Wikidata:WikiProject COVID-19/Queries/SPARQL Study

SPARQL is a query language and protocol that allows you to find, add, modify or delete RDF data available across the Internet. Currently, SPARQL can be used to query Wikidata thanks to the query service available at This page introduces several SPARQL queries to visualize various aspects of COVID-19 information including clinical and biological knowledge, epidemiological data, metadata of research outputs, online resources and social impacts. Throughout this Wikidata page, COVID stands to any subset of the collection of the three main Wikidata items related to the COVID-19 pandemic: COVID-19 (Q84263196), SARS-CoV-2 (Q82069695), and COVID-19 pandemic (Q81068910).

These queries have been developed to analyze the landscape of the COVID-19 knowledge in Wikidata and show it in Representing COVID-19 information in collaborative knowledge graphs: a study of Wikidata (Turki, et al., 2020).

Data Model edit

Classes and properties linked to COVID-19 as an object edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     
    SELECT ?p ?proplabel ?c ?classlabel (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE {
      ?x ?prop wd:Q84263196.
      ?x wdt:P31 ?c.
      ?c rdfs:label ?classlabel.
      ?p wikibase:directClaim ?prop.
      ?p rdfs:label ?proplabel.
    GROUP BY ?p ?proplabel ?c ?classlabel
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)

Classes and properties linked to SARS-CoV-2 as an object edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     
    SELECT ?p ?proplabel ?c ?classlabel (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE {
      ?x ?prop wd:Q82069695.
      ?x wdt:P31 ?c.
      ?c rdfs:label ?classlabel.
      ?p wikibase:directClaim ?prop.
      ?p rdfs:label ?proplabel.
    GROUP BY ?p ?proplabel ?c ?classlabel
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)

Classes and properties linked to the COVID-19 pandemic as an object edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     
    SELECT ?p ?proplabel ?c ?classlabel (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE {
      ?x ?prop wd:Q81068910.
      ?x wdt:P31 ?c.
      ?c rdfs:label ?classlabel.
      ?p wikibase:directClaim ?prop.
      ?p rdfs:label ?proplabel.
    GROUP BY ?p ?proplabel ?c ?classlabel
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)

Classes and properties linked to COVID-19 as a subject edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     
    SELECT ?p ?proplabel ?c ?classlabel (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE {
      wd:Q84263196 ?prop ?x.
      ?x wdt:P31 ?c.
      ?c rdfs:label ?classlabel.
      ?p wikibase:directClaim ?prop.
      ?p rdfs:label ?proplabel.
    GROUP BY ?p ?proplabel ?c ?classlabel
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)

Classes and properties linked to SARS-CoV-2 as a subject edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     
    SELECT ?p ?proplabel ?c ?classlabel (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE {
      wd:Q82069695 ?prop ?x.
      ?x wdt:P31 ?c.
      ?c rdfs:label ?classlabel.
      ?p wikibase:directClaim ?prop.
      ?p rdfs:label ?proplabel.
    GROUP BY ?p ?proplabel ?c ?classlabel
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)

Classes and properties linked to the COVID-19 pandemic as a subject edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     
    SELECT ?p ?proplabel ?c ?classlabel (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WHERE {
      wd:Q81068910 ?prop ?x.
      ?x wdt:P31 ?c.
      ?c rdfs:label ?classlabel.
      ?p wikibase:directClaim ?prop.
      ?p rdfs:label ?proplabel.
    GROUP BY ?p ?proplabel ?c ?classlabel
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)

Language Representation edit

Language Representation of the subjects of the semantic relations having COVID as an object edit

The following query uses these:

Language Representation of the predicates of the semantic relations having COVID as an object edit

The following query uses these:

Language Representation of the objects of the semantic relations having COVID as a subject edit

The following query uses these:

Language Representation of the predicates of the semantic relations having COVID as a subject edit

The following query uses these:

Representation of diseases in language editions of Wikipedia edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: Disease Ontology ID (P699)     , instance of (P31)     , subclass of (P279)     
    SELECT ?language (COUNT (?page) AS ?count) 
    WITH {
        { ?item wdt:P699 ?DO_ID .}
        { ?item wdt:P31*/wdt:P279* wd:Q11190 }
        UNION  {
          ?item wdt:P31*/wdt:P279* wd:Q12136 .
        UNION {
          ?item wdt:P31*/wdt:P279* wd:Q796194 .
        UNION {
          ?item wdt:P31*/wdt:P279* wd:Q12140 .
      LIMIT 100000
    AS %items
    WHERE {
      INCLUDE %items
      ?wikipedia wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia".
      ?page  	schema:about ?item ;
    			schema:isPartOf ?wikipedia .
      ?page schema:inLanguage ?language
    GROUP BY ?language
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)

