Wikidata:WikiCite/Wikidata lists/Semi-disambiguated authors

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This table lists publications for which Wikidata has both a author (P50) and a author name string (P2093) for the same position in the author list (as expressed using the series ordinal (P1545) qualifier). The columns from left to right have the following content:

For recent or ongoing curation around items on this list, check Related changes or QuickStatements batches.

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?author ?position ?sitelinks (CONCAT( '[', ENCODE_FOR_URI(?author_name), ' ', ?author_name, ']') AS ?disambiguator) (CONCAT( '[', ENCODE_FOR_URI(REPLACE(STR(?item), ".*Q", "Q")), ' ', ?title, ']') AS ?work) where { ?item p:P50 ?author_statement . ?author_statement ps:P50 ?author . ?author_statement pq:P1545 ?position . ?item p:P2093 ?author_name_statement . ?author_name_statement ps:P2093 ?author_name . ?author_name_statement pq:P1545 ?position . ?author wikibase:sitelinks ?sitelinks . ?item wdt:P1476 ?title . } LIMIT 500
# ?work title main subject ?position ?sitelinks ?author ?disambiguator
1 Policy-Aware Content Reuse on the Web en:Policy-Aware Content Reuse on the Web 3 151 Tim Berners-Lee Tim Berners-Lee
2 CIMBA - Client-Integrated MicroBlogging Architecture en:CIMBA - Client-Integrated MicroBlogging Architecture 3 151 Tim Berners-Lee Tim Berners-Lee
3 Albert Einstein: 1879-1955 en:Albert Einstein: 1879-1955 Albert Einstein 1 181 Niels Bohr Niels Bohr
4 Is It Easy to Be a Woman in Science? en:Is It Easy to Be a Woman in Science? 1 14 Irina Beletskaya I P Beletskaya
5 The structure of thiostrepton
The Structure of Thiostrepton
en:The structure of thiostrepton
en:The Structure of Thiostrepton
Streptomyces azureus
Streptomyces coeruleorubidus
2 100 Dorothy Hodgkin D. C. Hodgkin
6 Crystalline modifications of ampicillin I: the trihydrate
Crystalline Modifications of Ampicillin I: the Trihydrate
en:Crystalline modifications of ampicillin I: the trihydrate
en:Crystalline Modifications of Ampicillin I: the Trihydrate
3 100 Dorothy Hodgkin D. C. Hodgkin
7 Structure of a monocarboxylic acid derivative of vitamin B 12. Crystal and molecular structure from x-ray analysis
Structure of a Monocarboxylic Acid Derivative of Vitamin B12: Crystal and Molecular Structure from X-ray Analysis
en:Structure of a monocarboxylic acid derivative of vitamin B 12. Crystal and molecular structure from x-ray analysis
en:Structure of a Monocarboxylic Acid Derivative of Vitamin B12: Crystal and Molecular Structure from X-ray Analysis
vitamin B12
vitamin B
5 100 Dorothy Hodgkin D. C. Hodgkin
8 Structure of a monocarboxylic acid derivative of vitamin B 12. Crystal and molecular structure from neutron diffraction analysis
Structure of a Monocarboxylic Acid Derivative of Vitamin B12: Crystal and Molecular Structure from Neutron Diffraction Analysis
en:Structure of a monocarboxylic acid derivative of vitamin B 12. Crystal and molecular structure from neutron diffraction analysis
en:Structure of a Monocarboxylic Acid Derivative of Vitamin B12: Crystal and Molecular Structure from Neutron Diffraction Analysis
vitamin B12
vitamin B
3 100 Dorothy Hodgkin D. C. Hodgkin
9 Structure of the 5,6-dimethyl-benzimidazolylcobamide coenzyme
Structure of the 5,6-Dimethylbenzimidazolylcobamide Coenzyme
en:Structure of the 5,6-dimethyl-benzimidazolylcobamide coenzyme
en:Structure of the 5,6-Dimethylbenzimidazolylcobamide Coenzyme
2 100 Dorothy Hodgkin D. C. HODGKIN
10 Atomic positions in rhombohedral 2-zinc insulin crystals
Atomic Positions in Rhombohedral 2-Zinc Insulin Crystals
en:Atomic positions in rhombohedral 2-zinc insulin crystals
en:Atomic Positions in Rhombohedral 2-Zinc Insulin Crystals
long-acting insulin
amino acid sequence
6 100 Dorothy Hodgkin D. C. Hodgkin
11 The structure and biology of insulin en:The structure and biology of insulin 5 100 Dorothy Hodgkin D. C. Hodgkin
vitamin B
chemical phenomenon
1 100 Dorothy Hodgkin D. C. HODGKIN
13 Translation of LINE-1 DNA elements in vitro and in human cells en:Translation of LINE-1 DNA elements in vitro and in human cells protein biosynthesis 3 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
14 SINEs and LINEs: highly repeated short and long interspersed sequences in mammalian genomes
SINEs and LINEs: Highly repeated short and long interspersed sequences in mammalian genomes
en:SINEs and LINEs: highly repeated short and long interspersed sequences in mammalian genomes
en:SINEs and LINEs: Highly repeated short and long interspersed sequences in mammalian genomes
repetitive DNA 1 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
15 Crystallographic Measurements and the Structure of Protein Molecules as They Are en:Crystallographic Measurements and the Structure of Protein Molecules as They Are history and philosophy of science 1 100 Dorothy Hodgkin D. C. Hodgkin
16 Some observations on crystallography, chemistry, and medicine en:Some observations on crystallography, chemistry, and medicine crystallography 1 100 Dorothy Hodgkin Hodgkin DC
17 X-ray crystallographic studies on zinc insulin crystals en:X-ray crystallographic studies on zinc insulin crystals X-ray crystallography 3 100 Dorothy Hodgkin D. C. Hodgkin
18 Insulin molecules: the extent of our knowledge en:Insulin molecules: the extent of our knowledge 1 100 Dorothy Hodgkin D. C. Hodgkin
19 The effect of superhelicity on the interaction of histone f1 with closed circular duplex DNA en:The effect of superhelicity on the interaction of histone f1 with closed circular duplex DNA circular DNA
cell biology
2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
20 Purification and Characterization of Adenylate Kinase as an Apparent Adenosine Triphosphate-dependent Inhibitor of Ribonuclease II in Escherichia coli en:Purification and Characterization of Adenylate Kinase as an Apparent Adenosine Triphosphate-dependent Inhibitor of Ribonuclease II in Escherichia coli Escherichia coli
adenosine triphosphate
cell biology
2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
21 Degradation of polyuridylic acid by ribonuclease II: protection by ribosomes
Degradation of polyuridylic acid by ribonuclease II: Protection by ribosomes
en:Degradation of polyuridylic acid by ribonuclease II: protection by ribosomes
en:Degradation of polyuridylic acid by ribonuclease II: Protection by ribosomes
messenger RNA
uracil nucleotides
structural biology
2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
22 Messenger RNA: an evaluation
Messenger RNA: An Evaluation
en:Messenger RNA: an evaluation
en:Messenger RNA: An Evaluation
messenger RNA
1 18 Maxine Singer Singer MF
23 A transcriptionally active monkey genomic segment homologous to the regulatory region of simian virus 40 is associated with DNase I-hypersensitive sites
A Transcriptionally Active Monkey Genomic Segment Homologous to the Regulatory Region of Simian Virus 40 Is Associated with DNase I-Hypersensitive Sites
en:A transcriptionally active monkey genomic segment homologous to the regulatory region of simian virus 40 is associated with DNase I-hypersensitive sites
en:A Transcriptionally Active Monkey Genomic Segment Homologous to the Regulatory Region of Simian Virus 40 Is Associated with DNase I-Hypersensitive Sites
viral genes
cell biology
2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
24 Interaction of f1 histone with superhelical DNA en:Interaction of f1 histone with superhelical DNA circular DNA
viral DNA
2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
25 The nucleotide sequence of repetitive monkey DNA found in defective simian virus 40 en:The nucleotide sequence of repetitive monkey DNA found in defective simian virus 40 SV40
4 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
26 Characterization of complexes of superhelical and relaxed closed circular DNA with H1 and phosphorylated H1 histones en:Characterization of complexes of superhelical and relaxed closed circular DNA with H1 and phosphorylated H1 histones phosphorylation
circular DNA
DNA supercoil
2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
27 Studies on a defective variant of simian virus 40 that is substituted with DNA sequences derived from monkey DNA. I. Origin, properties, and purification en:Studies on a defective variant of simian virus 40 that is substituted with DNA sequences derived from monkey DNA. I. Origin, properties, and purification SV40
cell biology
2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
28 Histone synthesis during infection of monkey kidney cells with Simian Virus 40 en:Histone synthesis during infection of monkey kidney cells with Simian Virus 40 SV40
viral transformation
2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
29 Studies on the interaction of H1 histone with superhelical DNA: Characterization of the recognition and binding regions of H1 histone
Studies on the interaction of H1 histone with superhelical DNA: characterization of the recognition and binding regions of H1 histones
en:Studies on the interaction of H1 histone with superhelical DNA: characterization of the recognition and binding regions of H1 histones
en:Studies on the interaction of H1 histone with superhelical DNA: Characterization of the recognition and binding regions of H1 histone
genetics 2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
30 The effect of H1 histone on the action of DNA-relaxing enzyme en:The effect of H1 histone on the action of DNA-relaxing enzyme 2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
31 Further characterization of the polynucleotide phosphorylase of Micrococcus luteus en:Further characterization of the polynucleotide phosphorylase of Micrococcus luteus Micrococcus luteus
2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
32 Simian virus 40 DNA replication in nuclear monolayers en:Simian virus 40 DNA replication in nuclear monolayers SV40
DNA replication
2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
33 Studies on p40, the leucine zipper motif-containing protein encoded by the first open reading frame of an active human LINE-1 transposable element en:Studies on p40, the leucine zipper motif-containing protein encoded by the first open reading frame of an active human LINE-1 transposable element transposable element 2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
34 In situ hybridization of repetitive monkey genome sequences isolated from defective simian virus 40 DNA en:In situ hybridization of repetitive monkey genome sequences isolated from defective simian virus 40 DNA SV40
nucleic acid hybridization
3 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
35 Comparison of two viable variants of simian virus 40 en:Comparison of two viable variants of simian virus 40 SV40
3 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
36 Kinetic studies on the phosphorolysis of polynucleotides by polynucleotide phosphorylase en:Kinetic studies on the phosphorolysis of polynucleotides by polynucleotide phosphorylase 2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
37 Studies on a defective variant of simian virus 40 that is substituted with DNA sequences derived from monkey. II. Structure of DNA en:Studies on a defective variant of simian virus 40 that is substituted with DNA sequences derived from monkey. II. Structure of DNA SV40
cell biology
2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
38 Continuous reorganization leads to extensive polymorphism in a monkey centromeric satellite en:Continuous reorganization leads to extensive polymorphism in a monkey centromeric satellite genetic polymorphism
structural biology
2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
39 Sequence relationships between single repeat units of highly reiterated African Green monkey DNA en:Sequence relationships between single repeat units of highly reiterated African Green monkey DNA DNA
2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
40 Recurring defective variants of simian virus 40 containing monkey DNA segments en:Recurring defective variants of simian virus 40 containing monkey DNA segments SV40
recombinant DNA
4 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
41 Interspersed repeated sequences in the African green monkey genome that are homologous to the human Alu family en:Interspersed repeated sequences in the African green monkey genome that are homologous to the human Alu family recombinant DNA
molecular cloning
repetitive DNA
3 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
42 Three segments from the monkey genome that hybridize to simian virus 40 have common structural elements
Three Segments from the Monkey Genome That Hybridize to Simian Virus 40 Have Common Structural Elements
en:Three segments from the monkey genome that hybridize to simian virus 40 have common structural elements
en:Three Segments from the Monkey Genome That Hybridize to Simian Virus 40 Have Common Structural Elements
cell biology
4 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
43 Members of the KpnI family of long interspersed repeated sequences join and interrupt alpha-satellite in the monkey genome
Members of the Kpnl family of long interspersed repeated sequences join and interrupt α-satellite in the monkey genome
en:Members of the KpnI family of long interspersed repeated sequences join and interrupt alpha-satellite in the monkey genome
en:Members of the Kpnl family of long interspersed repeated sequences join and interrupt α-satellite in the monkey genome
recombinant DNA
molecular cloning
2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
44 Deca-satellite: a highly polymorphic satellite that joins alpha-satellite in the African green monkey genome
Deca-satellite: A highly polymorphic satellite that joins α-satellite in the African green monkey genome
en:Deca-satellite: a highly polymorphic satellite that joins alpha-satellite in the African green monkey genome
en:Deca-satellite: A highly polymorphic satellite that joins α-satellite in the African green monkey genome
structural biology 2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
45 Transcription from SV 40-like monkey DNA sequences
Transcription from SV40-like monkey DNA sequences
en:Transcription from SV 40-like monkey DNA sequences
en:Transcription from SV40-like monkey DNA sequences
2 18 Maxine Singer M. F. Singer
46 Further Studies of Autosynthetic Cells with Special Reference to the Possible Rôle of the Nitro Group in the Energy Phenomena of Protoplasm en:Further Studies of Autosynthetic Cells with Special Reference to the Possible Rôle of the Nitro Group in the Energy Phenomena of Protoplasm 3 40 Mária Telkes Maria Telkes
47 An Experimental Investigation of the Physical Nature of Death en:An Experimental Investigation of the Physical Nature of Death 2 40 Mária Telkes Maria Telkes
48 Metabolic oligosaccharide engineering as a tool for glycobiology en:Metabolic oligosaccharide engineering as a tool for glycobiology glycobiology
analytical chemistry
2 63 Carolyn Bertozzi Carolyn R. Bertozzi
49 SPARQL-to-SQL on Internet of Things Databases and Streams en:SPARQL-to-SQL on Internet of Things Databases and Streams 3 15 Wendy Hall Wendy Hall
50 Connecting the Dots: A Multi-pivot Approach to Data Exploration en:Connecting the Dots: A Multi-pivot Approach to Data Exploration 3 15 Wendy Hall Wendy Hall
51 PIOTRe: Personal Internet of Things Repository en:PIOTRe: Personal Internet of Things Repository 3 15 Wendy Hall Wendy Hall
52 Adventures in cosmogony
Adventures in Cosmogony
en:Adventures in Cosmogony
en:Adventures in cosmogony
1 13 Alastair G. W. Cameron Cameron A. G. W.
