Wikidata:WikiProject Children's picture books National Library of the Netherlands

This project is part of the Wikidata efforts of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek Nederland

The Wikidata item for this Wikiproject is: WikiProject Children's picture books of the KB, national library of the Netherlands (Q99484869)

Project aims edit

This project aims to

  1. Create Wikidata items for all the picture books in the Category:Picture books from Koninklijke Bibliotheek on Wikimedia Commons. These are mainly the public domain books from the collection Prentenboeken van 1810 tot 1950 on the Geheugen website.
  2. Bulk extract 381 KB children's books from the Europeana Rise of Literacy project, described them on Wikidata and upload their images to Wikimedia Commons (as far as they are not yet in the above category, and are in the public domain)
  3. Write Wikipedia articles about the picture books

Children's picture books that are KB collection highlights edit

Several children's picture books are collection highlights from the Koninklijke Bibliotheek in The Hague

More KB Children's picture books available on edit

Wikimedia Commons edit

Sources edit

Overview of subpages edit