Language Representation of medical items in Wikidata edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: Disease Ontology ID (P699)     , MeSH descriptor ID (P486)     , instance of (P31)     , subclass of (P279)     
    SELECT ?language (COUNT (?label) AS ?count) 
    WITH {
        { ?item wdt:P699 ?DO_ID .}
        { ?item wdt:P486 ?MeSH_Descriptor_ID .}
        { ?item wdt:P31*/wdt:P279* wd:Q11190 }
        UNION  {
          ?item wdt:P31*/wdt:P279* wd:Q12136 .
        UNION {
          ?item wdt:P31*/wdt:P279* wd:Q796194 .
        UNION {
          ?item wdt:P31*/wdt:P279* wd:Q12140 .
      LIMIT 100000
    AS %items
    WHERE {
      INCLUDE %items
      ?item rdfs:label ?label.
      BIND(LANG(?label) AS ?language)
    GROUP BY ?language
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)

Language Representation of COVID-19-related items in Wikidata edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     
    SELECT ?language (COUNT (?label) AS ?count) 
    WITH {
    SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?property ?propertyLabel ?claim WHERE {
      VALUES ?COVID { wd:Q81068910 wd:Q84263196 wd:Q82069695 } 
      { ?COVID ?predicate1 ?item . }
      { ?item ?predicate2 ?COVID . } 
      FILTER NOT EXISTS {?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . }
      FILTER NOT EXISTS {?item wdt:P31 wd:Q13442814 . }
    }  LIMIT 100000
    AS %items
    WHERE {
      INCLUDE %items
      ?item rdfs:label ?label.
      BIND(LANG(?label) AS ?language)
    GROUP BY ?language
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)

Representation of COVID-19-related items in language editions of Wikipedia edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     
    SELECT ?language (COUNT (?page) AS ?count) 
    WITH {
    SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?property ?propertyLabel ?claim WHERE {
      VALUES ?COVID { wd:Q81068910 wd:Q84263196 wd:Q82069695 } 
      { ?COVID ?predicate1 ?item . }
      { ?item ?predicate2 ?COVID . } 
      FILTER NOT EXISTS {?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . }
      FILTER NOT EXISTS {?item wdt:P31 wd:Q13442814 . }
    }  LIMIT 100000
    AS %items
    WHERE {
      INCLUDE %items
      ?wikipedia wikibase:wikiGroup "wikipedia".
      ?page  	schema:about ?item ;
    			schema:isPartOf ?wikipedia .
      ?page schema:inLanguage ?language
    GROUP BY ?language
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)

Database alignment for COVID-19-related items edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     
    SELECT ?class ?classLabel ?ExternalID ?ExternalIDLabel (COUNT(*) AS ?count) WITH
        VALUES ?c {wd:Q84263196 wd:Q81068910 wd:Q82069695}
        {?c ?p ?x} UNION {?x ?p ?c}
    AS %items
    WHERE {
      INCLUDE %items.
      ?x wdt:P31 ?class.
      ?x ?p1 ?y.
      ?ExternalID wikibase:directClaim ?p1.
      ?ExternalID wikibase:propertyType wikibase:ExternalId.
      ?class rdfs:label ?classLabel.
      ?ExternalID rdfs:label ?ExternalIDLabel.
    GROUP BY ?class ?classLabel ?ExternalID ?ExternalIDLabel
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)

Visualizing facets of COVID-19 via SPARQL edit

SARS-CoV-2 interactions with the human proteome edit

The following query uses these:

Currently listed symptoms of COVID-19, with qualifiers indicating their frequency edit

The following query uses these:

Features: Graph (Q24515287)     

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?pic ?linkTo
  SERVICE gas:service {
    gas:program gas:gasClass "" ;
                gas:in wd:Q84263196;
                gas:out ?item ;
                gas:out1 ?depth ;
                gas:maxIterations 3 ;
                gas:linkType wdt:P780 .
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P780 ?linkTo }
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?pic }
  SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }

