Wikidata:WikiProject URIs in MARC

This is an adaptation of Formulating and Obtaining URIs: A Guide to Commonly Used Vocabularies and Reference Sources. The purpose of this page is create a version of the guide that can be maintained by the community and to which additional sources can be added.

This page should be used in conjunction with guidelines in the PCC Task Group on Linked Data Best Practices Final Report and NACO Best Practices for the 024 Field.

Note: The form of some of the URIs listed here differs from those in the Formulating and Obtaining URIs guide. For example, ISNI and GeoNames now use https URIs instead of http. This page is therefore more up-to-date. When instructions in the Formulating and Obtaining URIs document differ, prefer the URIs shown here.

Wikidata Property or Item Source Identifier or Code Example MARC 024 Source Code MARC 3XX Source Code How to Formulate URI URI Example MARC Subfield Notes
Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID (P1014) AAT (Art & Architecture Thesaurus) 300265318 gettyaat aat Append the ID to $0 You can copy the URI from the Semantic View link found on a full record display. Copy the URI labeled by "Source:".
AGROVOC ID (P8061) AGROVOC c_823 agrovoc agrovoc Append the ID to $0 You can copy the URI displayed on the page for any term in the thesaurus.
American Folklore Society Ethnographic Thesaurus ID (P8540) American Folklore Society Ethnographic Thesaurus afset006484 none assigned afset Append the ID to or copy the URI from the display of the term $0 Because no identifier source code has been assigned, in 024 you must use 024 8#
BBC Things ID (P1617) BBC Things df748682-d683-48bf-b4cf-3b1abe5c92f6 bbcth none assigned Append the ID to and add #id at the end $1 You can copy the entire URI with #id at the end from the BBC Things page for the entity.
CERL Thesaurus ID (P1871) CERL Thesaurus cnp00575653 cerl cerlt Append the ID to $1 You can copy the URI displayed on the page for any entity.
DBpedia (Q465) DBpedia British_Library none assigned none assigned Append the name portion of an English Wikipedia page URL to For example from, the name portion is British_Library $1 Be sure to check that the URI you've formulated works. Some Wikipedia pages do not have corresponding DBpedia pages. If you put the DBpedia URI into a web browser, the browser address bar will not show the correct URI. The URL in the browser will have instead of However, if you move your cursor over the name of the entity itself, the link you get there will be correct and can be copied and pasted. Do not use the URL from the address bar. Instead either replace "page" with "resource" or move the cursor to the linked name of the entity after "About:" label and then copy the URI from it.

Names with diacritics or special characters: For names that contain diacritics or special characters, it is important to obtain the UTF-8 hexadecimal byte codes for these characters. For example for François René de Chateaubriand, the URIçois-René_de_Chateaubriand is technically correct, but will not validate in MARC records. To get a URI that will work in MARC records, right click on the name following "About" at the top of the entity's DBpedia page and select "Copy Link Location." Use the link obtained, for example:

Note: because no source coded has been assigned for DBpedia, in 024 you must put URIs in 024 8#

Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire ID (P1936) Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire 21806 darome none assigned Append the ID to or copy the URI from the display page for the place name $1
FAST ID (P2163) FAST 1923093 fast fast Append the ID (number part only, and remove any leading zeros) to $0 You can obtain the URI by searching for the FAST term in the searchFAST user interface, viewing the FAST record, and copying the Permanent Link. You can sometimes get the FAST ID from the identifiers section of a Wikidata item or from the Authority control part of a Wikipedia page.
GACS ID (P4427) GACS Core [Global Agricultural Concept Scheme] C19062 gacsch none assigned Append the ID to or copy the URI from the display of the term $0
GAMECIP media format ID (P5371) GAMECIP Computer Game Media Format Vocabulary 1061 none assigned gcipmedia Find the term in the vocabulary, click on the link, and append the numeric ID part of the URL found in the browser address box to $0 As an alternative, you can go to the Open Metadata Registry site for the vocabulary at Click on the Concepts tab, find the term, and copy the URI next to the term.
GAMECIP platform ID (P5379) GAMECIP Computer Game Platform Controlled Vocabulary 1098 none assigned gcipplatform Find the term in the vocabulary, click on the link, and append the numeric ID part of the URL found in the browser address box to $0 As an alternative, you can go to the Open Metadata Registry site for the vocabulary at Click on the Concepts tab, find the term, and copy the URI next to the term.
GeoNames ID (P1566) GeoNames 2657896 geonames none assigned Append the ID for a place to and add a slash at the end $1 Do not take the URL found in the browser address bar, which has "www" instead of "sws". You can see the canonical URI by clicking on the ".rdf" link on a place's display page. You can often get the GeoNames ID from the identifiers section of a Wikidata item or from the Authority control part of a Wikipedia page.
GND ID (P227) GND (Gemeinsame Normdatei) 128715928 gnd gnd Append the external GND ID to $0 You can copy the link labelled as "Link zu diesem Datensatz" when viewing the GND page for an entity. You can often get the GND ID from the identifiers section of a Wikidata item and from the Authority control part of a Wikipedia page.
GSSO ID (P9827) GSSO - the Gender, Sex, and Sexual Orientation ontology. Also available through Ontobee. GSSO:011274 none assigned gsso Append the ID to and change the colon in the ID to an underscore $1 On the version available from the Ontology Lookup Service you can copy both the identifier and the URI from the GSSO page for a term using the "Copy id to clipboard" buttons present on the page. On the version available through Ontobee you can copy the "Term IRI" on the term display page.

Because no source code has been assigned for use in 024 you must use 024 8#.
Hill Museum & Manuscript Library ID (P9943) HMML Authority File person/446216782992 none assigned none assigned Append the ID (type/ID number) to (e.g., person/ID#, work/ID#, etc.) or copy the URI from the HMML Authority File page for a term $1 Because no source code has been assigned for use in 024 you must use 024 8#.
Homosaurus ID (V3) (P10192) Homosaurus homoit0000915 none assigned homoit Append the ID to or copy the URI from the Homosaurus page for a term $0 Because no source code has been assigned for use in 024 you must use 024 8#
ILO Thesaurus ID (P8717) ILO Thesaurus 1726521636 ilot none assigned Append the ID to or copy the URI from the ILO Thesaurus display of the term $1
ISNI (P213) ISNI 0000000121191991 isni none assigned Append the ISNI, removing any spaces between numbers, to $1 You can often find an ISNI in the Identifiers section of a Wikidata item or in the Authority control part of a Wikipedia page.
Library of Congress Children's Subject Headings ID (P8647) LC Children's Subject Headings sj96004896 lccn lcshac Append the LCCN (remove any spaces) to or copy the URI from the id.loc.display of the term $0
Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms ID (P4946) LCDGT dg2015060011 lccn lcdgt Append the LCCN to or copy the URI from the display of term $0 You can get the LCCN from the 010 of the LCDGT authority record.
Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms ID (P4953) LCGFT gf2014026355 lccn lcgft Append the LCCN to or copy the URI from the display of the term $0 You can get the LCCN from the 010 of the LCGFT authority record.
Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus ID (P8516) LCMPT mp2013015490 lccn lcmpt Append the LCCN to or copy the URI from the display of the term $0 You can get the LCCN from the 010 of the LCMPT authority record.
Library of Congress authority ID (P244) LC/NACO Authority File n50024879 lccn naf LC/NACO Authorities publishes its data in two ways, "Authorities" and "RWO". For $0, append the LCCN (remove any spaces) to or copy the URI from the id.loc.display of the name. For $1, append the LCCN (remove any spaces) to or copy the RWO URI from the id.loc.display of the name found under "Additional Information". $0:


PCC best practice: include both subfield $0 and subfield $1.