53 Development of aggression as a factor in early human and pre-human evolution en:Development of aggression as a factor in early human and pre-human evolution evolution 1 49 Louis Leakey Leakey LS
54 Bone Smashing by Late Miocene Hominidae en:Bone Smashing by Late Miocene Hominidae Hominidae 1 49 Louis Leakey L. S. Leakey
55 Homo habilis, Homo erectus and the Australopithecines en:Homo habilis, Homo erectus and the Australopithecines Homo erectus
Homo habilis
1 49 Louis Leakey L. S. Leakey
56 An Early Miocene Member of Hominidae en:An Early Miocene Member of Hominidae Hominidae
Age Determination by Teeth
1 49 Louis Leakey L. S. Leakey
57 Review Paper: The Shape of Phylogenetic Treespace en:Review Paper: The Shape of Phylogenetic Treespace phylogenetics 1 4 Katherine St. John St John Katherine
58 Using the Semantic Web for e-Science: Inspiration, Incubation, Irritation en:Using the Semantic Web for e-Science: Inspiration, Incubation, Irritation Semantic Web 1 9 Carole Goble Carole A. Goble
59 Automatic annotation of Web services based on workflow definitions en:Automatic annotation of Web services based on workflow definitions workflow
web service
5 9 Carole Goble Carole A. Goble
60 Mouse oncogene protein 24p3 is a member of the lipocalin protein family
Mouse oncogene protein 24p3 is a member of the Lipocalin protein family
en:Mouse oncogene protein 24p3 is a member of the lipocalin protein family
en:Mouse oncogene protein 24p3 is a member of the Lipocalin protein family
protein family
cell biology
3 11 Terri Attwood T. K. Attwood
61 Scientific Lenses to Support Multiple Views over Linked Chemistry Data en:Scientific Lenses to Support Multiple Views over Linked Chemistry Data chemistry
approximately equal to
linked data
9 9 Carole Goble Carole A. Goble
62 Incorporating Commercial and Private Data into an Open Linked Data Platform for Drug Discovery en:Incorporating Commercial and Private Data into an Open Linked Data Platform for Drug Discovery drug discovery
linked data
open-source drug discovery
linked open data
1 9 Carole Goble Carole A. Goble
63 Semantic Data and Models Sharing in Systems Biology: The Just Enough Results Model and the SEEK Platform en:Semantic Data and Models Sharing in Systems Biology: The Just Enough Results Model and the SEEK Platform data sharing 7 9 Carole Goble Carole A. Goble
64 Applying Semantic Web Services to Bioinformatics: Experiences Gained, Lessons Learnt en:Applying Semantic Web Services to Bioinformatics: Experiences Gained, Lessons Learnt Semantic Web
web service
7 9 Carole Goble Carole A. Goble
65 ADSP--a new package for computational sequence analysis en:ADSP--a new package for computational sequence analysis 2 11 Terri Attwood T. K. Attwood
66 Seven Bottlenecks to Workflow Reuse and Repurposing en:Seven Bottlenecks to Workflow Reuse and Repurposing workflow 4 9 Carole Goble Carole A. Goble
67 Towards a Knowledge-Based Approach to Semantic Service Composition en:Towards a Knowledge-Based Approach to Semantic Service Composition 3 9 Carole Goble Carole A. Goble
68 Using Semantic Web Technologies for Representing E-science Provenance en:Using Semantic Web Technologies for Representing E-science Provenance 3 9 Carole Goble Carole A. Goble
69 Rightfield: Embedding Ontology Term Selection into Spreadsheets for the Annotation of Biological Data en:Rightfield: Embedding Ontology Term Selection into Spreadsheets for the Annotation of Biological Data 8 9 Carole Goble Carole A. Goble
70 Help me describe my data: A demonstration of the Open PHACTS VoID Editor en:Help me describe my data: A demonstration of the Open PHACTS VoID Editor 1 9 Carole Goble Carole A. Goble
71 Bioschemas: From Potato Salad to Protein Annotation en:Bioschemas: From Potato Salad to Protein Annotation Bioschemas
2 9 Carole Goble Carole A. Goble
72 Publishing Bibliographic Data on the Semantic Web using BibBase en:Publishing Bibliographic Data on the Semantic Web using BibBase data integration
linked data
Bibliographic data management
7 2 Renée Miller Renée J. Miller
73 Automatic Curation of Clinical Trials Data in LinkedCT en:Automatic Curation of Clinical Trials Data in LinkedCT 2 2 Renée Miller Renée J. Miller
74 LinkedCT Live: Platform for Online Curation of Clinical Trials Data en:LinkedCT Live: Platform for Online Curation of Clinical Trials Data 2 2 Renée Miller Renée J. Miller
75 Exploration of underwater life with an acoustically controlled soft robotic fish en:Exploration of underwater life with an acoustically controlled soft robotic fish Underwater videography
robotic fish
4 9 Daniela L. Rus Daniela Rus
76 SERPENT—an information storage and analysis resource for protein sequences en:SERPENT—an information storage and analysis resource for protein sequences computational mathematics
2 11 Terri Attwood T. K. Attwood
77 A catalog of observed nuclear magnitudes of Jupiter family comets en:A catalog of observed nuclear magnitudes of Jupiter family comets 2 8 Julio Ángel Fernández J. A. Fernández
79 Classificazione decimale Dewey ridotta e Indice relativo it:Classificazione decimale Dewey ridotta e Indice relativo library science
Dewey Decimal Classification
library classification
1 41 Melvil Dewey Melvil Dewey
80 Classificazione decimale Dewey it:Classificazione decimale Dewey library science
Dewey Decimal Classification
library classification
1 41 Melvil Dewey Melvil Dewey
81 Classificazione decimale Dewey it:Classificazione decimale Dewey library science
Dewey Decimal Classification
library classification
1 41 Melvil Dewey Melvil Dewey
82 A template-proximal RNA paired element contributes to Saccharomyces cerevisiae telomerase activity en:A template-proximal RNA paired element contributes to Saccharomyces cerevisiae telomerase activity Saccharomyces cerevisiae 5 75 Elizabeth Blackburn Elizabeth H. Blackburn
83 Methylation of ribosomal RNA genes in the macronucleus of Tetrahymena thermophila
Methylation of ribosomal RNA genes in the macronucleus ofTetrahymena thermophila
en:Methylation of ribosomal RNA genes in the macronucleus of Tetrahymena thermophila
en:Methylation of ribosomal RNA genes in the macronucleus ofTetrahymena thermophila
Tetrahymena thermophila
1 75 Elizabeth Blackburn E. H. Blackburn
84 Structure and function of telomeres en:Structure and function of telomeres telomere 1 75 Elizabeth Blackburn E. H. Blackburn
85 Tel-1 transposon-like elements of Tetrahymena thermophila are associated with micronuclear genome rearrangements en:Tel-1 transposon-like elements of Tetrahymena thermophila are associated with micronuclear genome rearrangements Tetrahymena thermophila
2 75 Elizabeth Blackburn E. H. Blackburn
86 Transcription and sequence analysis of a fragment of bacteriophage phiX174 DNA en:Transcription and sequence analysis of a fragment of bacteriophage phiX174 DNA bacteriophage
viral DNA
1 75 Elizabeth Blackburn E. H. Blackburn
87 Allele-specific, selective amplification of a ribosomal RNA gene in Tetrahymena thermophila
Allele-specific, selective amplification of a ribosomal RNA gene in tetrahymena thermophila
en:Allele-specific, selective amplification of a ribosomal RNA gene in Tetrahymena thermophila
en:Allele-specific, selective amplification of a ribosomal RNA gene in tetrahymena thermophila
Tetrahymena thermophila 4 75 Elizabeth Blackburn E. H. Blackburn
88 Successful women in the sciences: an analysis of determinants. I. Individual life experiences. Electrical engineer en:Successful women in the sciences: an analysis of determinants. I. Individual life experiences. Electrical engineer history and philosophy of science 1 38 Mildred Dresselhaus M. S. Dresselhaus
89 A tandemly repeated sequence at the termini of the extrachromosomal ribosomal RNA genes in Tetrahymena en:A tandemly repeated sequence at the termini of the extrachromosomal ribosomal RNA genes in Tetrahymena structural biology 1 75 Elizabeth Blackburn E. H. Blackburn
90 Functional evidence for an RNA template in telomerase
Functional Evidence for an RNA Template in Telomerase
en:Functional evidence for an RNA template in telomerase
en:Functional Evidence for an RNA Template in Telomerase
Templates, Genetic 2 75 Elizabeth Blackburn E. H. Blackburn
91 Telomere length predicts replicative capacity of human fibroblasts en:Telomere length predicts replicative capacity of human fibroblasts telomere length
cell division
7 76 Carol Greider C. W. Greider
92 Telomere shortening associated with chromosome instability is arrested in immortal cells which express telomerase activity en:Telomere shortening associated with chromosome instability is arrested in immortal cells which express telomerase activity dysplasia
viral transformation
5 76 Carol Greider C. W. Greider
93 Transcription by Escherichia coli RNA polymerase of a single-stranded fragment by bacteriophage phiX174 DNA 48 residues in length en:Transcription by Escherichia coli RNA polymerase of a single-stranded fragment by bacteriophage phiX174 DNA 48 residues in length bacteriophage
Escherichia coli
1 75 Elizabeth Blackburn E. H. Blackburn
94 Metabolism of glutamine and ammonia in rat liver: the effects of N-acetylglutamate and phosphate
Metabolism of glutamine and ammonia in rat liver: The effects of N-acetylglutamate and phosphate
en:Metabolism of glutamine and ammonia in rat liver: the effects of N-acetylglutamate and phosphate
en:Metabolism of glutamine and ammonia in rat liver: The effects of N-acetylglutamate and phosphate
1 75 Elizabeth Blackburn E. H. Blackburn
95 End resection initiates genomic instability in the absence of telomerase
End Resection Initiates Genomic Instability in the Absence of Telomerase
en:End resection initiates genomic instability in the absence of telomerase
en:End Resection Initiates Genomic Instability in the Absence of Telomerase
genome instability
cell biology
2 76 Carol Greider Carol W. Greider
96 A conserved secondary structure for telomerase RNA en:A conserved secondary structure for telomerase RNA 2 75 Elizabeth Blackburn E. H. Blackburn
97 Occurrence of the Native Wood Rat at Washington, D. C.
Occurrence of the native wood rat at Washington, D.C.
en:Occurrence of the native wood rat at Washington, D.C.
en:Occurrence of the Native Wood Rat at Washington, D. C.
