/unknown value Samos Alexandria Hellenistic period Q11939253
Oenomaus of Gadara Oenomaus Philosophus 02th century 02th century Gadara philosopher Hellenistic period Q2559200
Oikopheles -06th millenium black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1356545
Oltos -06th century -05th century black-figure vase painter
red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1360826
Olympia Master sculptor classical antiquity Q7088968
Olympiodorus the Elder Olympiodorus Maior 05th century 06th century philosopher Hellenistic period Q925716
Olympus of Sicyon sculptor classical antiquity Q106300585
Onaithos -05th millenium No/unknown value sculptor classical antiquity Q15734467
Onatas -05th century -05th century Aegina sculptor classical antiquity Q635170
Onesas artist classical antiquity Q11798342
Onesilus -05th century -0497
king of Salamis of Cyprus politician classical antiquity Q1278391
Onesimos Onesimus -06th century -05th century No/unknown value red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q475054
Onomacles -05th century No/unknown value politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q2024558
Onomastus of Macedon military personnel Hellenistic period Q7094472
Oreithyia painter painter classical antiquity Q7101504
Orientalizing vase-painter orientalizing period classical antiquity Q55473843
Origen the Pagan Origenes 02th millenium 03th century Alexandria philosopher Roman Empire
Hellenistic period
Orophernes of Cappadocia -02th century -02th century monarch Hellenistic period Q526962
Oros of Alexandria Orus Alexandrinus lexicographer Hellenistic period Q14981671
Ovinius Paternus Ovinius Paternus proconsul classical antiquity Q28677724
Oxyathres of Heraclea -0284 Heraclea Pontica classical antiquity Q7115788
Paccius Maximus Paccius Maximus 01th century 01th century poet classical antiquity Q56824813
Paeon of Amathus Paeon Amathusiacus -02th century historian Hellenistic period Q7124091
Paeonius -05th century -04th century Mende sculptor classical antiquity Q545845
Pagondas -0434 -0360 Thebes Boeotarch politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q1397559
Paideros -06th millenium -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1552933
Paidikos -0560 -0470 Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
Attic potter
classical antiquity Q20828946
Painter A No/unknown value No/unknown value Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Painter A No/unknown value No/unknown value Attic vase-painter
geometric vase-painter
classical antiquity Q30826640
Painter A -07th century Orientalizing vase-painter
East-greek vase-painters
classical antiquity Q55511028
Painter B Attic vase-painter
geometric vase-painter
classical antiquity Q30826909
Painter of A.M. 62 black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q55525527
Painter of Acropolis 24 -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q92106065
Painter of Acropolis 606 -05th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1887189
Painter of Adria B300 No/unknown value No/unknown value No/unknown value No/unknown value red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q63085856
Painter of Agora P 2578 red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q97156061
Painter of Altenburg 273 -05th millenium red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1530306
Painter of Athens 533 -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1887179
Painter of Athens 581 -05th millenium black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1479170
Painter of Athens 877 -07th century Argive vase-painter classical antiquity Q20753086
Painter of Athens 894 -07th century -0720 geometric vase-painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1341017
Painter of Berlin 1659 -06th century -05th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1887185
Painter of Berlin 1686 -05th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1407525
Painter of Berlin 1833 -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1573905
Painter of Berlin 2426 -04th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1887188
Painter of Berlin 2457 -05th millenium red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1240809
Painter of Berlin 2624 -05th millenium red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1887190
Painter of Berlin A 34 -07th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1776510
Painter of Bologna 433 -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q93552754
Painter of Bonn 2053 vase painter classical antiquity Q121435561
Painter of Boston CA -06th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1887206
Painter of Copenhagen 4223 -04th century Apulian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1887195
Painter of Eleusis 767 -05th millenium black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1887192
Painter of Florence 1 B 45 red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q97138575
Painter of Karlsruhe 66/140 -04th century -04th century Apulian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1887191
Painter of London B 76 -06th century -06th century -06th century Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1887196
Painter of London E 33 -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q92811568
Painter of London E 494 -05th millenium red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1243304
Painter of Louvre E 574 -06th millenium -06th century painter classical antiquity Q17124619
Painter of Louvre F6 -06th century Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1887202
Painter of Louvre G 36 -05th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q96359254
Painter of Munich 1410 -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1887211
Painter of Munich 1736 black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Painter of New York 23.166.41 vase painter classical antiquity Q121435570
Painter of Nicosia Olpe painter classical antiquity Q7125058
Painter of Oxford 1945.73 campanian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q34401561
Painter of Oxford 1949 -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q91661394
Painter of Palermo 489 -07th century black-figure vase painter classical antiquity Q1524283
Painter of Tarquinia RC 6847 -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1887204
Painter of Toronto 919.5.110 -07th century Greek vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1417941
Painter of Vatican 309 -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1683287
Painter of Vatican 365 -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1887210
Painter of Vatican 73 -07th millenium painter classical antiquity Q1887207
Painter of Vatican G 49 Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q52386827
Painter of Vatican G. 31 -06th century -05th century Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q20753087
Painter of Würzburg 243 Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
ancient Greek potter
classical antiquity Q32444301
Painter of the Aachen horsehead -06th century -06th century -06th century No/unknown value No/unknown value black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1887166
