Wikidata:WikiProject Mineralogy/Mineral collector guide

Mineral collector guide

Master mineral classification

Note: a mineral can be a garnet and a halide at the same time; but a printed book or an overview lists a mineral only once.

Inorganic minerals, key I (c. 1,220.ok)
White streak (mainly): "non-monomeric; silicate-like, mainly"
  • Section I.01; zeolite frameworks: zeolites, strict sense and cancrinite-sodalite structural group
  • (c. 137.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Cancrinite-sodalite structural group (c. 37) and zeolites, strict sense (c. 100); density (g/cm³): chabazite-(alkali/ alkaline earth metal) series (1.95-2.245)
  • Section I.02; other framework silicates (excluding zeolite frameworks): silica family and feldspars (mainly)
  • (c. 48.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Silica family (c. 11) and feldspars (c. 11); density (g/cm³): quartz (2.6-2.7), anorthite-albite-orthoclase series (2.76-2.575)
  • Section I.03; other phyllosilicates (excluding zeolite frameworks)
  • (c. 227.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Micas (c. ), kaolinite-serpentine (c. ); density (g/cm³):
  • Other inosilicates (excluding zeolite frameworks)
  • Section I.04; other single chain inosilicates (excluding zeolite frameworks)
  • (c. 153.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Pyroxenes (c. 25); density (g/cm³): augite (3.2-3.6)
  • Section I.05; multiple chain inosilicates
  • (c. 112.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Double chain inosilicates, amphiboles (c. 92); density (g/cm³): ferro-hornblende - magnesio-hornblende (avg. 3.23)
  • Section I.06; cyclosilicates
  • (c. 190.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Eudialytes (c. 26), labuntsovites (c. 30), milarites (c. 23), tourmalines (c. 31); density (g/cm³): labuntsovite-(metal) series (2.718-2.789), dravite-elbaite series (2.994-2.999)
  • Section I.07; sorosilicates
  • (c. 202.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Epidotes (c. 28), titanium/zirconium disilicate-block group (c. 46); density (g/cm³): allanite-(REE) series (3.703-4.188), lamprophyllite (3.518)
  • Section I.08; other non-monomeric silicates, mainly: transitional silicate structures and unclassified silicates (Nickel-Strunz IDs 9.EH., 9.DP., 9.DQ, 9.H and 9.J)
  • (c. 53.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Section I.09; other non-monomeric minerals I: non-monomeric vanadates (mainly, Nickel-Strunz oxide and phosphate class)
  • (c. 61.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Section I.10; other non-monomeric minerals II: pharmacosiderite supergroup; polyphosphates, polyarsenates; polymolybdates, polyniobates, etc.
  • (c. 37.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
Inorganic minerals, key II (c. 1,432)
White streak (mainly): "nesosilicate-like monomeric"
  • Section II.11; nesosilicate-like structural groups (isolated tetrahedral units, mainly)
  • (c. 340+18+22+43= 423, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Nesosilicate-like structural groups without H2O (c. 274+18+5+39= 336)
  • Olivine and sarcopside groups (c. 26), alunites (c. 51), apatites (c. 37) and garnets (c. 32); density (g/cm³): olivine series (3.222-4.393); florencite-(REE) series (3.714-3.815); apatite series (3.131-3.208); alamandine-pyrope series (3.558-4.318)
  • Nesosilicate-like structural groups with H2O (c. 66+0+17+4= 87)
  • Section II.12; nesosilicate-like monomeric minerals, without H2O
  • (c. 74+73+213= 360, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • (nesosilicate-like structural groups (isolated tetrahedral units, mainly))
  • Section II.13; nesosilicate-like monomeric minerals, with H2O