1 7 Vernon Orlando Bailey Vernon Bailey
98 Enzymes of fatty acid metabolism en:Enzymes of fatty acid metabolism fatty acid 1 49 Feodor Felix Konrad Lynen F LYNEN
99 The politics of health in the eighteenth century en:The politics of health in the eighteenth century health policy
18th century
1 121 Michel Foucault Michel Foucault
100 Philosophical concerns and issues in continuing education en:Philosophical concerns and issues in continuing education continuing nursing education 1 12 Michael Cates M. E. Cates
101 DAML-S: Web Service Description for the Semantic Web en:DAML-S: Web Service Description for the Semantic Web 10 7 Katia Sycara Katia P. Sycara
102 Concurrent Execution Semantics of DAML-S with Subtypes en:Concurrent Execution Semantics of DAML-S with Subtypes 3 7 Katia Sycara Katia P. Sycara
103 Browsing Schedules - An Agent-Based Approach to Navigating the Semantic Web en:Browsing Schedules - An Agent-Based Approach to Navigating the Semantic Web 3 7 Katia Sycara Katia P. Sycara
104 Security for DAML Web Services: Annotation and Matchmaking en:Security for DAML Web Services: Annotation and Matchmaking 5 7 Katia Sycara Katia P. Sycara
105 The DAML-S Virtual Machine en:The DAML-S Virtual Machine 4 7 Katia Sycara Katia P. Sycara
106 Public Deployment of Semantic Service Matchmaker with UDDI Business Registry en:Public Deployment of Semantic Service Matchmaker with UDDI Business Registry 5 7 Katia Sycara Katia P. Sycara
107 Towards a Formal Verification of OWL-S Process Models en:Towards a Formal Verification of OWL-S Process Models 3 7 Katia Sycara Katia P. Sycara
108 OWL-POLAR: Semantic Policies for Agent Reasoning en:OWL-POLAR: Semantic Policies for Agent Reasoning 4 7 Katia Sycara Katia P. Sycara
abnormal hemoglobins
medical genetics
1 111 Linus Pauling L. PAULING
110 An investigation of the structure of silk fibroin en:An investigation of the structure of silk fibroin fibroins 3 111 Linus Pauling L. PAULING
111 The principles of chromatography en:The principles of chromatography chromatography 1 56 Archer John Porter Martin MARTIN AJP
Thyroid gland function tests
isotope of iodine
computer systems
1 78 Glenn T. Seaborg G. T. SEABORG
113 The Structure of Protein Molecules en:The Structure of Protein Molecules alpha helix
protein secondary structure
1 111 Linus Pauling Linus Pauling
hydrogen-ion concentration
microscale chemistry
biochemical process
chemical phenomenon
1 111 Linus Pauling L. PAULING
115 Molecular disease en:Molecular disease medical genetics 1 111 Linus Pauling L. PAULING
116 Chemical specificity of pyruvate kinase from yeast en:Chemical specificity of pyruvate kinase from yeast 2 13 JoAnne Stubbe J. Stubbe
117 Interaction of 3'-[3H2'-Chloro-2'-deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate with ribonucleotide reductase from Lactobacillus leichmannii] en:Interaction of 3'-[3H]2'-Chloro-2'-deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate with ribonucleotide reductase from Lactobacillus leichmannii Lactobacillus leichmannii
cell biology
1 13 JoAnne Stubbe J. Stubbe
118 Self-management of oral anticoagulation: long-term results
Self‐management of oral anticoagulation: long‐term results
en:Self-management of oral anticoagulation: long-term results
en:Self‐management of oral anticoagulation: long‐term results
internal medicine
4 13 JoAnne Stubbe J. Stubbe
119 Mass spectrometry characterization of multiprotein complexes en:Mass spectrometry characterization of multiprotein complexes 1 16 Carol V. Robinson C. V. Robinson
120 To Be or Not To Be a Molecular Ion: The Role of the Solvent in Photoionization of Arginine en:To Be or Not To Be a Molecular Ion: The Role of the Solvent in Photoionization of Arginine 8 4 Anna Krylov Anna I. Krylov
121 A general kinetic theory of liquids; the molecular distribution functions en:A general kinetic theory of liquids; the molecular distribution functions 1 119 Max Born M BORN
Science in Egypt.
en:Science in Egypt.
Egypt 1 119 Max Born M BORN
123 Ueber algebraische Gebilde mit eindeutigen Transformationen in sich de:Ueber algebraische Gebilde mit eindeutigen Transformationen in sich 1 29 Adolf Hurwitz A. Hurwitz
124 The implantation of life on Mars: feasibility and motivation
The implantation of life on Mars: Feasibility and motivation
en:The implantation of life on Mars: Feasibility and motivation
en:The implantation of life on Mars: feasibility and motivation
life on Mars 2 8 Christopher McKay C P McKay
125 Real and Imaginary Excitons: Making Sense of Resonance Wave Functions by Using Reduced State and Transition Density Matrices en:Real and Imaginary Excitons: Making Sense of Resonance Wave Functions by Using Reduced State and Transition Density Matrices 2 4 Anna Krylov Anna I. Krylov
126 Preliminary report on radiocarbon dating of cryptoendolithic microorganisms en:Preliminary report on radiocarbon dating of cryptoendolithic microorganisms radiocarbon dating 4 8 Christopher McKay C P McKay
127 Antibiotics en:Antibiotics antibiotic 2 61 Ernst Chain E. Chain
128 The place of impulsiveness in a dimensional system of personality description en:The place of impulsiveness in a dimensional system of personality description impulsivity 2 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
129 Block and psychoticism en:Block and psychoticism psychosis 1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
130 RETRACTED ARTICLE: Personality, stress, smoking, and genetic predisposition as synergistic risk factors for cancer and coronary heart disease en:RETRACTED ARTICLE: Personality, stress, smoking, and genetic predisposition as synergistic risk factors for cancer and coronary heart disease philosophy
1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
131 A note on backward conditioning en:A note on backward conditioning Aversive therapy 1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
132 Genetical, Environmental and Personality Factors Influencing the Age of First Sexual Intercourse in Twins en:Genetical, Environmental and Personality Factors Influencing the Age of First Sexual Intercourse in Twins sexarche
sexual intercourse
3 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
133 Phobias as conditioned responses en:Phobias as conditioned responses 1 57 Hans Eysenck Eysenck HJ
134 A theory of the incubation of anxiety/fear responses en:A theory of the incubation of anxiety/fear responses conditioning 1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
135 A New Visual Aesthetic Sensitivity Test (VAST): II. Cross-Cultural Comparison between England and Japan en:A New Visual Aesthetic Sensitivity Test (VAST): II. Cross-Cultural Comparison between England and Japan cross-cultural communication
visual perception
cross-cultural comparison
2 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
136 Physiological Reactivity to Sensory Stimulation as a Measure of Personality en:Physiological Reactivity to Sensory Stimulation as a Measure of Personality general psychology 2 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
137 Primaries or Second‐order Factors: A Critical Consideration of Cattell's 16 PF Battery en:Primaries or Second‐order Factors: A Critical Consideration of Cattell's 16 PF Battery personality inventory 1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
138 Individual differences in tapping performance as a function of time on the task
Individual Differences in Tapping Performance as a Function of Time on the Task
en:Individual differences in tapping performance as a function of time on the task
en:Individual Differences in Tapping Performance as a Function of Time on the Task
3 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
general psychology
1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. EYSENCK
140 Impulsiveness and venturesomeness: their position in a dimensional system of personality description en:Impulsiveness and venturesomeness: their position in a dimensional system of personality description personality inventory 2 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
141 Personality and mental illness en:Personality and mental illness 3 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
142 Psychosocial factors, cancer, and ischaemic heart disease en:Psychosocial factors, cancer, and ischaemic heart disease 1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
143 Reply to a "critique and reformulation" of behavior therapy en:Reply to a "critique and reformulation" of behavior therapy history and philosophy of science
general psychology
2 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
144 A mish-mash of theories en:A mish-mash of theories 1 57 Hans Eysenck Eysenck HJ
145 Salivary Response to Lemon Juice as a Measure of Introversion en:Salivary Response to Lemon Juice as a Measure of Introversion 2 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
146 Genetics and personality en:Genetics and personality medical genetics 1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
147 Diagnosis and Clinical Assessment: The DSM-III en:Diagnosis and Clinical Assessment: The DSM-III general psychology 1 57 Hans Eysenck Eysenck HJ
148 The determination of personality inventory factor patterns and intercorrelations by changes in real-life motivation
The Determination of Personality Inventory Factor Patterns and Intercorrelations by Changes in Real-Life Motivation
en:The determination of personality inventory factor patterns and intercorrelations by changes in real-life motivation
en:The Determination of Personality Inventory Factor Patterns and Intercorrelations by Changes in Real-Life Motivation
personality inventory 2 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
149 The orthogonality of psychoticism and neuroticism: a factorial study
The Orthogonality of Psychoticism and Neuroticism: A Factorial Study
en:The orthogonality of psychoticism and neuroticism: a factorial study
en:The Orthogonality of Psychoticism and Neuroticism: A Factorial Study
personality inventory
1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
150 A comparative study of criminals and matched controls on three dimensions of personality
A Comparative Study of Criminals and Matched Controls on Three Dimensions of Personality
en:A comparative study of criminals and matched controls on three dimensions of personality
en:A Comparative Study of Criminals and Matched Controls on Three Dimensions of Personality
criminal psychology 2 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
151 Cytosolic phosphorylation potential en:Cytosolic phosphorylation potential phosphorylation
cell biology
4 63 Hans Krebs H. A. Krebs
152 The August Krogh Principle: "For many problems there is an animal on which it can be most conveniently studied" en:The August Krogh Principle: "For many problems there is an animal on which it can be most conveniently studied" model organism
scientific method
1 63 Hans Krebs H. A. Krebs
153 Severity and Type of Psychotic Illness as a Function of Personality en:Severity and Type of Psychotic Illness as a Function of Personality psychosis
Psychotic Disorders
2 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
154 Note on "factors influencing the outcome of psychotherapy." en:Note on "factors influencing the outcome of psychotherapy." history and philosophy of science
general psychology
1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
155 An experimental study of aesthetic preference for polygonal figures
An Experimental Study of Aesthetic Preference for Polygonal Figures
en:An experimental study of aesthetic preference for polygonal figures
en:An Experimental Study of Aesthetic Preference for Polygonal Figures
form perception
gender studies
1 57 Hans Eysenck Eysenck HJ
156 The effects of distraction on pursuit rotor learning, performance and reminiscence en:The effects of distraction on pursuit rotor learning, performance and reminiscence general psychology 1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
157 Attitudes to sex, personality and lie scale scores
Attitudes to Sex, Personality and LIE Scale Scores
en:Attitudes to sex, personality and lie scale scores
en:Attitudes to Sex, Personality and LIE Scale Scores
2 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
158 Energy returns on ethanol production
Energy returns on ethanol production.
en:Energy returns on ethanol production.