Painter of the Acropolis Plates -06th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q97103269
Painter of the Agora Chairias cups -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q90586357
Painter of the Berlin Dancing Girl -05th century -04th century Apulian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1887152
Painter of the Birth of Athena -05th millenium red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1887155
Painter of the Boston Orest -03th century red-figure vase painter
Paestan vase-painter
classical antiquity Q94877275
Painter of the Boston Polyphemos -06th millenium black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1887171
Painter of the Boulogne Horse -05th century black-figure vase painter
red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q94153221
Painter of the Dresden Lekanis -06th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
boeotian vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1305910
Painter of the Gotha Cup -06th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1887158
Painter of the Great Athenian Kantharos red-figure vase painter
boeotian vase-painter
classical antiquity Q4102408
Painter of the Louvre Bottle Apulian vase-painter
Vase-painter of the Gnathia style‎
classical antiquity Q55465270
Painter of the Madrid Fountain vase painter classical antiquity Q121433716
Painter of the Nicosia Olpe -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1347300
Painter of the Paris Gigantomachy -06th century -05th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1887164
Painter of the Taranto Troilos black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q96064761
Painter of the Truro Pelike -04th century No/unknown value No/unknown value Apulian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q2456609
Painter of the Vatican Mourner -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1887173
Painter of the Wedding Procession -04th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1887177
Painter of the Wooly Satyrs Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q33897046
Palaephatus Palaephatus -04th century -04th century -03th century writer
Hellenistic period Q580565
Palladius Iatrosophista Palladius Iatrosophista 04th century
05th century
classical antiquity Q7127720
Pammenes of Thebes -03th century No/unknown value military personnel classical antiquity Q7129361
Pamphaios -06th century Attic potter classical antiquity Q2048702
Pamphilus of Alexandria Pamphilus Alexandrinus 01th century 01th century Alexandria grammarian
Hellenistic period Q1247079
Pamphilus of Amphipolis Pamphilus -0390 -04th century Amphipolis Pella painter classical antiquity Q1346505
Pan Painter -05th millenium -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1280275
Panaenus -04th century -05th century painter classical antiquity Q715817
Panaetius Panaetius Rhodius -0185 -01th century Rhodes Athens scholarch of the Stoic school philosopher
Hellenistic period Q297420
Panares military personnel classical antiquity Q7130056
Pancrates of Athens Athens philosopher Hellenistic period Q835194
Pantaenus Pantaenus 02th century 0216 Sicily Alexandria theologian
Roman Empire
Hellenistic period
Pantaleon -02th century -02th century sovereign Hellenistic period Q724307
Panther Painter -07th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q2049948
Panthoides Panthoides -04th century -03th century philosopher Hellenistic period Q4354547
Pantites -05th century -040s Sparta Sparta diplomat
military personnel
classical antiquity Q2062092
Papirius Felix Papirius Felix toreutician classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Classical Roman Empire
Parrhasius Parrhasius -05th century -04th century Ephesus painter classical antiquity Q552759
Paseas -03th millenium -0251 Sicyon politician classical antiquity Q715208
Paseas -06th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q2055520
Pasiades Pasiades -06th century Attica Attica white-groud vase-painter
Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q2055577
Pasiades Painter -05th century Attic vase-painter
white-groud vase-painter
classical antiquity Q89620087
Pasikles Painter Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Pasion -0430 -0370 Classical Athens businessperson
classical antiquity Q1971130
Pasiteles Pasiteles -02th century -01th century Magna Graecia sculptor
classical antiquity Q1934954
Patro the Epicurean Patron Athens scholarch of the Epicurean school philosopher Hellenistic period Q3780759
Patrocles -0345 -0270 Macedonia strategos explorer
military personnel
Hellenistic period Q961762
Patroclus Patroclus 03th century 02th century military officer Hellenistic period Q762982
Patron of Lilaia Lilaea (Phocis) military officer Hellenistic period Q87193353
Pausanias Pausanias (rex Spartae) No/unknown value -0385 Sparta Tegea king of Sparta sovereign classical antiquity Q433408
Pausanias of Sicily Pausanias Siculus physician classical antiquity Q860714
Pausias -03th century -04th century Sicyon painter classical antiquity Q1533115
Pedieus Painter -05th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q18511626
Peiraikos painter classical antiquity Q3905609
Peisander -05th century -0394 Sparta military personnel classical antiquity Q1974236
Peisistratus of Orchomenus mythological king of Arcadia classical antiquity Q7160967
Peithias -05th century -0427 politician classical antiquity Q2067668
Peithinos -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q47008304
Pelopidas Pelopidas -04th century -0364 Thebes Battle of Cynoscephalae strategos politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q316059
Pelops -03th century -03th century Hellenistic period Q15839920
Pelops of Sparta -020s -0199 Sparta Sparta king of Sparta politician classical antiquity Q982885
Penthesilea Painter -04th century -10th millenium red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q71976
Perdiccas -0321 military personnel classical antiquity Q7167672
Perdiccas III of Macedon -03th century -0359 Macedonia monarch Hellenistic period Q318466
Periander Periander -07th century -0585 Corinth Corinth tyrant philosopher
classical antiquity Q328793
Pericleitus musician
classical antiquity Q7168397
Pericles Pericles -0494 -0429 Athens Athens Athenian strategos politician
military personnel
army officer
classical antiquity Q80398
Pericles the Younger -040s -0406 Athens Athens strategos
military personnel
classical antiquity Q1372571
Periclytus sculptor classical antiquity Q7168407
Persaeus Persaeus Citieus -0306 -0243 Kition philosopher Hellenistic period Q662932
Persephone Painter potter classical antiquity Q16203035
Perseus -0150 -01th century No/unknown value mathematician classical antiquity Q3900144
Perseus of Macedon Perses -0212 -0166 Pella Alba Fucens strategos military personnel Hellenistic period Q207363
Peucolaus -02th century -01th century Hellenistic period Q724327
Phaeax Phaeax architect classical antiquity Q1234594
Phaedrus Phaedrus -05th century
-0393 Athens philosopher classical antiquity Q554535
Phaedrus the Epicurean Phaedrus Epicureus -0138 -0070 scholarch of the Epicurean school philosopher Hellenistic period Q1050414
