Wikidata:WikiProject PersonalData/local innovation

Subproject to contain mapping of how organizations, individuals, resources, policies, etc interplay towards innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at a local level.

Workshop model


Workshop model to use at this event in Geneva, Switzerland.

Assistants: People working on projects addressing the SDGs

Aim: to understand how semantic web is, what they can get from it, how to build in the commons and extract information from it

People are organized in groups with some resources defined by us. Resources include: markers of different colors, post-it notes, stickers and a board.

We'll suggest: - Assign a hashtag to your board - Map the resources you've been given (meta mapping) in the board - Transfer to wikidata - Discuss with the other groups your different mappings, document the agreements and disagreements - Transfer to wikidata project discussion - Do the proper mapping of your ecosystem, using the categories defined in collaboration (or not)

Facilitators should in advance create the infrastructure for this, which is:

[in progress]