Wikidata:WikiProject Vocabulaires Joconde/Liste

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?property ?shortprop ?item ?constraintreport ?editgroups ?completeness ?records ?templates ?catalogs ?constraints ?subjects (COUNT(?propertyclaim) AS ?usage) (ROUND(100*?usage/?records) AS ?percent) WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?property WHERE { VALUES ?type { wikibase:ExternalId wikibase:Url } ?property wikibase:propertyType ?type; wdt:P1629 wd:Q809825. } } AS %properties WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?property ?shortprop ?constraintreport ?editgroups ?completeness ?records (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?subject) as ?subjects) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?template) as ?templates) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?catalog) as ?catalogs) (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?constraint) as ?constraints) WHERE { INCLUDE %properties. BIND(xsd:integer(REPLACE(STR(?property), "", "")) AS ?propid) BIND(CONCAT("{", "{P\u007c", STR(?propid), "}", "}") AS ?shortprop ) . BIND(CONCAT("[[Wikidata:Database reports/Constraint violations/P", STR(?propid), "|Constraints]]") AS ?constraintreport) BIND(CONCAT("[[toolforge:editgroups/?tags=prop-P", STR(?propid), "|Edit groups]]") AS ?editgroups) BIND(URI(CONCAT("", STR(?propid + 1000000000))) AS ?item ) . OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P1629 ?_subject. MINUS { ?_subject wdt:P31 wd:Q11266439 } BIND(CONCAT("{", "{Q\u007c", REPLACE(STR(?_subject), "", ""), "}", "}") AS ?subject ) . } OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P2667 ?_template. BIND(CONCAT("{", "{Q\u007c", REPLACE(STR(?_template), "", ""), "}", "}") AS ?template ) . } OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P2302 ?_constraint. BIND(CONCAT("{", "{Q\u007c", REPLACE(STR(?_constraint), "", ""), "}", "}") AS ?constraint ) . } OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P2429 ?completeness. } OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P2264 ?mixnmatch. } OPTIONAL { ?property wdt:P4876 ?records. } BIND(CONCAT("[", STR(?mixnmatch), " ", ?mixnmatch, "]") AS ?catalog) } GROUP BY ?item ?property ?shortprop ?constraintreport ?editgroups ?completeness ?records } AS %properties_bis WHERE { INCLUDE %properties. INCLUDE %properties_bis. ?property wikibase:claim ?propertyclaim. ?other_item ?propertyclaim _:b1. } GROUP BY ?property ?shortprop ?item ?constraintreport ?editgroups ?completeness ?records ?subjects ?constraints ?templates ?catalogs

∑ 0 items.

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