en:Energy returns on ethanol production
2 14 Robert Costanza Charles A S Hall
159 Sensation seeking in England and America: cross-cultural, age, and sex comparisons
Sensation seeking in England and America: Cross-cultural, age, and sex comparisons
en:Sensation seeking in England and America: cross-cultural, age, and sex comparisons
en:Sensation seeking in England and America: Cross-cultural, age, and sex comparisons
cross-cultural communication
Personality tests
cross-cultural comparison
3 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
160 Extraversion, neuroticism, and verbal reasoning ability as determinants of paired-associates learning en:Extraversion, neuroticism, and verbal reasoning ability as determinants of paired-associates learning verbal reasoning
Paired-Associate Learning
neurotic disorder
general psychology
2 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
161 A comparative study of personality in Nigerian and English subjects en:A comparative study of personality in Nigerian and English subjects cross-cultural comparison 3 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
162 Differences in personality between Japanese and English en:Differences in personality between Japanese and English cross-cultural comparison 3 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
163 Psychosis and psychoticism: a reply to Bishop en:Psychosis and psychoticism: a reply to Bishop psychosis
personality inventory
1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
164 Personality, Stress, and Motivational Factors in Drinking as Determinants of Risk for Cancer and Coronary Heart Disease en:Personality, Stress, and Motivational Factors in Drinking as Determinants of Risk for Cancer and Coronary Heart Disease health behaviour
general psychology
2 57 Hans Eysenck Eysenck HJ
165 The effects of psychotherapy: an evaluation. 1952 en:The effects of psychotherapy: an evaluation. 1952 1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
166 Editorial: Psychological theories and behaviour therapy en:Editorial: Psychological theories and behaviour therapy 1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
167 Strain differences in acquisition and extinction of fear responses in rats
Strain Differences in Acquisition and Extinction of Fear Responses in Rats
en:Strain differences in acquisition and extinction of fear responses in rats
en:Strain Differences in Acquisition and Extinction of Fear Responses in Rats
biological specificity
psychological extinction
general psychology
2 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
168 Antismoking attitudes and general prejudice: an empirical study
Antismoking Attitudes and General Prejudice: An Empirical Study
en:Antismoking attitudes and general prejudice: an empirical study
en:Antismoking Attitudes and General Prejudice: An Empirical Study
2 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
169 Personality in monkeys: factor analyses of rhesus social behaviour
Personality in Monkeys: Factor Analyses of Rhesus Social Behaviour
en:Personality in monkeys: factor analyses of rhesus social behaviour
en:Personality in Monkeys: Factor Analyses of Rhesus Social Behaviour
social behavior 2 57 Hans Eysenck Eysenck HJ
170 A note on the alleged nonexistence of individual differences in reminiscence en:A note on the alleged nonexistence of individual differences in reminiscence practice
history and philosophy of science
general psychology
1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
171 Prisoners of XYY constitution
Prisoners of Xyy Constitution
en:Prisoners of XYY constitution
en:Prisoners of Xyy Constitution
criminal psychology 1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
172 Personality and sexual behaviour en:Personality and sexual behaviour 1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
173 Intelligence assessment: a theoretical and experimental approach en:Intelligence assessment: a theoretical and experimental approach education 1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
174 The Classification of Depressive Illnesses en:The Classification of Depressive Illnesses 1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
175 Personality in primary school children. 3. Family background en:Personality in primary school children. 3. Family background education
primary school
1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
176 The interpretation of children's lie scale scores en:The interpretation of children's lie scale scores Self concept
personality inventory
3 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
177 The measurement of psychoticism: a study of factor stability and reliability
The Measurement of Psychoticism: a Study of Factor Stability and Reliability
en:The measurement of psychoticism: a study of factor stability and reliability
en:The Measurement of Psychoticism: a Study of Factor Stability and Reliability
neurotic disorder
Psychotic Disorders
personality inventory
2 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
178 A New Theory of Post-Rest Upswing or “Warm-up” in Motor Learning en:A New Theory of Post-Rest Upswing or “Warm-up” in Motor Learning physical exertion 1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
179 Psychoticism as a dimension of personality: a reply to Kasielke en:Psychoticism as a dimension of personality: a reply to Kasielke psychosis 1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
180 Relation between intelligence and personality
Relation between Intelligence and Personality
en:Relation between intelligence and personality
en:Relation between Intelligence and Personality
1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
181 Reminiscence and the shape of the learning curve as a function of subjects' ability level on the pursuit rotor en:Reminiscence and the shape of the learning curve as a function of subjects' ability level on the pursuit rotor general psychology 1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. Eysenck
social behavior
general psychology
1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. EYSENCK
185 A Dynamic Theory of Anxiety and Hysteria en:A Dynamic Theory of Anxiety and Hysteria psychology 1 57 Hans Eysenck H. J. EYSENCK
186 Developing Ecological Research That is Relevant for Achieving Sustainability
Developing Ecological Research That is Relevant for Achieving Sustainability.
en:Developing Ecological Research That is Relevant for Achieving Sustainability.
en:Developing Ecological Research That is Relevant for Achieving Sustainability
1 14 Robert Costanza Robert Costanza
187 Turbulence in Space en:Turbulence in Space Reynolds number
Orion Nebula
1 61 George Gamou George Gamow
188 Theory of Cosmic-Ray Mesons en:Theory of Cosmic-Ray Mesons 2 28 Walter Heitler W. Heitler
189 Overdamped condenser oscillations en:Overdamped condenser oscillations 1 32 Charles Proteus Steinmetz Charles P. Steinmetz
190 Crystal structure of prokaryotic ribosomal protein L9: a bi-lobed RNA-binding protein en:Crystal structure of prokaryotic ribosomal protein L9: a bi-lobed RNA-binding protein crystal structure
protein structure
RNA-binding proteins
7 69 Venkatraman Ramakrishnan V Ramakrishnan
191 X-ray crystallography shows that translational initiation factor IF3 consists of two compact alpha/beta domains linked by an alpha-helix en:X-ray crystallography shows that translational initiation factor IF3 consists of two compact alpha/beta domains linked by an alpha-helix X-ray crystallography 3 69 Venkatraman Ramakrishnan V Ramakrishnan
192 Ribosomal protein L6: structural evidence of gene duplication from a primitive RNA binding protein en:Ribosomal protein L6: structural evidence of gene duplication from a primitive RNA binding protein gene duplication 2 69 Venkatraman Ramakrishnan V Ramakrishnan
193 A role for proteins S3 and S14 in the 30 S ribosomal subunit en:A role for proteins S3 and S14 in the 30 S ribosomal subunit 1 69 Venkatraman Ramakrishnan Ramakrishnan V
194 Buildings of England: Hampshire – Winchester and the North en:Buildings of England: Hampshire – Winchester and the North history of architecture
history of Hampshire
1 26 Nikolaus Pevsner Michael Bullen
195 Corrigendum: Dermatologist-level classification of skin cancer with deep neural networks en:Corrigendum: Dermatologist-level classification of skin cancer with deep neural networks Dermatologist-level classification of skin cancer with deep neural networks
skin cancer
deep neural network
7 13 Sebastian Thrun Sebastian Thrun
196 Computer Science
Computer science
en:Computer science
en:Computer Science
computer science 2 42 Alan Perlis A. J. Perlis
197 Classic pages in obstetrics and gynecology. Vorläufiger Bericht über das Vorkommen von Spirochaeten in syphilitischen Krankheitsprodukten und bei Papillomen. Fritz Richard Schaudinn and Erich Hoffmann. Arbeiten aus dem kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamtes (Berlin), vol. 22, pp. 527-534, 1905 en:Classic pages in obstetrics and gynecology. Vorläufiger Bericht über das Vorkommen von Spirochaeten in syphilitischen Krankheitsprodukten und bei Papillomen. Fritz Richard Schaudinn and Erich Hoffmann. Arbeiten aus dem kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamtes (Berlin), vol. 22, pp. 527-534, 1905 1 18 Fritz Schaudinn L. D. Longo
198 The ethical value of Oriental religions under the Roman empire
The Ethical Value of Oriental Religions under the Roman Empire
en:The ethical value of Oriental religions under the Roman empire
en:The Ethical Value of Oriental Religions under the Roman Empire
1 6 Clifford Herschel Moore Clifford Herschel Moore
199 Chromosomes and genes en:Chromosomes and genes 1 18 Richard Goldschmidt GOLDSCHMIDT RB
200 Orders of Magnitude Change in Phenotype Rate Caused by Mutation en:Orders of Magnitude Change in Phenotype Rate Caused by Mutation 1 22 Peter Duesberg Peter Duesberg
201 The chromosomal basis of cancer en:The chromosomal basis of cancer cancer
genetic predisposition to disease
1 22 Peter Duesberg Peter Duesberg
202 Genomic instability in context of the chromosomal theory en:Genomic instability in context of the chromosomal theory 2 22 Peter Duesberg Peter Duesberg
203 Temperature-sensitive mutants of Fujinami sarcoma virus: tumorigenicity and reversible phosphorylation of the transforming p140 protein en:Temperature-sensitive mutants of Fujinami sarcoma virus: tumorigenicity and reversible phosphorylation of the transforming p140 protein phosphorylation 4 22 Peter Duesberg P H Duesberg
204 Nucleotide sequence analysis of the chicken c-myc gene reveals homologous and unique coding regions by comparison with the transforming gene of avian myelocytomatosis virus MC29, delta gag-myc en:Nucleotide sequence analysis of the chicken c-myc gene reveals homologous and unique coding regions by comparison with the transforming gene of avian myelocytomatosis virus MC29, delta gag-myc virology
viral transformation
viral genes
3 22 Peter Duesberg P. H. Duesberg
205 Retroviral recombination during reverse transcription en:Retroviral recombination during reverse transcription viral genes 2 22 Peter Duesberg P. H. Duesberg
206 Two autonomous myc oncogenes in avian carcinoma virus OK10 en:Two autonomous myc oncogenes in avian carcinoma virus OK10 2 22 Peter Duesberg P H Duesberg
207 DNA clone of avian Fujinami sarcoma virus with temperature-sensitive transforming function in mammalian cells en:DNA clone of avian Fujinami sarcoma virus with temperature-sensitive transforming function in mammalian cells 3 22 Peter Duesberg P Duesberg
208 Aneuploidy approaching a perfect score in predicting and preventing cancer: highlights from a conference held in Oakland, CA in January, 2004 en:Aneuploidy approaching a perfect score in predicting and preventing cancer: highlights from a conference held in Oakland, CA in January, 2004 1 22 Peter Duesberg Peter Duesberg
209 Phosphorylation of the nonstructural proteins encoded by three avian acute leukemia viruses and by avian fujinami sarcoma virus en:Phosphorylation of the nonstructural proteins encoded by three avian acute leukemia viruses and by avian fujinami sarcoma virus phosphorylation
acute leukemia
3 22 Peter Duesberg P. H. Duesberg
210 Generation of nondefective Rous sarcoma virus by asymmetric recombination between deletion mutants en:Generation of nondefective Rous sarcoma virus by asymmetric recombination between deletion mutants Rous sarcoma virus
viral transformation
viral replication
genetic recombination
3 22 Peter Duesberg P. H. Duesberg
211 src Genes of ten Rous sarcoma virus strains, including two reportedly transduced from the cell, are completely allelic; putative markers of transduction are not detected
src Genes of Ten Rous Sarcoma Virus Strains, Including Two Reportedly Transduced from the Cell, Are Completely Allelic; Putative Markers of Transduction Are Not Detected
en:src Genes of ten Rous sarcoma virus strains, including two reportedly transduced from the cell, are completely allelic; putative markers of transduction are not detected
en:src Genes of Ten Rous Sarcoma Virus Strains, Including Two Reportedly Transduced from the Cell, Are Completely Allelic; Putative Markers of Transduction Are Not Detected
Rous sarcoma virus
viral transformation
genetic recombination
viral genes
3 22 Peter Duesberg P. H. Duesberg
212 Nucleotide sequence of avian carcinoma virus MH2: two potential onc genes, one related to avian virus MC29 and the other related to murine sarcoma virus 3611 en:Nucleotide sequence of avian carcinoma virus MH2: two potential onc genes, one related to avian virus MC29 and the other related to murine sarcoma virus 3611 viral genes 4 22 Peter Duesberg P. H. Duesberg
216 The Ling on the Pacific Slope en:The Ling on the Pacific Slope 1 18 Carl H. Eigenmann Eigenmann CH
218 V.-Notes on some South American Fishes. en:V.-Notes on some South American Fishes. 1 18 Carl H. Eigenmann CARL H. EIGENMANN
219 The Ling on the Pacific Slope en:The Ling on the Pacific Slope 1 18 Carl H. Eigenmann Carl H. Eigenmann
225 A CASE OF CONVERGENCE en:A CASE OF CONVERGENCE 1 18 Carl H. Eigenmann Eigenmann CH
227 IV.-A Revision of the American Cichlidae en:IV.-A Revision of the American Cichlidae Cichlidae 1 18 Carl H. Eigenmann CARL H. EIGENMANN
228 The Percopsidæ on the Pacific Slope en:The Percopsidæ on the Pacific Slope 1 18 Carl H. Eigenmann Carl H. Eigenmann
229 THE IRWIN EXPEDITION en:THE IRWIN EXPEDITION 1 18 Carl H. Eigenmann Eigenmann CH
233 A QUEER FISH en:A QUEER FISH 1 18 Carl H. Eigenmann Eigenmann CH
235 Kava extract for treating anxiety
Kava extract versus placebo for treating anxiety
en:Kava extract versus placebo for treating anxiety
en:Kava extract for treating anxiety
2 16 Edzard Ernst E Edzard
E Ernst
236 Rise in popularity of complementary and alternative medicine: reasons and consequences for vaccination en:Rise in popularity of complementary and alternative medicine: reasons and consequences for vaccination 1 16 Edzard Ernst E Ernst
237 Problems in chemical mutagenesis en:Problems in chemical mutagenesis 1 18 Charlotte Auerbach C AUERBACH
238 Flight at the Borders of Space en:Flight at the Borders of Space space medicine 1 10 Heinz Haber Heinz Haber
239 Aero medical problems of space travel
Aero-medical problems of space travel
en:Aero medical problems of space travel
en:Aero-medical problems of space travel
2 10 Heinz Haber HABER H
240 Beiträge zur Flora von Südwestafrika. 1. Gramineae de:Beiträge zur Flora von Südwestafrika. 1. Gramineae Gramineae 1 13 Robert Knud Friedrich Pilger R Pilger
241 A Letter from John Phil. Breyne, M. D. F. R. S. to Sir Hans Sloane, Bart. Pres. R. S. with Observations, and a Description of Some Mammoth's Bones Dug up in Siberia, Proving Them to Have Belonged to Elephants en:A Letter from John Phil. Breyne, M. D. F. R. S. to Sir Hans Sloane, Bart. Pres. R. S. with Observations, and a Description of Some Mammoth's Bones Dug up in Siberia, Proving Them to Have Belonged to Elephants Siberia 1 9 Johann Philipp Breyne J. Phil. Breyne
