Wikidata:WikiProject Invasion biology/Wikidata lists/Habitats

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?item label description image
Afghanistan Afghanistan country in Central and South Asia
Andes Andes mountain range running along the western side of South America
Asia Asia continent
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan country in the Caucasus in Eastern Europe and Western Asia
Bambusa vulgaris Bambusa vulgaris species of plant
Barisan Mountains Barisan Mountains mountain range in Sumatra, Indonesia
Carex forsteri Carex forsteri species of plant
Carex maorica Carex maorica species of plant
Carex pumila Carex pumila species of plant
Caribbean Sea Caribbean Sea tropical sea of the Atlantic Ocean, located east of Central America, south of the Greater Antilles and north of South America
Chaparral Chaparral vegetation zone
Chloris barbata Chloris barbata species of plant
Cladium mariscus Cladium mariscus species of plant
Cydonia oblonga Cydonia oblonga species of flowering plant in the rose family Rosaceae
Dasymaschalon obtusipetalum Dasymaschalon obtusipetalum species of plant
Earth Earth third planet from the Sun in the Solar System
Ecuador Ecuador sovereign state in South America
Eleusine indica Eleusine indica species of plant
Eurasia Eurasia continental landmass comprising Europe and Asia
Europe Europe continent
Falkland Islands Falkland Islands archipelago in the South Atlantic Ocean, and a British Overseas Territory, disputed by Argentina
Georgia Georgia country in the Caucasus
Hutan pantai Hutan pantai Automatic description is not available
Iran Iran country in Western Asia
Juniperus virginiana Juniperus virginiana species of plant
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan sovereign state in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Korea Korea region in East Asia
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan sovereign state in Central Asia
Laos Laos country in Southeast Asia
Madagascar Madagascar island sovereign state off the coast of Southeast Africa, in the Indian Ocean
Malus Malus flowering genus in the rose family Rosaceae
Malus domestica Malus domestica species of genus apple (malus)
Mangifera indica Mangifera indica species of plant
Mongolia Mongolia country in East Asia
Myanmar Myanmar country in Southeast Asia
North America North America continent and northern subcontinent of the Americas
North Pacific Ocean North Pacific Ocean northern part of the Pacific Ocean
Northeastern Spain and Southern France Mediterranean forests Northeastern Spain and Southern France Mediterranean forests Terrestrial ecoregion in France and Spain
Palearctic realm Palearctic realm largest of the Earth's eight biogeographic realms
People's Republic of China People's Republic of China country in East Asia
Prunus Prunus genus of plants
Puerto Rico Puerto Rico unincorporated territory of the United States of America
Pyrus communis Pyrus communis species of plant
Russia Russia sovereign state in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia
Seasonal tropical forest Seasonal tropical forest type of tropical forest
Taiwan Taiwan country in East Asia
Tajikistan Tajikistan sovereign state in Central Asia
Turkmenistan Turkmenistan country in Central Asia
Uapaca bojeri Uapaca bojeri species of plant
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan sovereign state in Central Asia
Vietnam Vietnam country in Southeast Asia
Western North Africa Western North Africa geographic region, part of Africa
World Ocean World Ocean Earth's interconnected water system
acid acid chemical compound giving a proton or accepting an electron pair
angiosperms angiosperms clade of flowering plants (in APG I-III)
aquatic aquatic Relating to water; living in or near water, taking place in water
arable land arable land land capable of being ploughed and used to grow crops
arid arid severe lack of available water
artificial pond artificial pond body of man-made standing water, that is usually smaller than a lake
bamboo grove bamboo grove forest made up of bamboo
bank bank in geography, area between high and low tide marks, or a raised landform on the side of a stream
base base chemical substance, that can react with an acid, accepting hydrogen ions (protons) or more generally, donating a pair of valence electrons
bog bog wetland that accumulates peat due to incomplete decomposition of plant leftovers
brackish water brackish water water with salinity between freshwater and sea
cave cave natural underground space large enough for a human to enter
chalk chalk soft, white, porous sedimentary rock
city city large human settlement
clay clay soft rock based compound often used for sculpture and tools
cliff cliff significant vertical, or near vertical, rock exposure
cloud forest cloud forest rainforest occuring at higher elevations and topographic positions, often characterized by fog
coast coast area where land meets the sea or ocean
coastal margin coastal margin landscape at the interface between land and sea
coastline coastline outline of the coast
coniferous forest coniferous forest type of forest characterized by cone-bearing tree species as the dominant vegetation
continental margin continental margin zone of the ocean floor that separates the thin oceanic crust from thick continental crust
coral reef coral reef ridge of rock in the sea formed by the growth and deposit of coral
cypress swamp cypress swamp communities that are dominated by bald cypress trees
deciduous forest deciduous forest forests composed primarily of tree species who shed their leaves seasonally
demersal zone demersal zone part of the water column near to the seabed and the benthos
desert desert barren area of land where little precipitation occurs
dune dune landform, hill of sand
estuary estuary type of marine and riverine ecosystem
field field area of land used for agricultural purposes
foothills foothills hills before a mountain range
forest forest dense collection of trees covering a relatively large area
formation formation subgrade and possibly blanket whereupon rests a permanent way
fresh water fresh water naturally occurring water with low concentrations of dissolved salts
gallery forest gallery forest type of riparian forest in dry regions
garden garden planned space set aside for the display, cultivation, and enjoyment of plants
grassland grassland area with vegetation dominated by grasses
group of mountains group of mountains area characterized by peaks, ridges or mountain ranges
hardwood forest hardwood forest forest composed primarily of hardwood type trees
heath heath shrubland habitat
hill hill landform that extends above the surrounding terrain in lower mountain ranges, smaller than a mountain