Phaenarete -05th century Athens midwife classical antiquity Q2263186
Phaenias of Eresus Phaenias Eresius -04th century -03th century Eresos philosopher
Hellenistic period Q943529
Phalaecus Phalaecus poet Hellenistic period Q1234615
Phalaecus Phalaecus -03th century -0343 Phocis Kydonia mercenary classical antiquity Q3278695
Phanias classical antiquity Q7180475
Phano -04th century -04th century Basilinna hetaera
classical antiquity Q2084792
Phanyllis-Maler -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q2084941
Pharacidas military personnel classical antiquity Q7180673
Pharnaces I of Pontus -03th century -0159 monarch Hellenistic period Q359215
Pharnaces II of Pontus -0095 -0047 list of kings of Pontus monarch Hellenistic period Q313052
Pharos-Maler -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q2085171
Pheidippos -06th century -05th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1648841
Phiale Painter -05th century -04th century red-figure vase painter
white-groud vase-painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q353443
Phidias Phidias -0500 -0430 Athens Classical Athens
classical antiquity Q177302
Phila Phila Antipatri filia -04th century -0287 Potidaea Hellenistic period Q269964
Philadelphia-Maler -07th century painter classical antiquity Q18816458
Philemon Philemon -01th millenium gem engraver classical antiquity Q26965917
Philesius of Eretria sculptor classical antiquity Q106623427
Philetaerus Philetaerus -030s -0263 Paphlagonia Pergamon ruler ruler classical antiquity Q312452
Philinus of Agrigentum Philinus Agrigentinus -03th century -03th century Acragas historian
Hellenistic period Q429744
Philinus of Cos Philinus Cous -04th century
-03th century
-03th century No/unknown value Kos physician
classical antiquity Q898185
Philip -04th century military leader Hellenistic period Q247747
Philip Philippus Antigoni filius -04th century -0306 military personnel Hellenistic period Q248817
Philip -0294 -0281 Hellenistic period Q7183088
Philip I Philadelphus Philippus I Philadelphus -0125 -0083 Seleucid Empire Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q263489
Philip II Philoromaeus Philippus II Philoromaeus -00th century -000s Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q315776
Philip III of Macedon -0359 -0317-10 Macedonia pharaoh politician Hellenistic period
Greco-Roman Egypt
Macedonian Era (Egypt)
Philip IV of Macedon -04th century -0296 Elateia list of ancient Macedonians monarch Hellenistic period Q347144
Philip V of Macedon Philippus V -0238 -0179 No/unknown value Amphipolis king sovereign Hellenistic period Q237248
Philippus classical antiquity Q7183087
Philippus of Amphipolis Philippus Amphipolitanus -03th century historian
classical antiquity Q7184617
Philippus of Opus Philippus Opuntius -04th century -04th century Opus mathematician
Hellenistic period Q555818
Philistion of Locri Philistio Locrus -0400 -04th century -04th century Epizephyrian Locri physician classical antiquity Q1077699
Philistus Philistus -0430
-0356 Syracuse historian
classical antiquity Q712572
Philo of Larissa Philo Larissensis -0145 -0079 Larissa Rome scholarch of the Platonic Academy philosopher Hellenistic period Q365110
Philoces military leader classical antiquity Q7186036
Philochorus Philochorus -0340 -0260 Athens Athens Atthidographer
Hellenistic period Q266299
Philocrates Philocrates -04th century -04th century -04th century politician classical antiquity Q1359057
Philodamus of Scarphea Philodamus Scarpheus poet classical antiquity Q26791757
Philodemus Philodemus -0110 -0035 Gadara Herculaneum philosopher
Hellenistic period Q451550
Philomelos of Phocis -0354 Phocis strategos military personnel classical antiquity Q4484273
Philonides of Laodicea Philonides Syrius -02th century -0130 Latakia mathematician
Hellenistic period Q9259819
Philopoemen Philopoemen -0253 -0183 Megalopolis Messene strategos of the Achaean League politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q366117
Philostephanus Philostephanus Cyrenaeus -030s -03th century Cyrene historian Hellenistic period Q332744
Philotas military leader Hellenistic period Q4892033
Philotas military personnel Hellenistic period Q7186281
Philotera -0315
Alexandria princess aristocrat Hellenistic period Q6398587
Philoxenus Anicetus -02th century -01th century Indo-Greek Kingdom Taxila king Hellenistic period Q926097
Phintias -06th century -05th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
Attic potter
classical antiquity Q1387977
Phintias of Agrigentum -04th century -02th century
classical antiquity Q3745776
Phocion Phocion -0402 -0318 Athens Athens strategos
military personnel
classical antiquity Q175942
Phocylides Phocylides -0560 -0544
-06th century Miletus poet
classical antiquity Q972799
Phoebidas Phoebĭdas -05th century -0378 Sparta Boeotia Harmost military personnel classical antiquity Q2088576
Phoenix of Tenedos Phoenix Tenedius -04th century -03th century military leader Hellenistic period Q946625
Pholoe Painter -05th century -06th century black-figure vase painter classical antiquity Q2088629
Phormio Phormio -0428 Classical Athens Athens strategos military officer
military personnel
classical antiquity Q2338787
Phradmon -05th century -04th century Argos sculptor classical antiquity Q64320
Phrixos Painter -04th century No/unknown value Apulian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1326791
Phryne Phryne -0371
-0310 Thespiae Classical Athens hetaera
art model
classical antiquity Q232790
Phrynion Phrynion -04th century -04th century classical antiquity Q2089117
Phrynos Painter -05th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q2089130
Phthia of Epirus -03th century -04th century classical antiquity Q3239160
Phylarchus Phylarchus -0255 -03th century No/unknown value Classical Athens historian
Hellenistic period Q609147
Phylotimus Phylotimus physician classical antiquity Q1234930
Phyromachos Phyromachus -02th century -02th century Athens sculptor
classical antiquity Q1726031
Piraeus Painter -07th century -060s black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1461501
Pisticci Painter -05th century Lucanian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1851255
Piston -03th century -03th century No/unknown value sculptor classical antiquity Q50745113
Pistoxenos Painter -04th century -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
white-groud vase-painter
classical antiquity Q711763
Pithos Painter -06th century -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1311104
Pitt Rivers Painter vase painter classical antiquity Q121436525
Pittacus of Mytilene Pittacus Mytilenaeus -060s -050s Mytilene Metapontum strategos philosopher
military personnel
classical antiquity Q311835
Plato of Bactria -02th century -02th century Greco-Bactrian Kingdom King of Greco-Bactrian kingdom king Hellenistic period Q1387029
Pleistarchus -05th century -0458 Sparta Sparta king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q438856
Pleistarchus -04th century -03th century satrap military personnel Hellenistic period Q1489064