Other medical conditions sorted by the number of shared symptoms with COVID-19 edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: symptoms and signs (P780)     
          ?disease ?diseaseLabel (COUNT(?symptom) AS ?symptom_count) (GROUP_CONCAT(?symptom_label; separator=" // ") AS ?symptoms) 
          wd:Q84263196 wdt:P780 ?symptom .
          ?disease wdt:P780 ?symptom . 
          FILTER (wd:Q84263196 != ?disease)
          ?symptom rdfs:label ?symptom_label . FILTER(lang(?symptom_label) = "en")
          SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
    GROUP BY ?disease ?diseaseLabel
    ORDER BY DESC(?symptom_count)

Correlation between the current number of cases and mortality rates in every country, calculated from numeric summary data for each region edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: part of (P361)     , location (P276)     , case fatality rate (P3457)     , number of cases (P1603)     , point in time (P585)     
    SELECT ?cases ?mortality_rate ?country WITH {
    SELECT ?x (MAX(?d) AS ?date) WHERE {
      ?x p:P3457 [ps:P3457 ?m; pq:P585 ?d].
      ?x wdt:P361 wd:Q83741704.
    GROUP BY ?x
    AS %dates
    WHERE {
      INCLUDE %dates.
      ?x p:P1603 [ps:P1603 ?cases; pq:P585 ?date].
      ?x p:P3457 [ps:P3457 ?mortality_rate; pq:P585 ?date].
      FILTER(?cases < 50000)
      FILTER(?mortality_rate < 1)
      ?x wdt:P276 ?c.
      ?c rdfs:label ?country.

Age distribution of notable persons who have died of COVID-19 edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: cause of death (P509)     , instance of (P31)     , date of death (P570)     , date of birth (P569)     
    SELECT ?age (COUNT(?person) AS ?count) WHERE {
    SELECT ?person (SAMPLE(?age) AS ?age)  WHERE {
        ?person wdt:P509 wd:Q84263196 ; wdt:P31 wd:Q5 
        OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P570 ?d }
        ?person wdt:P569 ?dob ; wdt:P570 ?dod . BIND(YEAR(?dod)-YEAR(?dob) as ?age) 
       SERVICE wikibase:label {
        bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .
    GROUP BY ?person
    GROUP BY ?age

Death age distribution for people who were born after 1901 edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     , date of death (P570)     , date of birth (P569)     
    SELECT ?age (COUNT(?person) AS ?count) WITH
        ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5.
        ?person wdt:P570 ?dod.
        ?person wdt:P569 ?dob.
        FILTER(YEAR(?dod) > 1900)
        FILTER(?dod > ?dob)
      LIMIT 100000
    AS %d
    WHERE {
      INCLUDE %d.
      BIND(YEAR(?dod)-YEAR(?dob) as ?age)
      FILTER(?age <= 120)
    GROUP BY ?age
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)

Common words and word combinations (ngrams) in the titles of the COVID-19-related scholarly publications edit

The following query uses these:

Features: BubbleChart (Q24515280)     