242 From medical herbalism to phytomedicine: back to the future?
From medical herbalism to phytomedicine: Back to the future?
en:From medical herbalism to phytomedicine: back to the future?
en:From medical herbalism to phytomedicine: Back to the future?
1 16 Edzard Ernst Ernst E
243 Spiritual healing as a therapy for chronic pain: a randomized, clinical trial en:Spiritual healing as a therapy for chronic pain: a randomized, clinical trial chronic pain 6 16 Edzard Ernst E Ernst
244 Temperature measurements in Wistar rats and DS carcinosarcoma under various conditions en:Temperature measurements in Wistar rats and DS carcinosarcoma under various conditions 1 28 Manfred von Ardenne M. Ardenne
245 Constraints matrix for the concept of new cancerostatics with activation in optimally superacidulated carcinomatous tissue (author's transl) en:Constraints matrix for the concept of new cancerostatics with activation in optimally superacidulated carcinomatous tissue (author's transl) 1 28 Manfred von Ardenne M. v Ardenne
246 Seidenspinne und Spinnenseide de:Seidenspinne und Spinnenseide
en:Seidenspinne und Spinnenseide
1 13 Friedrich Dahl Fr. Dahl
247 "Molecular symmetry breakers" generating metal-oxide-based nanoobject fragments as synthons for complex structures: [[Mo(128)Eu(4)O(388)H(10)(H(2)O)(81)(2)](20-), a giant-cluster dimer]
“Molecular Symmetry Breakers” Generating Metal-Oxide-Based Nanoobject Fragments as Synthons for Complex Structures: [{Mo128Eu4O388H10(H2O)81}220, a Giant-Cluster Dimer]
en:“Molecular Symmetry Breakers” Generating Metal-Oxide-Based Nanoobject Fragments as Synthons for Complex Structures: [{Mo128Eu4O388H10(H2O)81}2]20, a Giant-Cluster Dimer
en:"Molecular symmetry breakers" generating metal-oxide-based nanoobject fragments as synthons for complex structures: [[Mo(128)Eu(4)O(388)H(10)(H(2)O)(81)](2)](20-), a giant-cluster dimer
general chemistry 8 16 Achim Müller Achim Müller
248 Nobel lecture. The photosynthetic reaction centre from the purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas viridis en:Nobel lecture. The photosynthetic reaction centre from the purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas viridis photosynthesis
Rhodopseudomonas viridis
1 51 Johann Deisenhofer Deisenhofer J
249 Crystal structure of the outer membrane active transporter FepA from Escherichia coli en:Crystal structure of the outer membrane active transporter FepA from Escherichia coli FepA
crystal structure
Escherichia coli
9 51 Johann Deisenhofer J Deisenhofer
250 Characterization of the knob domain of the adenovirus type 5 fiber protein expressed in Escherichia coli en:Characterization of the knob domain of the adenovirus type 5 fiber protein expressed in Escherichia coli Escherichia coli
4 51 Johann Deisenhofer Deisenhofer J
251 Informed consent for comparative effectiveness trials en:Informed consent for comparative effectiveness trials informed consent 2 6 Tom Beauchamp Toby L Schonfeld
252 A defense of the common morality
A Defense of the Common Morality
en:A defense of the common morality
en:A Defense of the Common Morality
bioethics 1 6 Tom Beauchamp Tom L. Beauchamp
253 Structure of the protein subunits in the photosynthetic reaction centre of Rhodopseudomonas viridis at 3Å resolution
Structure of the protein subunits in the photosynthetic reaction centre of Rhodopseudomonas viridis at 3Å resolution.
en:Structure of the protein subunits in the photosynthetic reaction centre of Rhodopseudomonas viridis at 3Å resolution.
en:Structure of the protein subunits in the photosynthetic reaction centre of Rhodopseudomonas viridis at 3Å resolution
protein structure
Rhodopseudomonas viridis
1 51 Johann Deisenhofer J. Deisenhofer
254 Heterogeneity of epstein-barr virus originating from P3HR-1 cells. I. Studies on ebna induction en:Heterogeneity of epstein-barr virus originating from P3HR-1 cells. I. Studies on ebna induction Epstein–Barr virus
4 66 Harald zur Hausen H. Hausen
255 Hedgehog-shaped {Mo368} cluster: unique electronic/structural properties, surfactant encapsulation and related self-assembly into vesicles and films en:Hedgehog-shaped {Mo368} cluster: unique electronic/structural properties, surfactant encapsulation and related self-assembly into vesicles and films self-assembly 11 16 Achim Müller Achim Müller
256 Herpes simplex virus: benefit versus risk factors in immunization en:Herpes simplex virus: benefit versus risk factors in immunization 1 66 Harald zur Hausen zur Hausen H
257 Archimedean Synthesis and Magic Numbers: “Sizing” Giant Molybdenum-Oxide-Based Molecular Spheres of the Keplerate Type
Archimedean Synthesis and Magic Numbers: "Sizing" Giant Molybdenum-Oxide-Based Molecular Spheres of the Keplerate Type
en:Archimedean Synthesis and Magic Numbers: “Sizing” Giant Molybdenum-Oxide-Based Molecular Spheres of the Keplerate Type
en:Archimedean Synthesis and Magic Numbers: "Sizing" Giant Molybdenum-Oxide-Based Molecular Spheres of the Keplerate Type
general chemistry
1 16 Achim Müller Achim Müller
258 Biochemical approaches to detection of Epstein-Barr virus in human tumors en:Biochemical approaches to detection of Epstein-Barr virus in human tumors Epstein–Barr virus 1 66 Harald zur Hausen zur Hausen H
259 Viruses in human tumors--personal reflections en:Viruses in human tumors--personal reflections 1 66 Harald zur Hausen zur Hausen H
260 Die botanischen Ergebnisse der Elbert’schen Sunda-Expedition des Frankfurter Vereins für Geographie und Statistik, II de:Die botanischen Ergebnisse der Elbert’schen Sunda-Expedition des Frankfurter Vereins für Geographie und Statistik, II Sunda expedition 1 12 Johannes Gottfried Hallier Hans Hallier
261 Thirty Electrons "Trapped" in a Spherical Matrix: A Molybdenum Oxide-Based Nanostructured Keplerate Reduced by 36 Electrons
Thirty Electrons “Trapped” in a Spherical Matrix: A Molybdenum Oxide-Based Nanostructured Keplerate Reduced by 36 Electrons
en:Thirty Electrons “Trapped” in a Spherical Matrix: A Molybdenum Oxide-Based Nanostructured Keplerate Reduced by 36 Electrons
en:Thirty Electrons "Trapped" in a Spherical Matrix: A Molybdenum Oxide-Based Nanostructured Keplerate Reduced by 36 Electrons
general chemistry
1 16 Achim Müller Achim Müller
262 Seroepidemiologic studies of bovine papillomavirus infections en:Seroepidemiologic studies of bovine papillomavirus infections viral antibodies 4 66 Harald zur Hausen zur Hausen H
263 Establishment of EBNA-expressing cell lines by infection of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-genome-negative human lymphoma cells with different EBV strains en:Establishment of EBNA-expressing cell lines by infection of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-genome-negative human lymphoma cells with different EBV strains Epstein–Barr virus
viral antigens
cell line
2 66 Harald zur Hausen H. Hausen
264 Changeable pore sizes allowing effective and specific recognition by a molybdenum-oxide based "Nanosponge": en route to sphere-surface and nanoporous-cluster chemistry
Changeable Pore Sizes Allowing Effective and Specific Recognition by a Molybdenum-Oxide Based “Nanosponge”: En Route to Sphere-Surface and Nanoporous-Cluster Chemistry
en:Changeable Pore Sizes Allowing Effective and Specific Recognition by a Molybdenum-Oxide Based “Nanosponge”: En Route to Sphere-Surface and Nanoporous-Cluster Chemistry
en:Changeable pore sizes allowing effective and specific recognition by a molybdenum-oxide based "Nanosponge": en route to sphere-surface and nanoporous-cluster chemistry
general chemistry
1 16 Achim Müller Achim Müller
265 Condylomata acuminata and human genital cancer en:Condylomata acuminata and human genital cancer 1 66 Harald zur Hausen zur Hausen H
266 Viruses in the etiology of human genital cancer en:Viruses in the etiology of human genital cancer sexual transmission 1 66 Harald zur Hausen zur Hausen H
267 Chemistry. The beauty of symmetry en:Chemistry. The beauty of symmetry 1 16 Achim Müller A. Muller
268 Cytokines; from phenomenology to molecular biology en:Cytokines; from phenomenology to molecular biology molecular biology 1 66 Harald zur Hausen zur Hausen H
269 Genetic recombination in sexual crosses of phycomyces en:Genetic recombination in sexual crosses of phycomyces 4 59 Max Delbrück Delbrück M
270 Influence of globin structures on the state of the heme. Ferrous low spin derivatives
Influence of globin structures on the state of the heme. IV. Ferrous low spin derivatives
en:Influence of globin structures on the state of the heme. Ferrous low spin derivatives
en:Influence of globin structures on the state of the heme. IV. Ferrous low spin derivatives
1 60 Max Perutz M. F. Perutz
271 Calcium channel types with distinct presynaptic localization couple differentially to transmitter release in single calyx-type synapses en:Calcium channel types with distinct presynaptic localization couple differentially to transmitter release in single calyx-type synapses 5 46 Bert Sakmann B Sakmann
273 Functionally independent columns of rat somatosensory barrel cortex revealed with voltage-sensitive dye imaging en:Functionally independent columns of rat somatosensory barrel cortex revealed with voltage-sensitive dye imaging voltage
voltage-sensitive dye
2 46 Bert Sakmann B Sakmann
274 Frequency and dendritic distribution of autapses established by layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the developing rat neocortex: comparison with synaptic innervation of adjacent neurons of the same class en:Frequency and dendritic distribution of autapses established by layer 5 pyramidal neurons in the developing rat neocortex: comparison with synaptic innervation of adjacent neurons of the same class 4 46 Bert Sakmann B Sakmann
275 AMPA receptor channels with long-lasting desensitization in bipolar interneurons contribute to synaptic depression in a novel feedback circuit in layer 2/3 of rat neocortex en:AMPA receptor channels with long-lasting desensitization in bipolar interneurons contribute to synaptic depression in a novel feedback circuit in layer 2/3 of rat neocortex desensitization 3 46 Bert Sakmann B Sakmann
276 Channel-lining residues of the AMPA receptor M2 segment: structural environment of the Q/R site and identification of the selectivity filter en:Channel-lining residues of the AMPA receptor M2 segment: structural environment of the Q/R site and identification of the selectivity filter 3 46 Bert Sakmann B Sakmann
277 Calcium secretion coupling at calyx of Held governed by nonuniform channel-vesicle topography en:Calcium secretion coupling at calyx of Held governed by nonuniform channel-vesicle topography 3 46 Bert Sakmann Bert Sakmann
278 Postsynaptic Ca2+ influx mediated by three different pathways during synaptic transmission at a calyx-type synapse en:Postsynaptic Ca2+ influx mediated by three different pathways during synaptic transmission at a calyx-type synapse 4 46 Bert Sakmann B Sakmann
279 Single RNA polymerase binding site isolated
Single RNA Polymerase Binding Site Isolated
en:Single RNA polymerase binding site isolated
en:Single RNA Polymerase Binding Site Isolated
binding site 2 64 Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard C. Nüsslein
280 [Structure and synthesis of the bacterial dye indigoidin] en:[Structure and synthesis of the bacterial dye indigoidin] 1 60 Richard Kuhn Kuhn R
1 60 Richard Kuhn R KUHN
282 Bifidus factor. IV. Preparations obtained from human milk en:Bifidus factor. IV. Preparations obtained from human milk 4 60 Richard Kuhn R KUHN
283 Structure of haemoglobin M Milwaukee, a mutant form exhibiting interaction between ferrous and ferric subunits en:Structure of haemoglobin M Milwaukee, a mutant form exhibiting interaction between ferrous and ferric subunits abnormal hemoglobins 1 60 Max Perutz M. F. Perutz
284 Three-dimensional reconstruction of a calyx of Held and its postsynaptic principal neuron in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body en:Three-dimensional reconstruction of a calyx of Held and its postsynaptic principal neuron in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body 6 46 Bert Sakmann Bert Sakmann
285 Quantal analysis of excitatory postsynaptic currents at the hippocampal mossy fiber-CA3 pyramidal cell synapse en:Quantal analysis of excitatory postsynaptic currents at the hippocampal mossy fiber-CA3 pyramidal cell synapse 3 46 Bert Sakmann Sakmann B
286 Detailed passive cable models of whole-cell recorded CA3 pyramidal neurons in rat hippocampal slices en:Detailed passive cable models of whole-cell recorded CA3 pyramidal neurons in rat hippocampal slices 4 46 Bert Sakmann B Sakmann
287 The third intracellular loop and the carboxyl terminus of beta2-adrenergic receptor confer spontaneous activity of the receptor
The Third Intracellular Loop and the Carboxyl Terminus of β2-Adrenergic Receptor Confer Spontaneous Activity of the Receptor
en:The third intracellular loop and the carboxyl terminus of beta2-adrenergic receptor confer spontaneous activity of the receptor
en:The Third Intracellular Loop and the Carboxyl Terminus of β2-Adrenergic Receptor Confer Spontaneous Activity of the Receptor