Pleistias of Cos Plistias Cous -03th century military leader Hellenistic period Q12901533
Pleistoanax Plistoanax -05th century -0408 Sparta Sparta king of Sparta
military personnel classical antiquity Q371564
Pleistonicus -03th millenium -03th century No/unknown value Kos physician classical antiquity Q7205037
Ploutarchos of Eretria -04th millenium -04th century Eretria classical antiquity Q1562025
Plutarch of Alexandria Plutarchus Alexandrinus classical antiquity Q105709575
Pnytagoras -04th millenium -030s king of Salamis of Cyprus monarch classical antiquity Q889243
Pnytagoras -05th century -0374 crown prince crown prince classical antiquity Q11942117
Polemon Polemon -04th century -0270 Athens Classical Athens scholarch of the Platonic Academy philosopher Hellenistic period Q553856
Polemon I of Pontus Polemo Rex -0065 -0008 monarch epigrammatist
Hellenistic period Q325921
Polemon of Athens Polemon Iliensis 02th century No/unknown value Ilion geographer
Hellenistic period Q1150145
Polion -04th century -0420 Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q28552172
Polos Painter -05th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q2102610
Polus of Aegina Polus -04th century -03th century Aegina stage actor classical antiquity Q1729769
Polyaenus of Lampsacus Polyaenus Lampsacenus -0340 -0278 philosopher
Hellenistic period Q740432
Polybius Polybius -0200 -0120 Megalopoli Greece historian
military personnel
Hellenistic period Q131169
Polybus Polybus -04th century -0400 -04th century Kos physician classical antiquity Q1986160
Polycles sculptor classical antiquity Q7226232
Polycles the younger sculptor classical antiquity Q3286930
Polycrates of Argos -03th century -02th century Argos military personnel Hellenistic period Q2102893
Polycrite classical antiquity Q7226249
Polyeuctus Polyeuctus No/unknown value -0280 No/unknown value sculptor Hellenistic period Q3395557
Polygnotos -05th century -05th century Attica red-figure vase painter
vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1972156
Polygnotus of Thasos Polygnotus -05th century -05th century Thasos painter classical antiquity Q182855
Polyidus of Thessaly -04th century -04th century Ancient Thessaly military engineer Hellenistic period Q3395555
Polykleitos Polyclitus -0490 -0420 Argos sculptor classical antiquity Q193422
Polykleitos the Younger -04th century -03th century Argos sculptor
classical antiquity Q1342867
Polymedes of Argos -05th century Argos sculptor classical antiquity Q2673494
Polyphemos Painter -07th millenium -07th century Attic vase-painter classical antiquity Q2103043
Polystratus the Epicurean Polystratus -0219
scholarch of the Epicurean school philosopher Hellenistic period Q569024
Polyxenidas -02th century -01th century Rhodes military personnel Hellenistic period Q3773310
Polyxenos Epiphanes Soter -02th century -01th century Indo-Greek Kingdom king Hellenistic period Q365918
Ponticus Ponticus writer classical antiquity Q1239067
Posidonius Posidonius Apameus -0135 -0051 Apamea Rome mathematician
Hellenistic period Q185770
Posidonius Poseidonius Ephesius -00th century toreutician
bell founder
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Hellenistic period
Potamo of Alexandria Potamo Alexandrinus Alexandria philosopher Hellenistic period Q2760481
Potone -040s -04th century Athens classical antiquity Q467522
Potter A No/unknown value No/unknown value Attic potter classical antiquity Q31091220
Potter A No/unknown value No/unknown value Attic potter classical antiquity Q31091246
Praxagoras Praxagoras Cous -0340 -03th century Kos physician classical antiquity Q935664
Praxias Painter -05th century red-figure vase painter
Etruscan vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1545790
Praxiphanes Praxiphanes No/unknown value -04th century -04th century Mytilene philosopher Hellenistic period Q1159316
Praxiteles Praxiteles -0395 -04th century -0330 Athens sculptor classical antiquity Q105290
Prepelaus -04th century -03th century military personnel Hellenistic period Q118668
Priam Painter -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1438541
Princeton Painter -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q583674
Proclus Mallotes Proclus Mallotes philosopher Hellenistic period Q7247450
Proclus of Naucratis rhetorician Hellenistic period Q7247449
Promachus of Pellene No/unknown value Pellene pancratiast classical antiquity Q7249671
Pronomos Painter -04th century No/unknown value red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Protarchus of Bargylia philosopher Hellenistic period Q38198846
Protogenes of Olbia benefactor
classical antiquity Q114240019
Protomachus Athenian strategos military leader classical antiquity Q7252028
Protomachus Protomachus military leader Hellenistic period Q7252031
Providence Painter -04th century -05th century -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q921867
Proxenus of Atarneus classical antiquity Q7252835
Proxenus of Boeotia -0431 -0401 Thebes Ctesiphon military personnel classical antiquity Q1283035
Prusias I of Bithynia -03th century -0182 Bithynia Bursa king of Bithynia monarch Hellenistic period Q372361
Prusias II of Bithynia -03th century -0149 Bithynia Nicomedia king of Bithynia monarch Hellenistic period Q359222
Pseudo-Rotfiguriger Vasenmaler classical antiquity Q52144174
Psiax -05th century -04th century Attica red-figure vase painter
vase painter
Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1387942
Ptolemaeus Chennus Ptolemaeus Chennus 02th century grammarian
Hellenistic period Q1487010
Ptolemaeus of Commagene -02th century -0130 Seleucid Satrap monarch Hellenistic period Q557215
Ptolemy Polemaeus Polemaei filius -04th century -0309 military officer Hellenistic period Q1227416
Ptolemy No/unknown value -0040 sovereign Hellenistic period Q1356736
Ptolemy -0295 -0272 Epirus Sparta military leader classical antiquity Q3563389
Ptolemy Apion -010s -0096 Cyrene monarch sovereign Hellenistic period Q886894
Ptolemy Ceraunus Ptolemaeus Ceraunus -0318 -0279 strategos military personnel Hellenistic period Q299387
Ptolemy Epigonos -03th century -0240 Telmessos sovereign Hellenistic period Q1934546
Ptolemy Eupator -02th century
-0152 pharaoh statesperson Hellenistic period Q888492
Ptolemy I Soter Ptolemaeus I -030s -020s Macedonia Alexandria pharaoh sovereign
military personnel
Ancient Egypt
Greco-Roman Egypt
Hellenistic period
Ptolemaic dynasty
History of Ptolemaic Egypt
Ptolemy II Philadelphus Ptolemaeus II -0308 -0246 Kos Alexandria pharaoh sovereign Hellenistic period
Greco-Roman Egypt
Ptolemaic dynasty
History of Ptolemaic Egypt
Ptolemy II of Telmessos Telmessos Hellenistic period Q7257104
Ptolemy III Euergetes Ptolemaeus III -0284 -0222 Kos pharaoh sovereign Hellenistic period
Greco-Roman Egypt
Ptolemaic dynasty
History of Ptolemaic Egypt
Ptolemy IV Philopator Ptolemaeus IV -0244 -0205 pharaoh sovereign Hellenistic period
Greco-Roman Egypt
Ptolemaic dynasty
History of Ptolemaic Egypt
Ptolemy IX Lathyros Ptolemaeus IX -0142-02-18 -0080 No/unknown value No/unknown value pharaoh sovereign Hellenistic period Q3340
Ptolemy V Epiphanes Ptolemaeus V -0210-10-09 -0180 pharaoh sovereign Hellenistic period