  • (c. 0+176+360= 536, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • (nesosilicate-like structural groups (isolated tetrahedral units, mainly))
  • Section II.14; nesosilicate-like monomeric minerals, with uranium and/or uranyl ions
  • (c. 18+21+74= 113, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • (nesosilicate-like structural groups (isolated tetrahedral units, mainly))
  • Old notes:
  • Other nesosilicates and nesogermanates (c. 110)
  • Other sulfates, broad sense (excluding structural groups; polymolybdates, polyniobates, etc.) (c. 320)
  • Sulfates, broad sense without H2O (Nickel-Strunz Classification, c. 73)
  • Sulfates, broad sense with H2O (Nickel-Strunz Classification, c. 176)
  • Other phosphates, arsenates and vanadates (excluding nesosilicate-like structural groups, zeolite frameworks and polyphosphates, broad sense) (c. 662)
  • Other phosphates, arsenates and vanadates without H2O (Nickel-Strunz Classification, c. 213)
  • Other phosphates, arsenates and vanadates with H2O (Nickel-Strunz Classification, c. 360)
Inorganic minerals, key III (c. 762.ok)
White streak & "soluble" minerals (mainly): "carbonates", other "evaporites" and hydroxides (mainly)
  • Carbonates and nitrates (excluding hydrotalcite supergroup)
  • Section III.15; carbonates
  • (c. 221.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Calcite, dolomite and aragonite group (c. 17); density (g/cm³): calcite (2.6-2.8)
  • Section III.16; nitrates
  • (c. 10.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Section III.17; "evaporites", halides
  • (c. 202.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Boro- and aluminofluorides (c. 35); density (g/cm³): halite (2.17)
  • Section III.18; "evaporites", borates
  • (c. 151.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Density (g/cm³): borax (1.714)
  • Section III.19; hydroxides
  • (c. 120.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Section III.20; hydrotalcite and högbomite supergroups
  • (c. 58.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
Inorganic minerals, key IV (c. 1,215)
Non white streak (mainly)
  • Section IV.21; "native elements"
  • (c. 163.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Metalloids and nonmetals (c. 16.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Carbides, silicides, nitrides and phosphides (c. 37.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Native metals and intermetallic alloys (c. 80.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata); density (g/cm³): iron (7.878), lead (11.34), gold (19.276)
  • Section IV.22; sulfides, strict sense
  • (c. 405.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Sulfide alloys (c. 37.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Metal sulfides (c. 368.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Section IV.23; sulfosalts
  • (c. 281.ok, c. 6.2%, c. 186 (w), Wikidata)
  • Section IV.24; oxides, strict sense (excluding arsenites (broad sense), hydroxides, hydrotalcite and högbomite supergroup)
  • (c. 298, c. 6.5%, c. 196 (w), Wikidata)
  • Density (g/cm³): corundum (4.0), hematite (5.0-6.0)
  • Section IV.25; arsenites, broad sense; iodates (excluding polyvanadates)
  • (c. 105.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
Miscellaneous (c. 95.ok), key V
  • Section V.26; other inorganic minerals (minerals with tellurite (Te⁶⁺O₆) and similar building blocks; chalcoalumite-cyanotrichite, ettringites)
  • (c. 46.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Section IV.27, organic compounds and fossil fuels: combustible compounds
  • (c. 49.ok, c. .%, c. (w), Wikidata)
  • Oxalates (c. 19); density (g/cm³): humboldtine-lindbergite-glushinskite group (1.873-2.251)
  • Other minerals
  • Non minerals
  • Rocks and facies
  • Meteorites
  • Fossils
  • Stratigraphy

