Wikidata:WikiProject every politician/United States of America/North Carolina/data/House/Current Members

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?group ?district ?start WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5; p:P39 ?ps. ?ps ps:P39 wd:Q18089655; pq:P580 ?start. OPTIONAL { ?ps pq:P580 ?start. } OPTIONAL { ?ps pq:P582 ?end. } OPTIONAL { ?ps pq:P4100 ?group. } OPTIONAL { ?ps pq:P768 ?district. } FILTER((!(BOUND(?end)))
Member Group District Start Time sex or gender date of birth
J. Bayard Clark 1915-01-01 male 1882-04-05
Capus M. Waynick 1931-01-01 male 1889-12-23
Tricia Cotham North Carolina State House district 112 2023-01-01 female 1978
John R. Bradford III 2021-01-01 male 1974-09-09
Kelly Alexander Jr. 2009-01-01 male 1948-10-17
Sam Watford North Carolina State House district 80 2021-01-01 male
Stephen M. Ross North Carolina State House district 63 2023-01-01 male 1951
Jon Hardister 2013-01-01 male
Julie von Haefen North Carolina State House district 36 2019-01-01 female 1971-02-04
Sarah Stevens 2009-01-28 female 1960-02-15
Wesley Harris North Carolina State House district 105 2019-01-01 male 1986-09-22
Matthew Winslow 2021-01-01 male
Charlie Miller 2021-01-01 male 1966
Karl Gillespie 2021-01-01 male 1962-09-06
Jeffrey McNeely 2019-01-01 male 1964-06-12
James Roberson 2021-01-11 male
Reece Pyrtle 2021-08-11 male
Edith Ledford Lutz 1975-01-01 female 1914-10-20
Diamond Staton-Williams Democratic Party North Carolina State House district 73 2023-01-01 female
End of automatically generated list.