Greco-Roman Egypt
Ptolemaic dynasty
History of Ptolemaic Egypt
Ptolemy VI Ptolemaeus VI -0184 -0145 Syria pharaoh sovereign Hellenistic period
Greco-Roman Egypt
Ptolemaic dynasty
History of Ptolemaic Egypt
Ptolemy VII Neos Philopator Ptolemaeus VII -0162 -0144 pharaoh sovereign Hellenistic period Q39976
Ptolemy VIII Physcon Ptolemaeus VIII -0182 -0116 No/unknown value No/unknown value pharaoh sovereign Hellenistic period
Greco-Roman Egypt
Ptolemaic dynasty
History of Ptolemaic Egypt
Ptolemy X Alexander I Ptolemaeus X -0140 -0088 No/unknown value No/unknown value pharaoh sovereign Hellenistic period
Greco-Roman Egypt
Ptolemaic dynasty
History of Ptolemaic Egypt
Ptolemy XI Alexander II Ptolemaeus XI -0105 -0080 Alexandria pharaoh sovereign Hellenistic period
Greco-Roman Egypt
Ptolemaic dynasty
History of Ptolemaic Egypt
Ptolemy XII Auletes Ptolemaeus XII -0117 -0051 Alexandria pharaoh sovereign Ancient Egypt
Greco-Roman Egypt
Hellenistic period
Ptolemaic dynasty
History of Ptolemaic Egypt
Ptolemy XIII Theos Philopator Ptolemaeus XIII -0062 -0047 Egypt Nile pharaoh sovereign Greco-Roman Egypt
Hellenistic period
Ptolemaic dynasty
History of Ptolemaic Egypt
Ptolemy of Aloros -04th century -0365 Macedonia ambassador diplomat
classical antiquity Q346460
Ptolemy of Cyprus -01th century -01th century Cyprus monarch sovereign Hellenistic period Q888470
Ptolemy of Epirus -03th century -03th century Epirus classical antiquity Q2622061
Ptoon Painter -06th century -06th century
-05th century
-06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Publius Cipius Nicomachus Publius Cipius Nicomachus toreutician classical antiquity Q99096719
Publius Cipius Polybius Publius Cipius Polybius toreutician classical antiquity Q98529435
Publius Philodamus Bassus Publius Philodamus Bassus goldsmith classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Classical Roman Empire
Publius Usienius Primulus Publius Usienius Primulus entrepreneur
classical antiquity Q96089933
Pyrilampes -04th century -04th century Athens politician
classical antiquity Q2119957
Pyrrhias of Aetolia -03th century -02th century strategos of the Aetolian League military personnel Hellenistic period Q1446568
Pyrrhus Pyrrhus architect classical antiquity Q106963283
Pyrrhus II of Epirus -0271 -0234 Epirus classical antiquity Q94848
Pyrrhus III -02th century -03th century Epirus classical antiquity Q4363470
Pythaenetus Pythaenetus historian classical antiquity Q108865085
Pythagoras -05th millenium Samos sculptor
classical antiquity Q16269322
Pythes of Abdera -03th century military commander classical antiquity Q106193370
Pythias -010s bell founder
classical antiquity Q42155055
Pythionike Pythionice -04th century -030s Classical Athens hetaera classical antiquity Q659368
Pythius of Priene -03th century -04th century Priene architect classical antiquity Q1243502
Pythocles -010s bell founder classical antiquity Q97657374
Pythokles Painter -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q92486648
Python -03th century red-figure vase painter
Paestan vase-painter
classical antiquity Q4363952
Python -04th century
-05th century
-05th century
No/unknown value
Attic potter
classical antiquity Q18691580
Python of Aenus -03th century -04th century philosopher Hellenistic period Q7263937
Q Painter -05th century -0400 red-figure vase painter
vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q2121136
Quintus Mus[...] Primus Quintus Mus. Primus goldsmith
classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Classical Roman Empire
Ram Jug Painter -07th millenium No/unknown value Attic vase-painter classical antiquity Q389771
Reed Painter -04th century No/unknown value Attic vase-painter
white-groud vase-painter
classical antiquity Q3196797
Rhoecus -07th century -06th century Samos sculptor
classical antiquity Q1851693
Rhoemetalces III 0046 king of the Odrysians sovereign classical antiquity Q3429923
Rider Painter -06th century painter classical antiquity Q1449974
Rigualo aristocrat classical antiquity Q12354545
Rosoni Painter Etruscan vase-painter classical antiquity Q89112041
Rote-Linie-Maler -05th millenium -05th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1459078
Rycroft Painter -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q2178176
S Potter -05th century Attic potter classical antiquity Q2204465
Sabouroff Painter -05th millenium -05th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q18697269
Saint-Raymond Painter Corinthian vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Sakadas of Argos Sacadas Argivus -05th century Argos composer
classical antiquity Q1293998
Sakonides -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
Little Masters
classical antiquity Q1331545
Sallustius of Emesa 04th century 05th century No/unknown value philosopher Hellenistic period Q709719
Salting Painter -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q90745970
Salting Painter -03th century red-figure vase painter
Apulian vase-painter
classical antiquity Q90747314
Samakion classical antiquity Q26990376
Sames II Theosebes Dikaios -02th century -0109 Kingdom of Commagene monarch Hellenistic period Q887967
Sames of Commagene -02th century -03th century king of Armenia sovereign Hellenistic period Q261592
Samolas of Arcadia sculptor classical antiquity Q11946843
Sandalen-Maler -06th millenium -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q2220398
Sandon philosopher Hellenistic period Q7416447
Sappho Painter -05th century -05th century No/unknown value Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
white-groud vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1354018
Sappho of Eresus hetaera Hellenistic period Q109278395
Sarapion of Alexandria 01th century 01th century Alexandria athlete Hellenistic period Q21704621
Satyros I of Bosporus Satyrus -0431 -0389 Panticapaeum Feodosiia archon monarch Hellenistic period Q1058530
Satyros of Paros Satyrus Parius -04th millenium No/unknown value Turkey sculptor
classical antiquity Q1502896
Satyrus the Peripatetic Satyrus peripateticus -03th century -02th century Mangalia Alexandria philosopher
Hellenistic period Q1295215
Scheurleer Painter -05th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q89140034
Schröder Painter -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q93778805
Scione hetaera classical antiquity Q109268790
Scopas Scopas -0395 -0350 Paros sculptor
classical antiquity Q309579
Scopas of Aetolia -03th century -0196 strategos of the Aetolian League military personnel Hellenistic period Q328477
Scydrothemis -03th century -02th century classical antiquity Q7439636
Scythes classical antiquity Q7439684
Seireniske Painter red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Seleucus Seleucus -01th century -01th century Hellenistic period Q575798
Seleucus II Callinicus Seleucus II Callinicus -0265 -0225 No/unknown value No/unknown value Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q3373
Seleucus III Ceraunus Seleucus III Ceraunus -0243 -0223 No/unknown value No/unknown value Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q3371
Seleucus IV Philopator Seleucus IV Philopator -0217 -0175 No/unknown value No/unknown value Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q3362