References: Nickel-Strunz 9th ed. (updated by; Nickel-Strunz 10th ed. (updated by MinDat); IMA Master List, mainly; no unnamed minerals (UMyear)
Minerals, total: c. 4,576 (c. 92%)
Objective: watchlist with 3,500-3,000 valid items, c. 2,500 8 ed. "series" (w; continuous and discontinuous "solid solution" series, homologous and non homologous "mineral series")
IMA Master List: 4,962


  • Interesting for mineral collections (c): Rupert Hochleitner (2009) Der neue Kosmos-Mineralienführer, ISBN: 978-3-440-11803-0
  • Continuous and discontinuous "solid solution" series: MinDat
  • Textbook minerals (t) and structural groups: RRUFF
  • Minerals of economic importance (m):

"Silicate-like, non-monomeric"

  • Zeolite frameworks: zeolites, strict sense and cancrinite-sodalite structural group
  • (c. 3.0%, c. 91 (w), Wikidata)
  • Other framework silicates (excluding zeolite frameworks): silica family and feldspars (mainly)
  • (c. 1.0%, c. 28 (w), Wikidata)
  • Other phyllosilicates (excluding zeolite frameworks)
  • (c. 5.0%, c. 147 (w), MinDat)
  • Other single chain inosilicates (excluding zeolite frameworks)
  • (c. 3.5%, c. 108 (w), Wikidata)
  • Multiple chain inosilicates
  • (c. 2.5%, c. 68 (w), Wikidata)
  • Unclassified inosilicates
  • Cyclosilicates
  • Labuntsovite str. gr.:
  • Sorosilicates
  • (c. 4.5%, c. 128 (w), Wikidata)
  • Transitional silicate structures
  • 9.EH., 9.DP. and 9.DQ
  • (c. 0.5%, c. 13 (w), MinDat)
  • Polyphosphates, polyarsenates, polyvanadates; polymolybdates, polyniobates, etc.
  • (c. 0.5%, c. 19 (w), MinDat)

"Silicate-like, monomeric"

  • Structural groups (isolated tetrahedral units, mainly)
  • (c. 4.5%, c. 134 (w), Wikidata)
  • Nesosilicates and nesogermanates
  • (c. 3.0%, c. 85 (w), Wikidata)
  • Sulfates, broad sense (excluding structural groups; polymolybdates, polyniobates, etc.)
  • (c. 7.5%, c. 227 (w), MinDat)
  • Other phosphates, arsenates and vanadates (excluding structural groups, polyphosphates (broad sense) and zeolite frameworks)
  • (c. 16.0%, c. 476 (w), MinDat)

"Soluble minerals"

  • Structural groups
  • (c. %, c. (w), MinDat)
  • Perovskite hydroxides and halides:
  • Carbonates and nitrates (excluding hydrotalcite supergroup)
  • (c. 5.0%, c. 155 (w), MinDat)
  • "Evaporites", halides
  • (c. 4.0%, c. 124 (w), MinDat)
  • "Evaporites", borates
  • (c. 3.0%, c. 93 (w), MinDat)
  • Hydroxides
  • (c. 3.0%, c. 80 (w), Wikidata)
  • Hydrotalcite and högbomite supergroups
  • (c. 1.5%, c. 38 (w), Wikidata)

"Non white streak"

  • "Native Elements"
  • Metal sulfides, broad sense (sulfide alloys and metal sulfides)
  • Sulfosalts
  • (c. 6.0%, c. 177 (w), Wikidata)
  • Oxides, strict sense (excluding arsenites, broad sense; hydroxides; hydrotalcite and högbomite supergroup)
  • (c. 6.5%, c. 197 (w), MinDat)
  • Arsenites, broad sense; [5,6] vanadates; iodates
  • (c. 3.5%, c. 101 (w), Wikidata)

Other minerals

  • Organic compounds and fossil fuels: combustible compounds
  • (c. 1.0%, c. 32 (w), MinDat)
  • GRT List mineral: mellite (A, 1852)
  • Can be cabinet artifacts: whewellite (A, 1793), weddellite (A, 1936), calclacite (A, 1945)
  • Humboldtine group: humboldtine (A, 1821), lindbergite (A, IMA 2003-029), glushinskite (A, IMA 1985-Q)
  • Note: falottaite (manganese oxalate trihydrate) can degrade to lindbergite (manganese oxalate dihydrate); Atencio D, Coutinho J M V, Graeser S, Matioli P A, Menezes L A D (2004) American Mineralogist 89, 1087-1091