Wikidata:WikiProject Journalists/Creating an entry using Wikidata for Firefox

To create a basic entry for an individual journalist one way is to use Wikidata for Web (Q99894727) this works alongside webpage to gather the uniue ID's for sites you visit.

For example, let's create an entry for "Jeff Haden" who wrote an interesting article for "Inc."

First I'll start with Googling him, I'll add the word "muckrack" to my search as they often have useful links.

What I can imediatly see is he does have an entry on Muckrack and what looks to be his twitter page

So this time I will start with Twitter

I can see it's definatly him and in the wikidata windows (of the lefthand side) wikidata has found his twitter id and there are no wikidata entrys using that ID (as if they were it'd be filled with information about him)

So lets tidy up his ID and click create

Let's note the Q number for later (Q110072289)

Going back to Google and then muckrack, you'll see it try to guess other info to add, so its right to say he's a human and a Journalist, but I don't think his mama named him "muckrack" so uncheck that box and in the search add the Q number you found earlier and then the name it finds

Adding a Q number to wikidata for firefox

Now on the righthand side you'll see links to what maybe his website/homepage and linkedin goe to both of those and if they look to be correct, link them up too, in the case of his homepage you need to tell wikidata thats what it is, do this by clicking onthe dropdown and choosing "homepage"

Now I noticed on Twitter and his homepage he wrote a book, lets find it on Amazon and see if by clicking on his name he has an Amazon author page

As he does, lets then link it up

Returning to Wikidata, you'll see you now have the basics of a good entry

Now one little trick to show you before we finish, you'll notice that there is not a reference for him being a writer, but there is for him having an author page on Amazon, as having an author page and books verifies he's a writer, lets copy the reference. I can do this quick as I have a tool turned on called "DuplicateReferences" which you can turn on in your preferences page, this lets me just click "copy"

and insert the reference (if the insert button doesn't appear, refresh the browser and try again copying again)

This reference copying be useful also if as you go along you see information in the pages you add manually like twitter saying his hometown or linked saying his employer and where he was educated, its a very quick way of showing where you found that information,