Seleucus V Seleucus V Philometor -02th century -0125 Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q310805
Seleucus VI Epiphanes Seleucus VI Epiphanes -01th century -0094 Seleucid Empire Mopsuestia Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q299007
Seleucus VII Kybiosaktes Seleucus VII Cybiosactes No/unknown value -000s Alexandria Seleucid ruler sovereign Hellenistic period Q40060
Seleucus of Alexandria Seleucus Homericus 01th century Alexandria Roma grammarian Hellenistic period Q7447948
Seleucus of Seleucia -010s -01th century Seleucia astronomer
Hellenistic period Q139798
Serapion -01th millenium -0041 Hellenistic period Q2272063
Serapion of Alexandria Serapion Alexandrinus -03th century -02th century Alexandria physician classical antiquity Q712814
Sextus of Chaeronea philosopher Hellenistic period Q2567890
Shambling Bull Painter -07th century black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q2276686
Shuvalov Painter -05th century No/unknown value No/unknown value red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q968196
Sikanos Sikanos -05th century Attic potter classical antiquity Q21506277
Sikelos -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q2285542
Simmias explorer Hellenistic period Q7517957
Simmias of Syracuse Simmias Syracusanus Syracuse philosopher classical antiquity Q1298667
Simos of Thessaly Simos Thessaliae -04th millenium -04th century politician classical antiquity Q2288256
Siren Painter painter classical antiquity Q7530113
Siro the Epicurean Siro -01th century -000s Naples Naples philosopher Hellenistic period Q1225062
Sirras -05th century -04th century regent regent Hellenistic period Q1522999
Sisyphus Painter -05th century -04th century red-figure vase painter
Apulian vase-painter
classical antiquity Q353476
Skythes -06th century -060s red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q1297344
Smikros Smikros -06th century -06th century -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q510558
Smilis Smilis -05th century No/unknown value Aegina sculptor classical antiquity Q3963012
Snub-nose Painter red-figure vase painter
Apulian vase-painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Socrates Chrestus monarch Hellenistic period Q2499623
Socrates of Achaea -040s -0401 Achaea military personnel classical antiquity Q3171856
Socrates the Younger -040s -04th century philosopher Hellenistic period Q1367611
Sokles -06th century ceramicist classical antiquity Q1269607
Sokles Painter -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q2298054
Sophilos -06th century -06th century 06th century Attica Attica Attic potter
black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q930448
Sophroniscus Sophroniscus -05th millenium -05th century Athens sculptor classical antiquity Q2303035
Sophytes -0294 Hellenistic period Q7563158
Sosias -06th century Attic potter classical antiquity Q2303683
Sosias Painter -06th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q2303671
Sosibius Sosibius -03th century -02th century Alexandria regent politician
Hellenistic period Q682291
Sosibius Sosibius -03th century No/unknown value Egypt politician Hellenistic period Q2303691
Sosibius of Tarentum Sosibius Tarentinus -03th millenium -03th century Taranto military personnel Hellenistic period Q766310
Sosicles 01th millenium No/unknown value sculptor classical antiquity Q2303716
Sosicrates Sosicrates -0180 -01th century Rhodes historian
Hellenistic period Q1235326
Sosigenes Sosigenes Stoicus philosopher Hellenistic period Q20379273
Sosigenes of Alexandria Sosigenes Alexandrinus -01th century -000s -01th century Alexandria astronomer
Hellenistic period Q316867
Sosthenes of Macedon Sosthenes -04th century -0277 strategos military personnel classical antiquity Q362936
Sostratos of Aegina -05th millenium Aegina merchant classical antiquity Q744889
Sostratus of Cnidus Sostratus Cnidius -030s -02th century Knidos engineer
classical antiquity Q445793
Sosylus of Lacedaemon Sosylus Lacedaemonius -03th century -03th century historian
Hellenistic period Q1592862
Sotades Sotades Lyricus -04th century -03th century Maroneia comedy writer
Hellenistic period Q965086
Sotion Sotion Alexandrinus -01th century 01th century Alexandria philosopher Roman Empire
Hellenistic period
Sotion Sotion Alexandrinus -02th century -0170 Alexandria writer
Hellenistic period Q2570422
Speusippus Speusippus -0407
-0339 Classical Athens scholarch of the Platonic Academy philosopher
Hellenistic period Q325955
Sphaerus Sphaerus -0285 -0221 philosopher Hellenistic period Q2311453
Sphodrias Sphodrias -0371 politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q2608630
Splanchnopt Painter -05th century -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q2311717
Stathatou Painter -08th century geometric vase-painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q18839207
Stephanus Stephanus Comicus -03th century -04th century comedy writer classical antiquity Q2344352
Stesicles military personnel classical antiquity Q7611644
Sthennis Sthennis Olynthus sculptor classical antiquity Q1300191
Strabo Strabo -0063 0023 Amasia Amasia geographer
Hellenistic period Q45936
Strato I -02th century -02th century Kapisa Hellenistic period Q724127
Strato II -01th century -00th century Mathura Hellenistic period Q1387135
Strato of Lampsacus Strato Lampsacenus -0335 -0269 Lampsacus Athens philosopher
Hellenistic period Q316353
Stratonice Stratonice -04th century -03th century sovereign Hellenistic period Q270585
Stratonice of Cappadocia -03th century Seleucid ruler monarch Hellenistic period Q3624248
Stratonice of Libya Hellenistic period Q7622230
Stratonice of Macedon -02th century -03th century Seleucid ruler consort classical antiquity Q2297951
Stratonice of Pergamon -02th century consort Hellenistic period Q3122635
Stratonice of Pontus -00th century -01th century musician classical antiquity Q4893357
Stratonice of Syria Stratonice Demetrii filia -0318 -0268 Antioch Seleucid ruler Hellenistic period Q235061
Stratonicus of Athens Stratonicus Atheniensis -0410 -0360 poet
classical antiquity Q1300271
Strattis of Chios Strattis military personnel classical antiquity Q15730846
Strombichides -04th century -0404 Euonymon Athens military personnel classical antiquity Q1663876
Strongylion Strongylion -04th century -04th century sculptor classical antiquity Q3976117
Suessula Painter -04th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q26982427
Suidas Suidas -0400 historian classical antiquity Q32855925
Swing Painter -06th century -05th century Athens black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
vase painter
classical antiquity Q1322881
Sydney Painter Lucanian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Syennesis of Cyprus physician classical antiquity Q11949737
Syloson Syloson -0515 Samos Samos politician classical antiquity Q4605624
Syracuse Painter Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Syriskos -05th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q20825876
Syriskos Painter -05th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q20828992