# Most frequent n-grams from a random set of 1000 COVID-19 publications

{ # Generating a list of entities to be analyzed
  SELECT ?Publication
      SERVICE bd:sample { ?Publication wdt:P921 wd:Q84263196 . bd:serviceParam bd:sample.limit 1000 }   
} AS %items 
{ # Preprocessing the titles
  SELECT ?Title ?Publication ?Seeds ?ClearTitleLength
      INCLUDE %items
      ?Publication wdt:P1476 ?Title.
      BIND (REPLACE(STR(?Title),"[\\.:,;\\[\\]\\?()$]","") AS ?ClearTitle) # remove some frequent special characters, including colons and semicolons
      BIND(STRLEN(?ClearTitle) AS ?ClearTitleLength) 
      # Basic processing of the titles
      BIND ("::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: " AS ?StartCodon)
      BIND (" ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;; ;;;" AS ?StopCodon)
      BIND (LCASE(CONCAT(?StartCodon , # add start codon of colons to assist with processing of n-grams at beginning of title
                            ?StopCodon)) # add stop codon of semicolons to assist with processing of n-grams at end of title
                     AS ?Seeds )
} AS %titles 
{ # Generating a list of regexes to look for the NumericValue-th word in a string     
  # Based on$ by Jura1
  SELECT ?Regex1 ?Regex2 ?Regex3 ?Regex4 ?NumericValue 
      ?NumberItem wdt:P5176 []; wdt:P1181 ?NumericValue . 
      FILTER( ?NumericValue > 0 ) 
      FILTER( ?NumericValue < 151)
      BIND("^([^ ]+ ){" AS ?RegexStart)
      BIND("}([^ ]+) .*" AS ?RegexEnd)
      BIND( CONCAT( ?RegexStart , STR( ?NumericValue - 1 ), ?RegexEnd ) AS ?Regex1)
      BIND( CONCAT( ?RegexStart , STR( ?NumericValue + 1 ), ?RegexEnd ) AS ?Regex2) 
      BIND( CONCAT( ?RegexStart , STR( ?NumericValue + 3 ), ?RegexEnd ) AS ?Regex3) 
      BIND( CONCAT( ?RegexStart , STR( ?NumericValue + 5 ), ?RegexEnd ) AS ?Regex4) 
} AS %regexes 
{ # Applying the regexes to the titles to extract ngrams (for n <= 8), and counting occurrences of the ngrams across titles
    DISTINCT ?Ngram 
    (COUNT(DISTINCT ?Title) AS ?Count)
    (( ?Count * ?Length ) AS ?Score)
    (SAMPLE(DISTINCT ?Publication) AS ?ExamplePub)
        INCLUDE %regexes
        INCLUDE %titles
            REPLACE(?Seeds, ?Regex1, "$1"), " ", 
            REPLACE(?Seeds, ?Regex1, "$2"), " ", 
            REPLACE(?Seeds, ?Regex2, "$1"), " ", 
            REPLACE(?Seeds, ?Regex2, "$2"), " ", 
            REPLACE(?Seeds, ?Regex3, "$1"), " ", 
            REPLACE(?Seeds, ?Regex3, "$2"), " ", 
            REPLACE(?Seeds, ?Regex4, "$1"), " ", 
            REPLACE(?Seeds, ?Regex4, "$2")
        ) AS ?NgramCandidate) 
            "([ ]{2,})"," ")
          ) AS ?Ngram) 

        BIND(STRLEN(?Ngram) AS ?Length) 
        FILTER (?Length > 3 )  
        FILTER (?Length <= ?ClearTitleLength )  
  GROUP BY ?Ngram ?Count ?Length ?Score ?ExamplePub
  HAVING(?Count > 4)
} AS %ngrams 
  INCLUDE %ngrams 
  # Exclude Ngrams starting or ending with any of a set of blacklisted words

Co-occurrence of research topics in scholarly publications with one of the COVID-related items as a topic edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: main subject (P921)     , publication date (P577)     , author (P50)     
    SELECT ?node1 ?node2 ?node1Label ?node2Label ?pdate ?topicLabel ?authorLabel (COUNT(?work) AS ?count)
    WHERE {
      VALUES ?nucleation_topics { wd:Q84263196 wd:Q82069695 wd:Q81068910 }
      ?work wdt:P921 ?nucleation_topics, ?node1, ?node2. # Find co-nodes
      FILTER   (?node1 != ?node2)                  # Exclude self-links
    #  OPTIONAL { ?work wdt:P577 ?pdate. }
    #  OPTIONAL { ?work wdt:P50  ?author. }
      SERVICE  wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,fr,de,ru,es,zh,jp". }
    GROUP BY ?node1 ?node2 ?node1Label ?node2Label ?pdate ?topicLabel ?authorLabel 
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)
    LIMIT 10000

Bankrupt publicly listed businesses due to the COVID-19 pandemic edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     , subclass of (P279)     , country (P17)     , inception (P571)     , industry (P452)     , parent organization (P749)     , has subsidiary (P355)     , significant event (P793)     , point in time (P585)     , has cause (P828)     
    SELECT ?organization ?organizationLabel ?bankruptcyDate ?countryLabel ?inception
       (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?industryLabel; separator=", ") AS ?industries)
       (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?parentLabel; separator=", ") AS ?parents)
       (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?subsiduaryLabel; separator=", ") AS ?subsiduaries)
      WHERE {
      ?organization wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q43229.
      OPTIONAL { ?organization wdt:P17 ?country }.
      OPTIONAL { ?organization wdt:P571 ?inception }.
      OPTIONAL { 
                 ?organization wdt:P452 ?industry.
                 ?industry rdfs:label ?industryLabel.
      OPTIONAL { 
                 ?organization wdt:P749 ?parent.
                 ?parent rdfs:label ?parentLabel.
      OPTIONAL { 
                 ?organization wdt:P355 ?subsiduary.
                 ?subsiduary rdfs:label ?subsiduaryLabel.
      ?organization p:P793 ?event.
      ?event ps:P793 wd:Q152074.
      OPTIONAL { ?event pq:P585 ?bankruptcyDate }.
      ?event pq:P828 wd:Q96175652.
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en".}
    GROUP BY ?organization ?organizationLabel ?bankruptcyDate ?countryLabel ?inception
    ORDER BY DESC(?bankruptcyDate)

Pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions co-occurring with COVID-19-related items in scholarly publications edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: main subject (P921)     , instance of (P31)     , subclass of (P279)     
    SELECT DISTINCT ?related ?relatedLabel ?type ?typeLabel WHERE {
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
      ?COVID_19 wdt:P921 wd:Q84263196.
      ?COVID_19 wdt:P921 ?related.
      {?related wdt:P31 wd:Q12140.} UNION {?related wdt:P279 wd:Q179661.}
      OPTIONAL{?related wdt:P31 ?type.}

Symptoms of COVID-19 disease listed by their nature of statement (P5102) or sourcing circumstances (P1480) qualifiers, with references edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: DOI (P356)     , stated in (P248)     , nature of statement (P5102)     , sourcing circumstances (P1480)     
    SELECT DISTINCT ?subjectLabel ?predicateLabel ?objectLabel ?qualifier ?source_doi WHERE {
      VALUES ?subject {wd:Q84263196 wd:Q82069695 wd:Q81068910}
      VALUES ?qual {pq:P5102 pq:P1480}
      ?subject ?p [?prop ?object; ?qual ?nos].
      ?object rdfs:label ?objectLabel.
      FILTER(?object != ?nos)
      ?predicate wikibase:claim ?p.
      OPTIONAL {
        ?subject ?p ?statement.
        ?statement ?p1 ?object.
        ?statement (prov:wasDerivedFrom/pr:P248) ?source.
        ?source wdt:P356 ?source_doi. 
      BIND(IF(?qual = pq:P5102, "Nature of statement", "Sourcing circumstances") AS ?qualifier).
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }

Extended graph of the three main COVID items and the statements for which they are the subject edit

The following query uses these:

Features: Graph (Q24515287)     

#PREFIX target: <>

SELECT ?node ?nodeLabel ?nodeImage ?childNode ?childNodeLabel ?childNodeImage ?rgb 
      ?property a wikibase:Property;
                wdt:P31 wd:Q18610173 ;
                wdt:P31 wd:Q26940804 . 
} AS %properties
  SELECT DISTINCT ?node ?childNode WHERE {
      VALUES ?node { wd:Q84263196 wd:Q81068910 wd:Q82069695 } 
#      BIND(target: AS ?node)
      ?node ?p ?i.
      ?childNode ?x ?p.
      ?childNode rdf:type wikibase:Property.
      FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?i), ""))
      FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?childNode), ""))
  LIMIT 5000
} AS %nodes
  SELECT DISTINCT ?childNode ?node ?rgb WHERE {
      BIND("EFFBD8" AS ?rgb)
      VALUES ?target { wd:Q84263196 wd:Q81068910 wd:Q82069695 } 
      ?target ?p ?childNode.
      ?node ?x ?p.
      ?node rdf:type wikibase:Property.
      FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?childNode), ""))
  LIMIT 5000
} AS %childNodes
    INCLUDE %nodes
    INCLUDE %childNodes

    INCLUDE %properties
    ?property wikibase:directClaim ?nodeclaim.
    ?node ?nodeclaim ?nodeImage. 