You can get the LCCN from the 010 of the name authority record. You can also often find it in the Identifiers section of a Wikidata item or the Authority control section of a Wikipedia page.
Library of Congress authority ID (P244) LCSH sh2015001713 lccn lcsh Append the LCCN (remove any spaces) to or copy the URI from the display of the term $0 You can get the LCCN from the 010 of the subject authority record. You can sometimes find it in the Identifiers section of a Wikidata item or the Authority control section of a Wikipedia page.
LoC and MARC vocabularies ID (P4801) MARC Genre Terms dir none assigned marcgt Append the code for the term from the list to or copy the URI from the display of the term $0
LoC and MARC vocabularies ID (P4801) MARC List of Languages por none assigned none assigned Append the MARC language code to or copy the URI from the id.loc.display of the language term $0
LoC and MARC vocabularies ID (P4801) MARC Relators act none assigned none assigned Append the MARC relator code to or copy the URI from the id.loc.display of relator term $4
MANTO ID (P9736) MANTO 8188390 manto none assigned Append the identifier to or copy the URI from the bottom of the page for an entity, where it says "Cite as" $1
MeSH descriptor ID (P486) MeSH Browser

MeSH RDF Lookup Service
D003920 mesh mesh Append the ID to or copy the URI labeled in the MeSH Browser as RDF Unique Identifier or provided by the MeSH RDF Lookup Service $0 To formulate a MeSH URI for a string, merge the Unique IDs found in the MeSH Browser for the main heading (Descriptor) and for the Qualifier (in that order) and append them to For example, for Diabetes Mellitus--virology, merge D003920 and Q000821 to form: Alternatively you can use the MeSH RDF Lookup Service to get the URI for the descriptor/qualifier pair.

Note: All compound pairs in MeSH are controlled. A qualifier must be allowed for use with a particular Descriptor in order to create a valid string (and hence a valid MeSH RDF URI) in MeSH.
MusicBrainz area ID (P982)
MusicBrainz artist ID (P434)
MusicBrainz event ID (P6423)
MusicBrainz genre ID (P8052)
MusicBrainz instrument ID (P1330)
MusicBrainz label ID (P966)
MusicBrainz location ID (P1004)
MusicBrainz release ID (P5813)
MusicBrainz release group ID (P436)
MusicBrainz series ID (P1407)
MusicBrainz work ID (P435)
MusicBrainz 0383dadf-2a4e-4d10-a46a-e9e041da8eb3 musicb none assigned Append the ID (a 36-character identifier) to and the entity type and add "#_" at the end. The pattern is:<entity type>/<ID>. Types of entities in MusicBrainz include: artist, work, area, place, label. To obtain a URI, search for the entity, display the record and copy the URI from the browser address box, delete the "s" from "https", and add "#_" to the end of it. Or, click the "Details" tab and copy the URI labeled "Permanent link", delete the "s" from "https", and add "#_" to the end of that URI. Artist (Queen):

Area (Seattle):

Work (the song Losing My Religion):

Place (the venue Sydney Opera House):

Label (Folkways Records):
$1 Although MusicBrainz presents its URIs as "https", their documentation still states that "http" is used to formulate linked data URIs. URIs using both http or https will return JSON-LD.

You can often find a MusicBrainz ID in the Identifiers section of a Wikidata item or the Authority control section of a Wikipedia page, but to use an ID you also have to know what type of entity it is treated as by MusicBrainz.
NALT ID (P2004) NAL Agricultural Thesaurus 28709 atg atg Append the NALT ID to or copy the persistent URI from the term display page $0
OLAC video game genre vocabulary ID (P6352) OLAC Video Game Genre Vocabulary 1054 none assigned olacvggt Go to the Open Metadata Registry page for the vocabulary, click the "Concepts" tab, and find the term and copy the URI from the URI column. If only the ID is known, append the ID to $0
ORCID iD (P496) ORCID 0000-0002-7731-8944 orcid none assigned Append the ORCID ID to or copy the URI from the record for an individual entity $1
PeriodO period ID (P9350) PeriodO p09qtgwdffp none assigned periodo Append the ID to or copy the permalink from the PeriodO page for the entity $1
Pleiades ID (P1584) Pleiades 39269 pleiades pleiades Append the ID to or copy the canonical URI from the display page for the place $0
RDA registry (Q85058439) RDA Vocabularies P10129 none assigned Consult Genre/Form Code and Term Source Codes for the value vocabularies Convert the constrained canonical URI for the property in the "CURIE" column (e.g., rdaw:P10129) by appending the number found after the colon to the namespace for the property. For a work property, the namespace is Alternatively, right click on the constrained canonical URI and choose copy link location to obtain the correct URI.

