Wikidata:WikiProject University degrees/Reports/Fiji

Getting Started


Before starting our research we wanted to make sure that we had understood the task at hand clearly. Therefore we began reading through the reports that had been created by students of the Semantic Modeling course in the summer semester 2018. Reading through these reports gave us a much better idea of what was expected from us. Furthermore we started playing around with the queries the others had made. This way we could get some first experiences with SPARQL. Next we took a deeper look into the different properties of university and degree that can be found here. Reading through this page helped us to get a good fist overview about existing properties and items.

Gathering of information about University Degrees in Fiji


To get started on our project we used Anabin to get a first overview about the universities and study programs in Fiji. From our first search we were able to find out that there are 3 different universities in Fiji offering a total of 29 different study programs. This was great for getting a first general overview about what is offered in Fiji, but as we found out later on the information provided by Anabin was far from complete.


In order to get a more holistic view about the different universities and the study programs they offer we started looking for the official websites of the universities. In the process we realized that there was a fourth university which was not part of the Anabin database. The official websites of the four universities in Fiji are the following:


Checking what is already on Wikidata


Universities on Fiji


After researching which universities exist on Fiji, we wanted to look up the state of modelling in wikidata. We created a SPARQL2 query (inspired by last semesters report on Iceland [1]) to display all universities that are listed in WIKIDATA already. We were able to find and list three institutions from Fiji.

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     , country (P17)     
    SELECT DISTINCT ?university ?universityLabel WHERE {
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
      ?university wdt:P31 wd:Q3918. #instance of university
      ?university wdt:P17 wd:Q712. #country Fiji
    ORDER BY ?universityLabel

The result of the query was the following:

Query Result: Universities in Fiji

Unfortunately those three institutions were neither the same ones we found on Anabin nor did they really match the data we gathered from our own research.

Academic Majors Granted by Universities on Fiji


Next we wanted to see which academic majors are granted by the different fijian universities or rather which of these are already in wikidata.

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: country (P17)     , instance of (P31)     , grants (P5460)     , academic major (P812)     
    SELECT ?universityLabel ?degreeLabel ?majorLabel 
    WHERE {
        SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
        ?university wdt:P17 wd:Q712 . #country Fiji
        ?university wdt:P31 wd:Q3918 . #instance of university
        ?university p:P5460 ?statement . #grants
        ?statement ps:P5460 ?degree . #grants
        OPTIONAL { ?statement pq:P812 ?major .} #academic major
    ORDER BY ?degreeLabel ?universityLabel



We thought it would be nice to see, who graduated from a fijian university so we created another SPARQL2 query loosely based on a query from our projects query section [2] .

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: instance of (P31)     , country (P17)     , educated at (P69)     , academic degree (P512)     
    SELECT DISTINCT ?alumniLabel ?universityLabel ?degreeLabel WHERE {
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
      ?alumni p:P69 ?statement . #educated at
      ?statement ps:P69 ?university . #educated at
      ?university wdt:P31 wd:Q3918 . #instance of university
      ?university wdt:P17 wd:Q712 . #country fiji
      #?university wdt:P17 wd:Q183 . #country germany
      ?statement pq:P512 ?degree . #academic degree

Unfortunately there is only one person found in wikidata who has graduated from a fijian university with a degree (see the query result). We also tested the query by looking at universities in Germany, to make sure that our query works.

Adding general information about Fiji's Universities


It was not only our task to add the different degrees to the universities of Fiji but also to provide some general information like student count and inception date.

Finding an up-to-date student count for the different universities turned out to be quite hard. We had to go trough several annual reports in form of pdf files that were published by the universities themselves in order to get some student count numbers. For the University of Fiji the most recent numbers were from 2013 while the Fiji National University had more current numbers published. The University of the South Pacific actually had a student count from 2017 published on their Wikipedia page. The Pacific Regional Seminary did not have any numbers available anywhere. In order to get more up-to-date data we sent Emails to the Pacific Regional Seminary and University of Fiji, asking for their current student count and explaining what the numbers will be used for. Unfortunately we have not received an answer so far. When we do we will make sure to complement the information of Wikidata.