Tago ruler classical antiquity Q10377817
Taleides Painter -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q2390140
Tarporley Painter -04th century -04th century red-figure vase painter
Apulian vase-painter
classical antiquity Q353664
Tarquinia Painter -04th century painter classical antiquity Q7686622
Telecles Telecles -02th century -0167 Phocaea scholarch of the Platonic Academy philosopher Hellenistic period Q2706119
Teles of Megara Teles Megarensis -02th century -0240 No/unknown value Megara philosopher Hellenistic period Q2367894
Telesarchus military personnel Hellenistic period Q7696793
Telesphorus Telesphorus (Antigoni nepos) -04th century
-03th century
-03th century sovereign Hellenistic period Q2401991
Teleutias -0380 Sparta Olynthus military personnel classical antiquity Q2360710
Terpsion Terpsion -04th century No/unknown value philosopher classical antiquity Q674683
Teutamus military officer Hellenistic period Q2679652
Thales painter classical antiquity Q7709609
Thalia Painter -05th century 0510 red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q90070025
Thaliarchos Painter -05th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q88983021
Tharrhypas -05th century -0385 classical antiquity Q598904
Theaetetus Theaetetus -0417 -0369 Athens Athens mathematician
classical antiquity Q920912
Theagenes Theagenes Historicus -02th century historian classical antiquity Q7777229
Theagenes of Megara -07th century -06th century Megara politician classical antiquity Q183495
Theagenes of Patras philosopher Hellenistic period Q7777231
Theagenes of Thasos -05th century -05th century Thasos boxer
classical antiquity Q1388775
Themison of Eretria Eretria tyrant classical antiquity Q2032378
Themison of Laodicea Themison Laodicensis -0123 -0043 Latakia physician classical antiquity Q588467
Themison of Samos Themison Samius -03th century -03th century Samos military personnel Hellenistic period Q12902324
Themison of Thera Santorini merchant classical antiquity Q7781285
Themista of Lampsacus Themista Lampsacena -03th century -02th century philosopher Hellenistic period Q1229024
Themistagoras of Ephesus Themistagoras Ephesius historian
classical antiquity Q12877834
Themistocles Themistocles -0524 -0459 Athens Magnesia on the Maeander eponymous archon
military personnel
classical antiquity Q179552
Theodamas 01th century Hellenistic period Q458437
Theodoros the Atheist Theodorus Atheus -0340 -0250 Cyrene Cyrene philosopher Hellenistic period Q381765
Theodorus of Athamania classical antiquity Q2805498
Theodorus of Samos -05th century No/unknown value Samos sculptor
classical antiquity Q3286634
Theodotus Hemiolius -03th century -02th century monarch Hellenistic period Q457405
Theodotus of Aetolia -03th century -03th century Aetolia strategos military personnel Hellenistic period Q927845
Theodotus of Chios -01th millenium -000s Chios
regent rhetorician Hellenistic period Q366589
Theogenes No/unknown value -04th century No/unknown value politician classical antiquity Q1574273
Theogenes -0300 No/unknown value No/unknown value No/unknown value archon basileus politician classical antiquity Q1635035
Theogenes -02th century Dioiketes civil servant classical antiquity
ancient history
Theon Theon Grammaticus grammarian Hellenistic period Q7782253
Theon of Samos Theon Samius No/unknown value -04th century -04th century Samos painter classical antiquity Q3983954
Theophiliscus -02th century -0201 Rhodes Aegean Sea naval officer classical antiquity Q1073852
Theophilus -02th century -01th century Hellenistic period Q1387461
Theophrastus Theophrastus -0371 -0287 Eresos Athens botanist
Hellenistic period Q160362
Theopompus Theopompus -04th century -0320 Chios Alexandria politician
Hellenistic period Q4318
Theopompus of Sparta -08th century -07th century Sparta king of Sparta ruler classical antiquity Q460405
Theoxena of Egypt -020s aristocrat Hellenistic period Q7782484
Theoxena of Syracuse -03th century -03th century Eordaia Municipality Hellenistic period Q3299484
Theramenes Theramenes -04th century -0403 Kos Classical Athens strategos politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q139083
Theseus Painter -05th century No/unknown value black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q2420238
Thessalus Thessalus -04th century physician classical antiquity Q16464644
Theudius Theudius -04th century mathematician classical antiquity Q4481635
Thorax of Lacedaemonia military personnel classical antiquity Q7796157
Thraseas -03th century -03th century politician Hellenistic period Q2429421
Thrasippus classical antiquity Q7797149
Thrasivoulos of Syracuse Thrasybulus -05th century -04th century Gela Epizephyrian Locri tyrant of Syracuse classical antiquity Q605674
Thraso Hellenistic period Q3817836
Thrasybulus Thrasybulus -040s -0389 Athens Aspendos strategos politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q354403
Thrasybulus of Miletus -06th century -07th century Miletus tyrant
classical antiquity Q246853
Thrasydaeus Thrasydaeus Acragantinus -06th century -05th century tyrant classical antiquity Q25148
Thrasyllus Thrasyllus -04th century -0406 Athens Athens politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q2244996
Thrasymedes Thrasymedes sculptor classical antiquity Q1320502
Thucydides -050s -04th century Alopeke Athens politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q580356
Thymaridas Thymaridas -0400 -0350 Paros mathematician classical antiquity Q7799609
Timaenetus painter classical antiquity Q107324502
Timaeus Timaeus Tauromenitanus -0345 -0250 Taormina ancient Syracuse historian
Hellenistic period Q367298
Timanthes -05th century -04th century Kythnos painter classical antiquity Q707873
Timanthes of Sicyon -04th century
-03th century
-0241 Sicyon painter classical antiquity Q6146976
Timarchus -02th century -0160 Seleucid Satrap monarch
Hellenistic period Q878366
Timarchus of Miletus -0258 politician classical antiquity Q1109163
Timasitheus of Lipara military leader classical antiquity Q3558947
Timiades Painter -06th millenium black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q2434679
Timocleidas tyrant classical antiquity Q7806900
Timocrates of Lampsacus Timocrates Lampsacenus -03th century -02th century philosopher Hellenistic period Q7806903
Timocrates of Rhodes -04th century -04th century Rhodes ambassador diplomat classical antiquity Q552365
Timolaus of Cyzicus -04th century Cyzicus philosopher Hellenistic period Q7806914
Timoleon Timoleon -0411 -0337 Ancient Corinth Syracuse strategos politician
military personnel
classical antiquity Q451587
Timon of Phlius Timo Phliasius -0320 -0230 Phlius Athens philosopher
Hellenistic period Q280872
Timonidas -06th millenium black-figure vase painter
Corinthian vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1703348
Timophanes -0411 -0365 Corinth Corinth politician classical antiquity Q7806939
Timoptolis son of Lampis classical antiquity Q106194780
Timotheos Timotheus -04th century -0340 Epidaurus Epidaurus sculptor classical antiquity Q1342534
Timotheus Timotheus -0411 -0354 Anaphlystos Chalkida Athenian strategos military personnel classical antiquity Q713679