    INCLUDE %properties
    ?property wikibase:directClaim ?childNodeclaim.
    ?childNode ?childNodeclaim ?childNodeImage. 
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }        

Daily mortality rate from COVID-19 in Tunisia edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: number of deaths (P1120)     , number of cases (P1603)     , point in time (P585)     
    SELECT ?date ((?mort / ?cases) AS ?mortrate) WHERE {
      wd:Q87343682 wdt:P1120 ?mort.
      wd:Q87343682 p:P1120 ?stmort.
      ?stmort pq:P585 ?date.
      ?stmort ps:P1120 ?mort.
      wd:Q87343682 wdt:P1603 ?cases.
      wd:Q87343682 p:P1603 ?st.
      ?st pq:P585 ?date.
      ?st ps:P1603 ?cases.
    ORDER BY ?date

Tunisian governorate-level cases of COVID-19 edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: part of (P361)     , location (P276)     , number of cases (P1603)     
    SELECT (MAX(?cases) AS ?casenow) ?cityLabel WHERE {
      ?cd wdt:P361 wd:Q87343682.
      ?cd wdt:P276 ?city.
      ?city rdfs:label ?cityLabel.
      ?cd wdt:P1603 ?cases.
    GROUP BY ?cityLabel

Daily Evolution of Clinical tests by laboratory in Tunisia edit

The following query uses these:

COVID-19-related computer applications and their types edit

The following query uses these:

COVID publications edit

Mostly cited COVID-19-related scholarly publications edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: main subject (P921)     , instance of (P31)     , subclass of (P279)     , part of (P361)     , facet of (P1269)     , cites work (P2860)     
    SELECT ?count ?cited_work ?cited_workLabel
    WITH {
      SELECT (count(?work) as ?count) ?cited_work WHERE {
        VALUES ?topic { wd:Q84263196 wd:Q81068910 wd:Q82069695 } 
        { ?work wdt:P921/wdt:P31*/wdt:P279* ?topic . }
        union { ?work wdt:P921/wdt:P361+ ?topic . }
        union { ?work wdt:P921/wdt:P1269+ ?topic . }
        ?work wdt:P2860 ?cited_work .
      GROUP BY ?cited_work
    } AS %result
    WHERE {
      INCLUDE %result
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en,da,de,es,fr,jp,nl,no,ru,sv,zh" . } 
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)
    LIMIT 200

Scientists mostly cited by COVID-19-related scholarly publications edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: main subject (P921)     , part of (P361)     
    SELECT ?number_of_citations ?author ?authorLabel ?cited_work_example ?cited_work_exampleLabel
    WITH {
      # Find works about the topic
        VALUES ?topic { wd:Q84263196 wd:Q81068910 wd:Q82069695 } 
    	  ?work wdt:P921 / (wdt:P361+

Most common publication venues for COVID-themed papers edit

The following query uses these:

Clinical trials on interventions to treat COVID-19 edit

The following query uses these:

Awards most frequently received by authors of COVID papers edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: main subject (P921)     , author (P50)     , award received (P166)     
    SELECT ?count ?award ?awardLabel ?recipients ?recipientsUrl
    WITH {
      SELECT (COUNT(?researcher) AS ?count) ?award 
      (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?researcher_label; separator=", ") AS ?recipients) 
      WHERE {
          SELECT DISTINCT ?researcher ?award WHERE {
            VALUES ?topic { wd:Q84263196 wd:Q81068910 wd:Q82069695 } 
            hint:Query hint:optimizer "None" .
            ?work wdt:P921 ?topic .
            ?work wdt:P50 ?researcher .
            ?researcher wdt:P166 ?award .
          LIMIT 100
        ?researcher rdfs:label ?researcher_label . FILTER (LANG(?researcher_label) = 'en')
      GROUP BY ?award 
    } AS %result
    WHERE {
      INCLUDE %result
        ?award rdfs:label ?awardLabel . FILTER (LANG(?awardLabel) = 'en')
    GROUP BY ?count ?award ?awardLabel ?recipients ?recipientsUrl
    ORDER BY DESC(?count)

Map of organizations associated with works about COVID edit

Institutions that have published a single paper on the topic are in green, those that have published 1-10 are in orange, and those having published >10 are in blue.