When we started to work on the Fiji National University we found that there was an inception date already given. According to Wikidata the university was founded in 2010. The reference for that date was “imported by wikipedia". When looking at the connected Article we found that there is not only one inception date given but two. The second was 1885. Unfortatnuatlly there was no reference given for these numbers. When we researched our selves for an inception date we found an annual report where an inception date of 2009 was given. The process for the other three universities where more or less similar.

In Wikidata the "Fiji School of Medicine" of Medicine was given as a University located in Fiji. When reading the corresponding Wikipedia Article we found out that this School of Medicine was originally a university on is own but was merged in 2010 together with other faculties to the Fiji National University. Because there was no convincing reference for this date we relied on the earlier mentioned annual report. We also changed the name to the current Name College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences and established a correct connection between the college / faculty and the Fiji National University. A similar approach we used for the other four colleges that are belonging to the Fiji National University.

Classifying Degrees


Once we had gathered all the information about the various universities in Fiji we used their official websites to link the the degrees to them. This process turned out the be the most time consuming activity in our project work. In order to get a first overview of potential modeling approaches we analyzed the HTW entry (Q875138). Based on our observations there we started adding degrees to our universities by using the grants property. The grants property allows us to link items that are instances of academic degree to our university item.

Bacherlor/Master of Arts/Science


To get a large part of the degrees covered right away we started off by linking all degrees that could be classified as Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Master of Science and Master of Arts. As these types of degrees were quite straightforward to model, not much additional work was required. Simply adding items for missing fields of study was enough to be able to get all these degrees covered.

Other Bacherlor & Master Degrees


Many study programs that we found on the websites of the universities were neither science nor art degrees but had their own classification. Examples of these types of degrees are Master of Medicine or Bachelor of Education. Once we had added these degrees to our universities we linked all matching study programs to them.

Uncategorized Bachelor & Master Degrees


Next we started looking into the various other Master and Bachelor degrees that did not fit into any of the existing degree classifications. In order to add them to our universities anyway we linked the items master's degree Q183816 and bachelor's degree Q163727 to our university items using the grants property once again. Having our new items linked to the university items we could add the various academic degrees by using identifiers. This way we were able to get all remaining bachelor and master degrees covered.

Remaining Degrees


Finally we had to model any remaining types of degrees like doctorates and diplomas. As the corresponding items already existed on Wikidata this process was fairly straightforward.



Classifying Degrees


Even if the process how we classified the different degrees seems easy and clear it was for us far from simple to decide or to find out the degree you can earn from a study program and then to put it into Wikidata. Also it needed a lot of new items for the different study programs. Often the study programs or fields we needed where already there, but with confusing names or multiple times there. At this part we really felt on the one hand the size and potential of Wikidata but also the enormous amount of curation which would be needed for this kind of knowledge database.

Often there were items which sounded perfect for our needs but it turned out to be an article. The problem with those was that there the missing descriptions brought a lot of confusion. If we have learned on thing from all of this, then that meaningful descriptions a valuable asset for any entry on wikidata.

Gathering information


Gathering information about the various study programs each university offers partially turned out to be a quite painstaking activity. Some universities made this process much easier for us than others. The University of Fiji for example did a very good job at listing their undergraduate and postgraduate degrees on separate pages and sorting them by their type.

Getting used to the Wikidata User Interface


As none of our team members have had any prior experience in working with Wikidata it took us a little while to get comfortable.

It was often the case that we added a lot of information to Wikidata but when saving the informtion got lost. This was not only frustrating but also time consuming.

Double Major


As we were adding all the various degrees that are offered in each of the universities of Fiji we came across a design problem. Many degrees offered in Fiji are double majors, meaning that they consist of two different fields of study. In order to be able to model this correctly we proposed a new property with the name "double major". We would like to use this property in a very similar way that the "academic major" property is used within the grant property.

Academic major as a blueprint for our new property

As we can see in the screenshot above, the "academic major" property / qualifier accepts a single item to be passed in. For our new property "double major" we would like to be able to pass in up to two items to indicate that the degree offered consists of two separate fields of study.

We actually found a double major which was already modelled in Wikidata: Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (Q13948235). But this procedure to create a new item for a double major is in our opinion not the best way to handle to problem. Instead we decided to propose a new property.