Timotheus of Heraclea -0367 -0337 classical antiquity Q1100648
Timotheus of Sinope philosopher Hellenistic period Q11951880
Timoxenus of Achaia Timoxenus -02th century -03th century strategos of the Achaean League military personnel
classical antiquity Q4204297
Tithonos Painter No/unknown value No/unknown value No/unknown value No/unknown value Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q7809958
Titios Painter -06th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Etruscan vase-painter
classical antiquity Q203266
Titormus shepherd classical antiquity Q7810222
Titus Papirius Lib[…] toreutician classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Classical Roman Empire
Tlepolemus Tlepolemus -03th century -02th century regent politician Hellenistic period Q651636
Tleson -05th century No/unknown value potter classical antiquity Q2437495
Tleson Painter -05th century Attic vase-painter
black-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q2437484
Tolmides Tolmides -05th century -0447 Athens Koroneia, Boeotia strategos military leader
military personnel
classical antiquity Q1370557
Toulouse Painter campanian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Triptolemos Painter -06th century -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q713053
Trophymus ironworker classical antiquity
Ancient Rome
Tryphaena -0141 -0111 Seleucid ruler regent Hellenistic period Q451204
Tuqdame leader classical antiquity Q12846702
Tydeus Painter -06th millenium painter classical antiquity Q2462577
Tyndarion classical antiquity Q7860468
Ugento Painter Apulian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q40329187
Underworld Painter -04th century -03th century red-figure vase painter classical antiquity Q348728
VPH Painter red-figure vase painter
campanian vase-painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Valens Valens 0250 military leader classical antiquity Q4102779
Varrese Painter -04th millenium -04th century -03th century red-figure vase painter
Apulian vase-painter
classical antiquity Q353469
Verdelis-Maler -08th century painter classical antiquity Q18632344
Vogler Painter -06th millenium -06th century painter classical antiquity Q17326824
Walter Quin 1575 1635 poet
Hellenistic period Q7965888
Washing Painter -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1451589
Wedding Painter -06th century
-05th century
-05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q328060
Well Painter red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
White Saccos Painter -04th century Apulian vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q19828905
Wilanów Painter -07th century black-figure vase painter
Corinthian vase-painter
classical antiquity
Ancient Greece
Winchester Painter -05th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q89215863
Woburn Abbey Painter Apulian vase-painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q52386460
Worst Painter -04th century Attic vase-painter
red-figure vase painter
classical antiquity Q19311929
Wraith Painter -06th century -06th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1498965
Xanthippe Xanthippe -05th century -04th century Athens aristocrat classical antiquity Q233677
Xanthippus of Carthage Xanthippus -03th century -03th century Sparta strategos mercenary
military personnel
classical antiquity Q433455
Xanthos Xanthus Lydius -05th millenium -05th century -05th century Sardis historian
classical antiquity Q534163
Xenarchus Xenarchus strategos of the Achaean League military leader classical antiquity Q4243309
Xenarchus of Seleucia Xenarchus Seleuciensis -00th century philosopher
Hellenistic period Q1960573
Xenarius architect classical antiquity Q16207000
Xeniades Xeniades -05th century -05th century Corinth philosopher
Hellenistic period Q1465879
Xenias of Arcadia -05th century -04th century military personnel classical antiquity Q2597922
Xenocles Xenocles Tragicus No/unknown value -05th century -05th century Athens No/unknown value tragedy writer
classical antiquity Q1024531
Xenocles -05th century No/unknown value Attic potter
classical antiquity Q1383614
Xenocles of Cholargus -04th century No/unknown value Athens architect classical antiquity Q16062038
Xenocrates Xenocrates -0396 -0314 Chalcedon Athens scholarch of the Platonic Academy philosopher
Hellenistic period Q214121
Xenoetas -0221 military personnel Hellenistic period Q3773544
Xenokles Painter -05th century black-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q1667868
Xenokrates of Sicyon -02th century -03th century No/unknown value sculptor
art historian
classical antiquity Q1811393
Xenon military leader Hellenistic period Q1073902
Xenon Xenon classical antiquity Q11955370
Xenophon Xenophon -04th century -0429 Athens Spartolos strategos military personnel classical antiquity Q735159
Xenophon -04th millenium -04th century Perithoidai architect classical antiquity Q96515949
Xerxes of Armenia -03th century -0212 Sophene king of Armenia sovereign Hellenistic period Q744212
Zariadres -02th century -0188 Seleucid Satrap king Hellenistic period Q2503433
Zeno physician classical antiquity Q8069162
Zeno of Caunus Zeno (a secretis) -03th century -03th century Kaunos writer Hellenistic period Q189750
Zeno of Citium Zeno Citieus -0334 -0263 Kition Athens scholarch of the Stoic school philosopher
Hellenistic period Q171303
Zeno of Sidon Zeno Sidonius -0150 -0070 Sidon Athens scholarch of the Epicurean school mathematician
Hellenistic period Q189759
Zeno of Tarsus Zeno Tarsensis -02th century -02th century Tarsus scholarch of the Stoic school philosopher Hellenistic period Q189767
Zenodorus Zenodorus -0200 -0140 Athens mathematician classical antiquity Q4024175
Zenodotus Zenodotus Ephesius -0330 -0260 Ephesus head of the Library of Alexandria librarian
Hellenistic period Q189718
Zenodotus of Troezen Zenodotus Troezenius -02th millenium -02th millenium historian Hellenistic period Q189708
Zenodotus the Stoic Zenodotus Stoicus philosopher
Hellenistic period Q16989335
Zephyros-Maler -05th millenium -05th century red-figure vase painter
Attic vase-painter
classical antiquity Q191382
Zeuxidamus -08th century -07th century Greece king of Sparta classical antiquity Q1266218
Zeuxippus of Heraclea painter classical antiquity Q8069832
Zeuxis -03th century -02th century strategos diplomat
military personnel
Hellenistic period Q197037
Zeuxis of Tarentum Zeuxis Tarentinus -03th century -02th century Taranto physician classical antiquity Q8069838
Ziaelas of Bithynia -03th century -0228 monarch Hellenistic period Q198293
Zipoetes I of Bithynia Zipoetes -0354 -0278 sovereign Hellenistic period Q205468
Zipoetes II of Bithynia -0276 king of Bithynia monarch Hellenistic period Q1288680
Zoilos Zoilos -01th century -01th century Ancient Rome No/unknown value sculptor Hellenistic period
Late Roman Republic
Zoilus Zoilus -0400 -0320 Amphipolis Chios historian
Hellenistic period Q218451
Zoilus I -02th century -01th century Indo-Greek Kingdom Taxila monarch Hellenistic period Q118612
Zoilus II -00th century No/unknown value sovereign Hellenistic period Q218441
End of automatically generated list.