molecular medicine
6 58 Brian Kobilka Brian K. Kobilka
288 Desensitization of the isolated beta 2-adrenergic receptor by beta-adrenergic receptor kinase, cAMP-dependent protein kinase, and protein kinase C occurs via distinct molecular mechanisms en:Desensitization of the isolated beta 2-adrenergic receptor by beta-adrenergic receptor kinase, cAMP-dependent protein kinase, and protein kinase C occurs via distinct molecular mechanisms desensitization 5 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
289 The cardiac beta-adrenergic receptor. Structural similarities of beta 1 and beta 2 receptor subtypes demonstrated by photoaffinity labeling en:The cardiac beta-adrenergic receptor. Structural similarities of beta 1 and beta 2 receptor subtypes demonstrated by photoaffinity labeling cell biology
6 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
290 Structure-activity relationships of adenylate cyclase-coupled beta adrenergic receptors: determination by direct binding studies en:Structure-activity relationships of adenylate cyclase-coupled beta adrenergic receptors: determination by direct binding studies 4 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
291 Beta-adrenergic receptors: Regulatory role of agonists en:Beta-adrenergic receptors: Regulatory role of agonists 1 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
292 Selective alteration in high affinity agonist binding: a mechanism of beta-adrenergic receptor desensitization en:Selective alteration in high affinity agonist binding: a mechanism of beta-adrenergic receptor desensitization 3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
293 A quantitative analysis of beta-adrenergic receptor interactions: resolution of high and low affinity states of the receptor by computer modeling of ligand binding data en:A quantitative analysis of beta-adrenergic receptor interactions: resolution of high and low affinity states of the receptor by computer modeling of ligand binding data ligand binding 3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
294 Catecholamine-induced desensitization of turkey erythrocyte adenylate cyclase is associated with phosphorylation of the beta-adrenergic receptor en:Catecholamine-induced desensitization of turkey erythrocyte adenylate cyclase is associated with phosphorylation of the beta-adrenergic receptor phosphorylation
6 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
295 Mutagenesis of the beta 2-adrenergic receptor: how structure elucidates function
Mutagenesis of the beta2-Adrenergic Receptor: How Structure Elucidates Function
en:Mutagenesis of the beta 2-adrenergic receptor: how structure elucidates function
en:Mutagenesis of the beta2-Adrenergic Receptor: How Structure Elucidates Function
mutagenesis 4 58 Robert Lefkowitz Lefkowitz RJ
296 Receptor-specific desensitization with purified proteins. Kinase dependence and receptor specificity of beta-arrestin and arrestin in the beta 2-adrenergic receptor and rhodopsin systems en:Receptor-specific desensitization with purified proteins. Kinase dependence and receptor specificity of beta-arrestin and arrestin in the beta 2-adrenergic receptor and rhodopsin systems desensitization 8 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
297 The developmental and physiological consequences of disrupting genes encoding beta 1 and beta 2 adrenoceptors en:The developmental and physiological consequences of disrupting genes encoding beta 1 and beta 2 adrenoceptors 6 58 Brian Kobilka B K Kobilka
298 G-protein-coupled receptor genes as protooncogenes: constitutively activating mutation of the alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor enhances mitogenesis and tumorigenicity en:G-protein-coupled receptor genes as protooncogenes: constitutively activating mutation of the alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor enhances mitogenesis and tumorigenicity G protein-coupled receptor
ras gene family
2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
299 Beta-arrestin2, a novel member of the arrestin/beta-arrestin gene family en:Beta-arrestin2, a novel member of the arrestin/beta-arrestin gene family multigene family 9 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
300 Biological activity of agarose-immobilized catecholamines en:Biological activity of agarose-immobilized catecholamines polysaccharide
2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
301 Reconstitution of a hormone-sensitive adenylate cyclase system. The pure beta-adrenergic receptor and guanine nucleotide regulatory protein confer hormone responsiveness on the resolved catalytic unit en:Reconstitution of a hormone-sensitive adenylate cyclase system. The pure beta-adrenergic receptor and guanine nucleotide regulatory protein confer hormone responsiveness on the resolved catalytic unit cell biology
9 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
302 Beta-adrenergic receptors: evidence for negative cooperativity
β-Adrenergic receptors: Evidence for negative cooperativity
en:Beta-adrenergic receptors: evidence for negative cooperativity
en:β-Adrenergic receptors: Evidence for negative cooperativity
cell biology
3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
303 Catecholamine-induced subsensitivity of adenylate cyclase associated with loss of beta-adrenergic receptor binding sites en:Catecholamine-induced subsensitivity of adenylate cyclase associated with loss of beta-adrenergic receptor binding sites 3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
304 Regulation of beta-adrenergic receptors by guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate and other purine nucleotides en:Regulation of beta-adrenergic receptors by guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate and other purine nucleotides 1 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
305 Model systems for the study of seven-transmembrane-segment receptors en:Model systems for the study of seven-transmembrane-segment receptors transmembrane protein
modelling biological systems
4 58 Robert Lefkowitz Lefkowitz RJ
306 Translocation and uncoupling of the beta-adrenergic receptor in rat lung after catecholamine promoted desensitization in vivo
Translocation and Uncoupling of theβ-Adrenergic Receptor in Rat Lung after Catecholamine Promoted Desensitizationin Vivo
en:Translocation and uncoupling of the beta-adrenergic receptor in rat lung after catecholamine promoted desensitization in vivo
en:Translocation and Uncoupling of theβ-Adrenergic Receptor in Rat Lung after Catecholamine Promoted Desensitizationin Vivo
3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
307 Agonist-promoted high affinity state of the beta-adrenergic receptor in human neutrophils: modulation by corticosteroids
Agonist-Promoted High Affinity State of the β-Adrenergic Receptor in Human Neutrophils: Modulation by Corticosteroids*
en:Agonist-promoted high affinity state of the beta-adrenergic receptor in human neutrophils: modulation by corticosteroids
en:Agonist-Promoted High Affinity State of the β-Adrenergic Receptor in Human Neutrophils: Modulation by Corticosteroids*
2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
308 The receptor kinase family: primary structure of rhodopsin kinase reveals similarities to the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase en:The receptor kinase family: primary structure of rhodopsin kinase reveals similarities to the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase G protein-coupled receptor kinase 1
rhodopsin mediated signaling pathway
eye proteins
6 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
309 Multiple effects of N, N' dicyclohexyl carbodiimide on the beta-adrenergic receptor--adenylate cyclase system in frog erythrocytes en:Multiple effects of N, N' dicyclohexyl carbodiimide on the beta-adrenergic receptor--adenylate cyclase system in frog erythrocytes 2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
310 Pharmacological characteristics of alpha 2-adrenergic receptors: comparison of pharmacologically defined subtypes with subtypes identified by molecular cloning en:Pharmacological characteristics of alpha 2-adrenergic receptors: comparison of pharmacologically defined subtypes with subtypes identified by molecular cloning pharmacology 5 58 Robert Lefkowitz Lefkowitz RJ
311 Guanine nucleotides modulate the binding affinity of the oligopeptide chemoattractant receptor on human polymorphonuclear leukocytes en:Guanine nucleotides modulate the binding affinity of the oligopeptide chemoattractant receptor on human polymorphonuclear leukocytes guanine
leukocyte chemotaxis
2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
312 Tyrosine phosphorylation of G protein alpha subunits by pp60c-src en:Tyrosine phosphorylation of G protein alpha subunits by pp60c-src phosphorylation 8 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
313 Affinity chromatography of the beta-adrenergic receptor en:Affinity chromatography of the beta-adrenergic receptor cell biology
5 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
314 Dual coupling of the cloned 5-HT1A receptor to both adenylyl cyclase and phospholipase C is mediated via the same Gi protein
Dual couplings of the cloned 5-HT1A receptor to both adenylyl cyclase and phospholipase C is mediated via the same Gi protein
en:Dual coupling of the cloned 5-HT1A receptor to both adenylyl cyclase and phospholipase C is mediated via the same Gi protein
en:Dual couplings of the cloned 5-HT1A receptor to both adenylyl cyclase and phospholipase C is mediated via the same Gi protein
signal transduction
cell biology
8 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
315 A small region of the beta-adrenergic receptor is selectively involved in its rapid regulation en:A small region of the beta-adrenergic receptor is selectively involved in its rapid regulation 6 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
316 Agonist versus antagonist binding to alpha-adrenergic receptors en:Agonist versus antagonist binding to alpha-adrenergic receptors 4 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
317 alpha-Adrenergic receptors in human adipocyte membranes: direct determination by [3Hyohimbine binding]
α-Adrenergic Receptors in Human Adipocyte Membranes: Direct Determination by [3HYohimbine Binding]
en:alpha-Adrenergic receptors in human adipocyte membranes: direct determination by [3H]yohimbine binding
en:α-Adrenergic Receptors in Human Adipocyte Membranes: Direct Determination by [3H]Yohimbine Binding
3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
318 Determination of subtype selectivity of alpha-adrenergic antagonists: comparison of selective and nonselective radioligands en:Determination of subtype selectivity of alpha-adrenergic antagonists: comparison of selective and nonselective radioligands 3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
319 Agonist-promoted coupling of the beta-adrenergic receptor with the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein of the adenylate cyclase system en:Agonist-promoted coupling of the beta-adrenergic receptor with the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein of the adenylate cyclase system guanine 3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
320 Molecular mechanisms of beta-adrenergic receptor desensitization en:Molecular mechanisms of beta-adrenergic receptor desensitization desensitization 2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
321 Alpha-adrenergic receptors in liver membranes: delineation with subtype selective radioligands
Alpha-adrenergic receptors in liver membranes: Delineation with subtype selective radioligands
en:Alpha-adrenergic receptors in liver membranes: delineation with subtype selective radioligands
en:Alpha-adrenergic receptors in liver membranes: Delineation with subtype selective radioligands
3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
322 Alternative explanation for the apparent "two-step" binding kinetics of high-affinity racemic antagonist radioligands en:Alternative explanation for the apparent "two-step" binding kinetics of high-affinity racemic antagonist radioligands chemical model 2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
323 Guanine nucleotides and alpha 1 adrenergic receptors in the heart
Guanine nucleotides and alpha1 adrenergic receptors in the heart
en:Guanine nucleotides and alpha 1 adrenergic receptors in the heart
en:Guanine nucleotides and alpha1 adrenergic receptors in the heart
5 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
324 Reconstitution of beta-adrenergic receptors in lipid vesicles: affinity chromatography-purified receptors confer catecholamine responsiveness on a heterologous adenylate cyclase system en:Reconstitution of beta-adrenergic receptors in lipid vesicles: affinity chromatography-purified receptors confer catecholamine responsiveness on a heterologous adenylate cyclase system 6 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
325 Catecholamine binding to the beta-adrenergic receptor en:Catecholamine binding to the beta-adrenergic receptor 1 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