intertidal zone intertidal zone area between tide marks
karst karst topography formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks
lake lake body of relatively still water, localized in a basin
land land solid surface of Earth that is not permanently covered by water
landmass landmass contiguous area of land surrounded by ocean; large continuous area of land, either surrounded by sea or contiguous with another landmass
leaf litter leaf litter dead leaf material that has fallen to the ground
loam loam soil composed of sand, silt, and clay in relatively even proportions
lowland lowland plain
lowland lowland geography term
lowland forest lowland forest a forested area at a low relative elevation
mangrove mangrove tropical coastal vegetation consisting of a shrub or tree that grows in coastal saline or brackish water
mangrove forest mangrove forest productive wetlands that occur in coastal intertidal zones
marine habitat marine habitat habitat that supports marine life
marsh marsh wetland that is dominated by herbaceous rather than woody plant species
meadow meadow field vegetated primarily by grass and other non-woody plants (grassland)
mineral spring mineral spring natural springs that produce water containing minerals
moist forest moist forest a forest with high amounts of moisture
mountain mountain large natural elevation of the Earth's surface
mountain forest mountain forest forest that grows between the submontane zone and the subalpine zone
mountain range mountain range geographic area containing several geologically related mountains
mudflat mudflat a relatively level area of mud either between high and low tide lines, or subject to flooding; form of tidal flat, the other being sandflat
muscle muscle contractile soft tissue of animals
nervous tissue nervous tissue main component of the nervous system
ocean ocean very large body of saline water
old-growth forest old-growth forest forest that has developed over a long period of time without disturbance
orchard orchard intentional planting of trees or shrubs that is maintained for food production
pasture pasture land used for grazing
pine barrens pine barrens type of forest dominated by pine species
pine forest pine forest forest of pine trees
rainforest rainforest type of forest with high rainfall
reef reef feature lying beneath the surface of the water
riparian forest riparian forest forested or wooded area of land adjacent to a body of water
river river larger natural watercourse
river mouth river mouth end of a river
road verge road verge vegetative strip beside the carriageway of a road or between two roads
rocky shore rocky shore intertidal area of seacoasts where solid rock predominates
rural area rural area geographic area that is located outside towns and cities
salt marsh salt marsh type of coastal ecosystem, land outside the dikes that is not flooded with seawater with average high tide
sand sand granular material composed of finely divided rock and mineral particles, sand particles range in diameter from 0.063 to 2 mm (per ISO 14688)
savanna savanna mixed woodland-grassland ecosystem
sea sea large body of saline water
secondary forest secondary forest forest that has re-grown after a timber harvest and is very different in structure from the original forest
semi-desert semi-desert biome
shallow shallow underwater relief where the depth of the water is low compared to that of the surrounding points
shoulder shoulder reserve lane by the verge of a roadway
shrubland shrubland vegetational formation dominated by shrubs
small intestine small intestine part of the digestive tract, following the stomach and followed by the large intestine fake
smell of burning smell of burning Burned area, state, and landscape
solutional cave solutional cave cave formed in soluble rock such as limestone, chalk, dolomite, marble, salt beds or gypsum
steppe steppe ecoregion of plains grasslands without trees
subterranea subterranea underground space, natural and man-made underground structures
subtropics subtropics geographic and climate zone
summit summit point on a surface that is higher in elevation than all points immediately adjacent to it, in topography
swamp swamp a type of wetland
temperate coniferous forest temperate coniferous forest biome
temperate rainforest temperate rainforest forest in the temperate zone with heavy rainfall
terrestrial terrestrial of or related to land or the planet Earth
terrestrial terrestrial grammatical gender of the fictional Valyrian language family
thicket thicket in forestry an adolescent population in a forest
thicket thicket dense stand of trees, shrubs, or vines
tidal marsh tidal marsh coastal marsh, marsh subject to tidal change in water
tree tree perennial woody plant
tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests biome
tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas, and shrublands terrestrial habitat type defined by the World Wide Fund for Nature
tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests biome
tropical forest tropical forest specific ecosystem
tropical forest tropical forest generic forest in the tropics
tropics tropics region of the Earth surrounding the equator
urban habitat urban habitat habitat located in an urban setting
vigna vigna genus of plants
wall wall vertical structure, usually solid, that defines and sometimes protects an area
watercourse watercourse any flowing body of water
wetland wetland land area that is permanently or seasonally saturated with water
woodland woodland low-density forest forming open habitats with plenty of sunlight and limited shade
woodland edge woodland edge biotope, boundary, and ecotone, part of forest


?item label description image
Antarctic Peninsula Antarctic Peninsula peninsula
Canton of Geneva Canton of Geneva canton of Switzerland
Crozet Islands Crozet Islands district of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, archipelago in the southern Indian Ocean
Cuverville Island Cuverville Island island
Haute-Savoie Haute-Savoie French department
Hawaii Hawaii state of the United States of America
Kerguelen Islands Kerguelen Islands archipelago in the southern Indian Ocean, and one of the districts of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands
Oaxaca Oaxaca state of Mexico
Serra do Capa Bode Serra do Capa Bode mountain chain and tourist attraction in Mucugê / Andaraí, Brazil
South Georgia South Georgia island in the South Atlantic
Star Mountains Star Mountains mountain range in Indonesia
floodplain floodplain area of land adjacent to a stream or river which stretches from the banks of its channel to the base of the enclosing valley walls, and which experiences flooding during periods of high discharge
End of automatically generated list.