The following query uses these:

Features: map (Q24515275)     

SELECT ?organization ?organizationLabel ?geo ?count ?layer
  # Works on the topic
    VALUES ?topic { wd:Q84263196 wd:Q81068910 wd:Q82069695 } 
    ?work wdt:P921 / (wdt:P361+

Online resource locations for information on COVID-19 regional outbreaks edit

Official websites edit

The following query uses these:

Main hashtags edit

The following query uses these:

COVID-related images based on structured data edit

Images from Wikimedia Commons about COVID-19 pandemic and SARS-CoV-2 with a CC-BY license edit

The following query uses these:

Features: ImageGrid (Q24515278)     

SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?image
    { VALUES ?item {wd:Q82069695 wd:Q81068910 wd:Q84263196 wd:Q1134583} }
    { ?item p:P31 [ ps:P31 wd:Q3241045 ; pq:P642 wd:Q84263196 ] .  }
  ?item wdt:P18 ?image.
  BIND(REPLACE(wikibase:decodeUri(CONCAT("File:", STRAFTER(STR(?image), "/wiki/Special:FilePath/"))), " ", "_") AS ?imageTitle)
  SERVICE wikibase:mwapi {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:api "Categories";
                    wikibase:endpoint "";
                    mwapi:titles ?imageTitle.
    ?categoryTitle wikibase:apiOutput mwapi:category.
  FILTER(?categoryTitle = "Category:CC-Zero"

Images of face masks used during COVID-19 pandemic with a CC-BY license edit

The following query uses these:

Features: ImageGrid (Q24515278)     

  {?mask wdt:P31 wd:Q271779} UNION {?mask wdt:P279 wd:Q271779}.
  ?mask wdt:P5008 wd:Q87748614.
  ?mask rdfs:label ?label.
  ?mask wdt:P18 ?image.
  BIND(REPLACE(wikibase:decodeUri(CONCAT("File:", STRAFTER(STR(?image), "/wiki/Special:FilePath/"))), " ", "_") AS ?imageTitle)
  SERVICE wikibase:mwapi {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:api "Categories";
                    wikibase:endpoint "";
                    mwapi:titles ?imageTitle.
    ?categoryTitle wikibase:apiOutput mwapi:category.
  FILTER(?categoryTitle = "Category:CC-Zero"

People listed in Wikidata deceased due to COVID-19 edit

As tabular output, ranked by date of death edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: cause of death (P509)     , occupation (P106)     , country of citizenship (P27)     , date of death (P570)     
    # COVID19 victims
    SELECT ?dateOfDeath ?name (SAMPLE(?nationality) AS ?citizenship) (SAMPLE(?occupation) AS ?profession)
        ?s wdt:P509 wd:Q84263196 .
        ?s rdfs:label ?name .
        # occupation
        OPTIONAL {
            ?s wdt:P106 ?occupationRes .
            ?occupationRes rdfs:label ?occupation .
        # nationality
        OPTIONAL {
            ?s wdt:P27 ?nationalityRes .
            ?nationalityRes rdfs:label ?nationality .
        # date of death
        OPTIONAL {
            ?s wdt:P570 ?dateOfDeath .
    } GROUP BY ?name ?dateOfDeath ORDER BY DESC(?dateOfDeath)

With open license portrait images ranked by how well-described they are in Wikidata edit

The following query uses these:

Features: ImageGrid (Q24515278)     

SELECT ?person ?date_of_death ?age ?image
    ?person wdt:P509 wd:Q84263196 ; wdt:P31 wd:Q5 
    OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P570 ?date_of_death }
    OPTIONAL { ?person wikibase:statements ?statements_count ; wikibase:sitelinks ?sitelinks_count ; wikibase:identifiers ?identifiers_count . BIND(?statements_count + ?sitelinks_count + ?identifiers_count AS ?rank)}
    OPTIONAL { ?person wdt:P569 ?dob ; wdt:P570 ?dod . BIND(YEAR(?dod)-YEAR(?dob) as ?age) }
    ?person wdt:P18 ?image .
  BIND(REPLACE(wikibase:decodeUri(CONCAT("File:", STRAFTER(STR(?image), "/wiki/Special:FilePath/"))), " ", "_") AS ?imageTitle)
  SERVICE wikibase:mwapi {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:api "Categories";
                    wikibase:endpoint "";
                    mwapi:titles ?imageTitle.
    ?categoryTitle wikibase:apiOutput mwapi:category.
  FILTER(?categoryTitle = "Category:CC-Zero"

As bubble diagram of professions edit

The following query uses these:

Features: BubbleChart (Q24515280)     

SELECT ?occupation ?occupationLabel (COUNT(*) as ?count) WHERE {
  ?person wdt:P509 wd:Q84263196 ; wdt:P31 wd:Q5 .
  ?person wdt:P106 ?occupation .
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" } .
GROUP BY ?occupation ?occupationLabel
LIMIT 10000