326 Molecular mechanisms of activation and desensitization of adenylate cyclase coupled beta-adrenergic receptors en:Molecular mechanisms of activation and desensitization of adenylate cyclase coupled beta-adrenergic receptors desensitization 1 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
327 Solubilization and characterization of the beta-adrenergic receptor binding sites of frog erythrocytes en:Solubilization and characterization of the beta-adrenergic receptor binding sites of frog erythrocytes Anura
cell biology
2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
328 Thyroid hormone regulation of beta-adrenergic receptor number en:Thyroid hormone regulation of beta-adrenergic receptor number cell biology
2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
329 Hepatic alpha-adrenergic receptors. Identification and subcellular localization using [3Hdihydroergocryptine] en:Hepatic alpha-adrenergic receptors. Identification and subcellular localization using [3H]dihydroergocryptine cell biology
3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
330 Separation of solubilized alpha and beta adrenergic receptors by affinity chromatography en:Separation of solubilized alpha and beta adrenergic receptors by affinity chromatography cell biology
3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
331 Desensitization of turkey erythrocyte adenylate cyclase. Beta-adrenergic receptor phosphorylation is correlated with attenuation of adenylate cyclase activity en:Desensitization of turkey erythrocyte adenylate cyclase. Beta-adrenergic receptor phosphorylation is correlated with attenuation of adenylate cyclase activity phosphorylation
cell biology
5 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
332 Reduced concentrations of ascorbic acid and glutathione in a single case of Rett syndrome: A postmortem brain study
Reduced concentrations of ascorbic acid and glutathione in a single case of Rett syndrome: a postmortem brain study
en:Reduced concentrations of ascorbic acid and glutathione in a single case of Rett syndrome: A postmortem brain study
en:Reduced concentrations of ascorbic acid and glutathione in a single case of Rett syndrome: a postmortem brain study
Rett syndrome
DL-ascorbic acid
4 11 Andreas Rett Rett A
333 Rett syndrome: Criteria for inclusion and exclusion
Rett syndrome: criteria for inclusion and exclusion
en:Rett syndrome: Criteria for inclusion and exclusion
en:Rett syndrome: criteria for inclusion and exclusion
Rett syndrome 4 11 Andreas Rett Rett A
334 The alpha 1C-adrenergic receptor: characterization of signal transduction pathways and mammalian tissue heterogeneity en:The alpha 1C-adrenergic receptor: characterization of signal transduction pathways and mammalian tissue heterogeneity signal transduction 9 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
335 Beta-Adrenergic receptors: solubilization of (-)(3H)alprenolol binding sites from frog erythrocyte membranes
β-Adrenergic receptors: Solubilization of (−)[3Halprenolol binding sites from frog erythrocyte membranes]
en:Beta-Adrenergic receptors: solubilization of (-)(3H)alprenolol binding sites from frog erythrocyte membranes
en:β-Adrenergic receptors: Solubilization of (−)[3H]alprenolol binding sites from frog erythrocyte membranes
cell biology
2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
336 Direct studies of β-adrenergic receptors in intact frog erythrocytes en:Direct studies of β-adrenergic receptors in intact frog erythrocytes 2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
337 Slowly reversible binding of catecholamine to a nucleotide-sensitive state of the beta-adrenergic receptor en:Slowly reversible binding of catecholamine to a nucleotide-sensitive state of the beta-adrenergic receptor cell biology
2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
338 Differential effects of GTP on the coupling of β-adrenergic receptors to adenylate cyclase from frog and turkey erythrocytes application of new methods for the analysis of receptor-effector coupling en:Differential effects of GTP on the coupling of β-adrenergic receptors to adenylate cyclase from frog and turkey erythrocytes application of new methods for the analysis of receptor-effector coupling biochemistry
5 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
339 Multiple reactive sulfhydryl groups modulate the function of adenylate cyclase coupled beta-adrenergic receptors en:Multiple reactive sulfhydryl groups modulate the function of adenylate cyclase coupled beta-adrenergic receptors 2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
340 Structure and function of beta-adrenergic receptors: regulation at the molecular level en:Structure and function of beta-adrenergic receptors: regulation at the molecular level 1 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
341 Hormones, receptors, and cyclic AMP: their role in target cell refractoriness
Hormones, Receptors, and Cyclic AMP: Their Role in Target Cell Refractoriness
en:Hormones, receptors, and cyclic AMP: their role in target cell refractoriness
en:Hormones, Receptors, and Cyclic AMP: Their Role in Target Cell Refractoriness
1 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
342 Molecular mechanisms of coupling in hormone receptor-adenylate cyclase systems
Molecular Mechanisms of Coupling in Hormone Receptor‐Adenylate Cyclase Systems
en:Molecular mechanisms of coupling in hormone receptor-adenylate cyclase systems
en:Molecular Mechanisms of Coupling in Hormone Receptor‐Adenylate Cyclase Systems
modelling biological systems 3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
343 Regulation of beta-adrenergic receptors by steroid hormones
Regulation of β-Adrenergic Receptors by Steroid Hormones
en:Regulation of beta-adrenergic receptors by steroid hormones
en:Regulation of β-Adrenergic Receptors by Steroid Hormones
physiology 2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
344 Agonist-induced increase in apparent beta-adrenergic receptor size
Agonist-induced increase in apparent β-adrenergic receptor size
en:Agonist-induced increase in apparent beta-adrenergic receptor size
en:Agonist-induced increase in apparent β-adrenergic receptor size
Receptors, Adrenergic, beta 2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
345 Role of beta gamma subunits of G proteins in targeting the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase to membrane-bound receptors en:Role of beta gamma subunits of G proteins in targeting the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase to membrane-bound receptors 10 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
346 Ectopic beta-adrenergic receptor binding sites. possible molecular basis of aberrant catecholamine responsiveness of an adrenocortical tumor adenylate cyclase en:Ectopic beta-adrenergic receptor binding sites. possible molecular basis of aberrant catecholamine responsiveness of an adrenocortical tumor adenylate cyclase 3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
347 Constitutive activation of the alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor by all amino acid substitutions at a single site. Evidence for a region which constrains receptor activation en:Constitutive activation of the alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor by all amino acid substitutions at a single site. Evidence for a region which constrains receptor activation 5 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
348 Catecholamine-induced desensitization of turkey erythrocyte adenylate cyclase. Structural alterations in the beta-adrenergic receptor revealed by photoaffinity labeling en:Catecholamine-induced desensitization of turkey erythrocyte adenylate cyclase. Structural alterations in the beta-adrenergic receptor revealed by photoaffinity labeling desensitization
adenylyl cyclase inhibitors
cell biology
6 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
349 Pure beta-adrenergic receptor: the single polypeptide confers catecholamine responsiveness to adenylate cyclase
Pure β-adrenergic receptor: the single polypeptide confers catecholamine responsiveness to adenylate cyclase
en:Pure beta-adrenergic receptor: the single polypeptide confers catecholamine responsiveness to adenylate cyclase
en:Pure β-adrenergic receptor: the single polypeptide confers catecholamine responsiveness to adenylate cyclase
4 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
350 G-protein-coupled receptors: regulatory role of receptor kinases and arrestin proteins en:G-protein-coupled receptors: regulatory role of receptor kinases and arrestin proteins G protein-coupled receptor 1 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
351 Alpha-adrenergic receptor subtypes: Quantitative assessment by ligand binding en:Alpha-adrenergic receptor subtypes: Quantitative assessment by ligand binding ligand binding 5 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
352 Direct demonstration of impaired functionality of a purified desensitized beta-adrenergic receptor in a reconstituted system
Direct Demonstration of Impaired Functionality of a Purified Desensitized β-Adrenergic Receptor in a Reconstituted System
en:Direct demonstration of impaired functionality of a purified desensitized beta-adrenergic receptor in a reconstituted system
en:Direct Demonstration of Impaired Functionality of a Purified Desensitized β-Adrenergic Receptor in a Reconstituted System
5 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
353 Pharmacological characterizations of adrenergic receptors in human adipocytes
Pharmacological Characterizations of Adrenergic Receptors in Human Adipocytes
en:Pharmacological characterizations of adrenergic receptors in human adipocytes
en:Pharmacological Characterizations of Adrenergic Receptors in Human Adipocytes
adipocyte 7 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
354 Mutations of the human beta 2-adrenergic receptor that impair coupling to Gs interfere with receptor down-regulation but not sequestration en:Mutations of the human beta 2-adrenergic receptor that impair coupling to Gs interfere with receptor down-regulation but not sequestration 5 58 Robert Lefkowitz Lefkowitz RJ
355 Molecular biology of adrenergic receptors in the rat and frog central nervous system en:Molecular biology of adrenergic receptors in the rat and frog central nervous system molecular biology
internal medicine
7 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
356 Endogenous proteinases modulate the function of the beta-adrenergic receptor-adenylate cyclase system
Endogenous proteinases modulate the function of the β-adrenergic receptor-adenylate cyclase system
en:Endogenous proteinases modulate the function of the beta-adrenergic receptor-adenylate cyclase system
en:Endogenous proteinases modulate the function of the β-adrenergic receptor-adenylate cyclase system
5 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
357 Photoaffinity labeling of turkey erythrocyte beta-adrenergic receptors: degradation of the Mr = 49,000 protein explains apparent heterogeneity
Photoaffinity labeling of turkey erythrocyte beta-adrenergic receptors: Degradation of the Mr = 49,000 protein explains apparent heterogeneity
en:Photoaffinity labeling of turkey erythrocyte beta-adrenergic receptors: degradation of the Mr = 49,000 protein explains apparent heterogeneity
en:Photoaffinity labeling of turkey erythrocyte beta-adrenergic receptors: Degradation of the Mr = 49,000 protein explains apparent heterogeneity
affinity labels
cell biology
5 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
358 Development of an affinity ligand for purification of alpha 2-adrenoceptors from human platelet membranes
Development of an affinity ligand for purification of .alpha.2-adrenoceptors from human platelet membranes
en:Development of an affinity ligand for purification of alpha 2-adrenoceptors from human platelet membranes
en:Development of an affinity ligand for purification of .alpha.2-adrenoceptors from human platelet membranes
molecular medicine 9 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
359 Structure and regulation of G protein-coupled receptors: the beta 2-adrenergic receptor as a model
Structure and Regulation of G Protein-Coupled Receptors: The β2-Adrenergic Receptor as a Model
en:Structure and regulation of G protein-coupled receptors: the beta 2-adrenergic receptor as a model
en:Structure and Regulation of G Protein-Coupled Receptors: The β2-Adrenergic Receptor as a Model
G protein-coupled receptor
protein structure
5 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
360 Regulation of rabbit myometrial alpha adrenergic receptors by estrogen and progesterone en:Regulation of rabbit myometrial alpha adrenergic receptors by estrogen and progesterone estrogen 2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
361 Identification of alpha-adrenergic receptors in human platelets by [3Hdihydroergocryptine binding]
Identification of α-Adrenergic Receptors in Human Platelets by [3HDihydroergocryptine Binding]