Property Proposal


The Proposal for our new property "Double Major" can be found | here. We imagine a property that works like the following badly but hopefully understandable picture:


Up to this point in time we unfortunately only gathered one support for our proposal and we are not sure when this proposal we be accepted or if it will accepted at all. Apart from the one support the discussion about the new property is slowly going forward. Because there were a lot of double majors present in the universities and we didn't wanted to put them incorrectly we decided to create a table of all the double majors which we couldn't add appropriately so it is easily possible to add them in the future when hopefully a property exists which suits our needs.

Below the table with all these double majors can be found. An important detail is that there are not only double majors with two different majors like "Medicine" and "Surgery" but also double majors where the majors are the same. For example the Bachelor of Science (Double Major Chemistry). Also a bunch of cells we left empty because of clarity reasons . In this case a value can took from the first cell above where a value is given.

For getting the proposal accepted we used the disscussion page below the proposal to answer questions and convince other users of the necessity of the new proposal. Additionally we posted a topic on Pintochs Talk Page where we asked about the technical capability of Wikimedia to establish this kind of property we thought about.

List double majors

university Degree first part second part url
Fiji National University Bachelor Medicin Surgey
Bachelor Veterinary Science Animal Husbandry
Bachelor Library Information Systems
Master of Commerce Entrepeneurship Management
Bachelor of Science Biology Mathmatics
Bachelor of Science Biology Physics
Bachelor of Science Mathmatics Computer Scinece
Bachelor of Science Physics Mathmatics
Bachelor of Science Biology Chemistry
Bachelor of Science Chemistry Mathematics
Bachelor of Science Computer Science Information Systems
Bachelor of Science Chemistry Chemistry
Bachelor of Science Food Technlogoy Food Technlogoy
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Chemistry Biology
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Geography English
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) English Hindi
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) English History
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) English iTaukei
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Geography History
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Mathematics Computer Science
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Mathematics Information Systems
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Mathematics Physics
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Physical Education Art and Craft
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Physical Education Music
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Physics Computer Science
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Physics Information Systems
Bachelor of Commerce Accounting Banking
Bachelor of Commerce Economics
Bachelor of Commerce Finance
Bachelor of Commerce Information Systems
Bachelor of Commerce Law
Bachelor of Commerce Management
Bachelor of Commerce Marketing
Bachelor of Commerce Industrial relations and Human Resources
Bachelor of Commerce Banking Economics
Bachelor of Commerce Finance
Bachelor of Commerce Information Systems
Bachelor of Commerce Law
Bachelor of Commerce Management
Bachelor of Commerce Marketing
Bachelor of Commerce Industrial relations and Human Resources
Bachelor of Commerce Economics Finance
Bachelor of Commerce Information Systems
Bachelor of Commerce Law
Bachelor of Commerce Management
Bachelor of Commerce Industrial relations and Human Resources
Bachelor of Commerce Finance Industrial relations and Human Resources
Bachelor of Commerce Law
Bachelor of Commerce Information Systems
Bachelor of Commerce Management
Bachelor of Commerce Marketing
Bachelor of Commerce Industrial relations and Human Resources Information Systems
Bachelor of Commerce Law
Bachelor of Commerce Law Management
Bachelor of Commerce Marketing
Bachelor of Commerce Management Information Systems
Bachelor of Commerce Industrial relations and Human Resources
Bachelor of Commerce Marketing
Bachelor of Commerce Marketing Information Systems
Bachelor of Commerce Industrial relations and Human Resources
Bachelor of Commerce Economics
university of Fiji Bachelor of Commerce Accounting Accounting
Bachelor of Science Biology Biology
Bachelor of Science Chemistry Chemistry
Bachelor of Commerce Economics Economics
Bachelor of Arts Hindi Language Indian Culture
Diploma Hindi Language Indian Culture
Bachelor of Science Information Technology Information Technology
Bachelor of Arts iTaukei Language Culture
Diploma iTaukei Language Culture
Bachelor of Arts Language Culture
Bachelor of Commerce Management Manegement
Bachelor of Science Physics Physics
Bachelor Medicine Surgery