Wikidata:WikiProject Informatics/Structures/File formats/Comparison of LocFDD and Wikidata properties

What is LocFDD?


Library of Congress Format Descriptions Document is a website describing the technical characteristics of various file formats, particularly in the context of their use and preservation at Library of Congress.

What Properties does LocFDD use?


Summary Table for Audiovisual Format

LocFDD attribute Example Wikidata PRONOM Property
Identification and description;Description Audiovisual file format that can wrap an unlimited number of video, audio, still picture, and/or subtitle tracks. A wide range of audio and video encodings are supported, as described on the Matroska Codec Page, [...] <no property found> / <out of scope for Wikidata> Summary; Description
Identification and description; Full Name Matroska Multimedia Container <Item> Summary; Name
Identification and description; Production Phase A final state format for enduser delivery. <no property found> / <out of scope for Wikidata> <no match>
Identification and description; Relationship to other formats; Additional <no property found> <no match>
Identification and description; Relationship to other formats; Affinity to <no property found> <no match>
Identification and description; Relationship to other formats; Component of part of (P361) <no match>
Identification and description; Relationship to other formats; Contains has part(s) (P527) Summary; Orientation
Identification and description; Relationship to other formats; Defined via <no property found> / <limited use> <no match>
Identification and description; Relationship to other formats; Equivalent to <no property found> <no match>
Identification and description; Relationship to other formats; Extension of <propose to ignore> <no match>
Identification and description; Relationship to other formats; Has earlier version <no property found -- but useful?> <no match>
Identification and description; Relationship to other formats; Has extension <we chose to ignore> <no match>
Identification and description; Relationship to other formats; Has later version <no property found -- but useful?> <no match>
Identification and description; Relationship to other formats; Has modified version <no property found -- yet - see twitter> <no match>
Identification and description; Relationship to other formats; Has Subtype Matroska_FFV1, Matroska File Format with FFV1 video encoding, Matroska_AVC, Matroska File Format with MPEG-4, Advanced Video Coding (Part 10) (H.264)Matroska_MPEG-2, Matroska File Format with MPEG-2 Video Encoding (H.262), Matroska_LPCM, Matroska File Format with LPCM Audio Encoding, Matroska_MP3, Matroska File Format with MP3 Audio Encoding <no property found> <no match>
ID and description; Relationship to other formats; May contain <no property found> <no match>
ID and description; Relationship to other formats; May have component <no property found> <no match>
ID and description; Relationship to other formats; Modification of based on (P144) <no match>
ID and description; Relationship to other formats; Must have component <no property found> <no match>
ID and description; Relationship to other formats; Other EBML, Extensible Binary Meta Language, not described at this Web site at this time. Language used to code the Matroska file format. <no property found> / <out of scope for Wikidata> <no match>
ID and description; Relationship to other formats; Related to <no property found> <no match>
ID and description; Relationship to other formats; Requires Property needs to be created <depends on <other format>> depends on software (P1547) <no match>
ID and description; Relationship to other formats; Subtype of <no property found> <no match>
ID and description; Relationship to other formats; Used by used by (P1535) <no match>
ID and description; Relationship to other formats; Version of Property needs to be created <no match>
Local use; LC experience or existing holdings <no property found> <no match>
Local use; LC preference <no property found> <no match>
Notes; General Matroska is an English word derived from the Russian word Matryoshka which means nesting doll, a reference to this format's ability to wrap a number of component elements. [...] <no property found> / <out of scope for Wikidata> <no match>
Notes; History Matroska is an offshoot of the Multimedia Container Format project. According to Wikipedia, consulted May 10, 2012, Matroska was announced on 6 December 2002 as a fork of the Multimedia Container Format (MCF), after disagreements between MCF lead developer Lasse Kärkkäinen [...]" <no property found> / <out of scope for Wikidata> <no match>
Quality and functionality factors; Moving images; Clarity Varies according to encoding. See FFV1, MPEG-4_AVC and MPEG-2. <propose to ignore> <no match>
Quality and functionality factors; Moving images; Functionality beyond normal rendering A common use of Matroska is to harvest the information from an authored DVD in a way that preserves some of the functionality of the DVD. The Matroska website lists several of the features of the container that can help the user retain some of the experience of an authored DVD:; Selectable subtitle/audio/video streams; Modularly expandable [...] <propose to ignore> <no match>
Quality and functionality factors; Moving images; Normal rendering Good support. <propose to ignore> <no match>
Quality and funtionality factors; Audio; Clarity Varies according to encoding. See LPCM and MP3_ENC. <propose to ignore> <no match>
Quality and funtionality factors; Audio; Functionality beyond normal rendering "Matroska can be used to contain audio-only content in ways that simulate the experience of a CD. The Matroska website lists several of the features of the container that can help the user retain some of the experience of an audio CD: [...]" <propose to ignore> <no match>
Quality and functionality factors; Audio; Normal rendering Good support. <propose to ignore> <no match>
Sustainability factors; Adoption Modest adoption in heritage repositories. The City of Vancouver Archives uses FFV1 encoded video wrapped in the Matroska container, as discussed briefly on the archives' blog. This implementation is connected to the open source Archivematica project, whose Wiki lists Matroska-wrapped FFV1 video and LPCM audio as one of its preservation formats. Matroska also plays a critical role in the WebM open media project. [...] <no property found> / <who's using might be so useful though> <no match>
Sustainability factors; Disclosure Fully documented. Developed as an open source project; see history section of the Notes below which also reports on the CELLAR IETF standardization project launched in 2015. <no property found> Summary; Disclosure
Sustainability factors; Documentation Published online at <no property found> / <out of scope for Wikidata> Documentation;
Sustainability factors; External dependencies The Matroska website states that Matroska files need a DirectShow parser filter [CCCP (Combined Community Codec Pack) is the current choice] to playback through [...] Property needs to be created <depends on <other format>> depends on software (P1547)
Sustainability factors; Licensing and patents The Matroska website says this: "Matroska is an open standards project. This means for personal use it is absolutely free to use and that the technical specifications describing the bitstream are open to everybody, even to companies that would like to support it in their products. [...] copyright license (P275)
Sustainability factors; Self-documentation The Matroska website provides a diagram of the sections of the wrapper. Technical and descriptive metadata can be found in a few different places in the wrapper. Technical metadata appears in the Track section, as described on the Matroska developer website: [...] <no property found> / <out of scope for Wikidata>
Sustainability factors; Technical protection considerations Encryption is supported and the Matroska website states that "It is easily possible to use the encryption framework in Matroska as a type of DRM." digital rights management system (P1032)
Sustainability factors; Transparency Depends upon included encodings, some of which will depend upon algorithms and tools to read and require sophistication to build tools. <no property found> / <out of scope for Wikidata>
File type signifiers; Filename extension mkv file extension (P1195) <no match>
File type signifiers; Internet media type video/x-matroska; audio/x-matroska media type (P1163) <no match>
File type signifiers; Magic numbers 1A 45 DF A3 93 42 82 88 6D 61 74 72 6F 73 6B 61 <propose to ignore> Possibly: Byte sequence value (???)
Format specifications Matroska Specification (; Elements of the Matroska File Format (; IETF Charter for CELLAR Project (Codec Encoding for LossLess Archiving and Realtime transmission)[...] Property needs to be created, Related: standards body (P1462), Request for Comments (Q212971) <no match>
Useful references Archivematica's list of media types listing MKV as one of their "preservation formats" (; A City of Vancouver Archives' blog post mentioning their use of Matroska [...] URL (P2699)