en:Identification of alpha-adrenergic receptors in human platelets by [3H]dihydroergocryptine binding
en:Identification of α-Adrenergic Receptors in Human Platelets by [3H]Dihydroergocryptine Binding
4 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
362 Comparative rates of desensitization of beta-adrenergic receptors by the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase and the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase en:Comparative rates of desensitization of beta-adrenergic receptors by the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase and the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase desensitization 4 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
363 Beta-adrenoreceptors determine affinity but not intrinsic activity of adenylate cyclase stimulants
β-Adrenoreceptors determine affinity but not intrinsic activity of adenylate cyclase stimulants
en:β-Adrenoreceptors determine affinity but not intrinsic activity of adenylate cyclase stimulants
en:Beta-adrenoreceptors determine affinity but not intrinsic activity of adenylate cyclase stimulants
3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
364 Myocardial guanylate cyclase: Properties of the enzyme and effects of cholinergic agonists in vitro en:Myocardial guanylate cyclase: Properties of the enzyme and effects of cholinergic agonists in vitro 2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
365 Heterogeneity of radioligand binding to alpha-adrenergic receptors. Analysis of guanine nucleotide regulation of agonist binding in relation to receptor subtypes en:Heterogeneity of radioligand binding to alpha-adrenergic receptors. Analysis of guanine nucleotide regulation of agonist binding in relation to receptor subtypes guanine
cell biology
3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
366 Purification of the beta-adrenergic receptor. Identification of the hormone binding subunit en:Purification of the beta-adrenergic receptor. Identification of the hormone binding subunit cell biology
2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
367 Radioligand binding studies of adrenergic receptors: new insights into molecular and physiological regulation
Radioligand Binding Studies of Adrenergic Receptors: New Insights into Molecular and Physiological Regulation
en:Radioligand binding studies of adrenergic receptors: new insights into molecular and physiological regulation
en:Radioligand Binding Studies of Adrenergic Receptors: New Insights into Molecular and Physiological Regulation
pharmacology 2 58 Robert Lefkowitz Lefkowitz RJ
368 Adrenergic receptors in the heart
Adrenergic Receptors in the Heart
en:Adrenergic receptors in the heart
en:Adrenergic Receptors in the Heart
physiology 2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
369 Activation and desensitization of beta-adrenergic receptor-coupled GTPase and adenylate cyclase of frog and turkey erythrocyte membranes en:Activation and desensitization of beta-adrenergic receptor-coupled GTPase and adenylate cyclase of frog and turkey erythrocyte membranes Anura
cell biology
2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
370 Preferential uncoupling by manganese of alpha adrenergic receptor mediated inhibition of adenylate cyclase in human platelets en:Preferential uncoupling by manganese of alpha adrenergic receptor mediated inhibition of adenylate cyclase in human platelets adenylyl cyclase inhibitors
cell biology
4 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
371 Activation, desensitization, and recycling of frog erythrocyte beta-adrenergic receptors. Differential perturbation by in situ trypsinization en:Activation, desensitization, and recycling of frog erythrocyte beta-adrenergic receptors. Differential perturbation by in situ trypsinization Anura
cell biology
2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
372 Phorbol diesters promote beta-adrenergic receptor phosphorylation and adenylate cyclase desensitization in duck erythrocytes
Phorbol diesters promote β-adrenergic receptor phosphorylation and adenylate cyclase desensitization in duck erythrocytes
en:Phorbol diesters promote beta-adrenergic receptor phosphorylation and adenylate cyclase desensitization in duck erythrocytes
en:Phorbol diesters promote β-adrenergic receptor phosphorylation and adenylate cyclase desensitization in duck erythrocytes
adenylyl cyclase inhibitors
cell biology
4 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
373 The molecular size of adenylate cyclase in the absence and presence of nucleotide and hormone effectors en:The molecular size of adenylate cyclase in the absence and presence of nucleotide and hormone effectors 3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
374 Sites in the third intracellular loop of the alpha 2A-adrenergic receptor confer short term agonist-promoted desensitization. Evidence for a receptor kinase-mediated mechanism en:Sites in the third intracellular loop of the alpha 2A-adrenergic receptor confer short term agonist-promoted desensitization. Evidence for a receptor kinase-mediated mechanism cell biology
7 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
375 Differential regulation of the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor by Na+ and guanine nucleotides
Differential regulation of the α2-adrenergic receptor by Na+ and guanine nucleotides
en:Differential regulation of the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor by Na+ and guanine nucleotides
en:Differential regulation of the α2-adrenergic receptor by Na+ and guanine nucleotides
guanine 3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
376 Desensitization of the beta-adrenergic receptor of frog erythrocytes. Recovery and characterization of the down-regulated receptors in sequestered vesicles en:Desensitization of the beta-adrenergic receptor of frog erythrocytes. Recovery and characterization of the down-regulated receptors in sequestered vesicles Anura
cell biology
7 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
377 Functional integrity of desensitized beta-adrenergic receptors en:Functional integrity of desensitized beta-adrenergic receptors cell biology
3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
378 Differences between agonist and antagonist binding following beta-adrenergic receptor desensitization en:Differences between agonist and antagonist binding following beta-adrenergic receptor desensitization cell biology
3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
379 Agonist-specific effects of guanine nucleotides on alpha-adrenergic receptors in human platelets en:Agonist-specific effects of guanine nucleotides on alpha-adrenergic receptors in human platelets 2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
380 Thyroxine and Propylthiouracil Effects on Alpha- and Beta-Adrenergic Receptor Number, ATPase Activities, and Sialic Acid Content of Rat Cardiac Membrane Vesicles en:Thyroxine and Propylthiouracil Effects on Alpha- and Beta-Adrenergic Receptor Number, ATPase Activities, and Sialic Acid Content of Rat Cardiac Membrane Vesicles Cardiology and cardiovascular medicine
6 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
381 Agonist-specific effects of monovalent and divalent cations on adenylate cyclase-coupled alpha adrenergic receptors in rabbit platelets en:Agonist-specific effects of monovalent and divalent cations on adenylate cyclase-coupled alpha adrenergic receptors in rabbit platelets 2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
382 The beta-adrenergic receptor and adenylate cyclase en:The beta-adrenergic receptor and adenylate cyclase 1 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
383 Role of the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase in desensitization of the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor en:Role of the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase in desensitization of the alpha 2-adrenergic receptor desensitization 5 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
384 Multiple effects of guanine nucleotides on human platelet adenylated cyclase
Multiple effects of guanine nucleotides on human platelet adenylate cyclase
en:Multiple effects of guanine nucleotides on human platelet adenylated cyclase
en:Multiple effects of guanine nucleotides on human platelet adenylate cyclase
2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
385 Isoprenylation in regulation of signal transduction by G-protein-coupled receptor kinases en:Isoprenylation in regulation of signal transduction by G-protein-coupled receptor kinases G protein-coupled receptor
eye proteins
4 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
386 Unique uncoupling of the frog erythrocyte adenylate cyclase system by manganese. Loss of hormone and guanine nucleotide-sensitive enzyme activities without loss of nucleotide-sensitive, high affinity agonist binding en:Unique uncoupling of the frog erythrocyte adenylate cyclase system by manganese. Loss of hormone and guanine nucleotide-sensitive enzyme activities without loss of nucleotide-sensitive, high affinity agonist binding cell biology
3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
387 Molecular characterization of the beta-adrenergic receptor of frog erythrocytes
Molecular characterization of the β-adrenergic receptor of frog erythrocytes
en:Molecular characterization of the beta-adrenergic receptor of frog erythrocytes
en:Molecular characterization of the β-adrenergic receptor of frog erythrocytes
endocrinology 4 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
388 Activation of adenylate cyclase by beta-adrenergic receptors: investigation of rate limiting steps by simultaneous assay of high affinity agonist binding and GDP release
Activation of adenylate cyclase by beta-adrenergic receptors: Investigation of rate limiting steps by simultaneous assay of high affinity agonist binding and GDP release
en:Activation of adenylate cyclase by beta-adrenergic receptors: investigation of rate limiting steps by simultaneous assay of high affinity agonist binding and GDP release
en:Activation of adenylate cyclase by beta-adrenergic receptors: Investigation of rate limiting steps by simultaneous assay of high affinity agonist binding and GDP release
3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
389 Beta-arrestin1 mediates insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and anti-apoptosis
β-Arrestin1 Mediates Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) Activation of Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase (PI3K) and Anti-apoptosis
en:Beta-arrestin1 mediates insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and anti-apoptosis
en:β-Arrestin1 Mediates Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) Activation of Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase (PI3K) and Anti-apoptosis
cell biology
3 58 Robert Lefkowitz Robert J. Lefkowitz
390 Biochemical characterization of the beta-adrenergic receptor of the frog erythrocyte
Biochemical characterization of the BETA-adrenergic receptor of the frog erythrocyte
en:Biochemical characterization of the beta-adrenergic receptor of the frog erythrocyte
en:Biochemical characterization of the BETA-adrenergic receptor of the frog erythrocyte
cell biology 3 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
391 Dopaminergic receptors in the anterior pituitary gland. Correlation of [3Hdihydroergocryptine binding with the dopaminergic control of prolactin release] en:Dopaminergic receptors in the anterior pituitary gland. Correlation of [3H]dihydroergocryptine binding with the dopaminergic control of prolactin release dopamine
cell biology
6 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
392 Photoaffinity cross-linking of a radioiodinated probe, 125I-A55453, into alpha 1-adrenergic receptors en:Photoaffinity cross-linking of a radioiodinated probe, 125I-A55453, into alpha 1-adrenergic receptors 7 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
393 Photoaffinity labeling of beta-adrenergic receptors in mammalian tissues
Photoaffinity labeling of β-adrenergic receptors in mammalian tissues
en:Photoaffinity labeling of beta-adrenergic receptors in mammalian tissues
en:Photoaffinity labeling of β-adrenergic receptors in mammalian tissues
4 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
394 Differential effects of cholera toxin on guanine nucleotide regulation of beta-adrenergic agonist high affinity binding and adenylate cyclase activation in frog erythrocyte membranes en:Differential effects of cholera toxin on guanine nucleotide regulation of beta-adrenergic agonist high affinity binding and adenylate cyclase activation in frog erythrocyte membranes Cholera 2 58 Robert Lefkowitz R. J. Lefkowitz
395 Cloned single repeating units of 5S DNA direct accurate transcription of 5S RNA when injected into Xenopus oocytes en:Cloned single repeating units of 5S DNA direct accurate transcription of 5S RNA when injected into Xenopus oocytes 2 55 John Gurdon Gurdon JB

∑ 395 items.

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