Note: do not copy the address from the browser address box. It will include a # symbol and a slightly different domain, e.g. That is not the correct canonical URI. If you do copy that address, you must remove both the www. and the # symbol.
Elements: $4

Values: $0
Includes Elements:

Agent properties
Expression properties
Item properties
Manifestation properties
Nomen properties
Place properties
Timespan properties
Work properties
RDA Entity properties
Unconstrained properties


RDA Value Vocabularies
(e.g., Carrier Type; Content Type; File Type; Format of Notated Music; Media Type; Regional Encoding; Video Format; etc.)

RISM ID (P5504) Répertoire International de Sources Musicales (RISM) Online sources/993104505 none assigned none assigned Append the ID to $1
SNAC ARK ID (P3430) Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC) 65724462 (SNAC ID)
w6sg5sx9 (ARK ID)
snac none assigned Record the numeric SNAC ID in 024 $a, but copy the Permalink from the SNAC entity's page, or append the ARK ID from the entity page to $1
Thesaurus for Graphic Materials ID (P5160) Thesaurus for Graphic Materials tgm008970 none assigned For subject terms: lctgm

For genre and physical characteristic terms: gmgpc
Append the ID to or copy the URI from the display of the term $0
Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names ID (P1667) TGN (Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names) 7007302 gettytgn tgn For $0, append the ID to You can also get the URI for $0 by clicking on the "Semantic View" link and copying the URI after the label "Source". For $1, append the ID to and add "-place" at the end. Or add "-place" at the end of the URI copied from the "Semantic View" link. $0:


PCC best practice: include both subfield $0 and subfield $1.

You can also often find it in the Identifiers section of a Wikidata item or the Authority control section of a Wikipedia page.
Union List of Artist Names ID (P245) ULAN (Union List of Artist Names) 500011138 gettyulan ulan For $0, append the ID to You can also get the URI for $0 by clicking on the "Semantic View" link and copying the URI after the label "Source". For $1, append the ID to and add "-agent" at the end. Or add "-agent" at the end of the URI copied from the "Semantic View" link. $0:


PCC best practice: include both subfield $0 and subfield $1.

You can also often find it in the Identifiers section of a Wikidata item or the Authority control section of a Wikipedia page.
UNBIS Thesaurus ID (P8370) UNBIS Thesaurus 1002680 unbist unbist Append the ID to or copy the URI from the UNBIS Thesaurus display of the term $0
UNESCO Thesaurus ID (P3916) UNESCO Thesaurus concept2368 unescot unescot Append the ID to or copy the URI from the UNESCO Thesaurus display of the term $1
VIAF ID (P214) VIAF (Virtual International Authority File) 7386077 viaf none assigned Search VIAF for the entity, display the clustered VIAF record, and append the VIAF ID to or copy the Permalink from the VIAF page $1
NDL Authority ID (P349) Web NDL Authorities 01041943 wndla none assigned Search Web NDL Authorities for the entity and append the ID to for use in $0 and to for $1. Alternatively, view the RDF/XML format and copy the URI for $0 from skos:Concept rdf:about= and for $1 from foaf: rdf:about= $0:


PCC best practice: include both subfield $0 and subfield $1.

