Wikidata:WikiProject Northern Cemetery Stockholm Q252312

The goal of this WikiProject is to document people in Wikipedia/Wikidata that are buried at the Northern Cemetery Stockholm Q252312 and make a visit to the cemetery a more interesting experience.

Status edit

Map buried on Northern Cemetery with coordinates edit

SELECT distinct ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?graveplot ?coord ?placeofBurial ?imgGrave ?img WHERE { 
  					?item wdt:P119 wd:Q252312 .
                    ?item p:P119 ?placeofBurial .
                    MINUS { ?item wdt:P1442 ?imgGrave } 
                    OPTIONAL { ?placeofBurial pq:P965 ?graveplot}
                    OPTIONAL { ?placeofBurial pq:P625 ?coord}
                    OPTIONAL { ?item pq:P18 ?img}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sv" }
Try it!

List buried on Northern Cemetery with no picture of grave edit

See Wikipedia:sv:Användare:Salgo60/Önskemål_om_bilder/Sverige/Norra_Begravningsplatsen

Resources available edit

Online edit

Romersk-katolska församlingens begravningsplats Q28007201 edit

Där publiceras alla gravsatta som finns i vårt register med namn och födelse- och dödsdatum' see
  • see also book Q28030843 page 186 has some people

Mosaiska kyrkogården Norra begravningsplatsen Q28007260 edit

Missing online sources. Q28030843 page 187 has some people

Norra begravningsplatsens minneslund Q28006122 edit

  • See SvenskaGravar and Hittagraven
  • see also book Q28030843 page 186 has some people

Books edit

To Do edit

  1. Register all people with Wikidata objects and buried on Northern Cemetery.
    1. Map people on the page Kändisar
      1. Status: Nearly all linked
    2. People with category Gravsatta_på_Norra_begravningsplatsen_i_Stockholm 974 1474
      1. Status: Unknown see also Wikipedia Bybrunnen
  2. Register references to see also FB about what proberties to use
  3. Photos of graves
    1. Önskemål om bilder Norra Begravningsplatsen
      1. Status: see map
  4. Register references to books
    1. Kungliga och Norra begravningsplatserna - Karl Axel Björnberg Q28030843 What links here
    2. Svenskt Biografiskt lexikon Q379406 SBL
      1. SBL has a property Property:P3217 see Constraints Report
  5. Create a template for SvenskaGravar

Queries edit

Create a query page for the cemetery. Examples of queries

  1. All people on the cemetery
  2. All people on the cemetery display picture/picture gravestone/map and group them on
    1. Gender
    2. Time period
    3. Occupation
  3. All people on the cemetery with no picture of the graves
  4. Timeline with the people on the cemetery and some different filter options
    1. Occupation
    2. Nationality
    3. Born in Country
    4. Time period
    5. Prime ministers
    6. Nobel price winners
      1. All people awarded yyy
    7. All nobel family xxx
    8. All royal families
    9. All people part of party xxx
  5. Find all objects created by people on the cemetery
    1. Architects and buildings they have done
    2. Painters and location of paintings
    3. People and books they have inspired e.g. Q760771 was inspired by Q184535
  6. Spatial search and query to see all the gravestones next to my current position
  7. All people on the cemetery with a Spotify Artist id

Maintenance queries SPARQL edit

Norra Begravningsplatsen is Q252312 it has parts

  • Garden of Remembrance - Minneslund Q28006122
  • Romersk-katolska församlingens begravningsplats Q28007201
  • Mosaiska kyrkogården Norra begravningsplatsen Q28007260
  • Norra krematoriet Q31748331

sv Wikipedia has category [Kategori:Gravsatta_på_Norra_begravningsplatsen_i_Stockholm]

All people with graves on Q252312 edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     , place of burial (P119)     
    SELECT DISTINCT ?person ?personLabel ?personDescription ?cemeteryLabel 
       VALUES ?cemetery {
          wd:Q252312 # Norra Begravningsplatsen
          wd:Q28007260 # Mosaiska församlingen
          wd:Q28007201 # Romersk katolska
          wd:Q28006122 # Rememberance
          wd:Q31748331 # Norra krematoriet
       ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5;
                     wdt:P119 ?cemetery;
       SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sv","en","de". }

Number of people with graves on Q252312 and its parts edit

The following query uses these:

Map of graves on Q252312 with no pictures of the grave Property:P1442 edit

The following query uses these:

Features: map (Q24515275)     

