Wikidata:WikiProject COVID-19/Status updates/2020 04 08

This is the summary for the WikiProject COVID-19 from 05/04/2020 to 08/04/2020.

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Other noteworthy stuff edit

  • The Virtual BioHackathon has started with a Wikidata branch.

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  • New queries:
SchemaEntity List
EntitySchemaID Label Description Action
E184 pandemic entity schema of a pandemic Edit
E185 preprint entity schema of a preprint Edit
E186 Macromolecular complex Schema for macromolecular complexes Edit
E187 hospital entity schema of hospital Edit
E188 2020 coronavirus pandemic entity schema of 2020 coronavirus pandemic Edit
E189 clinical trial Entity Schema for a clinical trial Edit
E190 lockdown entity schema of a lockdown Edit
E191 lockdown part of the 2019-2020 coronavirus disease pandemic lockdown part of quarantine for the 2019-2020 coronavirus disease pandemic Edit

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