Wikidata:WikiProject University degrees/Reports/Costa Rica

Costa Rica (Q800), Summer term 2018




We chose Costa Rica for our project. The first thing we did was to filter the institutions of higher education in Anabin, we got a result of 68 items that looked very good. This seemed like a very good filter since in Costa Rica there are only 5 public universities and about 50 private universities. Then we decided to filter a little more we select the location "San Jose" (capital of Costa Rica) which didn't help us much because the search was only reduced from 68 to 57 items. To make our Wikidata project a little more interesting we decided to choose different types of institutions. The curious thing is that when we opened the details of each university we didn't get in each type of university one that offered information about the possible degrees. So we concentrated on universities that already had data because since in itself this information was not as complete. The five colleges we chose were:

Two public universities that appear in Anabi
University of Costa Rica
State Distance University
Three private universities
Latin University of Costa Rica
Latin American University of Science and Technology
University for International Cooperation

University Bachelor's degree Masters degree PhD
Universidad de Costa Rica
  • Bachiller en Administracion Aduanera y Comercio Exterior (Bakkalaureus in Zollverwaltung und Außenhandel)
  • Bachiller en Administracion Publica (Bakkalaureus der Öffentlichen Verwaltung)
  • Bachiller en Biologia (Bachelor in Biologie)
  • Bachiller en Ciencias de la Comunicacion (Bachelor in Kommunikationswissenschaften)
  • Bachiller en Fisica (Bakkalaureus in Physik)
  • Maestria en Biologia con Enfasis en Genetica y Biologia Molecular (Master in Biologie mit Schwerpunkt in Genetik und Molekularbiologie)
  • Maestria en Fisica Medica (Master in Medizinischer Physik)
  • Maestria en Quimica (Masterabschluss in Chemie)
  • Maestria en Scientiae en Fisica (Wissenschaftlicher Magister in Physik)
  • Magister Scientiae Biologia c/e en Genetica y Biologia Molecular (Magister der Wissenschaften in Biologie mit Schwerpunkt in Genetik und Molekularbiologie)
  • Doctor en Medicina y Cirugia (Arzt)
  • Doctor en Microbiologia y Quimica Clinica (Arzt in Mikrobiologie und Klinische Chemie)
University Bachelor's degree
Universidad Estatal a Distancia
  • Bachiller en Ciencias de la Educacion I y II Ciclos (Bakkalaureus der Erziehungswissenschaft I und II Zyklus)
  • Bachiller en Ensenanza de la/s Matematica/s (Bakkalaureus des Mathematikunterrichts)
University Bachelor's degree
Universidad Latina de Costa Rica
  • Bachiller en Administracion de Negocios (Bakkalaureus der Geschäftsführung)
  • Bachiller en Ciencias de la Educacion Preescolar (Bachelor in Vorschul-Erziehungswissenschaften )
  • Bachiller en Ingenieria Mecanica y Administracion (Bakkalaureat des Maschinenbaus und der Wirtschaft)
  • Bachiller en Psicologia (Bakkalaureus der Psychologie)
  • Bachiller en Relaciones Publicas (Bakkalaureus der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit)
University Bachelor's degree
Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnologia
  • Licenciado en Administracion de Negocios (Lizentiat der Geschäftsführung)
  • Bachiller en Contaduria Publica (Bachelor in Öffentlichem Rechnungswesen)
  • Bachiller en Derecho (Bachelor in Jura)
  • Licenciado en Administracion de Negocios (Lizentiat der Geschäftsführung)
  • Licenciado en Contaduria Publica (Lizentiat des Öffentlichen Rechnungswesens)
After seeing this list we decided to inspect the Websites of the Universities and saw that they have much larger offering when it comes to educational degrees. We decided to base the information we add on the individual websites.

Analysis and Comparison


After analysing the differences we decided to base our data on the Websites of each university. There were some problems doing this, because some Universities had websites only written in Spanish and no English translations. For those we had to look which are the correct translations for each Bachelor's | Master's Degree with its individual academic field. The same issue happened if certain Universities provided courses for PHD's but had special field which were not international standards.

After going through these steps we finally were able to add the degrees to the universities.


Possible Queries

The following query uses these:
The following query uses these:

Final queries


The five universities we chose in Anabin already existed in Wikidata but none of them provided information about the degrees.

Universidad de Costa Rica: the curious thing was that there were several items. And two of them have different but important information (Q23746441 & Q1305486) but none of them had information about the degrees that could be obtained. We decided to work on item Q1305486

Universidad Estatal a Distancia (Q6156446)

Universidad Latina de Costa Rica (Q6496487)

Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnologia (Q6156516)

Universidad para la Cooperación Internacional (Q30293768)

To find out what types of degrees there were in Wikidata we used this consultation with Bachelor, Master and Postgraduate degrees

The following query uses these:
  • Properties: instance of (P31)     , subclass of (P279)     
    SELECT ?doctoral_degree ?doctoral_degreeLabel WHERE {
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
    ?doctoral_degree (wdt:P31*/wdt:P279*) wd:Q849697.
University Bachelor's degree
Universidad para la Cooperacion Internacional
  • Maestria en Administracion de Proyectos(Masterabschluss in Projektmanagement)