Wikidata:WikiProject Sculpture/Genres

A list of genre of sculpture (Q18783400) on Wikidata.

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image label description subclass of Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID
Daidala type of sculpture attributed to the legendary Greek artist, Daedalus
станковая скульптура Genre of sculpture

bench edit

image label description subclass of Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID
bench with statue type of monument bench
memorial bench bench which commemorates something bench

bust edit

image label description subclass of Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID
Ianus head type of sculpture bust
commemorative bust sculpted head and partial upper body on inscribed plinth, as memorial to a person bust
commemorative sculpture
herma type of sculpture with a head and often a torso above a plain lower section, often with male genitals bust
reliquary bust reliquary representing a saint whose relics are contained within, made in the form of a bust bust

fertility symbol edit

image label description subclass of Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID
Mutter Fertility symbol and genre of sculpture fertility symbol
Venus figurine prehistoric statuettes depicting women fertility symbol
art of the Paleolithic

figurine edit

image label description subclass of Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID
Cherdyn goddess type of sculpture figurine
Szlak maszkaronów w Tarnowie figurine, genre of sculpture, mascaron, and trail blazing, from 2024 figurine
Wrocław's dwarfs small figurine resembling a krasnale in the streets of Wrocław figurine

memorial bench edit

image label description subclass of Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID
Václav Havel's Place memorial to Václav Havel, recreated in several locations memorial bench
onument series of memorials that commemorates the victims of the COVID-19 pandemic in Belgium memorial bench
COVID-19 memorial

portrait sculpture edit

image label description subclass of Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID
Hellenistic portrait Portrait sculpture and genre of sculpture, part of Hellenistic art portrait sculpture
bust sculpture of a person's head, neck, and a variable portion of chest and shoulders portrait sculpture 300417950

sculpture edit

image label description subclass of Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID
garden sculpture outdoor decoration sculpture
history sculpture genre in sculpture sculpture
commemorative sculpture
monumental sculpture large sculpture sculpture
outdoor sculpture sculpture designed to be placed outdoors sculpture 300047180
relief sculpture sculpture created with relief technique sculpture
two-dimensional visual artwork
sand sculpture artwork, usually transitory, made from moist sand sculpture
sculptural set sculptural representation in which different figures and accessories interact, forming a scene sculpture
sound sculpture type of sculpture that involves sound sculpture
avant-garde music
sound art
statue sculpture primarily conceived as a representational figure sculpture

statue edit

image label description subclass of Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID
Settler type on statues statue
Sphyrelaton Bronze hammered over wood core statue
colossal statue sculptural genre statue
monumental sculpture
commemorative statue kind of statue statue
commemorative sculpture
figurine small item resembling a person or animal, sometimes part of a larger work statue 300047455
fountain statue statue that ejects water statue
kore ancient Greek statue of a woman of the Archaic period statue 300184818
kouros free-standing ancient Greek sculpture depicting a young man statue
heroic nudity
statue of Mao Zedong genre of sculpture statue
statue of Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ type of statue of Jesus Christ statue
religious sculpture as object
statue of naophorus statue and genre of sculpture, named after naos statue 300404931
xoanon archaic wooden cult image of Ancient Greece statue
religious image

stele edit

image label description subclass of Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID
Maya stelae monuments that were fashioned by the Maya civilization stele
khachkar carved, memorial stele bearing a cross, Armenian symbol stele
relief sculpture

Misc edit

image label description subclass of Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID
Imagery sculpture art of sculpture
Palmesel sculpture of Christ on a donkey used during processions on Palm Sunday especially in south german roman-catholic tradition sculpture of Jesus Christ
Viergötterstein Base of a Jupiter column Roman art
work of art
religious art
abstract sculpture art genre; abstract art in the field of sculpture abstract art
allegorical sculpture type of sculpture allegory
animal sculpture artistic genre of reproducing animals in sculpture animal art
ceramic sculpture three-dimensional works of art made with ceramic materials such as clay ceramic art
plastic arts
art of sculpture
commemorative sculpture sculpted work commissioned to commemorate persons or events commemorative
double herm herm with two heads herma
Ianus head
equestrian statue statue of a rider mounted on a horse equestrian portrait
group of sculptures various sculptures that belong together sculptural set
ensemble of works of art
group of works
high relief sculptural work where more than half the circumference protrudes from the surface relief sculpture 300184782
memorial column freestanding column; erected as a memorial column
mythological sculpture genre in sculpture mythological art
netsuke type of bead used to secure an inro in one's belt Japanese sculpture
costume accessory
portrait sculpture portrait in sculptural form portrait
recumbent effigy statue on top of a tomb, depicting the occupant funerary effigy
religious sculpture as genre genre of sculpture with religious themes religious art
tumba grave sculptures from Zaire and Angola funerary art 300262732
End of automatically generated list.