Wikidata:WikiProject Govdirectory/Greenland/Watchlist

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { BIND(wd:Q223 AS ?country) VALUES ?type { wd:Q16423979 # Municipality of Greenland (5) } ?item wdt:P31 ?type ; wdt:P17 ?country . MINUS { ?item wdt:P576 [] } MINUS { ?item wdt:P1366 [] } MINUS { ?item wdt:P3999 [] } }

municipality of Greenland

number item label label/da instance of official website Classification of the Functions of Government director / manager X username Instagram username Facebook username YouTube channel ID LinkedIn company or organization ID
1 Q476233 Qeqqata Qeqqata Kommune municipality of Greenland Qeqqata UCbodKGZLhKQ4AhVQ8BXcCug qeqqata-kommunia
2 Q478813 Kujalleq Kujalleq Kommune municipality of Greenland
electoral unit KommuneKujalleq UCKYL-uRHJfY7rQq6l2DXryg kommune-kujalleq
3 Q695387 Sermersooq Sermersooq Kommune municipality of Greenland sermersooq sermersooq UC86WgfS52xt5N3fUmPEuOnQ kommuneqarfik-sermersooq
4 Q44593337 Qeqertalik Qeqertalik Kommune municipality of Greenland Kommune-Qeqertalik-243043503252446 UCPVPEii2IIwsUb_gpxsCh0w kommune-qeqertalik
5 Q44593409 Avannaata Avannaata Kommune municipality of Greenland AvannaataKommunia UChwZgmMX-cXl9dUvyeh6a4g

∑ 5 items.

End of automatically generated list.