Note: Web NDL Authorities does not provide a RWO URI for geographic entities. Do not include $1 for them for this source.
Wikidata Q identifier (Q43649390) Wikidata Q19526 wikidata wikidata Append the identifier (the Q number found in parentheses adjacent to the entity label) to or right click on "Concept URI" in the left column of a Wikidata page and copy the link. Do not copy the URI from the browser address bar. $1
WorldCat Entities ID (P10832) WorldCat Entities E39PBJmhKPhKGfhjhdCPp7dfbd worldcat none assigned Append the ID to or copy the URI from the WorldCat Entities page for the entity $1

Data Sources Without Linked Data: Sources for Control Numbers and Non-RDF Data


This section lists sources commonly used by the MARC community to capture identifiers or control numbers to record in 024 $a or in the $0 of other fields that do not provide related data as linked data. URIs are not available from these sources and should not be recorded in MARC records for these sources.

Wikidata Property or Item Sources Identifier Example MARC 024 Source Code MARC 024 Example (No URIs in $0 or $1) Notes
AllMovie person ID (P2019)
AllMovie title ID (P1562)
AllMovie p66495
allmovie 024 7# $a p66495 $2 allmovie
024 7# $a v724952 $2 allmovie
AllMusic album ID (P1729)
AllMusic artist ID (P1728)
AllMusic composition ID (P1994)
AllMusic performance ID (P6306)
AllMusic release ID (P6110)
AllMusic song ID (P1730)
AllMusic mw0000056882
allmusic 024 7# $a mw0000056882 $2 allmusic
024 7# $a mc0002370727 $2 allmusic
024 7# $a mn0000180228 $2 allmusic
BFI Films, TV and people ID (P4438) BFI - British Film Institute 4ce2b6bd1e475 bfi 024 7# $a 4ce2b6bd1e475 $2 bfi
CGNDB unique ID (P821) Canadian Geographical Names f7365c02d05211d892e2080020a0f4c9 cgndb 024 7# $a f7365c02d05211d892e2080020a0f4c9 $2 cgndb
Discogs artist ID (P1953)
Discogs composition ID (P6080)
Discogs label ID (P1955)
Discogs master ID (P1954)
Discogs release ID (P2206)
Discogs 41441 discogs 024 7# $a 41441 $2 discogs
GNS Unique Feature ID (P2326) GEOnet Names Server Unique Feature Identifier -2291861 none assigned 024 8# -2291861 Because no MARC source code has been assigned for this resource, 024 8# could be used, but there would be no way to identify what the number represents.
GNIS Feature ID (P590)
GNIS Antarctica ID (P804)
GNIS (Geographic Names Information System) 1660222 gnis 024 7# $a 1660222 $2 gnis
Internet Broadway Database person ID (P1220)
Internet Broadway Database production ID (P1218)
Internet Broadway Database show ID (P1219)
Internet Broadway Database venue ID (P1217)
IBDB (Internet Broadway Database) 57311 ibdb 024 7# $a 57311 $2 ibdb
IMDb ID (P345) IMDb (Internet Movie Database) nm0000658
imdb 024 7# $a nm0000658 $2 imdb
024 7# $a tt0413573 $2 imdb
Legal Entity Identifier (P1278) Legal Entity Identifier 549300FHOP2K4GYRPY40 lei 024 7# $a 549300FHOP2K4GYRPY40 $2 lei
Library of Congress Authorities (Q13219454) Library of Congress Authorities n50024879 none assigned You can obtain an LCCN from here and use it to formulate a URI from the Linked Data Service. For example, for the LCCN Permalink, append the identifier n50024879 to for the authority URI in $0 and to for the RWO URI in $1.
Pleiades ID (P1584) Pleiades 874341 pleiades 024 7# $a 874341 $2 pleiades
ResearcherID (P1053) Researcher ID E-3652-2012 rid 024 7# $a E-3652-2012 $2 rid
Scholar Universe 0CFCE35DCE47B01D0182E737AB02C977 scholaru 024 7# $a 0CFCE35DCE47B01D0182E737AB02C977 $2 scholaru Website no longer publicly available
Scopus affiliation ID (P1155)
Scopus author ID (P1153)
Scopus EID (P1154)
Scopus source ID (P1156)
Scopus 6506149209 scopus 024 7# $a 6506149209 $2 scopus