SELECT distinct ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?graveplot ?coord ?placeofBurial ?imgGrave ?img WHERE { 
  					?item wdt:P119 wd:Q252312 .
                    ?item p:P119 ?placeofBurial .
                    MINUS { ?item wdt:P1442 ?imgGrave } 
                    OPTIONAL { ?placeofBurial pq:P965 ?graveplot}
                    OPTIONAL { ?placeofBurial pq:P625 ?coord}
                    OPTIONAL { ?item pq:P18 ?img}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sv" }

Graves with grave picture

The following query uses these:

Features: map (Q24515275)     

SELECT distinct ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?graveplot ?coord ?placeofBurial ?imgGrave ?img WHERE { 
  					?item wdt:P119 wd:Q252312 .
                    ?item p:P119 ?placeofBurial .
                    { ?item wdt:P1442 ?imgGrave } 
                    OPTIONAL { ?placeofBurial pq:P965 ?graveplot}
                    OPTIONAL { ?placeofBurial pq:P625 ?coord}
                    OPTIONAL { ?item pq:P18 ?img}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sv" }

Graves with missing picture of the person

The following query uses these:

Graves with missing coordinates

The following query uses these:

References used for Property:119 cemetery Q252312 edit

Check if there is either reference-URL Property:P854 or Stated In Property:P248

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: has part(s) (P527)     , instance of (P31)     , place of burial (P119)     , image of grave (P1442)     , reference URL (P854)     , stated in (P248)     
    SELECT distinct ?cemeteryLabel ?person ?personLabel ?statement ?refURL ?refStatedIn ?imggrave{ 
     wd:Q252312 wdt:P527 ?cemeteryPart.  # Norra Begravningsplatsen has parts 
     ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5.
     {?person wdt:P119 ?cemeteryPart}
     {?person wdt:P119 wd:Q252312}
     ?person wdt:P119 ?cemetery .
     ?person p:P119 ?statement .
     OPTIONAL {?statement prov:wasDerivedFrom ?ref .
                ?ref pr:P854 ?refURL}
     OPTIONAL {?statement prov:wasDerivedFrom ?ref .
                ?ref pr:P248 ?refStatedIn}
     OPTIONAL {?person wdt:P1442 ?imggrave}
     SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sv","en" }

Missing reference for Property:119 cemetery Q252312 edit

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: has part(s) (P527)     , instance of (P31)     , place of burial (P119)     , image of grave (P1442)     , reference URL (P854)     , stated in (P248)     
    SELECT distinct ?cemeteryLabel ?person ?personLabel ?statement  ?imggrave{ 
     wd:Q252312 wdt:P527 ?cemeteryPart.  # Norra Begravningsplatsen has parts 
     ?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5.
     {?person wdt:P119 ?cemeteryPart}
     {?person wdt:P119 wd:Q252312}
     ?person wdt:P119 ?cemetery .
     ?person p:P119 ?statement .
     OPTIONAL {?statement prov:wasDerivedFrom ?ref .
                ?ref pr:P854 ?refUsed}
     OPTIONAL {?statement prov:wasDerivedFrom ?ref .
                ?ref pr:P248 ?refUsed}
     OPTIONAL {?person wdt:P1442 ?imggrave}
     SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sv","en" }
     FILTER (!Bound(?refUsed))

Maintenance queries PETSCAN edit

  1. People with Category Norra Begravningsplatsen on svWiki
    1. People with Category but not Wikidata cemetery = 5
    2. People with Wikidata but not Category for cemetery
      1. People with Wikidata Q252312 but not Category = 45
      2. People with Wikidata Q28006122 but not Category = 0
      3. People with Wikidata Q28007201 but not Category = 3
      4. People with Wikidata Q28007260 but not Category = 0
    3. Missing source reference in Wikidata = 24

Activities outside Wikidata edit

  1. Speak with Hitta graven
    1. to get better URI to graves
Status update 20170301 looks like using gives as a Wikipedia:URL to the grave
    1. the hittagraven Website changed 2016 so old URLs to a grave doesnt work
Status 20170301 looks we start use as it supports Wikipedia:URLs to the grave
    1. HittaGraven has nice maps of the cemetery with all the graves marked and the selected grave marked that would add value
    2. see if the list famous people with links to Wikipedia could also maybe use Wikidata
  1. Try see if the app SuperLachaise can be used
    1. GitHub
    2. Twitter
    3. About the project fr
  2. Using Street Map for mapping graves on a map
  3. View info about the graves on Open Burial Map